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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kdgiggy

  1. I think you're doing fine, I am also almost two weeks out and I feel like sometimes I am eating tons. But if you're like me you haven't had a fill yet and so the restriction is minimal and the thinner foods that we are eating are going straight through and are not hanging out in the pouch. But that is what is supposed to happen, the time between the surgery and your first fill is a healing time and a time for your body to get used to the foreign object that was placed in you. Initially your stomach was probably inflamed from the band which made you less hungry and satisfied quicker. But now that you are healing it will almost be like you never had the band, I get hungry every few hours even after having a Slimfast, pudding, yogurt and broth (that was my lunch yesterday)! You are doing great! Good luck!
  2. The procedure takes about 45 min to an hour. I woke up in the recovery unit about an hour or so after going into the OR and I went home the same day. I had my surgery on the 25th and my pain is actually at a minimum now, I haven't taken the prescribed pain meds for a couple days now, I am able to get up and go out without much trouble. Congrats and good luck with your surgery!
  3. I really don't have any tips except maybe your pouch is expanding slowly after your fills or maybe the balloon has a small leak. I just got my band last thursday so I can't really relate to the fills yet. I guess I would just ask if the leakage or pouch expansion is a possibility. In the mean time just try to stick with the healthy choices and exercise...Good Luck!
  4. Hey there My name is Krista and I just got my Lap band placed 9/25/08. Still having some pain but from what I have read from other posts on other sites I am doing well I have been able to lay on each side with minimal initial discomfort and I sleep well on either side, in fact laying flat on my back makes the gas pains worse! Just now feeling like I can handle the protein shakes and soups, but not more than one or two servings in a day.:bolt:

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