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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from ShoppGirl in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    I was sleeve in 2015 and am having revision surgery next week (eek!!) but I never thought about the "what I want to do" type ideas before. Mostly I just wanted to lose weight - I've been heavy my entire life - but I think that maybe I'd like to...
    Be able to sit in one of those plastic/resin chairs that everyone seems to own for their patio without fearing that it might collapse under my weight, or sit at a sidewalk cafe/restaurant without my butt hanging over the edges of the chair. Have a mattress last longer than a few years before the "dent" I've put in it causes me even more body aches. Be able to go grocery or clothes shopping without feeling like I'm being stared at (that's my social anxiety, but it's made MUCH worse by my weight). Be able to fly economy class again (I've only been able to fly first class the last few years, because I just don't fit in economy anymore) WITHOUT the extender belt! Take my dog for walks and to the park and run around with him. Be able to sit in my desk chair for longer periods before my legs fall asleep because the chair isn't deep-seated enough for my butt! 🤣
    I have boring "dreams" 😂
  2. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to summerseeker in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    Pre surgery I didn't dream further than doing simple things that a fitter person could do. It was all I could do to keep our home clean and cook our meals. Thankfully we have shopping deliveries or I would have come unstuck. I could not go around a supermarket. I was so out of shape. I rarely went outdoors, it embarrassed me. I had learned never to reach too high, crashing into depression is a long road back to normality.
    So, My new world is eye poppingly wonderful to me. I now have to squeeze in some at home free time. I have a pass that lets me use the trains and buses free. If I feel like it and I mostly do, I am off exploring. I have no need of a car any more
    I am never hot and sweaty, out of breath or having an internal tantrum because I need to sit down and there is no seat
    I jump out of bed and into the shower with out needing any aids. It doesn't weaken me for the day
    I go out and never have to plan the route beforehand. I walk everywhere. I donated my walking sticks to the charity shop.
    I go abroad alone on holidays and explore alone. I have been married for almost 50 years and its so wonderful to have some me time. He is done with holidays. I do what I want to do, go where I choose. I have made new friends who wish to holiday with me next year ! I'm popular !!
    I have a small bucket list, To never gain any weight back. In the past I have been lucky, I have seen lots of the world. I still want to see Vietnam, visit Easter Island and live long enough to get new knees on the NHS.
    Dream big and stay small everyone

  3. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from ShoppGirl in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    I was sleeve in 2015 and am having revision surgery next week (eek!!) but I never thought about the "what I want to do" type ideas before. Mostly I just wanted to lose weight - I've been heavy my entire life - but I think that maybe I'd like to...
    Be able to sit in one of those plastic/resin chairs that everyone seems to own for their patio without fearing that it might collapse under my weight, or sit at a sidewalk cafe/restaurant without my butt hanging over the edges of the chair. Have a mattress last longer than a few years before the "dent" I've put in it causes me even more body aches. Be able to go grocery or clothes shopping without feeling like I'm being stared at (that's my social anxiety, but it's made MUCH worse by my weight). Be able to fly economy class again (I've only been able to fly first class the last few years, because I just don't fit in economy anymore) WITHOUT the extender belt! Take my dog for walks and to the park and run around with him. Be able to sit in my desk chair for longer periods before my legs fall asleep because the chair isn't deep-seated enough for my butt! 🤣
    I have boring "dreams" 😂
  4. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from GreenTealael in Help With Getting Back On Track   
    I always thought of the pouch reset as a mental reset, not a physical one. You are getting back into the mindset of watching what you are eating, how you are eating it, how long it takes you to eat, etc. I think, in that way, that the reset can help.
  5. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to FifiLux in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    Not boring and some of them were on my list of wins when I first started to lose the weight - my backside only taking up one seat on public transport, being able to get through a turnstile without having to turn sideways and performing some sort of gymnastics movement, being able to comfortably close the seatbelt on the plane, not fearing that every time a chair or bed creaked it was going to be the fault of my weight that caused something to break and not thinking that everyone was looking at and judging me when clothes shopping or eating.
    All dreams and wins count, big and small.

  6. Congrats!
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to BigZ in 1 Year VSG Post op Today!   
    Today is my 1 year anniversary since surgery! It has been a wild ride! I am so glad I decided to get the surgery done. I used to get winded just walking up the stairs from my basement. Now I walk between 2-3 miles per night. Next on the agenda, possible skin removal next year and both knee replacements (holding out as long as I can). I have had continuous weight loss, however, I have stalled somewhat but still had small losses during those stalls. Keep on track and use this tool to its full advantages! I have been of Blood Pressure meds since surgery. I may not need my cpap any longer, but I haven't done another sleep study.
    I have lost a total of 227.2 pounds:
    17.25 inches around my chest
    32.5 inches around my belly button
    27.25 inches around my waist
    6.25 inches around my neck
    4.5 inches on bicep
    10 inches around my upper thigh
    4.25 inches on my calf
    HW: 469.8
    PreOp: 450.6 (19.2 pounds lost)
    SW: 430.8 (39 pounds lost)
    CW: 242.6 (227.2 pounds lost)

  7. Congrats!
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to Dchonlee in GUYS IM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!   
    I am officially 9lbs away from my goal!!!!!!!!! I have not been 160 since middle school. This really made my day! 160 is my goal weight though i think ill probably go to 150. Either way, to see this on the scale really blew me away

  8. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to Hiddenroses in NEVER thought I would be asking this   
    Hey you! So in regards to the weight loss - I'm actually down 22 lbs since my pre-op liquid diet. I think your results make a lot of sense because the low carb has probably kicked you into ketosis, and you did that pre-op diet for longer than I did! I had also read somewhere that if you get off track post surgery to return to a liquid diet and it will likely jump start the weight loss again, so I bet you've got combined factors going with that. Congratulations! I'm sure your surgeon will be happy with your weight loss as long as you're making or getting close to making your Protein and hydration goals
  9. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Revision from sleeve to bypass due to GERD (Trigger Warning)   
    I had a revision to bypass from the sleeve a little over a year ago because of complication from the sleeve and my only regret is that I didn't just get the bypass to begin with. I was so afraid of the complications that I chose the sleeve and regretted it almost from the very beginning. I have not had 1 single moment of regret with the bypass. I've only had dumping 3x, and since you should take Vitamins anyway for health, and since I always took them anyway, it doesn't bother me at all to keep taking them. The malabsorption really hasn't been an issue. It's really just for extended release meds, some vitamins and supplements, etc... You just take extra or take it at 2 different times during the day. It's a lot less overwhelming than it seems. My life is actually SO much better and easier since I had the revision.
  10. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to GreenTealael in Revision from sleeve to bypass due to GERD (Trigger Warning)   
    I just passed my 5th anniversary of revision from VSG to RNY. It has been 100% worth it for the relief from GERD alone and honestly the differences between the surgeries are not really the noticeable to me.
    I will not sugar coat the experience because thats not helpful. There was an adjustment period (2-3 months) in the beginning like fixing a stricture, figuring out the new fullness sensation and food tolerances but after that it has been mostly smooth sailing.

    I also didn’t want RNY from the beginning because of the reworking of the intestines which is why I chose VSG. But I already removed 80 % of my stomach so what’s a little crisscross applesauce 🤣
    But honestly if I had a Time Machine and knew GERD was my future (never had it before VSG) I would have outright went with RNY.
    Good Luck in advance and I’m hoping for your relief from GERD.
  11. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to A brighten the day in I am looking for information on the before and after getting the sleeve done   
    So, I went to my primary doctor today and I will be going on to the next step Monday and get my bloodwork done. She will also be in contact with my other doctor, and I have to say I so love my primary as she told me that minus my weight that I am actually pretty healthy as in my blood pressure is not high or low; my lungs and heart sound great so unless my blood work comes back with something that we can't see she will be clearing me from her end for surgery. So one more step closer or at least a half a step.
  12. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from GreenTealael in Help With Getting Back On Track   
    I always thought of the pouch reset as a mental reset, not a physical one. You are getting back into the mindset of watching what you are eating, how you are eating it, how long it takes you to eat, etc. I think, in that way, that the reset can help.
  13. Hugs
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from NeonRaven8919 in Revision from sleeve to bypass due to GERD (Trigger Warning)   
    I was sleeved in March of 2015 (HW 405, SW 357, LW 238, sustained 260 for a few years), had some regain where I hit 315, so I went on a hybrid Optifast/Numetra diet through a program at Kaiser (my then insurance in California). It worked well, I dropped about 50 pounds and was happy with that, but then I had some mental health issues including some passive ideation, so I decided to move across country (technically back home) to Delaware and share a living space with my brother and his wife and pets. Since that move I've gained back the 50 pounds I lost, I have another hiatal hernia, and severe acid reflux/GERD so now I'm on the path to revision to bypass.
    Thing is, I never wanted bypass, that's why I had the sleeve in the first place, the reworking of my internal plumbing scares the heck out of me! I've known a ton of people who've had it with no issues, but I've also known a couple who passed away from complications (granted, that was 20 years ago, and I know things have improved medically since then). But the idea of having dumping syndrome, and malabsorption, and needing to take Vitamins and supplements forever - UGH - I'm freaking out!! 😨😖
    I have an anxiety disorder (SAD & GAD) and my anxiety has been through the ROOF the past few weeks! My surgery date is August 26 - 13 days from today! - and I started my pre-op diet the other day (Monday), but part of me wants to cancel everything! However, there is a part of me that can't wait for the relief from the GERD.
    I guess I'm not asking for anything here, mostly just venting my anxiety. 🤣
  14. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to catwoman7 in Revision from sleeve to bypass due to GERD (Trigger Warning)   
    morbidity rate is 0.3% with bypass - which is super low. These aren't the same surgeries as they were years ago. They're only slightly more risky than the sleeve. Complication rate is really low, too. The most common (other than dumping) is stricture, which happens to about 5% of bypass patients, and that's an easy fix - they just do an upper endoscopy and stretch it out (I had one of those). Dumping happens to about 30% of bypass patients, and you can prevent that by not eating a ton of sugar or fat at one sitting (most dumpers can eat *some* sugar and fat, just not a ton of it at one sitting). I've never dumped, and I know lots of other bypassers who've never dumped, either.
    yes you do need to take supplements forever because of the malabsorption "feature" (which makes it a more powerful surgery than sleeve). But you get used to it pretty quickly. I don't even give it a thought anymore - taking them is now just part of my regular morning, afternoon, and evening routines, Most sleeve patients have to take Vitamins as well - although slacking off on them has more dire consequences with bypass than it does with sleeve. Missing a day here and there - or even a few days in a row, isn't likely to cause problems. But simply not taking them can cause huge problems over time.
    To be honest, cutting off 3/4 of your stomach and throwing it in the garbage doesn't really seem that less radical to me than stapling across the top of your stomach and re-attaching your small intestine, but I know that thought seems really radical to a lot of people, so you're not alone in thinking that. Although unlike the sleeve, the RNY is reversible (although they'll only do that in extreme circumstances), which seemed oddly comforting to me.
    I chose RNY because I had GERD prior to surgery - and it did "fix" that. I'm very happy with my decision - I've had a lot of success with mine and no problems other than the aforementioned stricture I had at four weeks out. I'd make the same decision today.
  15. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from A brighten the day in I am looking for information on the before and after getting the sleeve done   
    I can't speak to most of your questions, but I do know that the Premier Protein product is some of the better Protein Shakes out there, and you can get them anywhere (Walmart, Amazon, etc.). If you prefer a vegan choice (not whey protein) I like Evolve Protein (which I usually buy from Amazon). If you want to stick with the "medical" protein shakes, you can go to https://www.go4ithealth.com/ as they are the retail site that sells all of the Numetra weight loss products (most hospitals sell you the pre-op diet and a lot them use Numetra for that), you will need a Blender Bottle for them though whereas the Premier and Evolve and ready to drink (RTD). I can recommend a really good blender bottle called Helimix (I got it on Amazon - sensing a theme? LOL), it doesn't use a blender ball just physics. 😂
    Either way, good luck with your journey!

  16. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from ShoppGirl in NEVER thought I would be asking this   
    I had a sleeve done years ago and, for me, I would lose in spurts, so maybe this is just a spurt and you will level off for a week or so and *boom* spurt again. But I wouldn't worry until you've had the chance to talk to your bariatric doctors office. Odds are they will be like, "that's great! good job!" 😀
  17. Congrats!
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to Bypass2Freedom in 3 Months Post-Op   
    So today I am finally at 3 months post op. Here is what that means for me:
    I can stop taking lansoprazole...YESSSSSSS! I absolutely hate the taste of that thing and if I never have to take it again, it'll be too soon. I can start taking tablets again, meaning I can try my Forceval prescription Vitamins. I have heard that these can make people feel quite nauseous, so I will wait an hour after eating in the evening to take it, rather than in the morning as I usually do. I am due for bloods to be taken via my GP, though I imagine I'll struggle to get an appointment! I just wanted to reflect on my journey so far, and where I am at now.
    It is weird how quickly this becomes your new normal. In the beginning with the gas pain, the extreme fatigue etc, I did wonder how I'd adjust, but here I am! I was shocked at how fast the weight dropped initially, and I know I will keep losing (hopefully) for a little while longer.
    I think we all go through this weird mindset of being overweight for such a while, and our bodies not responding as we had hoped to fad diets, or us punishing ourselves for 'not trying hard enough', that I truly wondered if the surgery would even work.
    And it has worked, and it will continue to do so!
    I am in the dreaded - but very expected - 3 month stall. My weight isn't really moving much, but I know that I just need to keep on with my normal eating and routine and it'll break eventually (thanks to reading all of the posts regarding this phenomenon 🤣)
    I can still get dizzy when I am exercising, and my strength at the gym has really decreased which I am a bit miffed about, but I'll get there!
    TMI incoming: but pooping is still an annoyance...the severe Constipation I had in the early post-op weeks still results in some little tears when I pass a bowel movement, so I am dealing with my new normal 😂
    I passed my driving test and I am picking up my car on Saturday! I really do attribute passing to losing weight, and how it has made me feel more confident and capable. I can walk around for hours and not have pain in my hips and lower back. Pre-surgery this was absolutely excruciating, even the 5-6 minute walk home from work I had to stop 2-3 times due to the pain and being out of breath. No such worries now! I can see the weight loss in my face, which makes me happy. I can fit into a pair of denim shorts that previously couldn't even make their way up my lower thigh! My current weight is amazing to me, even though I am not at my goal YET, I haven't been this weight since 2017. In general, I just feel happier in myself, and I can't wait for the future!
    If you have read all of this, thank you! ❤️
  18. Hugs
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from NeonRaven8919 in Revision from sleeve to bypass due to GERD (Trigger Warning)   
    I was sleeved in March of 2015 (HW 405, SW 357, LW 238, sustained 260 for a few years), had some regain where I hit 315, so I went on a hybrid Optifast/Numetra diet through a program at Kaiser (my then insurance in California). It worked well, I dropped about 50 pounds and was happy with that, but then I had some mental health issues including some passive ideation, so I decided to move across country (technically back home) to Delaware and share a living space with my brother and his wife and pets. Since that move I've gained back the 50 pounds I lost, I have another hiatal hernia, and severe acid reflux/GERD so now I'm on the path to revision to bypass.
    Thing is, I never wanted bypass, that's why I had the sleeve in the first place, the reworking of my internal plumbing scares the heck out of me! I've known a ton of people who've had it with no issues, but I've also known a couple who passed away from complications (granted, that was 20 years ago, and I know things have improved medically since then). But the idea of having dumping syndrome, and malabsorption, and needing to take Vitamins and supplements forever - UGH - I'm freaking out!! 😨😖
    I have an anxiety disorder (SAD & GAD) and my anxiety has been through the ROOF the past few weeks! My surgery date is August 26 - 13 days from today! - and I started my pre-op diet the other day (Monday), but part of me wants to cancel everything! However, there is a part of me that can't wait for the relief from the GERD.
    I guess I'm not asking for anything here, mostly just venting my anxiety. 🤣

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