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  1. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Compliments   
    Next time someone compliments you like that say to them "I always have been!" in a really cheery voice and smile like there's no tomorrow! Because HAVE always been 'annoyingly beautiful'!
    I get the sadness part, the part of you that says, 'was I some hideous monster because I had a few extra pounds on my body?' The truth is - nope. You always were beautiful, inside and outside, it just took you feeling healthier for people to realize how closely your outside always matched your inside.

  2. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to RRenaeL23 in August Surgery buddies   
    I am new to the forum. I had my Bariatric Sleeve on August 14, 2024.
  3. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Compliments   
    Next time someone compliments you like that say to them "I always have been!" in a really cheery voice and smile like there's no tomorrow! Because HAVE always been 'annoyingly beautiful'!
    I get the sadness part, the part of you that says, 'was I some hideous monster because I had a few extra pounds on my body?' The truth is - nope. You always were beautiful, inside and outside, it just took you feeling healthier for people to realize how closely your outside always matched your inside.

  4. Hugs
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from Arabesque in Weakness and physical symptoms during pre-op diet   
    Ooof. I am exhausted. I'm one week into the pre-op diet and anything and everything that I do makes me super tired and weak. Walk tot he bathroom - exhausted. Walk from car to office - weak and exhausted and out of breath.
    I know it's the very low calorie diet (VLCD) that I'm on and my body getting used to the changes, but DANG this is crazy!
    Has anyone else experienced this on their pre-op diet or am I having extra issues because I'm a binge eater?

  5. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to MrsFitz in Weakness and physical symptoms during pre-op diet   
    Happy to help 😉 It can definitely be off-putting if you’ve never dealt with these things before and you don’t know where to look or even what you’re looking for. I can guarantee that if you have a question re weight loss and all it attendant quirks & foibles, there will be someone around on the forum who has either gone through it themselves or know the answer 🙂

  6. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to MrsFitz in Compliments   
    Speaking from my own experience, I’m not the same person fat as I am thin. When I’m fat I am miserable. There’s a little cloud of…I don’t want to say unhappiness but maybe dissatisfaction I guess, that follows me around like that character of Charlie Brown (can’t think of his name, too lazy to look it up!) Like you @Bypass2Freedomthe bigger I am, the more invisible I become. I don’t maintain eye contact, my head is down, I barely smile at others, I feel very much an introvert which isn’t me. I hang back from things and lose my spontaneity. My clothing is dull and drab, anything to not call attention to my fat self. When I compare this to the person I am when I am thinner, well it’s like chalk v cheese. My head is up, I feel happier in myself, I can maintain eye contact, I talk, I laugh, I wear colourful clothing and makeup, I’m proud of myself because I know what an effort it took to get to be that person, to get that confidence back. I believe in myself once again, which is a very powerful thing I think, especially after spending years and year’s doubting myself. I can’t wait to feel all that again and to hold on to it very tightly this time around 😉

  7. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to ShoppGirl in Compliments   
    Omg i have gained and lost weight so many times in my life to include a really big chunk with the sleeve 3.5 years ago and I understand completely what you mean. It’s like I am still the SAME EXACT PERSON that I always have been on the inside!! It’s almost like when someone dies and you feel guilty enjoying something without them. I feel like if I fully accept a compliment I am letting my overweight self down somehow because they deserved all the same compliments but never got them. At the same time you feel guilty for not just accepting it because someone is trying to be nice after all.

    But the male attention differential is almost too much. I realize over and over again just how invisible I am when I am overweight. Surprisingly women are actually this way too if you pay attention. And what’s worse is once you lose a lot of weight and start to look really hot, some Women start to treat you differently again. The women will find you a threat and the men will assume your a beyotch. I guess we have to look good but not too good to deserve respect and consideration in todays society. I have said it over and over again. Life is a fashion show. I honestly don’t think this will change in our lifetimes.
  8. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Compliments   
    Next time someone compliments you like that say to them "I always have been!" in a really cheery voice and smile like there's no tomorrow! Because HAVE always been 'annoyingly beautiful'!
    I get the sadness part, the part of you that says, 'was I some hideous monster because I had a few extra pounds on my body?' The truth is - nope. You always were beautiful, inside and outside, it just took you feeling healthier for people to realize how closely your outside always matched your inside.

  9. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Compliments   
    Next time someone compliments you like that say to them "I always have been!" in a really cheery voice and smile like there's no tomorrow! Because HAVE always been 'annoyingly beautiful'!
    I get the sadness part, the part of you that says, 'was I some hideous monster because I had a few extra pounds on my body?' The truth is - nope. You always were beautiful, inside and outside, it just took you feeling healthier for people to realize how closely your outside always matched your inside.

  10. Hugs
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from Arabesque in Weakness and physical symptoms during pre-op diet   
    Ooof. I am exhausted. I'm one week into the pre-op diet and anything and everything that I do makes me super tired and weak. Walk tot he bathroom - exhausted. Walk from car to office - weak and exhausted and out of breath.
    I know it's the very low calorie diet (VLCD) that I'm on and my body getting used to the changes, but DANG this is crazy!
    Has anyone else experienced this on their pre-op diet or am I having extra issues because I'm a binge eater?

  11. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from draikaina8503 in August Surgery buddies   
    I'm getting revision surgery on August 26th. Next Monday. I'm nervous, excited, exhausted, SUPER anxious (anxiety disorders and major changes don't tend to work too well together 😂), and a little terrified. I was sleeved in March of 2015 but I literally blocked out everything that happened to me pre-and-post-op. Not kidding. I reached out to my ex last week, he was with me at that time, and I was like "was I this crazy-anxious before?" and is one word answer was "yup". 😂😂
    Anyway - good luck to all of the August surgery-buddies - you got this!!! 💖

  12. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in Weakness and physical symptoms during pre-op diet   
    Oh! I hadn't considered that! Granted, my shakes are sweet (they leave that lingering sweet taste in my mouth that I hate), but yeah, maybe I'm in sugar and carb withdrawal. 😲
  13. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to draikaina8503 in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    I just had my RYGB, so my list is a "what I'm going to do". But I've in love with a lot of these lists from you all!
    * Have children and actually have the energy to run around and play with them
    * Learn to sew and start making my own clothes
    * Learn to dance
    * Pilates
    * Running and maybe even entering 5ks or marathons
    * Go hiking without worrying if I will make it to the top of trail
    * Get back into tae kwon do (I haven't done it since I was in my early 20s and 150lbs lighter)
  14. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from ShoppGirl in Seatbelt pillow.   
    That's similar to the one that I got for myself from Amazon. When I was sleeved I used a stuffed animal, he was a long, flat, squishy dog. Whatever works! 😁
  15. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Compliments   
    I absolutely can relate to this, and I so wish I could hug you right now. When I was younger (all the way until I had my son at age 20) I was thin and athletic. That's all I knew, that's all anyone knew of me. As I started to gain weight, the looks and attention changed. And I wanted to disappear. I saw the stares and looks, heard the comments and whispers and laughs. I felt every jab, every comment, every insult. Then I lost all the weight and I look like I did in high school again (I mean, like LITERALLY I do...so weird) and things have reverted back to the way they use to be. And it really hurts because I have something to compare it to. Definitive proof that I "fit in" and I'm "accepted" when I'm thin and fit society's idea of what beautiful is. And it makes me angry and hurt and frankly, pissed off. I have a really hard time accepting compliments from ANYONE who knew me when I was originally thin, and fat, and now thin again. It just doesn't feel genuine.
  16. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Compliments   
    Next time someone compliments you like that say to them "I always have been!" in a really cheery voice and smile like there's no tomorrow! Because HAVE always been 'annoyingly beautiful'!
    I get the sadness part, the part of you that says, 'was I some hideous monster because I had a few extra pounds on my body?' The truth is - nope. You always were beautiful, inside and outside, it just took you feeling healthier for people to realize how closely your outside always matched your inside.

  17. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from draikaina8503 in August Surgery buddies   
    I'm getting revision surgery on August 26th. Next Monday. I'm nervous, excited, exhausted, SUPER anxious (anxiety disorders and major changes don't tend to work too well together 😂), and a little terrified. I was sleeved in March of 2015 but I literally blocked out everything that happened to me pre-and-post-op. Not kidding. I reached out to my ex last week, he was with me at that time, and I was like "was I this crazy-anxious before?" and is one word answer was "yup". 😂😂
    Anyway - good luck to all of the August surgery-buddies - you got this!!! 💖

  18. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Compliments   
    Next time someone compliments you like that say to them "I always have been!" in a really cheery voice and smile like there's no tomorrow! Because HAVE always been 'annoyingly beautiful'!
    I get the sadness part, the part of you that says, 'was I some hideous monster because I had a few extra pounds on my body?' The truth is - nope. You always were beautiful, inside and outside, it just took you feeling healthier for people to realize how closely your outside always matched your inside.

  19. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to Bypass2Freedom in Compliments   
    okay now I definitely am crying 😭
  20. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Compliments   
    Next time someone compliments you like that say to them "I always have been!" in a really cheery voice and smile like there's no tomorrow! Because HAVE always been 'annoyingly beautiful'!
    I get the sadness part, the part of you that says, 'was I some hideous monster because I had a few extra pounds on my body?' The truth is - nope. You always were beautiful, inside and outside, it just took you feeling healthier for people to realize how closely your outside always matched your inside.

  21. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to Bypass2Freedom in Compliments   
    So today during a work meeting, one of my colleagues who I have known for many years turned and said to me, "you are annoyingly beautiful".
    I was genuinely taken aback by this, and just laughed and jokingly told her to shut up 😂 but I wanted to just think about why this shocked me so much.
    I always thought compliments like that were reserved for those people who were confident and effortlessly beautiful.
    I really am not used to receiving compliments, or really even being perceived, and I think this is something that a lot of people who struggle with their weight feel at some point.
    280lbs me just wanted to be small and unseen, and not looked at for the wrong reason (very superficial, I know). And now I am being seen, I think, in a different light.
    It does feel weird. In most ways, it is really nice getting compliments like that, I feel really happy and it was genuinely sweet of her. In other ways, I feel a little bit of grief for the girl who I was a few short months ago, and how she didn't get told things like that.
    Either way, I do feel really happy about being told that, and weirdly a little tearful if I am honest!
    Anyway...happy Monday all! 😂

  22. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    I've owned a home twice. And sold twice. Not for me lol I prefer living in upscale apartments that include all the things I want and have maintenance onsite and located near everything I want lol
  23. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    That's the plan!! I was born and raised in Florida. Lived there from 78-2004. Only been back to visit maybe 6 or 7 times in 20 years. I miss everybody there, I miss the weather, I miss being in the south. And to go back with a successful career and looking much like I did in high school again, well, that's always a bonus, too lol
  24. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from MrsFitz in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    I was sleeve in 2015 and am having revision surgery next week (eek!!) but I never thought about the "what I want to do" type ideas before. Mostly I just wanted to lose weight - I've been heavy my entire life - but I think that maybe I'd like to...
    Be able to sit in one of those plastic/resin chairs that everyone seems to own for their patio without fearing that it might collapse under my weight, or sit at a sidewalk cafe/restaurant without my butt hanging over the edges of the chair. Have a mattress last longer than a few years before the "dent" I've put in it causes me even more body aches. Be able to go grocery or clothes shopping without feeling like I'm being stared at (that's my social anxiety, but it's made MUCH worse by my weight). Be able to fly economy class again (I've only been able to fly first class the last few years, because I just don't fit in economy anymore) WITHOUT the extender belt! Take my dog for walks and to the park and run around with him. Be able to sit in my desk chair for longer periods before my legs fall asleep because the chair isn't deep-seated enough for my butt! 🤣
    I have boring "dreams" 😂
  25. Like
    CrazyDog&CatLady got a reaction from MrsFitz in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    I was sleeve in 2015 and am having revision surgery next week (eek!!) but I never thought about the "what I want to do" type ideas before. Mostly I just wanted to lose weight - I've been heavy my entire life - but I think that maybe I'd like to...
    Be able to sit in one of those plastic/resin chairs that everyone seems to own for their patio without fearing that it might collapse under my weight, or sit at a sidewalk cafe/restaurant without my butt hanging over the edges of the chair. Have a mattress last longer than a few years before the "dent" I've put in it causes me even more body aches. Be able to go grocery or clothes shopping without feeling like I'm being stared at (that's my social anxiety, but it's made MUCH worse by my weight). Be able to fly economy class again (I've only been able to fly first class the last few years, because I just don't fit in economy anymore) WITHOUT the extender belt! Take my dog for walks and to the park and run around with him. Be able to sit in my desk chair for longer periods before my legs fall asleep because the chair isn't deep-seated enough for my butt! 🤣
    I have boring "dreams" 😂

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