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Posts posted by CrazyDog&CatLady

  1. I like Evolve Protein Shakes, they do have the slightest bit of grit to them if they aren't cold, but they are still really good.

    Morningstar Farms Spicy Black Bean Burger is the YUMMM, and I love their corn dogs. 🤣

    Purple Carrot frozen meals are usually really good, my favorite from them is their Elote Bowl,

    O Organics Silken Tofu is great for making Protein packed mousses and other yummy Desserts as well as adding into sauces to make them creamy and protein filled.

    Braggs Nutritional Yeast is good, but I haven't tried too many different brands of nooch.

    Once I have my bypass and I start on the pureed foods I will probably start exploring more plant based options, ultimately I'd like to 100% whole food plant based (WFPB), but I'm realistic about that.

  2. 1 hour ago, MrsFitz said:

    It could be something similar to ‘keto flu’. You feel lethargic, fatigued, have a headache that just won’t quit whatever meds you try and just generally feel like rubbish. The good news is that it does pass, your energy levels will improve and your headache will go. Just make sure that you’re drinking enough Water as you will probably have lost a lot which does contribute to how you’re feeling.

    Hmmm... 'keto flu' (I mutter as I Google the term) yup, that definitely seems to be what I'm dealing with. Thanks for that! Sometimes it just helps to know what it is, y'know? 😊

  3. I'm getting revision surgery on August 26th. Next Monday. I'm nervous, excited, exhausted, SUPER anxious (anxiety disorders and major changes don't tend to work too well together 😂), and a little terrified. I was sleeved in March of 2015 but I literally blocked out everything that happened to me pre-and-post-op. Not kidding. I reached out to my ex last week, he was with me at that time, and I was like "was I this crazy-anxious before?" and is one word answer was "yup". 😂😂

    Anyway - good luck to all of the August surgery-buddies - you got this!!! 💖

  4. Ooof. I am exhausted. I'm one week into the pre-op diet and anything and everything that I do makes me super tired and weak. Walk tot he bathroom - exhausted. Walk from car to office - weak and exhausted and out of breath.

    I know it's the very low calorie diet (VLCD) that I'm on and my body getting used to the changes, but DANG this is crazy!

    Has anyone else experienced this on their pre-op diet or am I having extra issues because I'm a binge eater?

  5. Next time someone compliments you like that say to them "I always have been!" in a really cheery voice and smile like there's no tomorrow! Because HAVE always been 'annoyingly beautiful'!

    I get the sadness part, the part of you that says, 'was I some hideous monster because I had a few extra pounds on my body?' The truth is - nope. You always were beautiful, inside and outside, it just took you feeling healthier for people to realize how closely your outside always matched your inside.


  6. I was sleeve in 2015 and am having revision surgery next week (eek!!) but I never thought about the "what I want to do" type ideas before. Mostly I just wanted to lose weight - I've been heavy my entire life - but I think that maybe I'd like to...

    • Be able to sit in one of those plastic/resin chairs that everyone seems to own for their patio without fearing that it might collapse under my weight, or sit at a sidewalk cafe/restaurant without my butt hanging over the edges of the chair.
    • Have a mattress last longer than a few years before the "dent" I've put in it causes me even more body aches.
    • Be able to go grocery or clothes shopping without feeling like I'm being stared at (that's my social anxiety, but it's made MUCH worse by my weight).
    • Be able to fly economy class again (I've only been able to fly first class the last few years, because I just don't fit in economy anymore) WITHOUT the extender belt!
    • Take my dog for walks and to the park and run around with him.
    • Be able to sit in my desk chair for longer periods before my legs fall asleep because the chair isn't deep-seated enough for my butt! 🤣

    I have boring "dreams" 😂

  7. I can't speak to most of your questions, but I do know that the Premier Protein product is some of the better Protein Shakes out there, and you can get them anywhere (Walmart, Amazon, etc.). If you prefer a vegan choice (not whey protein) I like Evolve Protein (which I usually buy from Amazon). If you want to stick with the "medical" protein shakes, you can go to https://www.go4ithealth.com/ as they are the retail site that sells all of the Numetra weight loss products (most hospitals sell you the pre-op diet and a lot them use Numetra for that), you will need a Blender Bottle for them though whereas the Premier and Evolve and ready to drink (RTD). I can recommend a really good blender bottle called Helimix (I got it on Amazon - sensing a theme? LOL), it doesn't use a blender ball just physics. 😂

    Either way, good luck with your journey!

  8. I was sleeved in March of 2015 (HW 405, SW 357, LW 238, sustained 260 for a few years), had some regain where I hit 315, so I went on a hybrid Optifast/Numetra diet through a program at Kaiser (my then insurance in California). It worked well, I dropped about 50 pounds and was happy with that, but then I had some mental health issues including some passive ideation, so I decided to move across country (technically back home) to Delaware and share a living space with my brother and his wife and pets. Since that move I've gained back the 50 pounds I lost, I have another hiatal hernia, and severe acid reflux/GERD so now I'm on the path to revision to bypass.

    Thing is, I never wanted bypass, that's why I had the sleeve in the first place, the reworking of my internal plumbing scares the heck out of me! I've known a ton of people who've had it with no issues, but I've also known a couple who passed away from complications (granted, that was 20 years ago, and I know things have improved medically since then). But the idea of having dumping syndrome, and malabsorption, and needing to take Vitamins and supplements forever - UGH - I'm freaking out!! 😨😖

    I have an anxiety disorder (SAD & GAD) and my anxiety has been through the ROOF the past few weeks! My surgery date is August 26 - 13 days from today! - and I started my pre-op diet the other day (Monday), but part of me wants to cancel everything! However, there is a part of me that can't wait for the relief from the GERD.

    I guess I'm not asking for anything here, mostly just venting my anxiety. 🤣

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