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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Justarwaxx reacted to GreenTealael in Food Before and After Photos   
    Congratulations on learning your fullness cues!
  2. Like
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from GreenTealael in Food Before and After Photos   
    1 month post op gastric bypass .. before and after and I ate an extra bite and the foamies kicked in and unfortunately I lost all the food!
    Reminder: listen to your full ques teehee.
    I'm still trying to get rid of old habits

  3. Like
    Justarwaxx reacted to ms.sss in Food Before and After Photos   
    6 yrs out next month and there are still days that i forget to eat. case in point: TODAY.
    i went on a bit of an exercise binge today: 5km early morning run, followed by 2 back-to-back 1 hr each (power) hot yoga classes, then a last-minute decision to go to a pilates class (cuz i had a free pass expiring tomorrow), and finally an approx 10k round trip (leisurely) bike ride to and from the bike shop to get our bikes serviced (i hate biking btw, so this was sorta a big deal lol...i complained the whole way)
    ...and by the time we got home it was like past 4pm and i realized i didn't eat all day! and i didn't even feel hungry. now...how i was able to do all that on an empty stomach and not keel over, i'll never know.
    anyways...here is what i fixed for myself to eat for my first meal of day at 4:30pm:
    rice, burnt bacon (oopsies, got distracted!), 2 med-boiled eggs, and a couple tablespoons of this homemade ginger-green-onion condiment that i make that Mr. and The Kid LOVE and eat by the tubful lol.
    394 calories for the entire thing. ate it ALL. (guess i was hungry after all! ha!)
    not sure i'll be able to eat my normal 2300+ cals a day today since its so late already, but im not worried, it all evens out in the end (plus i had a pretty big dinner last night, so there's that.)

  4. Like
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    That's progress! Exactly there's no way we are gaining weight! Especially this early on.. gaining a pound here and there is bound to happen.. i really want to avoid daily and even weekly weigh in so that I can avoid seeing those random gains.

  5. Like
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Hello ladies x
    Had my one month post op appointment today with the surgical team and he told me that all is well and should keep doing what I am doing wnd I am ready to start REAL food and exercise! He did transfer me to a dietician immediately tho because he expected a higher loss than 10 kg for the first month but he did say 10 kg is still good and wanted me to speak to the dietician to understand more. And it turns out I am under eating and avoiding all sort of carbs which is effecting me and could possibly mean I am not retaining nutrients. I have been to scared of eating that I know for sure I was under eating. So she went over my plan and told ne to eat 8 well cooked meals! And to check back in 2 weeks with how I am feeling. She told me not to be too worried about calories now and we will talk more when I reach 80 kgs.
    I am wondering what your dietician have been telling u guys about carbs? R they part of ur meal plans?
  6. Like
    Justarwaxx reacted to NickelChip in Had an appt with my Dietician and I am so peeved!   
    I have to be honest about my experience so far with dietitians, and with post-bariatric advice and counseling in general. If you ask 100 dietitians what we are supposed to be doing, you will get 101 different responses. And if you ask them a second time, you will probably get even more. Too much Protein, not enough protein, carbs are the devil, carbs are fine, low fat, don't worry about fat, count calories, only count macros, work out more, don't exercise too much...
    You've lost over 100 pounds. You are 12.8 pounds from your goal at only 5 months post-op, work out 6 days a week, and look and feel great. You seem really happy. I fail to see why you should change anything if you are happy with your results, unless you think the advice will benefit you. You know your body and what works for you, and unless your dietitian is a bariatric patient, she's never been through what you are doing first hand.
    Take what she says with a grain of salt, except salt is bad, unless it isn't because electrolytes are good...who knows?
  7. Congrats!
    Justarwaxx reacted to Pepper_No_Salt in Struggling 😔   
    This has also been my biggest struggle. I was going to the gym fairly regularly before surgery, but it's been a struggle since being cleared. For me, it's just prioritizing that time for myself. It's been getting better this week, I've gone twice, walked a lot last night, and I plan on going today!
  8. Like
    Justarwaxx reacted to ShoppGirl in Struggling 😔   
    How are you doing now? Have you started back to some form of movement. I know that when I had the sleeve I tried to do the treadmill and that did not stick no matter how many times I tried. To me, that was like torture. This time with my revision I am walking around the neighborhood instead. Talking with a friend on the phone who is also walking or listening to music and seeing the various houses and people is just a great deal more enjoyable for me than the treadmill even with the television on I still felt like a hamster I am still early out and I definitely wouldn’t call it a habit yet but I can tell you for sure that I do not dread it each day like I did the other and I’m really hoping that I can keep it up I know for sure that the endorphins are great for my mood and my energy I go until I fall into the bed and sleep like a baby. In fact that’s why I’m up right now, because I did so much yesterday I feel asleep at 9pm 😂
    I agree somewhat about the fact that if you must choose one place to put your effort then the nutrition is definitely the most important in terms of weight loss BUT, having done this before and been less successful, I can tell you that last time I did not exercise and it felt like less of a huge life change for me as it does this time Again, I am only 5 weeks out so it’s possible that this is temporary, though I hope not because I feel fantastic with all of my choices my point is that adding in exercise, for me, makes it feel like more of a lifestyle change and after I come home all sweaty from my walk I don’t want to put any junk into my body. I am even starting to buy things that are grass fed and organic when they are available and trying to cut back on salt as well as rethinking my artificial Sweeteners (although that’s going to be the toughest for me to give up) because my body feels so good and healthy and I want to feel this way for a long long time. As others have said it doesn’t have to be a specific exercise. Just move your body more. Maybe dance lessons, or Pickleball, something like that. My library had a Belly Dance teacher at one point about a year ago and now that I’m losing a bit I am going to look into whether she is still there because that sounds kinda fun. I also did some research on the weighted hula hoop and it is cardio for most people as well as a bit of strength training so I may try that. It brings back memories of competitions with them as a kid so it could be fun.
    Something that my PA said at one of my pre surgery support group meetings keeps ringing in my mind that helps motivate me too he said that just 90 minutes of exercise a week in zone two heart rate (which I achieve with a brisk walk) decreases your risk of “all cause mortality” by 15%!! You can even break it into 15 minutes a day- 6 days a week (although it’s really 25 with your warm up and cool down added) but weight loss aside, a 15% decrease, thats pretty incredible. I was afraid of some of the complications from surgery that may or may not kill me and that was once like a 2% risk. So my goal is 30 minutes of exercise a day (I rounded up) and anything beyond that is just a bonus. That has seemed to work for me so far 🤞
  9. Congrats!
    Justarwaxx reacted to FifiLux in Struggling 😔   
    I was away for work the last few days and without the WLS last year there is no way I would have managed all the walking I did in the heat - Saturday 11.5km, Sunday 5km, Monday 6.5km, Tuesday 8km & Wednesday 4km. Last night/today is all about resting, not sure I'll get out of my pjs
  10. Like
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Quick update! I did a 30 mins walk on treadmill and feel amazing! Thanks for the motivation!
  11. Haha
    Justarwaxx reacted to AndreaJD in August Surgery buddies   
    @JustarwaxxUGH!!! Now that's some good motivation for me to stick to measuring and staying within my plan! I had never heard of "foamies" until today. Yuck. I would like to have a better grasp on my body's fullness cues with my new designer GI tract, but hopefully they'll be more subtle. Hope you're feeling better.
  12. Like
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Quick update! I did a 30 mins walk on treadmill and feel amazing! Thanks for the motivation!
  13. Like
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    I wish I had this app in my region, it seems very nice. And I've been people use it on tiktok
  14. Like
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Oh God! I just experienced my first foamies attack! I think I ate too fast and didn't chew my food well! I was eating during a video call meeting and got distracted.. I can literally feel the food in my heart 🤣
    To be honest, I am quite happy to finally feel fullness today!
    At Breakfast and lunch and now dinner! I always felt out of place for not feeling "full" well I definitely felt it and I do not want to reach full stage or fullness again .. God I wanna push down the food 😩 ouchy but yay!
  15. Hugs
    Justarwaxx reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Important thing is that you figure out something that works for you and you do not dread doing. It needs to be a little bit fun for you whether it’s time to yourself so you can just think or you’re listening to a really good book on tape or whatever it is that you enjoy. it can even be a sport or something else entirely. Just move your body, but you’re never gonna stick to it if it is not desirable, which the treadmill was not my thing for sure I dreaded it every single day. I have no doubt that you will figure out what works for you.
  16. Like
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Walking outside is not a very good option right now as the temperatures are over 35-45 degrees (middle east tings) but "winter" is around the corner so I'll be happy to do outside walks then! Tbh I am not idle during the day but like I can do more for sure. I try to not ask for help (nanny or son) and just should it myself to get in some extra steps.. but I really wanna push myself to do the treadmill 3x a week. I love how u sleep in ur workout clothes hahaha! It will work for me to workout in the mornings before I start work on the 16th then it will have to be after work.
    I totally know what u mean about being more energetic after workouts. It does make u feel great! I will do it!
  17. Like
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    I am struggling to keep up with my 3 day workout (walk on treadmill) a week. I'm just feeling lazy n blah. Is everyone working out?
    Also I was adviced no strength till 2 months post op! I feel once I am back to work and can actually join the gym I'd have a routine.
  18. Like
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    I love this! Happy 1 month! Proud of u n let's keep going..
  19. Like
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Finally had a call with the nurse incharge and she just put my mind at ease! She told me to "chill" and that I am doing everything right!! She said don't forget u did the bypass and many of the comments and comparsion I've been getting and doing is towards gastric sleeve patients. She said everything I'm experiencing is right and to not panic about calories because I am definitely not over eating! Focus on Protien and avoid sugar!
    Teehee nothing new but felt good hearing it from her! Phew
  20. Haha
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Yes I'm so glad! Exactly it is pretty funny and I need to remember that whenever someone comments..my sister does that too she thinks I should already be skinny by now! 3 weeks post op! Let's just hide till we reach our goal weight lol
  21. Haha
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Yes I'm so glad! Exactly it is pretty funny and I need to remember that whenever someone comments..my sister does that too she thinks I should already be skinny by now! 3 weeks post op! Let's just hide till we reach our goal weight lol
  22. Like
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Finally had a call with the nurse incharge and she just put my mind at ease! She told me to "chill" and that I am doing everything right!! She said don't forget u did the bypass and many of the comments and comparsion I've been getting and doing is towards gastric sleeve patients. She said everything I'm experiencing is right and to not panic about calories because I am definitely not over eating! Focus on Protien and avoid sugar!
    Teehee nothing new but felt good hearing it from her! Phew
  23. Like
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Exactly!!! We have such high expectations so it'd only natural that we want to make sure we achieve them! And we will! I can't wait to c us in the near future and I can't wait to leave the 100kgs and go into the 90s! That's my first small goal! I hid my scale so I won't check my weight till my doctors app hehe.
  24. Like
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Thank you so much I tried not to let her effect me because she clearly had no experience at all!
    Tomorrow I also have a call from the nurse incharge for all bariatric patients so I'll have a good chat with her and yes the dietician is experienced with WLS patients.
    I don't know why it shows bypass balloon! I had the gastric bypass. I think I picked the wrong one by mistake teehee. I'll edit it later!
    I'll keep a mental note to myself always to never ever compare 😫
  25. Like
    Justarwaxx got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    When was your ur op? But as I know it is pretty normal as @ShoppGirl mentioned it could be leftover food or Water or if ur aunty flow is around the corner.. I decided to stop weighing weekly and check in 2 weeks at my 1 month post op appointment! And I'm hoping to see a good decrease and avoid disappointment with the daily or weekly checks!

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