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Posts posted by Justarwaxx

  1. 5 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

    Did you get any answers to your questions about your macros?

    Hi hi okay so regarding the protien shakes yes like below 200 cals less than 2g sugar

    And as for food qty or drink qty, my doctor said that to eat as tolerated which obviously won't be too much but this month till my app is like a testing month.. so if I can eat 2 eggs then I should go ahead but of course I should watch out for cues of fullness to avoid vomiting. I understood what she needs from me till I c her mid September so I'll follow the file they gave me and explore. I have started pureed stage slowly and I've been doing well especially my 1 egg every morning so yay.. anxiety has reduced!

    How r u doing!

  2. 10 hours ago, Hiddenroses said:

    Hello again everyone! I'll start by saying I'm sorry it takes me so long to post my responses. This is because while I do skim posts from my phone, especially when I see an email that has me tagged I find it so much easier to type and properly respond from my desktop computer. So - If I 'Like' a post' just know I'll likely later mention something in one of my long summarized posts, like this one!

    Yesterday was exhausting for me; I slept poorly Tuesday night due to heartburn and tenderness on the left hand side. I did get a few things done yesterday, though, including making it to Walmart finally to get my returns processed. I'm not sure why I thought I'd need extra bandages and such after my surgery, but I didn't. That said, after reviewing the cost of canned Soups and canned chicken, I decided just to buy a rotisserie chicken! Honestly, that's proven to be easier and more economical because after deboning it there is plenty of flavorful chicken to either puree into chicken salad or puree with chicken broth and some canned peas/carrots as a kind of 'no noodle' soup!

    I also had a ridiculous epiphany this morning - cooking and straining our fruits BEFORE mixing them with yogurt or ricotta works WAY BETTER! This should have been obvious but in my addled mind I've been either 'peeling' the strawberries, or like this morning I thought I'd put the whole blueberry yogurt smoothie through the metal screen to strain and hey - that worked POORLY! Lol - silly the illogical things we do at times, eh? Or maybe it's just me, idk!

    Oh - I ALSO realized yesterday evening, when I had basically zero energy nor desire to mess with dinner but still was far short of my Protein goal that I hadn't started taking the collagen yet that I bought to help my hair, skin, and nails. Lo and behold when I scoped it out (I ordered Nature Target Multi-Collagen Peptides from Amazon) that one scoop DOES have 9g of Protein! I truly felt like I was cheating the system when I poured a scoop in about 4oz of Gatorade Zero, Orange and called that my dinner.< br />
    I'm not sure what caused me to sleep better last night - the fact that I held/hugged a pillow ( Thank you again @draikaina8503 for mentioning the pillow your nursing staff gave you!) against my left side during most movements throughout the day, the fact that I was extremely tired, the relief from hearing from my doctor's office, or just time and healing in general) but I DID sleep well and today has gone more smoothly for me. As of today I'm 17 days post op, about a 1/4 of the way into my two weeks of puree diet.

    @ShoppGirl - I haven't noticed about white spots on the tongue after different types of Protein drinks because I've been really aware of any 'filmy texture' so rinse my mouth after each meal, but I do feel like the Ensure is thicker and takes more effort for me to rinse after drinking. Thanks for mentioning the Protein Water! I'm going to look into that to see if it will help me meet my protein goal of 60g/day.

    @draikaina8503 - I haven't noticed much as far as skin sensitivity goes although my bruises from where they stuck me have taken an AGE to heal! I've been worried about you and hope that the incident with your doggo didn't leave you with any lasting damage (I may see a post about that later as I read). Are you taking collagen Peptides by chance? I noticed one of the Youtubers who documented their own surgery journey dealt with breakouts afterward while taking Collagen and wondered if maybe it was impurities being purged from their skin as a result of the Collagen itself. If not I'd definitely mention it to your surgeon and double check (not that I think you'd miss anything since you seem VERY thorough) that some ingredient you're intolerant to hasn't snuck its way into your routine.

    Update: Oh good, I'm glad you got some reassurance from your physician's office. Wow - congratulations on the return to school! The start date is rolling right up, isn't it?! Yeah, timing - eesh - I feel ya! Best of luck in finding a comfortable position in which to do your course work, and the energy to tackle everything at once! So far though it looks like you're nailing it and no reason to think that success won't keep right on coming!

    Oh - and yeah, I guess I AM blessed to have been given this little bottle of Hibiclens! I had noticed that there was one of those tubs in my hospital room when I got ready to check out and there was another bottle of it in there as well as a couple of 'No rinse' Shampoo caps. I snagged everything out of it - figured if my insurance was paying for it, I was gonna grab it for possible later use! I wish I could hand you this extra bottle, honestly!

    @Pepper_No_Salt - Wow; goodness! Yeah; honestly it sounds like you're doing way too much! I'm only just now starting to feel up to helping load the dishwasher, and today I managed to slowly sort through the clothing in my chest of drawers for size/quality of condition. Even then, I had to have my fella open the drawers for me because it's older and they stick a bit, plus pulling anything makes me tender, much less bending and pulling at the same time! I can't IMAGINE trying to tackle everything you just listed at this stage.

    I know we all heal at different rates but my surgeon's office told me yesterday that the pain *I* have been mainly experiencing, a pulling/tugging on my left side, can take up to a month or two to recover from. She said to remember that despite how the surface appears to have healed that there is a LOT of repair and healing happening internally. She also said that as frustrating as it is to just try to be patient with myself because the body is adjusting in a lot of ways between not getting hardly any carbs, learning to get its energy from different sources, i.e. stored fat, processing our intake of protein/water differently, and literally healing multiple organs (for me, SADI, intestines and stomach from the sleeve portion) and that takes a lot out of a person.

    @Justarwaxx - Oh my goodness, that sounds VERY anxiety inducing! This is your body and your journey, I absolutely suggest contacting your surgeon's office to see if they can send you some kind of guideline on what to be doing at your different stages. Also, I will be honest - that sounds like a lot of calories to be intaking during your liquid diet and I can't help but wonder if you're drinking maybe the wrong particular Protein Shake? I don't say that because I think you SHOULD worry about calories specifically but you DO need to worry about sugar intake. I got tripped up because my surgeon's team gave me a booklet guide for the whole process and I'm not supposed to drink any Protein Shakes that have less than 15g of Protein and more than 5g of sugar. The protein shakes are deceptive as heck, though!

    Example: The off brand Equate ones I got are Max Protein with 30g of Protein and less than 1g of sugar, and one time I accidentally bought their Protein Plus which had 20g of sugar in each one! They tasted great - but at the cost of all that sugar it was a hard pass!

    Also if you are drinking regular Gatorade or Powerade I could see that being a factor; I'm on Zero Sugar for my non-protein beverages. I can totally see how you'd feel at a loss - I spent 10 months working up to my surgery (because I had to quit smoking, etc) and I still feel like I'm winging it. If your surgeon's team didn't mention it, I will - there is an app called Baritastic that is free on the Google Play Store. You can scan the items you intake or search them on the 'Food Log' and it usually pulls up the correct information and lets you put what percent of the listed serving size you consumed. I do suggest checking at least one time to make sure it's pulling up the correct information that matches the Nutrition Facts listed on the item. After that it will be recorded in your 'Recent' list and you can just choose it easily that way.

    Baritastic also has a built in Timer for 30 minutes you can use to track when you stop drinking and can start drinking after a meal - once you're past the liquid stage and move on to meals that's pretty important across the board as far as I know. The 'No drinking 30 minutes before, during, or after a meal' is important because due to the adjusted size of your stomach it can only fit a certain amount, and you could get overly full of Water before or after a meal otherwise, leading to you being sick to your stomach or feeling miserable overall.

    Honestly, I've been setting a timer when I sit down at my computer as well so I don't get absorbed in what I'm doing and sit for too long. That's been helpful! Best of healing and well wishes to you all - Oh, finally updated my ticker but bummed I can't put 'SADI' as my surgery type. Oh well!

    Adding: The Finch App continues to help me navigate these waters, big time. I open my free Finch app (Also on the Google Play App store) more often then I open Facebook or any social media. Taking care of that silly cute cartoon bird and getting rewarded for taking care of MY personal business is such a benefit to someone like me who is almost certainly ADHD/Autistic at some level. I even use it to remind me to log my food/liquid intake in Baritastic. OH and I did make solid contact with the testing center I've been on a wait list with - looks like I'll at least be able to get in to a counselor soon, though I'm still on the wait list for actual Autism testing.

    Ok - that's all for now!

    Hi hi x

    The protien powder and premade are all approved. Low cals and less than 2g of sugar so that's good and also my protien soy milk is less than 2g sugar so it fits the criteria and since inputting all that I eat n drink on MFP, I am mindful but alil more guidance would be appreciated. On Sunday (first day of the week here) I'll try to get in touch and demand some attention from either surgical team or anyone!

  3. 3 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

    Every team has their own calorie requirements for each stage. Did they have you speak to a nutritionist? What are you “eating” in a typical day?

    I spoke to one before I was discharged and she told me the most basic stuff

    1 week clear fluids

    1 week fuller fluids

    4 weeks purees

    Then some examples of food to have during each stage.

    Qtys are like cup wise but no mention of calories anywhere.

    I am currently on full liquids so I'd have a protien shake premade or powder using almond milk or normal milk + frozen Berries

    Greek yogurt low fat non flavored

    And I made a oat and chicken chicken Soup which I blended and I have q cup of it a day.

    I did call the dietitian today and she said just eat healthy and I am eating right

    No mention of calories 😭😭😭 I am literally fetching info on this website or tiktok and just going eith it with the knowledge I got.

  4. 12 hours ago, Hiddenroses said:

    Hello everyone - checking in and feeling kind of lousy post morning routine - as I seem to sometimes feel for about an hour after every 'meal'. I'm sure this will get easier with time; I hate this puree stage though and I hate not being able to drink 30 mins before and after meals! Everything wants to stick on its way down. Ugh. So - #1 - Protein powder!

    My nutritionist suggested an unflavored Protein Powder called GENEPRO. It's even lactose, GMO, and gluten free. I ordered it on Amazon this morning. The description states it can even be used in place of flour and that it should be mixed with room temperature fluids before being added to other items. So - I'm going to give it a try. It's only 11g of Protein per serving but if coupled with protein rich foods like ricotta, low fat cottage cheese, or zero sugar yogurt I think it just might do the trick to help me meet my protein goals. Here's hoping!

    @draikaina8503 - Oh my gosh, my heart goes out to you and your sweet, confused furbaby! That sounds absolutely AWFUL. I'm so terribly sorry you ended up in that pain as a result of an overly eager, loving pup. I hope you managed to bring it back down to a tolerable level and that no long term damage was done! I know that I slept terribly last night between two doses of Milk of Magnesia working their way through my system, having heartburn, and the tugging/sharp pain that would shoot up from my left side in a brief flare when I moved wrong. I did some research and I'm pretty sure what I'm experiencing is from the stitch they used to keep my stomach 'in place' and that it will loosen some over time. I'm trying to work on posture and wanted to let you know I got to thinking of what other people have mentioned on here and thought of that pillow you talked about being given! I hugged my own round support pillow against my abdomen at one point finally and *poof* relief. So, thank you, again!!

    So today is surgery day, I believe, for @Averdra and @caseyash30 - Bidding you both the best of experiences and hopefully minimally painful recoveries! Remember, walk walk walk, ask for ice, and sip SO slowly. Be cautious about laying at any kind of incline until after you've had a good burp or two, or at least 'feel' the Fluid trickle down! The posture you're in when you sip can make a HUGE difference - try to put your shoulders back and keep your spine as straight as you can manage - it helps! I strongly suggest staying ahead of your pain, and also staying ahead of constipation! If you get to day TWO with no bowel movement, take a dose of Milk of Magnesia - especially if you're also taking narcotics! (Obviously with doctor's ok! )

    Also, your date must be coming up, @Ladygrey, I'm guessing? Sorry if I missed you posting the date! How are you doing, @Justarwaxx ? You're about a week out now, I believe? @Farhad - Also sending you the best and wonder if you're at purees yet? (I may have missed a post!)

    I also wanted to toss a message out there to @Mandalynne ! Maybe I've missed your posts, but you had your surgery on the 14th, right?? How you doing over there? I hope the Finch is still helping you out! I have my Water goals on there and also assigned myself the task 3x day to do my Baritastic app entries, as well as take my Vitamins (separate from also taking my Calcium since I can't take the Iron & Calcium together) I would absolutely be at a loss without that app and am SO grateful it's free. Let me know if you want to add me on there - it doesn't share personal information but lets your added 'Friends' send and receive cute little good vibes from your Birb. Only mentioning in case you didn't know, a friend had to tell me and once I started interacting with friends my dopamine boosts went up tremendously because I wanted to be able to dress up my Birb to go visit others.

    I'm so sorry if I missed responding to you in the chaos - I'm curious how your pain management is going and if you found an alternative to narcotics for your recovery? I'm in a limbo state myself with pain management right now - I have chronic pain conditions that were previously treated with an opioid by my primary care doctor but even though I stretched what was given to me by my surgeon I'm having trouble managing my chronic pain plus recovery. I thought of you and your question as I'm trying to mainly handle things with Tylenol myself right now, and lots of ice packs. It's rough and I agree - this is probably one of the hardest things I've EVER done.

    Welcome, @RRenaeL23, and congratulations on your surgery! How are you doing now? Are you still on liquids? How goes the pain / protein / fluid goals? Good job on denying yourself the fruit - you might pick up some sugar free popsicles to help when those cravings hit in case you don't always feel up for a walk! Also - I haven't taken the time to update my tag in quite a while, either, and I really need to. Oh well, limited chair time still for me! I'll get to it!

    That's all from me for now - thinking of you all, whether I tagged you here or not! I tried to do another recap of the thread from top to bottom and apologize for not having taken the time in this post to respond to everyone I've missed along the way. I'm working on it!

    Hi 👋 aww so sweet of u to follow up! Yes today is day 8 and I'm on fuller liquids but I feel so lost 😢 I literally have no communication with the any of the team in the hospital.. I have so many questions and I don't even know who to contact 🙃 I had a panic attack yesterday because I felt like I've actually consuming quite the calories..so I was wondering if that's OK since we are still in the liquid phases? By quite the calories, I mean less thank 1k a day. I really don't know what to do or expect. I will Try to ring the hospital today for some more insight.

    Hope you do better with your protien intake! It's all learning from here!

  5. 12 hours ago, SleeveToBypass2023 said:

    That's really strange because the focus should be on Protein right from the beginning. I was drinking protein gatorade zero, protein Water, ready made Protein Shakes (not thick, very watery), Bone Broth, and flavored electrolyte Water (Propel has been my favorite).

    Exactly, I also was surprised because I learned everything from online and tiktok haha but I will just repeat this I am from the middle east so I think it's a bit different here. She told ne 1st week should be nutritional and waters then week 2 I add the protien shakes and so on.

    Also since I am typing, TMI warning do u guys happen to get the random runs? Like I thought I was just passing gas but it was more than that. I still haven't done number 2 since my op on Wednesday but I've had this episode for the 2nd time. Not painful but just passing air and liquid

  6. 7 minutes ago, ShoppGirl said:

    No not shakes. Clear Protein Drinks. They are like Water consistency so you should be allowed to have them at this stage. Check first of course but if you’re allowed they sell them just about everywhere now. I get Protein 2.0 at Walmart. Just search clear Protein Water or drink.

    Ooh yes yes we have them here! I'll ask my nurse x but she actually told me focus isn't on protein now.

  7. Thank you all for your input and advices x

    I'm officially post op.. yesterday was a day to remember. Got in at 930 am and came back to my room around 4 pm! Not sure what happened during it. I was drowsy and in pain and sore but managed to walk around. I've been drinking sips of Water only. I'll.be discharged today and just waiting for the dietician to come with instructions.

    I can't believe it's done! I have been bypassed y'll

  8. 5 hours ago, Theweightisover2024🙌💪 said:

    Your going to do great!!! We are all rooting for you!! Mines scheduled for the 26th! We are all here for eachother and will be during and after the surgeries. 💖 good luck and a quick safe surgery and recovery.

    See you on the other side!! I just got a call from the nurse and she said see you tomorrow! I asked if I need to do anything before .. she said nope.. just show up! Haha reading everyone's pre op preparation and then seeing mine makes me laugh! P.s. I am from the middle east so things are definitely different here!

  9. 3 hours ago, Tomo said:

    Congrats and I think you'll do just fine. I think you'll lose your weight and be successful. I was like you, I couldn't wait. I was so ready because it was so tough to live the way that I had been living for years beforehand. I had my fears just like everyone else, but I knew deep down this was my only chance to live a normal and healthy life. I had long given up on diets, pills... Etc.

    I think so too! I will be that sucess story! I'm just reading so much on other people's mistake so I am ready for it. My worry is like 1-2 year post op and the regain stories. Like is it 100% because of poor food choices? And for them to regain, it must have been ALOOOOT of poor choices for many many days. Because surely u won't regain from one bad day of eating.. these are the thoughts that keeps up... THE FUTURE Hehe

  10. 22 minutes ago, FifiLux said:

    I am sure your appointment will go well and you will be all set for 15th.

    I was the same, with no pre-op diet to follow so I just made sure to enjoy my last few pre-op meals, meeting friends and having drinks in the few weeks lead up and weaning myself off coffee.

    Of course you will lose weight and you just have to take the time to work on the new you (inside and out) so that you will have the strength and mindset not to get back to where you are now and what lead you to need the surgery.

    We all hope not to have regain but even a few kg/lbs back on is ok too but try not to focus on a negative like that as positive mindset going forward is the best way to be. Your body will be readjusting and has to find its own level. Over the course of your journey there will be weight losses, gains and stalls and we are all here for you to vent, ask questions etc.


    This is the sweetest msg ever.. I really appreciate and I have to always remind myself to be kind to me. I just finished from my app and I have passed! Admission on 13th of Aug and surgery on 14th ... let's go NEW ME!

  11. Hi 👋 currently at the pre op anesthesia appointment with a mild cold and scared my surgery would be postponed (even tho it's for my safety) but I think I am already mentally ready for it so I just want to get it over with. From where j am, there is no pre op diet. I just get into it so I've been having mini food funerals ..

    I am ready to do it and I'll need ur support because my negative mind gets the best of me. (What if I don't lose weight? What if I regain it all? What if .....)

    My operation is confirmed for 15th Aug (if I pass the anesthesia today)

    Wish me luck

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