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Posts posted by Justarwaxx

  1. 4 minutes ago, ShoppGirl said:

    So glad to hear your checkup went well and everyone’s plans a little different depending on their surgery their age, their activity levels, their medical conditions so you’re probably gonna get a lot of answers. My team doesn’t give a calorie goal either but once I showed her my Fitness app which logs my level of activity as well as my food blog she told me I needed to increase my carbohydrates and Protein, which has been really scary and hard to do especially because I went three days without losing and then actually gained a pound after I increased it but I’m trusting the nurse practitioner that she knows what she’s doing and hoping it will work out. I haven’t had my three week stall yet so maybe that’s what’s going on. I mean, I’m eating probably a third of what I did before surgery and I’m exercising 10 times more so there’s just no way that I would be gaining. Oh, I actually just weighed myself and I lost that pound plus another one so I really lost 1 pound in the three days well in four days I guess.

    That's progress! Exactly there's no way we are gaining weight! Especially this early on.. gaining a pound here and there is bound to happen.. i really want to avoid daily and even weekly weigh in so that I can avoid seeing those random gains.

  2. Hello ladies x

    Had my one month post op appointment today with the surgical team and he told me that all is well and should keep doing what I am doing wnd I am ready to start REAL food and exercise! He did transfer me to a dietician immediately tho because he expected a higher loss than 10 kg for the first month but he did say 10 kg is still good and wanted me to speak to the dietician to understand more. And it turns out I am under eating and avoiding all sort of carbs which is effecting me and could possibly mean I am not retaining nutrients. I have been to scared of eating that I know for sure I was under eating. So she went over my plan and told ne to eat 8 well cooked meals! And to check back in 2 weeks with how I am feeling. She told me not to be too worried about calories now and we will talk more when I reach 80 kgs.

    I am wondering what your dietician have been telling u guys about carbs? R they part of ur meal plans?

  3. 19 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

    Important thing is that you figure out something that works for you and you do not dread doing. It needs to be a little bit fun for you whether it’s time to yourself so you can just think or you’re listening to a really good book on tape or whatever it is that you enjoy. it can even be a sport or something else entirely. Just move your body, but you’re never gonna stick to it if it is not desirable, which the treadmill was not my thing for sure I dreaded it every single day. I have no doubt that you will figure out what works for you.

    Quick update! I did a 30 mins walk on treadmill and feel amazing! Thanks for the motivation!

  4. 39 minutes ago, ShoppGirl said:

    For those who don’t have a support group the Baritastic app has a virtual support group. I just got a message that it’s tomorrow. I haven’t tried it but once you have the app you will get the message (probably for next month if I had to guess) you just have to click the link to register. The app is pretty awesome once you figure it out too. I am able to log eberything and see trends and my NP was really glad I had used it and was able to show her all my macros a week at a time at a glance. You can even log your moods and bowel movements. 😂

    It takes a little while to figure out how to create recipes and log them but once you do you just select one serving or a half second at this point and it calculates it all for you. This works wonderfully with the stuff I made extra of and have frozen. Plus once I have added the majority of my recipes it already in there and I don’t have to log it again.

    I wish I had this app in my region, it seems very nice. And I've been people use it on tiktok

  5. Oh God! I just experienced my first foamies attack! I think I ate too fast and didn't chew my food well! I was eating during a video call meeting and got distracted.. I can literally feel the food in my heart 🤣

    To be honest, I am quite happy to finally feel fullness today!

    At Breakfast and lunch and now dinner! I always felt out of place for not feeling "full" well I definitely felt it and I do not want to reach full stage or fullness again .. God I wanna push down the food 😩 ouchy but yay!

  6. 17 minutes ago, ShoppGirl said:

    When I had my sleeve I tried to do the treadmill and absolutely could not stick with it. This time I am walking outside. Not sure if that’s an option for you but it’s so much more entertaining. Things to look at, people to say hello to, and you can go different ways and plus it’s fresh air. It’s also easier on your knees. I also walk a bit inside. For both, headphones help with music and a fitness watch so you can log your progress.

    After my nighttime shower I just put my exercise clothes on and sleep in them. That way when I wake up I am already dressed and I jump up and walk a bit around the house while my coffee is going and chilling over the ice so I can make my “proffee.” It’s just like 15 minutes (started with 5) or so but it’s a good start to my day. Then, I try to do a few minutes a couple more times during the day so I do it when I take my Calcium (I have a recurring alarm to remind me).

    Depending on your job you may be able to do this on breaks. In the evenings, I prepare dinner but then head out to walk, depending on the weather. I am now up to 45 minutes but I started at 15. This one I get sweaty so I shower and put my exercise clothes on again (I have two sets and wash the other one daily) and then I sit down for my dinner and chill with my hubby for a while before it’s bedtime and i start it all again the next morning

    For me, it’s also easier to make a habit of things if I do them everyday, at least for a while. Eventually things will come up so I don’t do it every night, I’m sure but until it’s a habit I do it daily. My goal is 30 minutes a day no matter what but I try to do as much more as I can. The PA (physicians assistant) was at my support group meeting and did a talk one night on fitness and he shared that 90 minutes of exercise a week (15 minutes a day for 6 days of the week) causes a 15% Drop in “all cause mortality.” My surgeon was there and said that surgery actually only creates an 11% change so it’s pretty incredible.

    This takes 25 minutes per day because you want to do a 5 minute warm up and a 5 minute cool down. During the 15 minutes your goal is a zone 2 heart rate. You calculate the zone 2 range by first subtracting your age from 220 that is your MAXIMUM heart rate. Then you multiply that number by 60% that’s the lower number of your range and 70% which is the upper number of our range. The example is a 40 year old. 220 - 40 = 180 (MAX).
    180 X 60% = 108 and 180 X 70% = 126. The zone 2 heart rate range for this person is between 108 - 126 beats per minute. (The fitness watch will tell you your heart rate so you can check

    You can do it at the gym if that works better for you and you can of course break it into three 30 minute sessions instead of daily if you choose as long as you get 90 minutes per week minimum. Once I can add strength training I may actually do it this way and do my weights on the other days. For now I’m just worrying about the cardio part.

    I can tell you though, it is so absolutely worth it. Since I have been doing the exercise I feel incredible. My energy has increased tremendously and my mood is so much better. It’s an all around good thing and not that hard, really, once you set your mind to it and get a few days under your belt it gets easier. I have been very sedentary for YEARS and I can’t believe I didn’t start this exercise thing sooner. It’s seriously pretty great!!

    Ooh and I was told the same thing for weights. At 6 weeks I can lift more than 10 pounds but not weights. Especially if I didn’t lift them before surgery and would be straining. Even at two months I’m supposed to slowly work my way up but I think that’s probably advisable for anyone whether they had surgery or not.

    Walking outside is not a very good option right now as the temperatures are over 35-45 degrees (middle east tings) but "winter" is around the corner so I'll be happy to do outside walks then! Tbh I am not idle during the day but like I can do more for sure. I try to not ask for help (nanny or son) and just should it myself to get in some extra steps.. but I really wanna push myself to do the treadmill 3x a week. I love how u sleep in ur workout clothes hahaha! It will work for me to workout in the mornings before I start work on the 16th then it will have to be after work.

    I totally know what u mean about being more energetic after workouts. It does make u feel great! I will do it!

  7. 5 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

    Had my one month post op appointment today and I showed her my food tracking summary of all my macros and told her what I’ve been doing on my fitness and she was very please. Said my weight loss is excellent and my food choices are perfect. She wants me to increase a little bit to add a little more Protein and carbs because I’m so active now but other than that everything is fine. I cannot believe how amazing I feel you guys. I have not had this level of energy since I was a teenager and I’m not just eating but ENJOYING foods that I never liked before!! The fresh ingredients is seriously the trick. It’s more work but it makes things taste so much better.

    I love this! Happy 1 month! Proud of u n let's keep going..

  8. 1 hour ago, ShoppGirl said:

    @Justarwaxx I am so glad you got the reassurance that you need. It’s funny because everyone has heard of the “bypass” or WLS but when you talk about WLS or any type people always lump them all into one group and most people call them all the bypass (unless they are an actual patient but even then most aren’t real familiar with all of the surgeries in terms of specifics). Some people, even educated ones, don’t know anything other than it makes you lose weight. I had a Doctor (not a medical Doctor thank God) ask me if I was worried i wouldn’t lose all of my weight why I didn’t just ask them to take more out!’ Like all things in life until you have a reason to know you just don’t know.

    Yes I'm so glad! Exactly it is pretty funny and I need to remember that whenever someone comments..my sister does that too she thinks I should already be skinny by now! 3 weeks post op! Let's just hide till we reach our goal weight lol

  9. 18 hours ago, Justarwaxx said:

    Thank you so much :( I tried not to let her effect me because she clearly had no experience at all!

    Tomorrow I also have a call from the nurse incharge for all bariatric patients so I'll have a good chat with her and yes the dietician is experienced with WLS patients.

    I don't know why it shows bypass balloon! I had the gastric bypass. I think I picked the wrong one by mistake teehee. I'll edit it later!

    I'll keep a mental note to myself always to never ever compare 😫

    Finally had a call with the nurse incharge and she just put my mind at ease! She told me to "chill" and that I am doing everything right!! She said don't forget u did the bypass and many of the comments and comparsion I've been getting and doing is towards gastric sleeve patients. She said everything I'm experiencing is right and to not panic about calories because I am definitely not over eating! Focus on Protien and avoid sugar!

    Teehee nothing new but felt good hearing it from her! Phew

  10. 11 minutes ago, ShoppGirl said:

    Oh good. Sounds like you should get some answers soon about what you are doing. I was second guessing my calories today and my good friend said as long as you are losing as much as they expect you to, stick with what you are doing!! That made so much sense. Not sure why it took someone else to even tell me that because it’s obvious. Don’t fix what isn’t broken.

    Exactly!!! We have such high expectations so it'd only natural that we want to make sure we achieve them! And we will! I can't wait to c us in the near future and I can't wait to leave the 100kgs and go into the 90s! That's my first small goal! I hid my scale so I won't check my weight till my doctors app hehe.

  11. 19 minutes ago, ShoppGirl said:

    You poor thing doing this without much guidance from your team. First of all, DO NOT let anyone give you advise who is not a medical professional or someone who had your surgery. Who knows what they are comparing it to. For one thing most people thing all the surgeries are a Bypass and they are all the same, and second who knows how far out this person was. On top of that, liquids pretty much go right through once the swelling goes down. One month post sleeve i Was practical bacK to drinking my normal one gallon of fluids which is twice what they recommend as a goal!! This time it’s really not a good comparison since they didn’t operate on my stomach but I am up to 3/4 cup of food per meal. My book says 1/2-3/4 cup. All I know is that I feel fantastic. I am losing at a steady pace and exercising too which I never did before. I know it’s hard not to compare but honestly we should take everyone’s advice with a grain of salt because your doctor is the only one who knows all about you and your circumstances as well as your surgery. Make sure that your nutritionist has worked with bariatric patients before or you will most likely be wasting your time though. Did you call and ask your team if they can get you in sooner??

    Corrected to add actually I just realized you did not have a sleeve or bypass either. Honestly you need to get advise from someone who had your surgery. We can cheer you on and relate to many parts of all of this but I know I for one am not very familiar with your surgery at all.

    Thank you so much :( I tried not to let her effect me because she clearly had no experience at all!

    Tomorrow I also have a call from the nurse incharge for all bariatric patients so I'll have a good chat with her and yes the dietician is experienced with WLS patients.

    I don't know why it shows bypass balloon! I had the gastric bypass. I think I picked the wrong one by mistake teehee. I'll edit it later!

    I'll keep a mental note to myself always to never ever compare 😫

  12. Sigh! I had a coffee meeting with a client who I never met before and we sort of talked about my surgery and when she knew I had the surgery she was SHOCKED that I was able to finish my ice coffee faster than she did and I was actually able to stomach it. She started to say I shouldn't be able too and bla bla... her advices were based on what she saw close friends go through and it just made me go through more anxiety than what I've been going through because I've been feeling like how come I can stomach more foods than most of you? Many say I couldn't eat this and that and here I am eating! Obviously I ain't eating like I used too but being able to finish my tiny bowl makes me feel guilty! My husband told me to snap out of it becayse I am definitely not over eating :((( I need to stop comparing myself to others..

    P.s. I booked a session with a dietitian from a private hospital just saw I can have a one on one! As I can't wait till the 16th to meet with my doctor

  13. On 9/3/2024 at 4:59 PM, Bypass2Freedom said:

    Prior to my WLS I remember having this overwhelming feeling of pressure & guilt all mixed into one, because I felt lazy - why couldn't I just go to the gym and make a change for myself? And that feeling of pressure and negativity just stunned me into doing nothing.

    I swore that post-WLS I would do my everything to never be like that, yet here I am - yes I am losing weight, I am eating better, but I have been to the gym like 5 times in 2 months...why can't I just do it?

    I feel like I am really just putting a lot of pressure on myself right now, but I just think I need to make a change and get into better habits.

    Sorry guys - just needed to vent! Anyone else struggle with this kind of thing?

    I know how you feel! I was hoping I'd be more active but tbh I just made realistic short goals

    Like my goal now 3 weeks post op to walk 30 mins 3x aweek

    Then increase the goals slowly.

    I work better with short term goals and also when I'm allowed to go to the gym I'll get a membership for like 1 month then ill def feel guilty for not going but if I have 1 year membership I'll also say I have time. I'll go tomorrow! But that's just me teehee!#

    Don't feel so bad as long as u r sticking to Yr program of eating right! It's 80% food and 20% working out! WE GOT THIS!

  14. 15 hours ago, Farhad said:

    Has anybody else seen weight gain after surgery? I’ve been a little lazy to count my macros or weigh myself daily, but I did today and noticed I’ve gained 3 pounds. It’s so weird.

    When was your ur op? But as I know it is pretty normal as @ShoppGirl mentioned it could be leftover food or Water or if ur aunty flow is around the corner.. I decided to stop weighing weekly and check in 2 weeks at my 1 month post op appointment! And I'm hoping to see a good decrease and avoid disappointment with the daily or weekly checks!

  15. On 9/5/2024 at 10:15 PM, Chatterboxdea said:

    I am one week post op and I am struggling to sleep. I am normally a side sleeper so I think a lot of it is having to sleep on my back… and in socks, which I hate!

    Im doing good getting the fluids I need but I nervous to go back to work next week, because I feel like it will decrease. My biggest issues is that I’m so tired of the after taste of Protein drinks! It makes me not want to drink any!

    Congrats on starting your new life! I think having targets or those bottles with ML writings will help! Like finish 1 litre at work ane the 2nd litre at home!

    Also maybe try diluting the protien shakes?

    U got this!

  16. 13 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

    I have actually been sleeping better. I think it’s because of the exercise BUt, my sleep schedule is off. I stay up later and sleep in ever since the surgery. If I wake up early I have to take a nap. If you are prone to tossing and turning a lot during the night I could see where you may be moving in a few at that hurts a bit and wakes you up though??

    Not at all. I just can't sleep! But I did sleep well yesterday yay. My husband says becauae my body is hungry? Ahh I guess I am just getting to know my body from zero. I need to get nack to my walks. I think it will help for sure

  17. 19 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

    Hey everyone, it’s me again. I woke up early this morning feeling pretty good and refreshed. I think I’m still proud of myself for doing my walk last night. I told my husband that I was proud and I know that it’s not really that big of a deal but it feels huge to me and he reminded me that after my sleeve I never exercised so it is a big deal. When he would mention it I would just tell him what my surgeon said that it’s really a pretty small part of weight loss. I left out the part where he said that it is still important for physical and mental health though. So I guess the fact that I am less that a month out this time and trying a different approach already is a pretty good thing.

    I went to do my grocery pickup this morning and got my supplies for my first week of soft foods which I get to start tomorrow 🎉 I ordered a lot more that I need for sure. The guy just kept adding bags to the trunk and my fridge has never been so full. I got out my book that my Dr gave me and it doesn’t mention a portion size for soft foods. The handout the hospital gave me says 1/2 to 3/4 cup though so I guess I will stick to 1/2 cup to start and make sure that’s okay.

    I just took a little nap since I woke up early and plan to walk again tonight. I have been scouring the Internet for a solution to my shorts riding up. The best thing I can find is to put a boning in the seam so I think I may order some and give that a try. I guess I have to drag out my sewing machine and relearn how to thread it and all that so I’m not sure how long I will procrastinate before I do it. I did order a pair of inexpensive yoga shorts to wear in the mean time and good news is when I measured my waist and hips to get the right size I realized that I have lost two inches in both.

    My only concern I have now is that one incision that’s dented in still. Everyone says that they think It will be fine but i just don’t know I think it’s going to stay like that honestly and worry that when I lost and it’s extra skin it’s going to look even worse. I guess no one but my husband will ever see it but I really wish it would just flatten out

    I hope everyone else is having a wonderful holiday weekend and feeling better and better each day. I know that I am.

    Happy puree stage! It's so much nicer hahaha. I also over bought stuff but they are still surviving in my fridge. I wish I could advice u on the qty but I also read that 1/2 cup is right for now. If u guys read arabic, I would've shown what mine said and we would have a pretty good laugh as it basically says nothing informative teehee but I am surviving and losing the weight!! I wanna fast forward to 6 months

  18. 15 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

    Okay so I feel like I’m the only one posting this weekend but I have to update that I am so proud of myself again. I started my walk for the second night and got like two minutes down the road and it started sprinkling but the rain was picking up and the sky was really dark so I turned around and asked my husband who is the weatherman amongst us and he said yep it’s going to pour. Well my friend who was walking “with me” is in another city so it’s nice where she is and she decided to walk anyways. I said I will talk to you while you walk and see what the weather does here. Well it rained for like 30 minutes then slowed to a sprinkle and I went back out and did my other 25 minutes. I had the perfect excuse to not do it and I waited and did it anyways because I know that it’s not going to become a habit if I’m missing days this soon. I did want to do a little more than 30 minutes tonight but my friend was already home from her one hour and it was muggy after the rain so I didn’t increase the time but still. I did my 30 minutes which I said was going to be my minimum. In the past that rain probably would’ve totally derailed me because I was looking for any excuse to not do it.

    Anyways, I also wanted to say for people a little behind me that it’ doesn’t make a lot of sense to buy new clothes right away. At least not ones that are real fitted. I bought some new track pants and tried them on and they fit great but they don’t have a very elastic waist so when I wore them and tried sitting down to play cards they were pressing in on my abdomen quite a bit which I assume is not a very good thing right now even above or below the incisions. And I threw the tags out so I can’t return it I would because by the time all that is healed I probably will need a smaller size again. My husband said you know I forgot but I’m pretty sure you did the exact same time with the sleeve. Just something to keep in mind for the first size drop.

    And one last thing, I know a few people have mentioned the Baritastic app but I just realized that it has a place to send you reminders for your Vitamins too. It’s sent via notification. Just thought that may help someone.

    Proud of u!!! U going back after the rain stopped shows the new you! I know u can do it and if u miss one, doesn't mean it's game over.. u just go the next day!! U go girl! I think buying one pair or leggings is okay just for comfort but yes make sure it doesn't irritate your incisions!

    I haven't walked for a few days but I've had a few bad nights of spending them in the toilet ahh. I can't wait to understand my stomach again but I was super energetic and cleaned 2 bathrooms so yay me!

  19. 3 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

    I am sooooo anticipating my soft foods beginning on Monday. I have been working on my menu and my grocery cart for a while. This is my menu so far.

    Monday-Snow Crab with skinny scampi sauce and mashed cauliflower

    Tuesday-Turkey Meatballs with peppers and onions (low carb marinara)

    Wednesday-Chili with side of zucchini, butternut squash and onions

    Thursday-Blackened Salmon with Brussel Sprouts

    Friday-Turkey Taco Fillings with fresh Pico and fresh Guacamole

    Saturday-Mahi with Jerk seasoning and green Beans

    Sunday- Black Bean Veggie Burger Patty with carrots


    Monday- MUSH overnight oats (with Protein powder)

    Tuesday- Spinach and onion Skinny Omelette

    Wednesday- Egg salad

    Thursday- Greek yogurt with berries (and Protein powder)

    Friday- tuna salad

    Saturday- squash and onion Skinny Omelette

    Sunday- chicken Salad

    Umm that sounds amazing!!!!!!! I tasted every dish you wrote hahaah

  20. On 8/27/2024 at 5:33 PM, ShoppGirl said:

    Ooh I’m so glad to hear you have some guidance now that makes you feel confident that you are doing what’s expected of you. That makes all the difference in this journey

    I am doing really well. Tonight is my first in person support group meeting and I will be three weeks tomorrow. I feel like I have a pretty good handle on the purée diet now and i get to move to soft foods on Monday. That’s a little more scary for me with being a revision that didn’t not involve them operating on my stomach because I do not have the feeling of that was not a good call like the rest of you do to slow me down. Yet at the same time my intestines still need time to heal so I’ve got to be disciplined and return to food slowly. I am pretty anxious so I may end up getting there a little slower than the rest of you but I guess that’s better than too quickly.

    Don't be in a hurry and do it slowly and see how you feel day by day! I feel soft food is not far off pureed. Just less blending teehee. I wish we had in person meetings, that sounds nice and healthy!

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