Hello everyone my name is terri. This is my first time with lapband talk I have a lot of questions. I want to have this surgery because of health reasons only. I have tried weight watchers, exserise, and even weightloss pills. I have lost and gaind back double what I have lost. I have gaind musle mass and water weight. I realized that I was a diabetic and this was scary to me. Outside of me being a diabedic I have high blood pressure, added weight on my frame causes me pain in my leggs, upper and lower back, and feet. I am on so many meds that cover all thesr elment when I realized that all of it is tied to my weight a least the most of it. I need a doctor that I can trust to see me through this. I have 2 small children that need me around and I want to be thair for them. Is here any one out there that can point me in the right direction.