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  1. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Yay. So excited for you. That was my arrival time too. I had to wake up at 3:30 to drink Gatorade?! I think I would have been up anyways though with so much on my mind. Best of luck tomorrow.
  2. Like
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from Hiddenroses in August Surgery buddies   
    One of my audiobooks I listened to when prepping for this actually recommended it, even for regular food. Just put the food on a saucer plate and use the mug warmer.
  3. Like
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from Hiddenroses in August Surgery buddies   
    Gonna attempt what @Hiddenroses has taught me about tagging and see if I can make it work lol.
    @AndreaJD Hey, I write the fanfics too when I have time. Mostly Star Wars and LotR fanfic, but I have been thinking about a fanfic involving Bucky and Sam for a while. (Not a ship fic, just a fun writing experience.) People make fanfic out to be a terrible thing, but honestly it's what got most of us started in writing.
    As for your question about the surgery not working, I can't speak from that experience YET. (soon, so soon) But I think it is health to remember that everyone is different and everyone will have a different experience.
    @ShoppGirl Thank you for the recipe! I'm going to see what I have available at the grocery store for dairy alternatives. I would prefer not to kill myself immediately after surgery lol! I do agree with AndreaJD that it does sound amazing though, so hopefully I can find something that works for me.
    I struggled yesterday and did not meet my Protein goals on the clear liquid diet. But I survived it and now I'm on to day 2. I have a better plan in mind for meeting my goals today, so hopefully it works out for me. I have to work 2 of my 3 jobs today, and one of them is a grocery store. Pray for me, y'all! lol
  4. Like
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from Onemealplan in Mid-week Checkpoint   
    Today is day 1 of the clear liquid diet to prep for my surgery on Friday! It's... going lol. Definitely harder than I thought it would be, but I'm making it through.
    I'm flabbergasted that we are halfway through August, and my surgery is on the 16th and then 10 days later, I return to school to work on my masters degree. Now I'm wondering what I was thinking. LOL
  5. Like
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from Onemealplan in August Surgery buddies   
    Just checking in for now. I have a lot of posts to catch up on, but that will be when I'm home. Surgery went great, other than starting my period literally 10 minutes before anesthesia came in. I'm having trouble drinking Water, so I will be staying another night in the hospital.
    Now if I could just get the gas pain to leave...
  6. Like
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from Onemealplan in August Surgery buddies   
    Just checking in for now. I have a lot of posts to catch up on, but that will be when I'm home. Surgery went great, other than starting my period literally 10 minutes before anesthesia came in. I'm having trouble drinking Water, so I will be staying another night in the hospital.
    Now if I could just get the gas pain to leave...
  7. Like
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from Onemealplan in Mid-week Checkpoint   
    Today is day 1 of the clear liquid diet to prep for my surgery on Friday! It's... going lol. Definitely harder than I thought it would be, but I'm making it through.
    I'm flabbergasted that we are halfway through August, and my surgery is on the 16th and then 10 days later, I return to school to work on my masters degree. Now I'm wondering what I was thinking. LOL
  8. Like
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Well, I got the phone call. I arrive at the hospital at 5:30 tomorrow morning. It feels surreal. My plan for more Protein today is going better, but it's still a rough time. But by this time tomorrow, it will have all been worth it.
    @Onemealplan Owyn Protein Shakes are actually part of my regimen (not currently because clear liquids). I've been drinking them for a couple of months now. I do like them, just wish there was more variety in flavors. I do wish I could handle the Premier Protein as they have a lot of flavors to vary my diet with.

    ETA: @Pepper_No_Salt I hope you're doing well! Sounds like we are still surgery twins, based on what you said about the pre-op diet. ❤️
  9. Like
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Well, I got the phone call. I arrive at the hospital at 5:30 tomorrow morning. It feels surreal. My plan for more Protein today is going better, but it's still a rough time. But by this time tomorrow, it will have all been worth it.
    @Onemealplan Owyn Protein Shakes are actually part of my regimen (not currently because clear liquids). I've been drinking them for a couple of months now. I do like them, just wish there was more variety in flavors. I do wish I could handle the Premier Protein as they have a lot of flavors to vary my diet with.

    ETA: @Pepper_No_Salt I hope you're doing well! Sounds like we are still surgery twins, based on what you said about the pre-op diet. ❤️
  10. Sad
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from Hiddenroses in August Surgery buddies   
    I unfortunately am very limited in Protein Shake flavors that are available. I'm actually allergic to milk, so all I can have are plant Protein Shakes. So yay for having to have the more expensive, less available flavors. >_>
    I did buy a tape measure this morning when I was running errands so that I can take my measurements! My other tape measure, uh.... really put in perspective how big I was because it wouldn't go around me. Depressing but also motivating to know that I am doing the right thing for me.
    Hopefully, I move to being able to have 'cream of' Soups when I get home. Though there are concerns about how much surgery they will actually be doing as I do have endometriosis. So the hope is that it hasn't spread since my last endo surgery 15 years ago, and therefore they don't have to deal with that particular complication. I am nervous about the hernia repair. I know it's common, but it's just one more thing to go through. I've been prepping myself for the bypass, not the hernia repair. LOL
  11. Like
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from Pepper_No_Salt in August Surgery buddies   
    Hi, WoW roleplayer and fellow ND here. You are always welcome to jump in the middle of my conversations. ❤️
    In all seriousness, I hope things work out for you to get your surgery as planned.
  12. Thanks
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from Hiddenroses in August Surgery buddies   
    All of this is super helpful! Thank you so much.
    I too am a fantasy/supernatural writer, though I haven't taken the time to write in a while. I may try to do NaNoWriMo again this year, we'll see. As for WoW, I keep returning strictly for the RP (though I am hoping the new expansion truly brings some life back to the actual game itself). We will see. I know it releases while I'm post-op, but unless I'm feeling truly up to it, I may wait before jumping into it. My guild knows I'm going on a medical hiatus and will return when I feel like I am ready to return. What server did you play on? I've been on Cho'gall, Arygos, and Wyrmrest Accord. I have toons on other servers, but those were/are the three I've been guilded and active on.
    And thank you for telling me how to tag people! I just do quotes and respond to posts because I couldn't figure that out (and because my brain needs to focus on one thing at a time lol). But I hope they get you in for testing soon! As someone who was diagnosed as an adult, it was a bit of a mixed blessing for me. I always knew I was "weird" and finally understood why. But then I had to look back and process all the times in my life where things could have been different had we known when I was a child.
    I hope your post-op appointment goes fantastically!
  13. Like
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Well, I got the phone call. I arrive at the hospital at 5:30 tomorrow morning. It feels surreal. My plan for more Protein today is going better, but it's still a rough time. But by this time tomorrow, it will have all been worth it.
    @Onemealplan Owyn Protein Shakes are actually part of my regimen (not currently because clear liquids). I've been drinking them for a couple of months now. I do like them, just wish there was more variety in flavors. I do wish I could handle the Premier Protein as they have a lot of flavors to vary my diet with.

    ETA: @Pepper_No_Salt I hope you're doing well! Sounds like we are still surgery twins, based on what you said about the pre-op diet. ❤️
  14. Like
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from Pepper_No_Salt in August Surgery buddies   
    Hi, WoW roleplayer and fellow ND here. You are always welcome to jump in the middle of my conversations. ❤️
    In all seriousness, I hope things work out for you to get your surgery as planned.
  15. Like
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Well, I got the phone call. I arrive at the hospital at 5:30 tomorrow morning. It feels surreal. My plan for more Protein today is going better, but it's still a rough time. But by this time tomorrow, it will have all been worth it.
    @Onemealplan Owyn Protein Shakes are actually part of my regimen (not currently because clear liquids). I've been drinking them for a couple of months now. I do like them, just wish there was more variety in flavors. I do wish I could handle the Premier Protein as they have a lot of flavors to vary my diet with.

    ETA: @Pepper_No_Salt I hope you're doing well! Sounds like we are still surgery twins, based on what you said about the pre-op diet. ❤️
  16. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to Onemealplan in August Surgery buddies   
    Please take that as a blessing! It’s the worst not being able to intake liquids as recommended and feel behind. It just means your body is healing well and making progress. Your stomach is enjoying why it’s been fed.
  17. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to Onemealplan in August Surgery buddies   
    Hi! Sorry to drop in the conversation but I heard Owin Protein Shakes are pretty good. Maybe try one of those.
  18. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    I am not sure what your post surgery diet is but mine allows part skim ricotta And low fat mozzarella as well as low calorie marinara. The parmasen she used I did not add to mine.
  19. Like
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from SimplyShining in August Surgery buddies   
    I work 3 jobs. Based on the physical needs of one of them and the fact that I don't get regular breaks (it's retail, could you tell?), my doctor is putting me off for 2 months on that one. My other two jobs are both sedentary and both WFH, but he is still insisting I take a full 2 weeks off. I'm trying to work out an arrangement with my boss where I am off for a week and then can flex schedule the next week, clocking out whenever I need time to rest or whathaveyou.
  20. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    There are so many different recipes online and even on this site if you really want one but honestly I just went by my taste preference. This one is a single serving using a ramekin. She uses Parmesan cheese In the ricotta mixture and eliminates the mozzarella but I never tried it that way. It will give you the basic portions though. https://bariatricbits.com/single-serve-baked-ricotta/
  21. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    I didn’t have any issues getting my fluid goals right away and was drinking pretty big sips in the hospital with my sleeve. They said I just didn’t have as much swelling as many people do. They said to me just because you can do it doesn’t mean you should do it. You want to get used to slowing down and taking smaller sips because when it’s more solid food and it’s bites you will feel your restriction and one bite too many will be the difference between full and vomiting. And just so it doesn’t scare you I lost plenty of weight with my sleeve. It worked fine until I let the bad choices slip back in so don’t worry about that.
  22. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to AndreaJD in August Surgery buddies   
    So here's my concern. I am able to drink and have Jello and popsicles just fine. I'm taking it easy because I don't want to overdo it, but shouldn't I be having a harder time getting it down? I bet all of you have the same history as me, diet after diet that didn't work or only worked for a while until eventually the weight came back and brought all its friends so I weighed even more. So I'm feeling concerned that maybe the surgery didn't work. I know that's not true, but... Is anyone else not having a problem getting liquids down?
    I guess I need y'all to talk me off the ledge a little here.
  23. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to AndreaJD in August Surgery buddies   
    Yay, @Singingbarista! I was just reading through the new messages before sending a post to check on you, my MultiCare twin! So glad to hear you're home and doing well. Yeah, those naps are great.
  24. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to AndreaJD in August Surgery buddies   
    @draikaina8503 and @Hiddenroses, its so cool that you're writers! I have been writing Captain America \ Avengers fan fiction (IDK why but that feels like such an embarrassing secret) for a few years now. I did write a novel the year I did NaNoWriMo, which I intend to do some serious editing and enhancing on some time. (Not fan fiction.) The fan fic is kind of a writing exercise. I'm toward the end of a kind of epic story and when its done I'm going to return to original work and stop the fan fic. But its been fun.
    Hopefully, Ill get some serious work done on it while I'm recovering.
  25. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Glad you are home and it sound like feeling pretty little pain.. I may have some questions for you about your gallbladder surgery experience. I had an unexpected removal of mine with my revision and I’m going tomorrow to get some answers I hope but I know absolutely nothing at all about all this. Take your healing time and let us know how you are doing. Then when you are feeling back to normal please let me know so I can pick your brain about that if you do not mind.

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