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    draikaina8503 reacted to Justarwaxx in August Surgery buddies   
    I spoke to one before I was discharged and she told me the most basic stuff
    1 week clear fluids
    1 week fuller fluids
    4 weeks purees
    Then some examples of food to have during each stage.
    Qtys are like cup wise but no mention of calories anywhere.
    I am currently on full liquids so I'd have a protien shake premade or powder using almond milk or normal milk + frozen Berries
    Greek yogurt low fat non flavored
    And I made a oat and chicken chicken Soup which I blended and I have q cup of it a day.
    I did call the dietitian today and she said just eat healthy and I am eating right
    No mention of calories 😭😭😭 I am literally fetching info on this website or tiktok and just going eith it with the knowledge I got.
  2. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Every team has their own calorie requirements for each stage. Did they have you speak to a nutritionist? What are you “eating” in a typical day?
  3. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Please be careful. You are still very early out from surgery. I know that some of it is your circumstances but the last thing you want is to harm yourself. This is a pretty major surgery. The incisions on the outside are deceiving, the inside requires a lot more healing time. I am off all of my pain meds too and was trying to play tough guy at a week out driving myself and all of that but the NP had to tell me to slow down. This is not a race. I am two weeks out now and today will my first big outing to my crochet group where basically I drive 30 minutes and sit in a chair for a couple of hours then drive back and I’m a bit nervous if Im being honest after realizing that just going to the dr and then grocery pickup 5 minutes down the road took it out of me a few days ago. Just be certain to listen to your body and ask for help if you need it.
  4. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    I haven’t had anything like that with any of my surgeries I would call the Doctor.
  5. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to Justarwaxx in August Surgery buddies   
    Hi 👋 aww so sweet of u to follow up! Yes today is day 8 and I'm on fuller liquids but I feel so lost 😢 I literally have no communication with the any of the team in the hospital.. I have so many questions and I don't even know who to contact 🙃 I had a panic attack yesterday because I felt like I've actually consuming quite the calories..so I was wondering if that's OK since we are still in the liquid phases? By quite the calories, I mean less thank 1k a day. I really don't know what to do or expect. I will Try to ring the hospital today for some more insight.

    Hope you do better with your protien intake! It's all learning from here!
  6. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Does anyone else get white chunks on their tongue from the Protein Drinks? If I’m out and don’t brush after each one I get this and it’s pretty disgusting. I asked the NP during my appt and made sure it’s not like thrush or anything I really think it had to be the Protein. Doesn’t seem to happen with the premiere Protein Shake i do in the mornings but it does with the core power and the protein 2.0 drinks. Guess I may have to do premiere if I’m out and can’t easily brush even though I don’t love them without coffee mixed in. It’s always something it seems.
  7. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to Hiddenroses in August Surgery buddies   
    Oh - just remembered I kept meaning to say this to you @draikaina8503 - I was given a small foaming pump style bottle of the Hibiclens and have just been using a couple pumps of it on my incision area like they had me do Pre-surgery (I accidently had said post surgery previously)
  8. Like
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Hello all, I'll get caught up and respond soon. But... did anyone else develop hypersensitive skin post-op? I have two blisters forming near one of my incisions, and I just noticed the skin around my CGM sensor (the thing that monitors my blood sugar without sticking my finger all the time) is also developing a blister. I just noticed these things in the last couple of hours, and I'm wondering if I should say something to the doctor or if this might be kind of normal?
  9. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to RRenaeL23 in August Surgery buddies   
    Thank you Hidden Roses! Today marks my one week post op day. I was able to get a mile and a half walk in this morning although it took about 45 minutes but I am okay with that and plan to keep moving forward. So far I haven't had any major cravings other than wanting grapes and plums which I can't have at this stage. I have been trying different smoothies and I recently purchased from Clean Simple Eats. You do need to read the labels on some of their products but I am satisified with their smoothie packets. Fairmilk has been a great substitue when I am wanting something new. Looking forward to my post surgery appointment next week and being able to start my soft/pureed foods.
    My starting date in March 2022 was 281lbs. I completed the move program through the Department of Veterans Affairs and lost 43.3lbs. My gastric sleeve surgery weight on August 14, 2024, was 245.7lbs and my current weight as of this morning is 235lbs.
    Wishing all a great day and awesome journey.
  10. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    @Hiddenroses that GENEPRO is the one I was asking about. I have it and mixed it in pudding and I couldn’t taste it but I wasn’t sure how to mix into hot things. You say to mix with Water first, huh? It’s a tiny scoop compared to most powdered Protein so one scoop is not really as much as your thinking I bet. When we get to more normal portions we may be able to add more than one scoop even but I’m not sure about how much it would change the texture.

    Has everyone else discovered protein waters yet. They were obviously handy in the liquid stage and full liquids when you get sick of shakes but even now in purée they are good since we are not consuming enough food to get all of our protein. I try to have a drink after each meal and they are 20g protein so that combined witb the 5-10g I get in my 1/4 cup serving is pretty much 30 average per meal (my breakfast shake in my profeee is 30 by itself. My goal is 72-108g so around 90 is good I figured.
  11. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    @draikaina8503 I’m so sorry to hear about your incidence with your dog. That sounds really painful. I can’t believe you are walking for ten minutes at a time already at 4 well now 5 days out. I suppose I probably could but haven’t been pushing myself to do it. I need to get my butt moving. I totally get you’re wanting to shower with someone there. Since I was at the hospital a little longer I was allowed to shower when I went home. I asked the dr and took my first shower at the hospital before I left. The nurse was totally not happy about it and didn’t try to hide it but I wanted to know I was there if something happened and I wanted the, to put my binder back on because they did it real snug and it felt so much better. Since then I’ve taken a few showers but the first few of them were in the evenings when I’m not alone. I have steri strips on my main incisions but I had a bandaids covering the hole that the drain left and there came open In the shower and the incision was still open and I was glad someone was there. I didn’t want to be bending and twisting and all that while I found another band aide and my anxiety made me freak our that the dirty Water got inside it and it was going to be infected so he talked me down from that. Well sorta. I had an appt the next day and I asked the NP to look at it and clean it just in case. 😉

    For those of you trying to figure out a morning schedule one thing to consider is having proffee for Breakfast. Then you can rehydrate without having to wait and take meds and Vitamins whenever. I have a caramel shake with like 1/2 cup coffee over ice. (Decaf for now) and it’s pretty delicious. Play with the measurements if that’s too sweet but it’s an option.
  12. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to Hiddenroses in August Surgery buddies   
    Hello everyone - checking in and feeling kind of lousy post morning routine - as I seem to sometimes feel for about an hour after every 'meal'. I'm sure this will get easier with time; I hate this puree stage though and I hate not being able to drink 30 mins before and after meals! Everything wants to stick on its way down. Ugh. So - #1 - Protein powder!

    My nutritionist suggested an unflavored Protein Powder called GENEPRO. It's even lactose, GMO, and gluten free. I ordered it on Amazon this morning. The description states it can even be used in place of flour and that it should be mixed with room temperature fluids before being added to other items. So - I'm going to give it a try. It's only 11g of protein per serving but if coupled with protein rich foods like ricotta, low fat cottage cheese, or zero sugar yogurt I think it just might do the trick to help me meet my protein goals. Here's hoping!

    @draikaina8503 - Oh my gosh, my heart goes out to you and your sweet, confused furbaby! That sounds absolutely AWFUL. I'm so terribly sorry you ended up in that pain as a result of an overly eager, loving pup. I hope you managed to bring it back down to a tolerable level and that no long term damage was done! I know that I slept terribly last night between two doses of Milk of Magnesia working their way through my system, having heartburn, and the tugging/sharp pain that would shoot up from my left side in a brief flare when I moved wrong. I did some research and I'm pretty sure what I'm experiencing is from the stitch they used to keep my stomach 'in place' and that it will loosen some over time. I'm trying to work on posture and wanted to let you know I got to thinking of what other people have mentioned on here and thought of that pillow you talked about being given! I hugged my own round support pillow against my abdomen at one point finally and *poof* relief. So, thank you, again!!

    So today is surgery day, I believe, for @Averdra and @caseyash30 - Bidding you both the best of experiences and hopefully minimally painful recoveries! Remember, walk walk walk, ask for ice, and sip SO slowly. Be cautious about laying at any kind of incline until after you've had a good burp or two, or at least 'feel' the Fluid trickle down! The posture you're in when you sip can make a HUGE difference - try to put your shoulders back and keep your spine as straight as you can manage - it helps! I strongly suggest staying ahead of your pain, and also staying ahead of constipation! If you get to day TWO with no bowel movement, take a dose of Milk of Magnesia - especially if you're also taking narcotics! (Obviously with doctor's ok! )

    Also, your date must be coming up, @Ladygrey, I'm guessing? Sorry if I missed you posting the date! How are you doing, @Justarwaxx ? You're about a week out now, I believe? @Farhad - Also sending you the best and wonder if you're at purees yet? (I may have missed a post!)

    I also wanted to toss a message out there to @Mandalynne ! Maybe I've missed your posts, but you had your surgery on the 14th, right?? How you doing over there? I hope the Finch is still helping you out! I have my Water goals on there and also assigned myself the task 3x day to do my Baritastic app entries, as well as take my Vitamins (separate from also taking my Calcium since I can't take the Iron & Calcium together) I would absolutely be at a loss without that app and am SO grateful it's free. Let me know if you want to add me on there - it doesn't share personal information but lets your added 'Friends' send and receive cute little good vibes from your Birb. Only mentioning in case you didn't know, a friend had to tell me and once I started interacting with friends my dopamine boosts went up tremendously because I wanted to be able to dress up my Birb to go visit others.

    I'm so sorry if I missed responding to you in the chaos - I'm curious how your pain management is going and if you found an alternative to narcotics for your recovery? I'm in a limbo state myself with pain management right now - I have chronic pain conditions that were previously treated with an opioid by my primary care doctor but even though I stretched what was given to me by my surgeon I'm having trouble managing my chronic pain plus recovery. I thought of you and your question as I'm trying to mainly handle things with Tylenol myself right now, and lots of ice packs. It's rough and I agree - this is probably one of the hardest things I've EVER done.

    Welcome, @RRenaeL23, and congratulations on your surgery! How are you doing now? Are you still on liquids? How goes the pain / protein / fluid goals? Good job on denying yourself the fruit - you might pick up some sugar free popsicles to help when those cravings hit in case you don't always feel up for a walk! Also - I haven't taken the time to update my tag in quite a while, either, and I really need to. Oh well, limited chair time still for me! I'll get to it!

    That's all from me for now - thinking of you all, whether I tagged you here or not! I tried to do another recap of the thread from top to bottom and apologize for not having taken the time in this post to respond to everyone I've missed along the way. I'm working on it!
  13. Sad
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from Hiddenroses in August Surgery buddies   
    Well, last night was.... bad. My dog came out of nowhere and jumped on me, his paw hitting right over a set of staples. 85lbs of "I just want to love you!" turned into absolute misery. It was 7am before I could finally fall asleep between that and suddenly having diarrhea, which I don't know if they were related or what. I didn't have anything that I wasn't supposed to have, so I'm not sure what caused the latter symptom. Anyway, it's been a day of sleeping on and off to catch up on last night. My cuddlebug of a dog doesn't understand why he can't be on mama currently.
    I don't know if it's because of the pain or the diarrhea, but I definitely did not feel as good today as I had been. Walking even five minutes at a time felt like I had run a marathon, whereas before I was able to easily walk in ten minute increments. (I probably could have easily gone fifteen minutes, but I didn't want to overdo it.)
    Tonight, I came up with the idea of thinning my vanilla pudding with half of a premade vanilla Protein Shake. It worked! I'm still eating on it slowly, but I'm glad to find that my random idea was actually good for something. LOL
    Glad to hear your adventurous egg salad seems to have gone well! I'm looking forward to having even just plain tuna at this point. 7 more days to go on the liquid diet for me, though I may personally extend it a little longer. I know I'm doing my best, but I am concerned that I'm not already meeting goals. (Yes, I know, I had surgery on Friday and the goal is to build up to it.)
    I'm really glad the doc doesn't think the cramping is a blood clot. It is definitely something for all of us to keep an eye on and definitely be annoying about. I tend to err on the side of "if it gets worse, I'll call" but I know that won't work with the RYGB recovery.
    Your potential dumping with teriyaki sauce makes me extremely sad. Oriental foods of all kinds are literally my favorite things ever. I knew I would have to really moderate them a whole lot after surgery, but I was sure hoping they wouldn't cause dumping. Maybe if we make our own teriyaki sauce, we can avoid it?
    I may try to take an actual shower on Thursday after what you said about warm Water. I want to make sure my husband is available to help me, just in case. He works as a 911 dispatcher, so he wasn't actually able to take off work to help me at home. But he's being as supportive as he can and helping as much as he can when he is here. So that's just my own personal precaution - waiting for him to be around. I wasn't given a special soap for washing post-op. Just told to let the water and soap run over the incisions and such without actually scrubbing at them. Did they give you another round of hibicleans?
    I'm sorry the oatmeal sat wrong with your tummy this morning. I hope you got relief over the course of the day. But I definitely feel you on the eyeballing my Protein goals. I know my stomach is still recovering, but part of me feels like I have to have those goals met NOW. I am glad that the ice chip thing helped you out!
    Kudos to you for creating a routine. I should with my autism and ADHD just so I have less things to screw up on lol. But I've really just been trying to relax and take it one day at a time, each day. Your routine sounds really nice and doable. Might have to borrow a few steps of that when I'm feeling less bleh.
    I do totally agree with what you are saying about remaining upright. I have to stay that way even with water. Any other liquid? I'm fine. Water and food? Yep, no incline for at least fifteen minutes.
    I was actually surprised that my doctor didn't send me home with Lovenox injections. I kind of thought that was standard procedure for most post-op situations now. But I guess that is how he emphasizes to make sure I'm moving around.
    The only flavor of Protein20 in this city is a berry flavor, or a cotton candy with caffeine in it. And my doc is very strict - no caffeine until six months post-op. I didn't realize they had caffeine when I bought them. So I guess I'll just leave them on my pantry shelf until that time rolls around. They seem to have a decently long shelf life. Did you get other flavors from Amazon?
    Welcome to the forums and to your new life! I hope you are recovering well from your sleeve surgery.
    Good on you for choosing a walk instead of falling into temptation. It's been hard on me, but I've managed to not stumble so far. And I know what could happen if I do, so that should be enough to keep me on the straight and narrow.

  14. Sad
    draikaina8503 got a reaction from Hiddenroses in August Surgery buddies   
    Well, last night was.... bad. My dog came out of nowhere and jumped on me, his paw hitting right over a set of staples. 85lbs of "I just want to love you!" turned into absolute misery. It was 7am before I could finally fall asleep between that and suddenly having diarrhea, which I don't know if they were related or what. I didn't have anything that I wasn't supposed to have, so I'm not sure what caused the latter symptom. Anyway, it's been a day of sleeping on and off to catch up on last night. My cuddlebug of a dog doesn't understand why he can't be on mama currently.
    I don't know if it's because of the pain or the diarrhea, but I definitely did not feel as good today as I had been. Walking even five minutes at a time felt like I had run a marathon, whereas before I was able to easily walk in ten minute increments. (I probably could have easily gone fifteen minutes, but I didn't want to overdo it.)
    Tonight, I came up with the idea of thinning my vanilla pudding with half of a premade vanilla Protein Shake. It worked! I'm still eating on it slowly, but I'm glad to find that my random idea was actually good for something. LOL
    Glad to hear your adventurous egg salad seems to have gone well! I'm looking forward to having even just plain tuna at this point. 7 more days to go on the liquid diet for me, though I may personally extend it a little longer. I know I'm doing my best, but I am concerned that I'm not already meeting goals. (Yes, I know, I had surgery on Friday and the goal is to build up to it.)
    I'm really glad the doc doesn't think the cramping is a blood clot. It is definitely something for all of us to keep an eye on and definitely be annoying about. I tend to err on the side of "if it gets worse, I'll call" but I know that won't work with the RYGB recovery.
    Your potential dumping with teriyaki sauce makes me extremely sad. Oriental foods of all kinds are literally my favorite things ever. I knew I would have to really moderate them a whole lot after surgery, but I was sure hoping they wouldn't cause dumping. Maybe if we make our own teriyaki sauce, we can avoid it?
    I may try to take an actual shower on Thursday after what you said about warm Water. I want to make sure my husband is available to help me, just in case. He works as a 911 dispatcher, so he wasn't actually able to take off work to help me at home. But he's being as supportive as he can and helping as much as he can when he is here. So that's just my own personal precaution - waiting for him to be around. I wasn't given a special soap for washing post-op. Just told to let the water and soap run over the incisions and such without actually scrubbing at them. Did they give you another round of hibicleans?
    I'm sorry the oatmeal sat wrong with your tummy this morning. I hope you got relief over the course of the day. But I definitely feel you on the eyeballing my Protein goals. I know my stomach is still recovering, but part of me feels like I have to have those goals met NOW. I am glad that the ice chip thing helped you out!
    Kudos to you for creating a routine. I should with my autism and ADHD just so I have less things to screw up on lol. But I've really just been trying to relax and take it one day at a time, each day. Your routine sounds really nice and doable. Might have to borrow a few steps of that when I'm feeling less bleh.
    I do totally agree with what you are saying about remaining upright. I have to stay that way even with water. Any other liquid? I'm fine. Water and food? Yep, no incline for at least fifteen minutes.
    I was actually surprised that my doctor didn't send me home with Lovenox injections. I kind of thought that was standard procedure for most post-op situations now. But I guess that is how he emphasizes to make sure I'm moving around.
    The only flavor of Protein20 in this city is a berry flavor, or a cotton candy with caffeine in it. And my doc is very strict - no caffeine until six months post-op. I didn't realize they had caffeine when I bought them. So I guess I'll just leave them on my pantry shelf until that time rolls around. They seem to have a decently long shelf life. Did you get other flavors from Amazon?
    Welcome to the forums and to your new life! I hope you are recovering well from your sleeve surgery.
    Good on you for choosing a walk instead of falling into temptation. It's been hard on me, but I've managed to not stumble so far. And I know what could happen if I do, so that should be enough to keep me on the straight and narrow.

  15. Thanks
    draikaina8503 reacted to JennyBeez in What does "full" feel like in our new stomachs?   
    5 mo post-op (bypass) here, and I still don't get any full -- nor hungry -- feelings. I can feel certain foods leave me with a sensation of heaviness about an hour after eating -- or if I'm eating something that's too dry or not the right texture for my stomach, I can usually feel that after a few bites around mid-chest level.

    My team has assured me numerous times that eventually my body will relearn itself, and start sending hunger and full signals again. (I think they're mainly trying to warn me not to rely on the lack of hunger, lol). Anyway, because of all that I find I have to be a little extra careful about portion sizes because my body is not going to tell me anything unless it's too late and I'm throwing up.

    At this stage, I'd suggest going with the minimal servings your plan suggests. You can always supplement by 'eating more' an hour or two later -- but you can't 'eat less' once it's past your lips.
  16. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to AmberFL in What does "full" feel like in our new stomachs?   
    I am 7 months post op and I eat because I know I need to lol, I will feel hunger in the morning before my profee but other than that, its more just sustaining my energy throughout the day. I am psychotic and actually pre-track my day the day before, I meal prep so I only eat what my plan says (plus a little more- I need it to sustain my workouts) and will have everything that my macros fits. I still get cravings though that has never gone away.
    I get the same feeling that @JennyBeez gets, feeling of getting stuck in the middle of my chest or right above my belly button, but it subsides after 30min or so. I don't eat the slowest since most of my meals are on the go. Its rare I get to sit down and enjoy my food- even dinner. Just follow your plan and make sure your eating where you have energy and the rest will follow.
  17. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to NickelChip in What does "full" feel like in our new stomachs?   
    I think pre-tracking and meal prep are great strategies. It's like making a grocery list before going shopping. When you know what you need and have a plan for your day, you increase the likelihood that you will do what you intend to do (stay on track, buy the right foods, etc.). When you leave it up to making a quick decision in the moment, that's when things go awry.
  18. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in What does "full" feel like in our new stomachs?   
    I agree. Was thinking the same thing that it’s a good strategy to avoid eating bad because your out and hungry.
  19. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to AmberFL in What does "full" feel like in our new stomachs?   
    oh yes! I left things for quick decisions last Friday and it was not pretty LOL I strive on structure otherwise I feel upside down LOL
  20. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to RRenaeL23 in August Surgery buddies   
    Tomorrow, I will be one week out. So far I have been doing well. Today I really wanted to eat grapes and some plums but I am still on the full liquid meal plan, so I went for a walk instead. 😀 My first post-op follow up is next week, then hopefully I will advance to the puréed meal plan. Hopefully, your recovery will become less challenging.

    Trying to figure out how to add my information and pre-op pictures.
  21. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Thank you and Good call to do the walk. I wish I could handle the heat so I could start walking outside. I’m hoping as I drop a little more weight I can.

    When you get to purées you have to Google ricotta bake. It’s like lasagna without noodles but it’s so good just make sure if your marinara has chunks you purée it first
    To add some of the information you can’t be on a phone. Not sure if you are on a computer but it’s easier.
  22. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Hello. What stage are you on? How is it going?! I am 13 days out. Post SADI revision surgery. My recovery has been a little more challenging that it was when I did my sleeve.
  23. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    @Pepper_No_Salt are them injections for blood clots? Are you doing them on yourself? I had them in hospital but once a day and they did them in the thigh. I still have cruises. I guess they have their reasons if they said stomach though.
    Did you try the core power shakes. They are made with fairlife. I actually liked them because they are not as thick as some others so they may be a good choice for you right now. They have them at Walmart up front in singles if you wanted to try them. Or Amazon sells 12 packs
  24. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    @draikaina8503 I had a drain with the SADI. Then again it could’ve been because it then gallbladder removal.

    I just came from my doctors office. I woke up with a cramp in my right calf and didn’t think much of it but it was still bugging me at like 2pm and the more I thought about it it’s kinda weird when I didn’t do anything yesterday. Plus it is only on one side.

    Good news is She doesn’t think it’s a blood clot. She ordered an ultrasound to be safe I’m just waiting for them to call me. She thinks it low magnesium. The typical bariatric Vitamins don’t contain it but with SADI we need it I have the SADI specific vitamins but haven’t started them yet because they are higher Iron and I can’t stomach them without being able to eat more food at once. So she called me in an rx for separate magnesium to take until I can take the other rx.
  25. Sad
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Okay. I am not new to the purée diet but I am new to the possibility of dumping. Everything on the list is no sugar that is specific but I am allowed puréed veggies so I thought I would be okay with a few bites of veggies with teriyaki. They have 6g of sugar per serving a glass of 1% milk has 12 g but of course one is natural and one is added. Well I guess the fact that it’s added sugar really does make a big difference because I had like 3 bites and waited to see how I reacted and my face started to feel warm. I don’t even know if that means dumping but it was enough to make me wait. I will start with lower added sugar and work my way up to be sure that I’m not going to dump. If I am going to dump on a tiny bit of added sugar I really hope it’s temporary. Then again I guess it will keep me in line.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
