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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    draikaina8503 reacted to Onemealplan in August Surgery buddies   
    Hey, I hope you’re doing well. How’s your recovery going? Have your wounds healed yet? Mine are completely healed. So stuck on the liquid diet phase man it’s miserable.. of course they’re good and the bad days lol
  2. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to Onemealplan in August Surgery buddies   
    I also had trouble with Constipation on the liquid diet and I’m having the same thing post surgery. I did make a switch over to alkaline Water. They say it’s just better tolerated after surgery. Also I’m taking Miralax to help.
  3. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to Onemealplan in August Surgery buddies   
    Hi everyone! Hope those of you that have had your surgery or are having a great recovery and those are you that are waiting to have yours ready for your new journey!

    I will say it’s been a roller coaster of emotions after surgery . My best advice is do not compare yourself to others! We are all totally different on this journey and everyone will be different and that is from the amount of weight you lose all the way up to the foods that you can tolerate and what you can eat afterwards. My surgery Sisters and I have had different experiences. They were able to have their ice chips right after getting the clearance well as I was struggling to even have half a teaspoon of broth.< br />
    I am now 11 days postop and I am still on basically a clear liquid diet . It’s not fun. It sucks. I’ve gone through being able to have Protein and then my stomach doesn’t tolerate it. I’ve gone through yogurt and then my stomach can’t tolerate it. It’s changing its mind day by day lol. So I’ve been having to try various different things to see what works. For me currently my stomach likes either hot or cold .

    In this journey you’re pretty much learning from a whole different perspective who the new you is. It’s not been easy. It’s a huge challenge! I’ve also learned the difference between feeling hungry and being mentally hungry. I no longer feel hungry, but I crave food that I was once able to eat. Mainly a huge feeling of nostalgia. I understand that eventually I’ll be able to eat those foods and much smaller portions which is why I had the surgery to begin with, but that feeling is still there. And it is very important to understand the difference between that hunger and that mental hunger , especially in the journey that lies ahead.

    Some more vices, make sure you take your medication as the doctor prescribes. When I drink anything, I feel a pain in my chest and a pain in my left shoulder. My doctor says that this is normal. However, the big things to watch out for our fever, nausea, vomiting. Your body is going through a lot. I keep having to tell myself that.

    Don’t expect to pass a bowel movement for a while either . I’m currently taking Miralax to help me through it. I don’t expect to have one, especially just being on a liquid diet. My weight hasn’t changed for the past four days. Don’t be shocked at the fact that you’re not dropping like crazy.

    Like I said, it’s been a heavy journey, very emotional journey, but as always need to just keep my eye on the prize is what I tell myself . This is a journey, not race.

    Wishing you all a safe recovery and hoping those of you that are getting ready for this journey enjoy !
  4. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to Pepper_No_Salt in August Surgery buddies   
    Update: We got it figured out. The hospital had cancelled it because they lost my order to schedule the surgery, I'm not completely surprised. I work on our EHR system and if anything Epic is gonna Epic. They resent the orders and almost immediatly I got my call from the pre-op nurse.😌
  5. Sad
    draikaina8503 reacted to Pepper_No_Salt in August Surgery buddies   
    My surgery got cancelled.
    We have no idea why. I got the notification on my portal app for my health plan so I immediatly contacted my surgeon's office because they have been going forward like I still have one. I was able to check the actual surgery schedule and sure enough I'm not on it.
    I'm beyond angry right now. I put in to have a whole week off of work next week that while I can definetly not take off, half of my team is going out of town for a conference so I would have to reschedule for the end of this month. That also sucks because I've pushed things out to the end of the month because I knew I would be in recovery. Now I have to somehow move them back and push other things. I want to scream.
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    draikaina8503 reacted to Singingbarista in August Surgery buddies   
    @Mandalynne - I'm due in the hospital in 30 minutes! So excited to get my designer plumbing!
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    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Okay so I am 6 days post op and this morning after two days of twice a day stool softeners I finally went!! Never thought I’d be so excited about that. For my sleeve I didn’t take any pain meds so I didn’t have that issue. I was secretly worried this time since they actually rearranged my bowels that something wasn’t back together properly but apparently I’m good. Now I just hope I don’t do that too often because it hurts to wipe with the abdomen pain. 😩
  8. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to Mandalynne in August Surgery buddies   
    @AndreaJD i’m SO glad they still got you in! Good luck and let us know how your recovery goes!! Prayers and good wishes coming your way!!
  9. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    For those of you waiting for surgery another word from the wise. If your nurse suggests that taking your binder off may help with your pain level consider loosening it first before you take it off completely. I took the advise of my nurse and took it off then two nights later his suggestion was to put it back on. Guess which actually helped….tremendously. I went from two pain meds every four hours to one and then to half just because I had that binder back on. At home now I sleep pretty still on my back so I loosen it a bit while I sleep but tighten it before I get up again. It is a personal preference and may not be the answer for everyone but if nothing else is working consider the binder. It worked for me.
  10. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to Hiddenroses in August Surgery buddies   
    I completely understand your chaos and hope your surgery went well today! As to the Constipation question - *absolutely* dealt with that during the liquid diet stage. I'm pretty sure it's the cutting out of almost all sugar and whatever they put in the Protein Shakes that does it. They had me taking 100mg of Colace twice a day during my liquid diet. I wanted to encourage you to ask for ice packs while in the hospital to help you manage your pain! I'm a week post op at home now and seem to have an ice pack against my abdomen probably 20 minutes out of every hour, still. It isn't that I'm hurting horribly, my pain is managed unless I stand for too long (NEVER would have thought merely standing long enough to cook breakfast would be so exhausting) but that ice pack and laying back at an angle is everything relief can be, at least for me personally.

    I'm very surprised I had to actively ASK for ice packs in the hospital; I wouldn't have thought to do so if I hadn't had a friend go through the same surgery and clue me in. Just remember the main thing about these surgeries is that there's a short road from your mouth to your belly afterward, and it has what I call a 'valve' toward the top of your stomach. You literally have to treat your belly like you would a baby and 'burp' yourself - walking helps, sitting upright and taking small sips, then rocking back and forth helps - but do NOT try to add more Fluid until the tightness in your chest is relieved by a burp.

    It's like pumping gas into a car or like I said - burping a baby. There's a short tube from mouth to stomach and it only holds a few ounces. Until you burp and that tightness around your chest fades with the fluid being allowed to flow into your belly it literally is at maximum and efforts to drink more WILL make it come back up. I even waited to sip fluids if I knew I had to take medicine soon, to make sure I left room for the fluid it would take to get the pills down. Hopefully this helps you or someone else in recovery! I learned my lesson the first night after my surgery, one week ago - and the reflux / sicking up when I tried to go too fast did NOT feel good. I also 100% recommend getting up and slowly walking around as SOON as you can. THAT is what will make the pain start diminishing, because it rocks your body and works the gas they pumped in you for surgery back out.

    Best wishes! I hope it's going great for you! (ETA - Also, best wishes to your husband! I hope you two have someone on hand to help you out during your recoveries, and I will tell you from experience that it probably will feel like you're dropping more on the floor than ever before, simply because leaning down to pick it up would be painful! It requires discipline, especially if you tend toward being OCD like me, but trust me when I say trying to bend over to pick up a dropped 'whatever' is usually NOT worth it. Hugging an ice pack to your abdomen while you walk also helps tremendously at first.)
  11. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to AndreaJD in August Surgery buddies   
    OK so delayed because my potassium was low but now it's fixed. A few hours behind schedule, but we're a go! See you on the other side!
  12. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Got a little nervous because I’m not doing so well with my spirometer. Called the office just to be sure I am okay and the front office I guess explained it a little more drastically than I did but I seen the NP and she listened to my lungs and I am fine. No signs of pnemonia. Sounds like she would’ve been able to tell me that over the phone but ooh well. I’m good and that’s all that matters.
  13. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to Pepper_No_Salt in August Surgery buddies   
    My initial surgery date was 7/26. I had just got my PA in the mail. I actually declined because I knew I wouldn't be ready in terms of time off, having everything I needed at home. My surgeon was scheduled to go on vacation and I told them I was fine waiting until he got back.
  14. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to SimplyShining in August Surgery buddies   
    Got my date August 23,I’ll be having the sleeve. Currently 258.8. I do plan on doing all liquids the week of, I’m only recommended to do liquids the day before. I’m nervous but excited 🤞🏼
  15. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to Mandalynne in August Surgery buddies   
    @AndreaJD your advice about the weight loss discussion with others is great! I’m definitely using that one and thank you!! Good luck on your surgery tomorrow, like you said, eyes on the prize!

    @Justarwaxx mine is on the 14th too!! Are you doing the Gastric Bypass as well?

    I’ve been told I’ll only be in the hospital 1 night… we shall see. Omg, my husband ate pizza for dinner… he was at least nice enough to eat it in another room, but still… i could almost kill for a piece. But again, eyes on the prize. I keep having to remind myself. 2 more days of this and then my life is changing.
    All our lives are changing for the better, which makes it worth it.

    You guys stay strong and good luck this week, I know a lot of us are on the roster this week. Be strong and positive vibes everyone!!
    I look forward to hearing from everyone after their surgery, keep us updated!!

  16. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to AndreaJD in August Surgery buddies   
    Hi, @Justarwaxx! I'll be only 2 days ahead of you, so we'll be going through this together. I'm nervous and excited, too. Looking forward to being all recovered and starting my new, active lifestyle. Looking forward to not constantly thinking about what I can wear to try to disguise my weight and what people are thinking. I will miss food as a coping and comfort mechanism, but my husband and I are slowly learning how to cook healthy, unprocessed meals. I'm looking at it as an adventure of discovery - what new foods, spices, and ways to prepare them can I discover?
    I know the next couple weeks will be rough, and the next 3 months will be a marathon slog. I'm ready to tough it out - eyes on the prize!
  17. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Honestly if you are sure you want the surgery there isn’t much to do to prepare. You need to find a couple of Protein Shakes that you like and buy a few. Ideally not too many because some peoples tastes change. You may be allowed some yogurt or pudding and cream Soups. They can be bought ahead as well. As long as you have someone who can to the store for you. You should be good with that. Do any preop labs or tests they requires and get your house as organized as possible for when you come home. Everything doesn’t have to be out. Just at counter height. They want you to walk every hour when you come home anyways so it’s good to have some stuff to do. The longer you have to wait the longer you have to second guess things.
  18. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to Farhad in August Surgery buddies   
    Hi people! I just got done with my surgery like 4 days ago. I got a gastric sleeve done. I’m pretty excited to finally have some food after 2 weeks of this liquid diet. I’ll be able to have some yogurt in 2 days.
  19. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to Justarwaxx in August Surgery buddies   
    My date is on the 14th! Gastric bypass! Current wait 109 kg 240 lbs
    So nervous and excited!
  20. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to AndreaJD in August Surgery buddies   
    So tomorrow is my last day before surgery on Monday at 7:15 in the morning. I am not feeling particularly anxious, but I am. I'm picking at my cuticles and I have a burst blood vessel in one eye, which my sister (a doctor) says can be caused by stress. How about that, stress makes your eyeballs bleed! Also, when I went to the hairdresser the other day, I tried to lock the door of my car and it beeped because my keys were still in the ignition (thank God it does that or I'd have locked myself out several times). So I went to pull the key out and realized the engine was still running! That's a total stress move, and something I've never done.
    So did anyone else find that the liver shrink diet was horribly constipating? Good grief! Glad that's over (clear liquids now till surgery).
    My husband and I cleaned the hell out of our house today. He's having prostate surgery on the 21st, so neither of us are going to be up for cleaning for a while. I also organized my meds. I'm glad I did, because I realized that I didn't get the Protonix I am supposed to take. They apparently didn't call it in. Not a big deal, but because it's Saturday, I'm going to have to ask my surgeon to order it at the hospital and have my husband pick it up.
    Just now, I ordered a big supply of Clear Liquids for when I get home. I keep asking myself, "Are you SURE? This is permanent, you will never be able to blah blah blah again." But then I think it through and the math always comes up yes.
  21. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to Singingbarista in August Surgery buddies   
    Welcome @draikaina8503!
    I'm on in 3 days!? How is this sneaking up on me? Breathe, breathe...
    @Hiddenroses - Congratulations on your surgery! What you're dealing with in telling others sounds perfectly normal to me. This is not the easy path. The process is rough, but no matter what and no matter who reacts, we're going to come out of this stronger.
    I'm still going to be me, with or without the weight. Unfortunately, I've always been treated differently because of my weight - Heavy friends with a "one of us" mentality, slimmer people that want to look better next to me, others that just discount me. I'll be alienating them all. It shouldn't matter, but I was raised to please others. Another bad habit I am fixing.
    If random people question me, I guess I'll just refer them to the weight loss clinic that I went to that started me on this path - they do everything from diet and exercise to bariatric referrals. Other than that, it's no one's business what I do with my body. But I still have to figure out the social food thing.
    @Mandalynne, I am so ready to be done. So many nerves, so sick of worrying. So tired of the LSD and hunger. Whatever happens is going to happen, let's just get it done already, haha.
    @ShoppGirl and @Greekmom4, I'm so sorry that the surgery was rough and that you are in so much pain. I hope things lessen up soon and you can start thriving.
    The fact that we can even do this is amazing to me. Our lives and our health will have a fresh start! When I hit my weight goal, I'm going to travel, and not worry about fitting on the plane. What are your plans for your new life?
  22. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    Awake. Still In a bit of pain though. A lot more than with the sleeve. They ended Up giving me morphine and I got some sleep. Dr woke me up and I asked him my main. questions. He is so nice. Nurse seems to be good too so far. Haven’t tried to walk yet. Not sure how that’s gonna go since I can’t move my torso. I woke up with a binder on which helps alot cause they undid it a couple of times to check and I was thankful when they put it back. I am still on oxygen and supposed to be sipping my little cups every 15 minutes and using the spirometer. It’s sucking not blowing to raise the llittle ball and the other thing which is hard to explain. We will go for a walk around 5 he said before my next pain meds. Ooh and they have leg things on me that inflate like a blood pressure cup but looser every minute or so. So just sipping my Water and eating my ice chips in between.
  23. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to AndreaJD in August Surgery buddies   
    I hope you are both doing awesome, @Onemealplan, @Greekmom4 and @BigDane!
    @ShoppGirl, you are gonna rock this! I am amazed by your energy, getting all that done.
    I'm thinking about all of you and sending good vibes.
    @BigDane, I'm so jealous, you get to go to pureed a lot sooner than I do. I have to be on full liquids for 2 weeks post op. Less than a week to go for me now. Anxious but certain it's the right decision.
    Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, our group has started having our surgeries and pretty soon it will be time to start sharing successes. I appreciate having you all to go through this with, even if it is virtually.
  24. Like
    draikaina8503 reacted to ShoppGirl in August Surgery buddies   
    You may want to check the manufacturers website later once you are for sure settled on a Vitamin to see if they are cheaper than Amazon A lot of them give discounts if you subscribe and it works out cheaper. I ordered mine to arrive a couple of weeks before I needed them and set them to auto ship just so I would always have them even if mail was a little slow or something

    Definitely remind yourself that them people who have a bad experience with the surgery may be louder but they are certainly not the norm These surgeries are considered relatively safe. The risks are very low. And maybe the risk of a complication of obesity doesn’t have a specific date but there are far more and they are far more likely than the risks of surgery

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    draikaina8503 reacted to Pepper_No_Salt in August Surgery buddies   
    I've started a collection of things in my pantry that I know I like. chicken Bone Broth from a couple different places (HEB and one I found on Amazon), Fairlife shakes, Gatorade Zero, Protein20 Water. I bought my Vitamins and calcium chews my office wanted me to have and put them on an Amazon subscription.
    I'm actually getting more nervous as I get closer. My algorithm has started showing me "I regret my VSG surgery" content and it makes me doubt my decision. I have to remind myself that my immediate support group, the people I see everyday that have had this surgery are THRIVING.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
