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Posts posted by Mandalynne

  1. On 08/13/2024 at 12:36, Onemealplan said:

    Don’t worry, you’ll be able to have that pizza again. It’s gonna be a long time before you do, but it will be there for you. so at first, I told my husband that I didn’t want him cooking in the house because I thought it would bother me and then the lack of smelling the food was bothering me so he’s back to cooking and I am even cooking for him I’ve learned to enjoy just the smell of food and what it would taste like and just being content with that mentally, but you’ll get through this!

    Thank you for that! Yes I have been enjoying the smell of his food lol. I told him I was going to sniff all the flavor away lol.

  2. @Singingbarista just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing? Only 2 more days till our surgery date! I’m nervous and excited, you?

    I’m not sure about anyone else, but this is the 1st day of my 2 week liquid diet (day 12) that I haven’t craved solid food. But I still don’t trust myself to go to the grocery store, I’m having my groceries delivered lol.

    It’s weird but I didn’t have a Pre-Op appointment… did anyone else not have to do one? I thought it was strange but it’s been a long time since I’ve had to go under the anesthesia, so maybe it’s not a must for all doctors anymore??

  3. On 08/12/2024 at 14:32, AndreaJD said:

    OK so delayed because my potassium was low but now it's fixed. A few hours behind schedule, but we're a go! See you on the other side!

    @AndreaJD i’m SO glad they still got you in! Good luck and let us know how your recovery goes!! Prayers and good wishes coming your way!!

  4. On 08/12/2024 at 17:10, Hiddenroses said:

    Hello there! I'm chiming in late but wanted to congratulate you on your victories so far and wish you well on your upcoming surgery! I just had a SADI surgery on August 5th - It is basically a sleeve + sleeve revision done initially, all in one go. I mainly wanted to give my opinion on your question regarding hobbies post-surgery -- I can only speak for myself, but being exactly one week out from surgery I can tell you that managing my fluids and getting to know my 'newly revised' body has been pretty consuming in and of itself! I'm so very, very tired of Protein Shakes but I will say the Premier have seemed to work best for me and offer the most variety so far, affordably.

    I don't know if your liquid diet has started yet, but if you have a great love for Tomato, corn, peas, pineapple, celery, shrimp, artichoke, broccoli, cauliflower, rhubarb, Grapefruit, Pasta, Peanut Butter, coconut, or steak this would be the time to enjoy them! According to my Bariatric guide, at least, those are considered cautionary foods for quite a while post-surgery.

    I also wanted to mention what has actually been the biggest help for me personally, as someone who also tends to over-prepare, triple-think, and struggles with both Anxiety and ADHD - there is an app called Finch that has proven to be an absolute life saver. I was feeling a lot of overwhelm leading up to the journey - and I took the long road, as you have, actually going ten months from start to surgery. I wasn't sure how I would actually follow through properly on the dietary restrictions, get myself more active, keep track of the Vitamins, focus on the hydration -- and I also had to quit smoking and drinking alcohol. I have no advertising gain by mentioning this app by the way - lol - it has just helped me SO ridiculously much that I try to tell as many folks as I can about it. I was surprised when I mentioned it to my therapist that she already knew about it and said a lot of her patients use it.

    Finch is a silly game / task oriented app that has a free version which has worked out just fine for me so far. It kind of 'gamifies' making healthy choices, letting you customize your goals like drinking Water, taking Vitamins, getting out of the house, trying new activities, etc. There are different 'journeys' and 'goals' you can set for yourself - some of the ones I'm doing now are called 'New Year, New You' another one is 'Gratitude' and there is also 'So fresh, so clean'. The 'Nourish my Body' journey has really helped me evaluate the relationship I have had in the past with food and cultivate a better relationship with it moving forward. I know not everyone needs the same kind of encouragements that I do, but for me working through these pre-created goals, being given suggestions on how to interact more with my community, to think about what foods I do and do not enjoy, and prompt me to get more active have made a huge difference.

    Once you are recovered and looking for physically engaging activities I'd suggest exploring new hobbies like biking, geocashing, and nature photography. Even volunteering as a dog walker at your local humane society might be enjoyable. Best wishes!

    @Hiddenroses , i know this reply was to someone else but I just wanted to say thanks for the advice on the cautionary food list, I didn’t know that! And I love tomatoes, Peanut Butter and Pasta. I didn’t realize how long it would be before I could eat tomatoes again.

    Also, I too suffer from anxiety and wanted to thank you for the Finch information. I downloaded it today and i think it’s awesome! I think it’ll be extremely helpful moving forward, i appreciate you telling us about it.
    I’ve heard the SADI has a wonderful success rate so congrats and I wish you a successful recovery and journey ahead!!

  5. @AndreaJD your advice about the weight loss discussion with others is great! I’m definitely using that one and thank you!! Good luck on your surgery tomorrow, like you said, eyes on the prize!

    @Justarwaxx mine is on the 14th too!! Are you doing the Gastric Bypass as well?

    I’ve been told I’ll only be in the hospital 1 night… we shall see. Omg, my husband ate pizza for dinner… he was at least nice enough to eat it in another room, but still… i could almost kill for a piece. But again, eyes on the prize. I keep having to remind myself. 2 more days of this and then my life is changing.
    All our lives are changing for the better, which makes it worth it.

    You guys stay strong and good luck this week, I know a lot of us are on the roster this week. Be strong and positive vibes everyone!!
    I look forward to hearing from everyone after their surgery, keep us updated!!

  6. Good morning everyone! I have to say, all the extreme pain and unforeseen issues with surgery makes me nervous. I know it’s not the “norm”, but it makes you think.
    @Singingbarista and @Hiddenroses (i can’t figure out how to tag people hahaha), I totally know what you mean about not telling people. I have only told my sister and my mother and that’s because they’ve both had procedures similar to this. I agree, in my head there’s a fear of judgment that I’m taking the “easy way out”… even if I know that’s not true… this has got to be one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done. This is a tool to aid us in loosing the excess weight that keeps us down for a number of reasons.
    I’m an Accountant, and fortunately I get to work remotely now so I’m not in the public eye, but when I fly down to see my family next year they’ll definitely see a big difference and I’ll have to be prepared for questions. I don’t like to lie so I’ll just have to prepare myself to tell the truth. If they judge me, that’s on them.
    I was given a choice on my procedures but was heavily advised to go with RNY because of the success rate with weight loss. My doctor told me that a lot of people he’s performed the Gastric Sleeve on have come back to get the RNY because of the weight gain back.
    My surgery is coming up on Wednesday and I’m honestly ready to get it over with. My food cravings and hunger pains are terrible. Maybe I’m not drinking enough Water? I hear a lot of people say by this time it wasn’t so bad for them… ummm am I doing something wrong? 
    How is everyone doing on the last days of the liquid diet? I have 4 days and counting… @Singingbarista, you have 3 days right?
    By the way, side note… i asked the doctor not to give me anything that’s a narcotic for pain meds (family history of severe pill addiction), does anyone think I can recover on Tramadol or Tylenol alone? Is there anyone who’s gone through that?

    Good luck to all, and for those of you who just went through the surgery, I really hope your pain goes away soon.

  7. Thank you @Singingbarista ! I feel better knowing your headaches went away. Today is a little rough… i’m so sick of these Ensure shakes hahaha. I just have to remind myself of the end goal.

    Wow, are you having the RNY or the Sleeve? I hope you’re doing well with everything! We’re so close I know we can do it!
    I would kill to have a solid food meal. I’m forcing these liquids down at this point. And i’m trying not to be a whiner :D.
    I’m avoiding going out because I don’t trust my discipline in the store right now.
    How are you doing so close to your surgery date?

  8. Hi everyone, I’m very new to forums, but it’s Nice to meet you all.

    I started this process back in February of this year, but I had been considering it for a while. my sister had the Gastric Sleeve, but my doctor wants me to get the Gastric Bypass, so that’s what I’m going to do. My starting weight was 266, i’m 5’3 with a BMI of 45… my doctor put my goal at 120.. fingers crossed. So insurance is covering it but I have a deductible.

    I have a surgery date of August 14, 2024. I’m currently on 2 week of the liquid diet. Today being the first day with absolutely no solid foods allowed.

    I had started preparing with purchasing toddler utensils and measured food containers, and a food scale. I stocked up on Ensure Max Protein, Unflavored protein powder, PB2 (no sugar added Peanut Butter powder), powdered banana and powdered freeze dried strawberries… all with no sugar added. I also bought Vanilla plant based protein powder. I blend a mixture of whatever flavor I want with 8 oz of skim milk or Water.

    My routine is 2 ensures a day, then a powdered skim milk shake (in my ninja single blender) with whatever flavor, then I have 1 or 2 Progresso soup(s) for dinner (strained so I only get the broth)… the doctor said he didn’t care about the sodium only the sugar. If i need Snacks, i drink 4oz of V8 juice original, or I have a Sugar Free Chocolate pudding.

    i have been slowly buying and stocking baby food. I buy veggies and fruit and some mixed meals, but this is in preparation of the post-op puréed meal portion. I like to be prepared.

    I bought a 32oz water bottle on Amazon with that doesn’t have a straw (teaches me to sip). I know that I have to get through 2 of those a day minimum. I usually do pretty good.

    My biggest problem is that I don’t have the energy to get off my behind and use my Bowflex anymore. Sometimes I’ll do Beat saber for cardio but I’m just low on energy. Have to say low carb is rough and it gives me mild headaches every day. I’m worried that I’ll lose weight so fast that I won’t have time to protect the muscles I have because I don’t have the energy to work out.
    I’m now 6 days away from my surgery, I’m determined but nervous because the Bypass is a big change.

    I’m not a smoker, but to all of you out there quitting for this, kudos to you!! You can all do it if you set your mind to it.

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