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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    PieceOwt reacted to Spinoza in Anyone used a Babyfood Puree Maker for their pureed food stage?   
    That phase is so short - honestly if you have a blender or any other way to puree food (including pushing through a sieve!) it seems like something you mightn't get a lot of use from.
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    PieceOwt reacted to AmberFL in Anyone used a Babyfood Puree Maker for their pureed food stage?   
    I had a baby food maker for my babies and I thought it was more work than what it was worth if I am being honest.
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    PieceOwt reacted to MrsFitz in Journaling & tracking food/weight etc   
    There are some specific Bariatric journals on Amazon - I don’t know if something like that would help in the beginning?
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    PieceOwt reacted to FifiLux in Journaling & tracking food/weight etc   
    I started to do that just in a standard pocket notebook (so I had it with me no matter what size handbag I was using), a day a page, and did little motivation or positive comments a couple of days a week. Each time I had a decent weight loss week (I try to weigh only once a week or I go mad with overthinking the fluctuations) I would note it and then highlight it in a neon colour.
    After three months I switched from the notebook to online tracking with myfitnesspal as I just found it easier to track portion sizes, calories, carbs etc. as it took a lot of the work away from doing it myself. I then moved to a manifestion & positivity journal instead to keep it separate from my food tracking as I didn't want the two things to be linked as for me I find it easier to disassociate food journaling from feelings going forward. I found a journal that also had positivity exercises in them do to each week, some were not relevant to my situation at all but I considered if 'food' for thought.
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    PieceOwt got a reaction from NeonRaven8919 in Journaling & tracking food/weight etc   
    Since I know I am going to have track my food, weight & supplements etc. very closely, I wanted to combine this with my love of journaling so it wont be such a pain (hopefully!)
    Does anyone use journals for tracking post surgery? looking for ideas on page layout, what's necessary to include, cute stickers etc.
    I figure the more fun I make this, the more likely I will actually keep at it and do it properly 🤞😉
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    PieceOwt got a reaction from NeonRaven8919 in Journaling & tracking food/weight etc   
    Since I know I am going to have track my food, weight & supplements etc. very closely, I wanted to combine this with my love of journaling so it wont be such a pain (hopefully!)
    Does anyone use journals for tracking post surgery? looking for ideas on page layout, what's necessary to include, cute stickers etc.
    I figure the more fun I make this, the more likely I will actually keep at it and do it properly 🤞😉
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    PieceOwt reacted to Sleeve_Me_Alone in What do you wish you knew before having surgery in Mexico?   
    I had VSG in Tijuana, Mx. at HospitalBC with Dr. Illan, so I can only speak to my own personal experience. I did about 200 hours of research before my surgery and based on that research, finances, and other personal considerations, decided to go the Medical Tourism route and have been very happy with that decision.
    These hospitals ONLY do bariatric surgeries and are geared towards medical tourists. They run a VERY well oiled machine from intake to discharge. The process was so smooth, I was completely confident going alone. The surgeon I chose is highly accredited, has done thousands of WLS procedures, has relationships and mentorships with some of the most well known US bariatric surgeons for continuing ed, is board certified, etc. He is just as qualified, if not more so, than many of the bariatric surgeons in my area.
    The reality is, there are amazing surgeons in the US and just as many in Mexico and other places. Conversely, there are terrible surgeons here and everywhere else. There are pros and cons to each, and every person has different needs. Ultimately it boils down to doing your research, finding a surgeon you trust, and a program that fits your needs.
    Regarding your questions above:
    1 - No, it was a combination of finances, timeline, convenience, and other factors.
    2 - No, I did not get an option. My surgeon uses a 32 as his standard and will only deviate when appropriate for the patient.
    3 - I met with my PCP before I went and she was extremely supportive. She does all my post-op labs, checked my incisions, offered dietary support, etc. She now recommends my surgeon to other patients who are interested in going out of country for the procedure.
    4 - The hospital I chose was staffed with additional medical personnel in case of emergencies, but that really wasn't a consideration for me. The instance/risk of major complications DURING surgery is essentially nil.
    5 - Complications aren't usually the result of a surgical mistake, so there is generally nothing for the surgeon to "fix" they typically are just the result of a person's own body's healing. For instance, a stricture is one of the most common (though still extremely rare) post-op complications, and they are almost never a direct result of surgical error. They just happen.
    6 - My hospital offers lifetime nutritional support, which is great. That being said, I HIGHLY recommend some serious counseling before & after to deal with the emotional/mental work that has to be done. I was really well informed pre-op but still felt like the extra support would be critical, and it was. I would also suggest ongoing community support - either here, or something like BariNation (which I LOVE), or a local support group. I am a card carrying, people hating, highly independent introvert and have still found community support to be vital to my success.
    7 - I wish I had known how ridiculously kind and accommodating the staff would be. I went alone and really kept to myself, but the one time I needed the staff they were incredibly responsive and very kind. In hindsight, I wish I had been more engaged.
    *going out of order* 9 - It takes time. Most people will NOT be able to hit their Protein and Water goals right away. It took me probably 3 months before I was able to get there consistently. It just takes a crap ton of work. I keep water handy at ALL times, and drink, drink, drink like its my job. I was never advised to drink warm water or to adjust my intake in any way. Just drink, all the time.
    8 - I am going to say this as gently and with as much love as I possibly can - This is not your journey and you would serve your wife best by keeping your opinions to yourself. Unless you have lived in her brain and her body, you cannot understand what she is going through, what is driving her behaviors, or what toll it is taking on her mental health. I can guarantee you, she feels plenty of shame already and doesn't need you second guessing her ability to be successful. The best thing you can do is research, report back, support her, and shut up. My husband is thin and has the metabolism of a hummingbird. He has never struggled with his weight and as such has no frame of reference and no ability to understand. He recognized this early on, and has thus deferred to me on every diet, every fast, every medication, and ultimately my decision to have surgery. His unconditional support, free of opinions and judgment, was the kindest gift he ever gave to me. I know you love her, and you clearly want her to succeed. But the baggage you are forcing her to drag around is entirely unhelpful. A much more valuable way to help would be to help her find a therapist so she can do the work that would set her up for success long term.

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