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Duodenal Switch Patients
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About Bexinmo78

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  • Birthday 01/08/1978

About Me

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    Midwest girl with a chip on my shoulder. Anyone got any dip?
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    Reading, crafting, kvetching, cat momming
  • Occupation
    I work for the largest, most hated employer in the country
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So, growing up, I was small for my age, super thin, and always moving.  Because of that, I could eat tremendous amounts of food and never see an ounce.  Eating became sort of a spectator sport because I was under five breakfast bar was free for me, and the entire restaurant staff would come out to see just how much I would eat (usually more than my dad who was 6'3".  I had no sense of full until long after I had eaten, then it was pain and heavy feeling and trying not to be sick.
Fast forward to kindergarten and suddenly a large part of my day is sitting in a chair and learning.  That was when my weight started to catch up to me.  It just got worse as the years went on.  By 6th grade I was around 200lbs, bigger and taller than every kid in my class.
I grew up, got bigger, fell in love, got married, bought a house, and tried many ways to get my weight down.  Nothing worked for long, and I always over shot the mark when I would rebound.  In 2011, weighing in at 364lbs I had the lap band placed. I was unable to keep liquids down, and at the ER my surgeon discovered that 1cc of fluid was accidentally left in the band (he also used the smaller band)  For eleven days I struggled, unable to keep even a sip of water down. After a look in my stomach with a camera, they installed an NG Tube, and told me to put fluids through that.  I was miserable.  Still nothing staying down orally, though the tube did work.  I was just defeated and broken. Just 11 days after they put it in, the doctor removed the lap band.  He was very proud of my 30lb weight loss in those 11 days.
Since then, my weight ballooned even higher, reaching into the 400's.  My older sister (by 3 years) had to have a triple bypass, and I started to get scared.  My mother had her first heart attack in 1996 at the age of 48.  My 45 years started looming over me a bit and I realized if I didn't do something, I would probably die young.  So that is why I chose to brave another weight loss surgery.
I found Bariatric Pal while looking for shake samples.  I really hate protein shakes.  They are gross.  Protein waters seem to be the better option for me.  When I saw they had a forum, I thought I could ask a question that had been weighing on my mind, and sure enough, got back answers right away.  I figured I would hand around a bit and see how everyone else is doing, and maybe learn some tips and tricks for the next few weeks.

Age: 47
Height: 0 feet
Starting Weight:
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight:
Goal Weight:
Weight Lost:
Surgery: Duodenal Switch
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 08/10/2023
Surgery Date: 07/25/2024
Hospital Stay: 1 Day
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: 1st Letter Approval
Bexinmo78's Bariatric Surgeon
Kansas City, Indiana 46256

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