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  1. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to GreenTealael in “Just Exercise More”   
    I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels like this shifts the blame back to the patient’s lack of commitment to exercise!
  2. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in “Just Exercise More”   
    Not jiving in my mind. I was ALWAYS thin and active. Once I got pregnant with my son, my PCOS really kicked in. I gained almost 100 pounds and only lost 35 after I had him. Nothing I did worked, but back then, doctors didn't know much about PCOS (this was April of 1998). I worked out, ate fairly healthy, did a lot of swimming, and still nothing worked.
    Because of my PCOS, I then had 10 losses (and gained weight with each pregnancy). I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2005 as well as insulin resistance. I was put on Metformin, which helped me drop down from 322 pounds to 301 pounds. I got pregnant with my daughter and had her in Sept 2006. At that point, I was 355 pounds. I stayed on Metformin, worked out, improved my eating even more than before, and went down to 340 pounds. And never lost another pound. At all. I also was never able to get pregnant again.
    Through the years, my weight ballooned up to my highest weight of 421 pounds. I ended up getting type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, painful joints, mobility issues (needed a cane to get around), and I was wearing size 28/30 (4x/5x), size 10 rings, 22"-24" necklaces, no bracelets (none fit me).
    I exercised so much for so many years, but the PCOS really did a number on me and stopped me from getting healthy. After a while, you start to feel defeated and give up. Why kill myself dieting, working out, doing everything right to, at best not lose weight, or at worst keep gaining?
  3. Confused
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from MrsFitz in Exercises for those who hate exercise?   
    No such scheme in my LA sadly. London is really expensive.
  4. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to NickelChip in “Just Exercise More”   
    The problem I see with this, not the study itself but the implications, is that if you have a high genetic risk for obesity, the amount of exercise required to stave it off may be well outside the limit of what most people can tolerate. Finding out you need 4 or 5 hours a day of exercise when most people might only need 30 minutes isn't exactly actionable if you also have to work in a sedentary job to earn a living.
  5. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ChunkCat in “Just Exercise More”   
    Yeah, not buying it. The medical community looks for what it wants to see. I married a statistician. They constantly remind me "Correlation does not equal causation!!"
    The medical community wants to believe that more physical activity will miraculously solve obesity issues because it puts the cause and the remedy right back in our laps, instead of admitting that this is a disease that is very complex and no one smoking gun is the cause or the cure. We need holistic approaches.
    I was a very active child. So were my siblings. My brother is a normal weight, my sister is often underweight, and I ended up over 300 lbs. My parents are normal weight though they both have siblings with weight issues. I gained a ton of weight while I was still active. Puberty hit and it was like someone switched on a helium tank and I just ballooned up. I've had more doctors than I care to count tell me that if I just got more physical activity and stopped eating McDonalds all would be well, ignoring the fact that I hate McDonalds and until my autoimmune disease got severe I was quite physically active. I know a lot of thin people who are couch potatoes. I know a lot of fat people who are active. These "studies" do nothing but continue to give doctors more ammunition in the shame game that is current obesity management.
    My partner is Chinese, was raised on traditional Cantonese food (which is very healthy in general), in a family where everyone is effortlessly thin except their grandmother who was diabetic... Several years ago my partner was diagnosed with diabetes. They've had weight issues all their life, despite being very active for most of it. Is it genetics? Perhaps. Is it current lifestyle? It probably contributed to it. Was it due to a childhood diet based on rice? Not likely, that diet also incorporated a ton of healthy Protein options and a healthy variety of vegetables, including plenty of greens. A lack of exercise was certainly not the cause of it and increasing exercise is not going to be the cure for it either...
  6. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to MrsFitz in Exercises for those who hate exercise?   
    I’m lucky as I’ve just re-joined my local authority gym at £23 per month. This entitles me to use any of the LAs gyms, pools, fitness classes etc. My local gym is at the bottom of my road (it’s a very steep hill!!) and has a fully equipped gym, pool and fitness studio with lots of different classes. I just wish the gym part was bigger as it can get crowded at busy times but I can’t complain re the cost
  7. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from MrsFitz in Exercises for those who hate exercise?   
    I took up cycling about two years ago. It's exercise and a cheap method of transportation. I got an e-bike as I don't have the fitness levels (yet) for an "acoustic" model. I found it's good for knees as they can go a full rotation but without putting weight on them since the saddle takes the weight. I also agree with Water aerobics. My gym used to have a class I went to, but I can't attend since it's at 11am on Monday now and I have to work.
  8. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ShoppGirl in I mean, at this point I give up trying to figure it out...   
    Have you been to your family dr to make sure that they tested for everything they should have? The biggest part of me thinks that your body just wants to be at a little lower weight than you want it to and that you will get settled at a new set point soon but if you truly feel like something isn’t right, maybe it doesn’t have to do with the surgery. It seems like something would pop up in the normal labs but maybe there is something that your surgeon is missing that needs a specific test. It may end up being fruitless but it’s just a thought.
  9. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to NickelChip in I mean, at this point I give up trying to figure it out...   
    I think the experience you're having emphasizes that a lot of this not as much in our control as we think it is. Which I'm sure is no more comforting for you than it is when someone is following every single rule and staying stalled at a higher weight than they had hoped. If it helps, remember that this stage is temporary. You won't keep losing forever, and when your body reaches its new set point, whatever it is, how you carry that weight is going to change. I know you probably look in the mirror and think what have I done, I'm going to look sickly forever, but it's temporary (and probably something you notice more than other people do). Whether your weight increases in the next year, or if it just turns out that your new, lower weight begins to look more natural to you as fat gets redistributed, this is only a brief point in the journey. The clothing not fitting part must be particularly frustrating, though, since it costs money to fix. I hope you're able to find an inexpensive solution, especially for your work clothing. You're sure to find your equilibrium soon.
  10. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ShoppGirl in Surgeon Appointment - YAY!   
    This all takes a minute to wrap your mine around and I think for you getting the appointment with the surgeon just made it real. Like others have said this is what you have been working towards. It’s a good thing. I suggest using the notes app in your phone if you have one to jot down your notes questions. This way if you think of something else your notepad is always with you and you can add it right away. I printed out my questions and took them with me. One thing my friend told me she does when she has a lot of questions is to sort of go over them against at the end by sayin just to recap, I can expect this and if this happens we will do that, etc. Just to make sure that you do remember everything and understood correctly. I didn’t do it this time but it seems like a good idea. One thing that you may want to ask is if they have a patient portal and if you do have questions if that’s a good way to ask or is it better to call or what.
  11. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to MrsFitz in Surgeon Appointment - YAY!   
    Thanks @FifiLux, @SleeveToBypass2023and @NeonRaven8919 for your posts. Some excellent questions which I will note down because I have a mind like a sieve at the moment and information falls out of my head as soon as it enters it! As you said @FifiLuxI have a lot of information from the team already so it’s putting it in to some sort of sense for me now - LOL!
    I’ve received an electronic copy of my appointment letter with the name of the surgeon I will be seeing and so no hesitation - straight on t’internet to find out what I could. From what I’ve read, he is experienced in all things gastric and Bariatric. Hubby seems to think that he whipped out my gall bladder last year (same surgeon team) but I honestly cannot remember, what with writhing around in pain at the time of seeing him 🙄 Anyway, his CV seems very impressive so that’s reassuring.
    @SleeveToBypass2023- exactly that - nervous, excited and freaking out a little!
    @FifiLux- my new, pretty scales are here. I’ve got the basics set up but not the all-signing, all-dancing bits to them just yet. I definitely like the bigger, light-up numbers on them, saves squinting while trying to make out the numbers (don’t wear my glasses obviously because that 50gms or so that they weigh will make all the difference when weighing in 🙄)
    @NeonRaven8919 the LRD I have to do is 3 weeks. I did tell the dietitian that as long as I had 3 weeks plus 1 days notice of any last minute cancellations for surgery then I was good to go. Thankfully hubby will hoover up any foods that I won’t be eating so there won’t be any waste. I’m just hoping that the surgeon is happy, the MDT all agree and (a bit of wishful thinking I know) I’m able to have surgery this side of Christmas.
  12. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from MrsFitz in Surgeon Appointment - YAY!   
    Oh that's really soon! Congrats!
    I felt the same way when I got called to arrange the surgery date so soon! I think I felt really thrown is becaus the first thing they did was out me on a 12 week diet very suddenly and I didn't have time to prepare and had to throw out good food and buy new things for the diet. I think also it was the fact that getting that call means it's finally happening! Especially as you've been on the NHs waiting list for a long time. It's not just a vague idea of soothing that will happen on the future anymore but a real thing that you have to prepare for. It's scary and exciting!
    I didn't think to ask any questions, but since my mother went through it back in 2008, I knew already about the surgery and the complications.
  13. Congrats!
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to MrsFitz in Surgeon Appointment - YAY!   
    Eek! Had a voicemail left from the Bariatric team saying that they had been notified by the dietitian that I would be happy to take a cancellation and that they have one on Friday 6th September at 4pm 😮😮😮 They have booked me in for it but would appreciate a call back to confirm. I’ve called back and left them a voicemail saying yes please. I’ve had to rearrange some family plans but I have to be selfish and think of me. I’ve called the family and explained and they understand so I’m happy about that.
    So, what questions do I need to be asking of the surgeon? Any advice? This has thrown me and I don’t know why - strange huh??
  14. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Arabesque in Ache or pain months AFTER surgery and...   
    I wonder if the joint pain could be from your muscles, tendons & skeleton readjusting to a your new posture & other odd twinges and spasms. They had changed to support your larger body before & then they have to adjust again. I remember upper back pain about 2/3 to my goal and it took a while to stop slouching (had to consciously sit or stand straighter if I noticed I was slouching) & my body learnt how to stand upright again.
    As for the ‘phantom’ gall like pain, I don’t know. Maybe request an ultra sound to check your kidneys, liver & bile ducts just to be sure.
    My energy isn’t great. Always better in the morning than the afternoon. I seem to go, go, go then stop now, can’t do anything g more. Though that is pretty much how Gilbert’s is so I put it down to that & my low blood pressure more than my sleeve and I was a lot like that before my sleeve. Would push through then - didn’t want anyone to think I was lazy because I was fat! No I listen to my body. Apparently Gilbert’s is more common than people realise. What’s your bilirubin levels like. High levels are a sign of it. It is genetic so does any one in your family have it?
    Congratulations on your weight loss. Yay! Don’t worry about what weight you end up at. (I know easier said than done.) Remember that weight will be the weight your body is happiest at & is easier to maintain.
  15. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ShoppGirl in Ache or pain months AFTER surgery and...   
    Idk about the pain and I can’t speak personally about the goal but I have been on here for almost four years and seen several people surpass their surgeons goal for them. Do not let that discourage you. Keep doing what you are doing and let your body settle in where it is happy. They honestly shouldn’t even try to predict because every single body is different and we all respond to the surgery in different ways. On the gallbladder pain note, I would trust your gut and ask another Doctor if he just dismissed it. Only you know what your pain is. And in terms of the joint pain, maybe see what a chiropractor says. Maybe your body is off balance now because our posture is so bad to compensate for the weight and it may not have gone back on its own. Just a thought.
  16. Hugs
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to BlondePatriotInCDA in Ache or pain months AFTER surgery and...   
    I had my one year check up with my bariatric surgeon yesterday, labs were all perfect, I was told I'm 20 percentage points down in my BMI and the surgeon said I'm exactly what the program hopes for in outcomes...etc. Etc...
    My questions to the doctor were the following:
    1. When do I quit aching / feeling pain in my hips, shoulders and elbows I've heard so much about after losing weight?! He asked if I had this pain beforehand, I told him no its all since surgery.
    2. I also asked about occasional pain that feels like gallbladder pain now (its been removed) asking if it could be a stone in my biliary tract? He said not likely its probably just "phantom pain." All fine and good but there's nothing phantom about it - it hurts like my old gallbladder attacks!
    3. Lastly, I wanted to know when I get the magical much talked about energy after losing weight? He said everyone is different, and "you do seem to have an odd bunch of symptoms that should go away after surgery - not start up"!
    He went on to say that I might not meet my goal, saying it might be "unrealistic" yet I asked at my first meeting with him when he asked about my goal if it was unreasonable to which he said no! If I'm doing "exceptionally well" on the program then why is it now possibly "unreasonable"? He said I've got maybe 6 months more in which the surgery will continue to help me lose weight, but since its slowing down...I probably won't hit the goal (40 lbs to go). He knew the average weight lost in the 18 months following surgery, why say my goal was reasonable then? Sorry, I'm finding myself annoyed and discouraged now.
    So, my questions are: anyone else around a year out that is or has experienced the above issues? If so, do you still deal with it? If not, when did it go away (any of the above)? Did you after being told your goal is unreasonable and probably won't hit it, continue to lose and hit your goal or did you adjust your goal?
  17. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from NickelChip in Celebrating 2 Big Milestones Today!   
    Well done!! You look amazing!
  18. Congrats!
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to NickelChip in Celebrating 2 Big Milestones Today!   
    Today marks 6 months since my gastric bypass surgery! It's also almost exactly one year since I attended the orientation class at the weight loss center that was the first step in beginning the surgical program. I came home after the class and took a "before" photo. I had just weighed in at my highest weight ever. I was on blood pressure meds and my A1c put me in the prediabetic danger zone. My joints ached every morning. My 50th birthday was looming and I felt so old.
    The day after that photo, I started making changes to my diet. I lost 13 lbs from August until early February. I lost an additional 13 lbs on my 2-week liquid diet. I had my surgery on February 21 and since then, I've lost another 45lbs, for a total of 71 lbs down! My blood pressure is normal, and so is my A1c. The aches and pains are gone, and I'm hitting my 10k step goal several days each week. I'm nowhere near perfect, but I'm improving steadily.
    I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I was this weight. It had to have been when I was around 22 years old. Like pretty much everyone says, my only regret is not doing this sooner.

  19. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Arabesque in When did you start indulge or give yourself a "cheat meal"   
    While I was losing I didn’t cheat. In saying that as I got close to my goal & then when trying to maintain, I stated developing a way of eating that would allow me to enjoy the foods I wanted to, enjoy my life & how I wanted to live it, and still maintain my weight.
    Actually I don’t like the word ‘cheating’ in regards to eating. Too negative much like the word ‘diet’. To me they mean failure, weakness & punishment.
    However or whatever you chose to eat now or in the future must be sustainable. It must complement your lifestyle and support your weight loss & long term maintenance. If you choose to eat in a restrictive way that means you can’t participate in social activities or makes you feel you’re missing out, it’s destined to fail. Especially if you are defining any diversions off that path as cheating. But if you adopt a way of eating that is flexible, means you can have pizza with your family or friends, or have birthday cake, or whatever & you accept this as just how you eat in your life, it will be sustainable and lead to long term success. You’ll have to consider portion size, frequency, alternative ingredients or cooking styles but it certainly isn’t cheating in my thinking.
    Well that’s what I believe.
  20. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ms.sss in When did you start indulge or give yourself a "cheat meal"   
    and "anything i want" includes chocolate and chips and fried foods and sauces/gravvies and high-fat things and Desserts and pizzas and bread, etc. etc. BUT not in copious amounts (for the most part). BUT i also eat salads and veggies and lean meats and cottage cheese and tofu and fruits, also not in copious amounts (for the most part).
    mind you my weight loss phase days are long behind me, but even during weight loss phase, i would occasionally have foods that were "off plan". like mentioned above, i was closer to maybe eating "what i was supposed to be eating" maybe 75-80% of the time. though my total average calories were always low regardless of what i was eating.
  21. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Arabesque in Good Appointment!   
    Sounds like you had a very positive appointment all round @MrsFitz & you have a supportive team around you too. Yay!
    Don’t worry about the difference in your weight doctor to doctor or clinic to clinic. It happens all the time. Remember too you’re likely naked, haven’t eaten or drunk and peed & pooped when you weigh yourself at home. You go to the doctor’s & you’ve had Breakfast maybe lunch too, drunk some fluids, are dressed so no wonder you weigh more. I looked at it as they have their records & I have mine. If I lose 5 kgs it shows on my scales as a 5kg loss & it will show on theirs as a 5kg loss too. Winning either way!
  22. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from MrsFitz in Good Appointment!   
    I was approved in May, and told my surgery date would be maybe summer of 2025. Then they called two month later and told me it would be October of 2024. Maybe it will be sooner for you! Are you NHS as well?
    I'm glad it went well for you!
  23. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Mspretty86 in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    This weeks Win is Movement. I haven't stopped moving since surgery in April. Houston Texas Skyline. Yes I am the crazy lady working out at 4am. 🏋️‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽. Stay Motivated!

  24. Congrats!
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ms.sss in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    omg omg so i totally did a scorpion handstand in yoga class this morning!! it was only for like 3 or 4 seconds, but still! (also i fell out of it on my side and kinda bruised a hip, but its all good)
    i wish i had a picture of it, but no cameras allowed during class...lol, so you'll have to take my word for it.
    in case you are unfamiliar, this is a scorpion handstand: (yay, me!)

  25. Thanks
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to MrsFitz in Just approved for Surgery in October 2024   
    Jeez, your Dr sounds a delight 😡 The Dr should be lifting you up on your successes to date, not making you panic over where you are. And spouting arbitrary nonsense over 2 frigging pounds when you still have 7 weeks to go to lose what, 8lbs altogether so you lose was it 21lbs overall pre-surgery?? I’m so sorry that you’ve had this today. Things like this just piss me off no end, especially as weight loss and gain is generally reliant on a lot of emotional issues and external pressures 🤬
    Big hugs, we’re all cheering you on 🤗🥰🤗

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