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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from MrsFitz in Struggling 😔   
    I found going before work helps me. Since I have to be up anyway, I might as well go to the gym is my reasoning.
    Also, when I go in the evenings after work, I find that it makes me absolutely ravenous with hunger where as in the morning, I can have my usual Breakfast right after and I'm fine.
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    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Arabesque in Random question- who was the 1st to notice?   
    Aaah, vanity sizing. They’ve been slowly making clothing bigger for years but don’t change the size on the tag. No one wants to admit they’ve gotten bigger & need a larger size. 😉 I had an aunt who swore she’d always wore size 7 shoes but ignored that fact she was much, much larger than she was when she was young so her feet were larger too. She’d rather squeeze her feet into a too small shoe than admit she needed a larger size.
    Though I’m an Australian dress size 4 or 6, I wear size 10 knickers & my bras are a 10 band. I believe underwear is the only clothing items that have remained the most true to & consistent in size over the years. But then I do recall bra manufacturers making band sizes larger some years ago because women were getting broader across the back. Mmmm??
    And don’t get me started on size guide measurements. With some brands, using their measurements I would need 1 or 2 sizes larger than I actually wear in the brand.
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    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Clueless_girl in Random question- who was the 1st to notice?   
    That was sweet of her, I hope you guys kept in touch. I mean even if my bf doesn't say anything, I ask him things like if this changed or is that is noticeable, ect. I've already landed myself back in the hospital once due to critically low potassium and the symptoms I had were obvious. So now I'm trying to be more aware so I can spot signs earlier. But yeah I do have to keep in mind that it could seem rude to say something without me bringing it up first. I just saw my therapist and after I said I had surgery, she said I could tell by your collarbones (its a televisit so the view is just to mid shoulder).
    You're so right about the body dysmorphia! I'm trying to find a balance between: not being obsessive about how much or quickly I'm losing and remembering to appreciate even the smallest change. I've never really taken pics or measurements even prior to surgery, but I did buy this body fat scale I saw another bariatric patient suggest. I am taking the information with a grain of salt, but it is satisfying to see the numbers trend downwards. Aside from that, it is strange to have to tighten my shorts and be able to wear shirts that are a size smaller.
    I don't want to Celebrate too early then hit a stall/weight gain and spiral. But the idea of being able to wear that one dress that's been sitting in my closet?? Talk about a dream come true! Did you go out and strut when you got to that point?
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    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ms.sss in Random question- who was the 1st to notice?   
    first time someone outside my home said something to me UNSOLICITED was around 3 months (was down maybe 50-60 lbs by then).
    mind you i asked my Mr. and Daughter like every week, lol. they did say "yes" to my constant pestering around week 2 or 3, and i was down probably 20-30 lbs by then (but this includes the 11 lbs i lost during the 2 week liquid pre-op diet).
    don't forget that there are folks who consider it impolite to ask or comment about someone's weight (i wish there were more of these types of people!), so while you may not get stuff SAID to you directly, they may be THINKING it.

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    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Arabesque in Random question- who was the 1st to notice?   
    First was at week 5. I had returned to work in a new area where an old work friend was based. I’d lost a good 10kgs (22 odd lbs) so noticeable. She’d known me from thin to obese & up & down so knew of my battles. She hugged me in welcome on my first day & then whispered I was looking good. I told her a few days later. She offered no judgement just good wishes. Everyone in that section knew I’d recently had a surgery but not what. Most presumed it was a ‘female surgery’ (it was a largely male section) & I didn’t correct them. I remember her reaction so well because on the last day of my contract (about 8 weeks later), they organised a farewell/thank you morning tea for me. Lots of sticky Buns, cakes, etc. She whisperered she’d made sure there was some cheese & crudités so I could have a little bite of something & not feel uncomfortable. Such a considerate thing to do & all without fuss.
    Can’t recall who was last to notice I was losing weight.
    Sometimes people don’t say anything because they’re unsure how you’ll react or don’t want you to think they watching how successful you are or will be. Or if the don’t know worry you are unwell & again don’t want to broach the subject with you. So they say nothing. Your boyfriend is likely trying to be super supportive & nothing more.

    Depending on how much you were when you started, it can take a little while to really notice a change. For me, that 10kgs was almost a dress size, but because I wore a lot of loose, or elastic waisted clothing, my loss was sort of hidden.
    Gave you been taking photos or taking body measurements (weekly or monthly)? Sometimes the changes can be seen more easily that way than just in a mirror (body dysmorphia can blind us to the truth sometimes) or when pulling on your pants (until they fall down of course 😉).
    Congratulations on your loss so far.
  6. Hugs
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Bypass2Freedom in Struggling 😔   
    Prior to my WLS I remember having this overwhelming feeling of pressure & guilt all mixed into one, because I felt lazy - why couldn't I just go to the gym and make a change for myself? And that feeling of pressure and negativity just stunned me into doing nothing.
    I swore that post-WLS I would do my everything to never be like that, yet here I am - yes I am losing weight, I am eating better, but I have been to the gym like 5 times in 2 months...why can't I just do it?
    I feel like I am really just putting a lot of pressure on myself right now, but I just think I need to make a change and get into better habits.
    Sorry guys - just needed to vent! Anyone else struggle with this kind of thing?
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    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ShoppGirl in Scared of post op recovery.   
    I had a sleeve revised to a SADI or modified switch and I am 13 days post op and haven’t vomited once. Because my stomach wasn’t revised I could physically eat anything I think. I just have to eat the smaller, liquid first And now purée foods so that my intestines have a chance to heal. I think the reason most people vomit is when their stomach is first cut and they have a ton of swelling on too of it being small and they eat too much. That shouldn’t be an issue for you since your stomach is already healed. Unless that hernia repair involves cutting your stomach. Then you could still have the mflammation but your stomach will still be much larger so I think you will be okay. Plus, isn’t it possible that vomiting would be less painful once they fix everything.
  8. Hugs
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Justarwaxx in The first day of the rest of my life hurts   
    I had my bypass surgery yesterday and yes the sips are annoying but I can them one after the other so it's okay. I'm so sore and annoyed and I just want to sleep on my side by it's so painful. I made a homemade chicken broth and it's tasteless. Recipe of your delicious one please?
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    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Maddi-SADI in Had my SADI Surgery 7/17/24   
    Hello all! I had my SADI-S done on July 17th and I was trying to find a community/support from others who have gone through bariatric surgery.

    Both my parents had the RYGB over 10+ years ago, so I guess I'm not really new to bariatric surgery, but I am new to all things SADI/sleeve. I'm currently taking the Bariatric Advantage multiEA with Iron and they are...gross. So I'm curious to the alternative people have been taking, but that also meet with the SADI requirements, since I know the malabsorption is an issue.

    I'm diabetic, and on the Omnipod insulin pump, but with U-500 Humalin instead of U-100. I am extremely insulin resistant, even after the surgery. But it has been way better than before the surgery, so whoo hoo.

    I think I'm just looking for people to share their own stories with the sleeve/SADI and any tips/tricks along the way.

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    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Bypass2Freedom in The Holiday Shop   
    It was shocking to be honest 😂 I was fully prepared to still be wearing the sizes I was in at my biggest! My eyes and mind deceive me 😅
    Thank you! Oooh lovely - I hope you all have a good time! I have always wanted to visit Scotland, if for the cooler weather if nothing else 🤣
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    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Bypass2Freedom in The Holiday Shop   
    So some of you may remember me saying previously that I am going on holiday in September, and now it is about 2ish weeks away!
    My first time in a hot country, and I was leaving clothes shopping until last minute.
    I have now bought some bits and pieces, and my sizing varies immensely 🤔😂
    I've definitely gone down a size or two - I was previously wearing a UK 22 (I probably should have been wearing a 24 but I was refusing to accept that) - and most of the clothes I bought over the weekend were a UK 18 - one dress I fit in was even a UK 16!! (still a little tight around the boobs but that is fine 🤣)
    It was actually really nice to try on clothes for a change...now lets hope I can cope with the hot weather!
  12. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to MrsFitz in Macro Tracking Apps   
    I use the Nutracheck app and I can add my own recipes with weights & nutritional value of each ingredient and state how many servings it makes. I can then use either the portion size, the full recipe or specific weight used. So for your turkey meatballs I would state the weight/nutritional value of turkey, peppers, onion, marinara etc and say it makes 16 portions. I don’t know if this helps!

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    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ms.sss in Carbonation   
    i started drinking carbonated Water (i.e., perrier) around 1-2 months post op and haven't stopped since...it does make me burpy (always had), but i kinda like it lol. alot of the time the burps give me relief from pressure or fullness i often feel.
    i started drinking coke zero regularly again around 2-3 years post op. again no issue (that i am aware of at least).
    i probably drink at least one glass of coke zero a day. sometimes more, sometimes less, depends on where i am, what im doing, its availability, etc...
    but i mean if you dont need to drink diet drinks in particular, and you've gone long without and and can stay away, with minimal angst, i'd suggest just keep staying away, especially if u can do it with little effort. there are lots of studies out there that artificial sweeteners may not be the greatest for you so may as well keep staying away if u can.
    just plain carbonated water probably has less to worry about health-wise, tho.
  14. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Had an appt with my Dietician and I am so peeved!   
    I think in the last 2 years I talked to my nutritionist 3 times. And that was because I had to. It was included with the surgeries and she worked in my surgeon's office. She's nice and helped me come up with some cool recipes, but that's really it. I stayed mostly within the surgeon's dietary recommendations, but as time went on, I learned what my body likes and dislikes.
    For example, I'm extremely sensitive to carbs but not at all to sugar. I still stay away from sugar for the most part, but I'm not afraid of it like I was. I won't turn something away if it has sugar, but I typically go sugar free as much as I can. As for carbs, I use to do Keto, so I was ok with low carb meals (I would have maybe 60-80 carbs per day). Now, though, I can't have more than 25 without feeling sick. On heavy workout days, I tend to go higher (45-50) but I pay for it because, again, I'm SUPER sensitive to them now.
    I respond well to high Protein, moderate healthy fats, and high Fiber foods. I'd say just do what you're doing, ignore the nutritionist, and keep kicking ass and taking names. You're doing AWESOME, so don't worry about the rest of it.
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    NeonRaven8919 reacted to JennyBeez in Had an appt with my Dietician and I am so peeved!   
    Keep in mind that most nutritionists, it's their job to tell you to stay within certain limits that were decided by prior care teams who-knows how many years ago, based on individuals who could be much different than you. Those limits may be absolute BS, but they have to cover their own ass and give you these 'healthy guidelines'.
    In my care team, I have three different nutritionists I've seen so far. One of them seems very open, very with it, and all her advice so far has been really helpful. The other two have been absolutely useless. (Ironically, one is constantly looking at my food logs and saying things like "and where do you see that you could have added more Protein here" even though I'm usually already in the 80-100g range -- and I DO NOT work out)

    For what it's worth, I think you're doing exceedingly well. Every time I see you post around here, I pay attention because you really seem to be in tune with your own body. If you're not having any protein over-consumption symptoms and your labs are good, I would take what's useful from the NUT and throw the rest away.

    (Are they sending you for bloodwork routinely, or has that fallen through the cracks too?)
  16. Thanks
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from FifiLux in 1 yr post op - photo evidence :)   
    This is really great! Looking at our states, I think I'm the same height just a little bigger than you are. It's nice to see that you've been successful and your doing well, but it also nice to see where I could be in a year!
  17. Hugs
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Fars in Off & on   
    3 months post op sleeve and since last two weeks digestion is off & on for the same food

    Somedays chicken slides smoothly others it sits heavy in the stomach - this off & on has come around in the last two weeks, earlier was smooth

    Concerned if this is normal - nurse says to just monitor
  18. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to summerseeker in My Body Shape is Changing.   
    I never really noticed in my weight loss period because it was Covid times and I wore the same old stuff everyday. I was years out of the habit of looking in mirrors too.
    Nowadays, almost 3 years out, I buy clothes in my size -UK 14 - and they fit me all over. Like people say. the weight / fat distributes itself around your body after you stop weight loss. I haven't had any skin surgery either. People actually ask where I buy my clothes ! and copy me ! Where is the Vogue camera man when you want him ? Ha !
  19. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ShoppGirl in My Body Shape is Changing.   
    Okay so this may be premature but I ordered a pair of track pants which is pretty much what I live in for around the house in a XL (was a 2X) and instead of being tight in the waist they are okay there but tight in the hips. They are a different cut since they are all the skinny legs now so they are actually very fitted allover and maybe they just run smaller in the hips but now that I’m looking for that my thighs and hip area do look disproportionately large. I want to lose a little more before I wear them anyways but it’s just odd that it used to be my waist where things were snug and now it’s the hips. Wonder how many times my shape will change on the way down. Did anyone else experience loss in certain areas before others changing their shape a bit?
  20. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to BlondePatriotInCDA in Psyc eval   
    "I mean all the hoops that are required for weight loss surgery, I haven’t done anything like this for any other surgery It really feels like discrimination. How is it that in this day and age they are still getting away with it.?"
    I wholeheartedly agree. I think about this when I think about skin surgery not being covered by insurance because its "elective" "plastic surgery" yet transitional surgeries are covered and "elective".
    Both are to help with how we see ourselves, what our inner selves are, our mental health! The differences are one can cause bad rashes, difficulties wearing clothing and getting around/exercising, back pain/skeletal pain from excessive hanging skin weight and is caused by treating a disease. The other involves self perception as well and can cause mental distress, yet is readily covered by insurance and yet involves "healthy body parts."
    To me it IS discrimination, why cover one without question but not the other? Heck, transitional doesn't even require therapy now. Both are major changes in a life.
    I always got the impression insurance companies refuse to cover skin surgery because we "brought it on ourselves" opposed to it being an actual symptom from a disease. I have rosacea which is purely a visual thing yet its covered, as is acne, warts etc...all covered. Yes, they're cheaper to cover, but are a disease that's visual that's covered they also won't cause a secondary problems. They will even cover breast reductions for back pain, why not excessive skin for back pain?
    I personally found no worth to the therapy session, I knew and know what caused my obesity and what I needed to do to get healthier. Some may not. It should be voluntary or required if people start to back slide gaining weight after surgery but to me beforehand was pointless. It would have been more helpful to cover the changes in your life that would be happening. Yes, I was also required to do a group session with ppl who had gone through it or were..but it was a structured topic put on by the dieticians. Perhaps if they offered mentors or group sessions for dealing with life changes..that would be better..ppl who've gone through it, not someone schooled on what its supposed to be like..that would be better opposed to a size two I've never battled with my weight therapist/dietician!
  21. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to MrsFitz in Psyc eval   
    No, I’m a Yorkshire Lass for my sins!
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    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in I mean, at this point I give up trying to figure it out...   
    Yes! I've been having the same discussion with my doctor. I "haven't met my weight loss goal" for the last two weeks because I'm still at 116kg. But, my body composition shows it's because going to the gym has been working and I'm gaining muscle. They just want smaller numbers on the scale and smaller numbers on the BMI.
    @SleeveToBypass2023 I'm really sorry you've had all this stress. Just sending sympathies.
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    NeonRaven8919 reacted to GreenTealael in Measurements!   
    I love seeing measurements! Congratulations
  24. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ShoppGirl in Revision   
    Mine was because of regain post sleeve. My surgeon said that the sleeve is a really great procedure and it works great for so many people but obesity is complex and some people just need a little more of a metabolic change to be successful. I have the added complexity of bipolar disorder and anxiety. The depressive episodes and the anxiety cause me to make less healthy choices and some of the meds that go with it that cause weight gain as well. I went with the sleeve because of the meds and it causing less absorption issues and it was certainly wise to try it first but it just wasn’t the right choice for me.

    I just revised to SADI three weeks ago and according to my NP I am doing great in terms of loss for a revision and my recovery. I certainly feel great and I am not craving sweets which was another reason I think I regained. It’s not at all common according to my surgeon (usually it’s the opposite and sweet cravers stop craving them) but post sleeve I went from a savory person to one that craved sweets. During the liquids stage post sleeve my cravings were for various deserts. Post SADI I am craving Fish Tacos and apples with Nut Butter so I think that may have reversed itself which will make things sooooo much easier.
  25. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to catwoman7 in Revision   
    the majority are due to people who had sleeve who developed gastric reflux (GERD) that couldn't be controlled medically. They usually revise to bypass since bypass tends to improve (or in many cases, cure) GERD.
    a few are due to people who revise from sleeve to either bypass or SADI or DS because they didn't lose the amount of weight they'd hoped to
    I've seen a handful of cases in the nine or ten years I've been on here of people revising from bypass to DS (again because they didn't lose the amount of weight they'd hoped to), but that's a complicated revision that's not done very often
    and then there are a few cases that don't fit it any of these categories, such as Sleeve2bypass's case (she's still here on Batriatric Pal), but those are really rare

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