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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Spinoza in Emotional Care post Surgery -   
    My less eloquent take. I am also a foodie. I never stopped cooking for family and friends. I just pureed what I cooked and then had tiny portions of what I cooked and can now have bigger portions but nowhere near what I used to.
    food is a big part of socialising. Eating out was super tricky in the early months because nobody outside my immediate family knows about my surgery, so I just avoided it. Once I could eat a starter or at least rearrange the leftover stuff to look like I'd eaten most of it, I was back in the saddle! I said I had eaten already or wasn't really hungry and nobody ever cared. Lots of thin people eat like that - I have regularly split main courses with people I've known for years who always left half their meal anyway.
    Small plates like tapas are absolutely ideal. And sharing plates - you can have a bite or two of everything and if other people are digging in they'll honestly not notice. And don't bother with the sides - our plans want us to concentrate on the good stuff!
    Most of us (especially with sleeves) can very quickly eat everything again. Don't worry, you will absolutely still be able to Celebrate food whilst losing weight.
    Welcome to the forum and welcome to your new life.
  2. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Spinoza in Emotional Care post Surgery -   
    Amazing post. I may print it out so I can read it every day. 😍
  3. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to MelP1970 in Emotional Care post Surgery -   
    Dear Community,
    I am 5 days Post Operation (I live in Berlin, Germany) I believe the proper translation is the Gatsric Sleeve (75% Stomach is removed). Although things are going much better than expected post surgery more uncomfortable than pain, and I am not excessively hungry or thinking of food, I know what is to come will be a life changing situation. I feel very emotinal of the unknown and the worry about life quality with my family and friends where so much has been me as a provider of space where the love of food at gatherings brings people together and I enjoy cooking, trying new flavors and of course eating that is obvious! It has always been a part of my identity this side but this emotional element is not a fear of myself eating too little or not healthy or yummy enough because that will continue be a part of my cooking. But maybe there are a few out there who felt similar but found a great way to not lose the joy? the celebration? I would be very grateful for opinions thank you!
  4. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to AmberFL in "Gym" is not a dirty word   
    It is intimidating! However, everyone has a goal who goes to the gym and frankly no one is paying attention to anyone. Most people are heads down, ear buds in and going to work. I was the same way! Scared to try to new machines, didn't want to be that fat girl trying the stair master only to get off after 5min. BUT I did it and am improving. You stepped in and, made a goal to go at least 2x a week and that my friend is a huge accomplishment! Good on you!! You got this!
  5. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from AmberFL in "Gym" is not a dirty word   
    I had a really bad week last week nutritionally. I gained back about half the weight I lost in the last two weeks. I just didn't stick to the milk diet I'm supposed to be on.
    My surgery date is 7th of October and the bariatric doctor gave a diet he thought would be easy to follow so I can quickly lose weight before surgery.
    So Protein Shakes and chicken or beef broth and this is what I'm supposed to have for 12 weeks.
    Last week, I was sick, I was on my period and a little depressed so I went for comfort food.
    Starting to panic about trying to hit the weight target the doctor set for me, I thought I would try going to the gym.
    I've not been to a gym in years and I have memories of PE class and school bullies screaming back to me.
    But I went in. The staff member was great about showing me around, all the bulky gym buff types that I thought would be bullies because of every high school movie I ever saw didn't even look at me.
    I think I just assumed that being a fat person I would laughed at judged, but I was no different than anyone else. I was just there to work out just like they were.
    I was pleasantly surprised by the experience.
    Some of the equipment is intimidating and I have no idea what it does, but starting slowly, I think going in at least twice a week for now is a good starting point.

  6. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from AmberFL in "Gym" is not a dirty word   
    I had a really bad week last week nutritionally. I gained back about half the weight I lost in the last two weeks. I just didn't stick to the milk diet I'm supposed to be on.
    My surgery date is 7th of October and the bariatric doctor gave a diet he thought would be easy to follow so I can quickly lose weight before surgery.
    So Protein Shakes and chicken or beef broth and this is what I'm supposed to have for 12 weeks.
    Last week, I was sick, I was on my period and a little depressed so I went for comfort food.
    Starting to panic about trying to hit the weight target the doctor set for me, I thought I would try going to the gym.
    I've not been to a gym in years and I have memories of PE class and school bullies screaming back to me.
    But I went in. The staff member was great about showing me around, all the bulky gym buff types that I thought would be bullies because of every high school movie I ever saw didn't even look at me.
    I think I just assumed that being a fat person I would laughed at judged, but I was no different than anyone else. I was just there to work out just like they were.
    I was pleasantly surprised by the experience.
    Some of the equipment is intimidating and I have no idea what it does, but starting slowly, I think going in at least twice a week for now is a good starting point.

  7. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Bypass2Freedom in Mid-week Checkpoint   
    Finally worked out how to just insert this as a picture rather than a link 😂 Pre-having my eyebrows done! They were a hot mess in this pic!
  8. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to BlondePatriotInCDA in 1300 calorie pre-surgery diet   
    Are you male?
    I was on a pre surgery diet of 1000-1200 calories max (female) and that's fairly common...Men 1300 - 1500 max.. The amount of exercise I did didn't matter (I was very active). I started May and my surgery was in August..
    I was under the impression those calorie limits were fairly normal, am I missing something here? On average not trying to lose weight is 1800 - 2200 (maintenance) based on age, height etc..Sooo dropping to 1200 would still be healthy but allow for healthy weight loss.
    Lastly, I understand you're training, but after surgery you will be on even less calories (I'm almost 9 months PO and I get 800 calorie and your swimming event is 2025 - post surgery..so you'd be on calorie restrictions then..what's the difference between now and then?. Training is about building endurance and calories shouldn't matter as long as you're getting what is recommended and the right macros.
    Yes, everyone is different but your dietician knows your current weight, goals and objectives. I personally would do as your plan dictates if you want to go ahead with the surgery. Once you go and do your own thing (which I'm assuming is why you need the WLS in the first place) its very difficult to stay on the program. I also realize that your swimming event is important to you, but you need to decide what is most important - the swim event or becoming healthy. Something to think on...
  9. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from Arabesque in 1 yr post op - photo evidence :)   
    This is really great! Looking at our states, I think I'm the same height just a little bigger than you are. It's nice to see that you've been successful and your doing well, but it also nice to see where I could be in a year!
  10. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to AmberFL in Mid-week Checkpoint   
    My week has been decent, school for the kids is almost starting so that is exciting, I have a son who is going into 7th grade, daughter who is going into 2nd grade and a 2.5 rambunctious crazy toddler boy. So school shopping and haircuts are in our future next week! I finished my last final for my bachelors degree on Saturday so I will be getting that degree soon! Cannot wait!!!
    Probably the funniest thing that happened this week is that I went to F45 and my pants split right in the booty crack LOL!! So I ended up tucking in my top to continue my workout. I looked so silly but meh! still got a good workout in. My eating is not as strict as I was before but still tracking and maintaining a good caloric input and getting in around 120-150g of Protein a day. Need to work on Water more. Working on my food relationship and how its okay to have things in moderation is okay and healthy!
    Lately, I been having some accepting my new body issues, I went from a DD to A bra size and I am just not coping well LOL I officially am no longer wearing a bra because bralettes or pasties is all I need. The skin that is wrinkly and saggy regardless of how much I work out, its a reminder of how long I put my body through physical abuse and how there will always be remnants of it. I did however put a down payment on a surgeon for breast augmentation for Jan. Which I know I know I should wait longer but that will be a year and if I need them redone or fixed I'll pay for it. Plastics and my sleeve surgeon told me to wait the year. I will wait another year or 2 for my Tummy Tuck or 360 lift.
    My department lost 3 people within a month, 2 of which were tenured so this stings. My workload just got A WHOLE LOT BIGGER. Its going to be more stressful- so going to work with all my tools and make sure I don't eat my stress away.
    This week is my *spa week* Today- tanning & Brows, Monday- getting my hair did, Wednesday- Nails, so this is my week of treating myself for all my accomplishments thus far. I figure I should treat myself with something other than food.
    Anyways I needed this outlet more than I thought. LOL Thanks for reading if you did!

  11. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to AmberFL in Mid-week Checkpoint   
    you got this!! Sometimes we self-sabotage and this journey will not be perfect! been there! I definitely have had times where I eat something I know isn't great but I do. Like you said what's done is done, you moved on and back on track! Everything in moderation! its life we cant eat like rabbits forever. We will end up being miserable hags hahah *at least this what I tell myself when I have a few bites of Ben and Jerrys tehe*
  12. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to BigBird58 in Just approved for Surgery in October 2024   
    That’s great news I’m also having surgery on October 24.
  13. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Bypass2Freedom in Mid-week Checkpoint   
    Take it as a compliment for sure! Haha, sometimes the way that people phrase things is really strange 😂
    I am definitely enjoying the look! I shall have to upload a picture to the thread later if my brain is engaged enough to remember 🤣 It is Friday and I feel like I am struggling to stay awake!
    I definitely kept the pink 🎀🌸💟
  14. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Bypass2Freedom in Mid-week Checkpoint   
    Sounds like we are in somewhat of the same position when it comes to food! I am really struggling to eat more 🤣 Protein Shakes are also going to have to remain a part of my life for a while!
    I am glad that you are feeling great though, amazing to hear!
  15. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Bypass2Freedom in Mid-week Checkpoint   
    I think it is so natural to be a bit up and down, especially considering that this is a life-long journey, so we can't always have the highs. It is also about finding the happy mediums
    It is good that you can be self-aware about where you may need to improve, just take it one step at a time and don't put too much pressure on yourself to do it all at once
  16. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Mid-week Checkpoint   
    That's a great idea. I live in a big city so there's loads to choose from, I just always stick with the comfort food. I hadn't thought of rice/salad bowls. There's loads of places like that around here.
  17. Hugs
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from JennyBeez in Mid-week Checkpoint   
    This week has been disappointing. I didn't lose any weight despite not doing anything different.
    I got a dreaded summer cold, so I wasn't motivated to cook. So I ordered pizza last night.. I'm really disappointed in myself, because there's a million better options. But what's done is done. So I'm back on the diet today. I'm still sick, but I can't use that as an excuse. And at least when I don't lose weight and gain, tomorrow, I'll know why.
    I've also joined a gym and I've got the induction on Saturday. I used to go to the gym pre-pandemic and just wasn't able (or maybe willing) to get back into the swing of things once they reopened. I do miss the Water aerobics class I used to do. The new gym doesn't have a pool and I can't afford a gym with a pool.
    So up and down
  18. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to JennyBeez in Mid-week Checkpoint   
    Make sure you don't beat yourself up about it though. ❤️
    Slips happen, and you know what to do going forward. You're heading in the right direction. Unless you literally hurt yourself eating it, it's not that big a deal.

    That said, maybe take some time to check out other healthier delivery options for the future, for anytime you feel stuck. It's easy to make choices that we otherwise wouldn't when we're hungry, tired and sick and feel that pressure of "I need to get this ordered now", but if you had a few other options saved and ready to go, you might make choices that you'd regret less / be less disappointed in afterwards.

    For me, I have a couple of local mexican restaurants that have some 'build your own salad / rice bowl' options with steamed brown rice, Beans, charred corn, and several different 'clean' Proteins that aren't covered in sugary sauces. There's a number of greek restaurants that have done me dirty with the amount of oil they use in everything, but there's one that has options with little to no oil.

    When you're feeling better, maybe see if you can find a comfort food that would freeze and heat up well -- or even a couple of store-bough frozen dinners if you can find some that suit you nutritionally. I don't know what the selection is like in the UK, but in Canada I've seen some decent low carb/sugar options from Healthy Choice, Green Giant and even Lean Cuisine.
  19. Hugs
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from JennyBeez in Mid-week Checkpoint   
    This week has been disappointing. I didn't lose any weight despite not doing anything different.
    I got a dreaded summer cold, so I wasn't motivated to cook. So I ordered pizza last night.. I'm really disappointed in myself, because there's a million better options. But what's done is done. So I'm back on the diet today. I'm still sick, but I can't use that as an excuse. And at least when I don't lose weight and gain, tomorrow, I'll know why.
    I've also joined a gym and I've got the induction on Saturday. I used to go to the gym pre-pandemic and just wasn't able (or maybe willing) to get back into the swing of things once they reopened. I do miss the Water aerobics class I used to do. The new gym doesn't have a pool and I can't afford a gym with a pool.
    So up and down
  20. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to MrsFitz in A Week To Forget   
    I’m drawing a line under last week and moving swiftly on! Emotions were all over the place, pains were getting to unbearable levels and eating sensibly went by the by. 2.5lbs up on my lowest (it could have been so much worse 😮) Just putting it down to experience and carrying on.
    My clothing is fitting better and I’ve managed to wear a ring that I’ve not been able to get on my finger for quite some time so the NSV are continuing, which are all positives.
    Hope everyone has a great start to their week 🙂
    Onwards and Downwards!
  21. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Bypass2Freedom in Mid-week Checkpoint   
    So we are at the middle of the week - how are we all doing?
    What is something that has gone well so far/or something that you are looking forward to?
    Anything you'd like to learn from/improve on?
    My week has been okay so far! I have a driving lesson and then I am getting my hair cut, which I am in desperate need of as my fringe is in my eyes 🤦‍♂️
    I am trying to increase the amount I am eating, which is proving difficult, but I'll get there!
    I also start with a personal trainer tomorrow which I am excited about!
  22. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to MrsFitz in Mid-week Checkpoint   
    I’m doing OK. London weight-gain is gone - hurray! Currently taking things easy as I’ve had steroid injections in both my knees today 🙂 Looking forward to seeing Fatboy Slim live in 3 weeks for a bit of ‘hands in the air like I just don’t care’.
    Hope your driving lesson goes well and your hairdresser doesn’t take too much off your fringe! You will have to let us know how things go with your personal trainer 🏋️‍♂️
  23. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to BlondePatriotInCDA in Just approved for Surgery in October 2024   
    I gained and lost the same 2-3 pounds over a three month stall. 😡 So, yeah it happens.
  24. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from ShoppGirl in Just approved for Surgery in October 2024   
    I did stand on the scale at my usual time of day, but i think you are right about the bowels. And I'm on period, so I think there is some Water retention. I read another comment about the scale becoming a new addiction. I think this could happen for a lot of people. Ultimately, I did manage to lose 11lbs (5kg) in two weeks so I'm still happy
  25. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ShoppGirl in Just approved for Surgery in October 2024   
    I honestly don’t think them smart scales are super accurate. I’ve seen a few people on here say they got DEXA scans and that their scale was not the same. That being said. They do warn that we will lose muscle and that’s why it’s important to start with some strength building as soon as we are cleared to do so. About the stall, some people do actually gain a little. Usually it’s followed by a quick drop of that gain- plus some. I think it’s your body trying to hang onto every single calorie it gets because it thinks it’s starving. Sorta has to recalibrate for a short time and then you should be back on the downward trend. If my google search is correct 1kg is only 2.2 pounds. Honestly you could see that fluctuation any day. Doesn’t even have to be a stall. Could be your body retaining Water or your bowels are full or you weighed at a differnt time of day. Virtually anything can cause that. That’s why they say it’s best to not weigh daily. I know it’s hard not to and I’m guilty of it too but we really do just cause ourselves unnecessary stress by doing it. When I had my sleeve my daily loss fluctuated several times by a couple of pounds. Even 3 or 4 a couple times because I weighed daily. But I did only record my weight once a week and that made it way easier to see the overall downward trend.

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