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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ShoppGirl in Sadi is so lonely   
    Congratulations on your loss and thank you for sharing your story thus far. I was 258 at my dr when I started my LSD 12 days ago and I was 244 on my home scale this morning with 4 days to go till surgery day although I think my scale is a few pounds below the dr so probably 11 pounds lost. Losing 30 pounds in 7 weeks post surgery is absolutely amazing!! I am so happy for you. I am a revision so I probably won’t be losing anywhere near that quickly after my revision but that’s okay. I didn’t gain it overnight either. As long as it does eventually comes off.. I will be thrilled. Okay, probably impatient at first, but eventually thrilled.

    I almost forgot about cold food. I am 3.5 years post sleeve so I am able to eat at a fairly normal speed again and I absolutely hated that too. Whenever I was home I would microwave it over and over and over…. And one of my biggest fears are the bathroom ones. My surgeon’s NP says that so far diarrhea bas been the biggest complaint with his SADI patients with one having it so bad that it interferes with work. For all of them they say it resolved at about three months. I am usually near a bathroom and can make sure of it for 3 months but I am really concerned about the smell. I already bought poo pouri 🤣 Getting past just using a public restroom to go number two is going to be a challenge for me. I can count the number of times I have had to do that on one hand I think. Having it be noisy and smelly is going to make it even more mortifying. Hopefully it will be a small price to pay, though. 🤞

    I literally just got up and put my measuring tape in the pile I have started for the hospital so I will remember to take measurements the night before surgery. I seen it posted so many times before and never did it. Always wished I had remembered that and to do photos more often. Just like now I’m wishing I had started before the LSD. Thanks for the reminder. There is so much to remember with all of this. Even the second time around it’s an adjustment if you are like me and let old habits slip back. (Please don’t be like me, anyone, so you don’t gain it back)

    My sleeve portion is already done so they are not doing anything to my stomach. I can already eat a fairly normal sized portion so my issue shouldn’t be with getting food or liquids in a tiny pouch like most of you. It will more likely be that I will want more than my healing anastomosis will be able to handle so I will have to be very disciplined and eat the portions my dr sets for me. I am just hoping that I have some changes in my appetite still because this is gonna be like a really long pre op liquid diet for me that continues on throughout the purée and soft food stages if not. Aka not fun.

    You are so smart to only weigh once a week. I wasn’t that self disciplined to put the scale away. I did only record it once a week with my sleeve though so I could see the downward trend more easily and looking at that helped quite a bit when I felt like that scale wasn’t budging. Which reminds me I need to start logging my weight again. And such a good reminder not to compare myself to others. That is going to be especially hard as a revision. He did say it should be faster than a bypass revision though. So maybe on a tad slower than the rest of you here. I hope.

    Thank you again for sharing your experience. I hope to see updates of your continued progress and that the rest of us have as good of a handle on all of this as you seem to at 7 weeks post. Sounds like you are rocking this. Keep it up.
  2. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to BariatricBunnyBabe in Sadi is so lonely   
    I had the SADI-S on June 14, 2024. Tomorrow (Aug 2) is my 7 week post op day. I was 278 when I started my liquid diet. I was 268 on surgery day. I was 275 directly after the surgery. Last week I was 238 and I had a combined inches lost of 31. I have been experiencing a stall for a few weeks. I’ll lose some and gain some but it’s the same 3 pounds. As such I’ve been trying to get more movement into my life. I’m eating, at the advice of my surgeon, in a trial and error way. He wants me to be able to eat normal foods as it is easier to get to your Protein goals. I haven’t eaten bread, sugar, Pasta, or potatoes. I probably won’t go back to those foods.
    The pain feels like you went hard on Abs day. It was pretty much gone after 3 weeks. Eating too much (even by a single bite) or drinking too soon after a meal hurts worse than after the surgery. If you feel full and you think it’s too soon, take a break then pick it back up. You’ll be able to get it down eventually. Your anastomosis will be swollen (the link between your stomach and intestines) so there’s a bit of backing up before it goes down. I found shaking my stomach helps the food/liquid go down.
    Get good with your food being cold. Even if it’s hot when you start eating, you can’t eat it fast enough for it to stay warm. This has been the worst change for me besides the smell of my 💩.
    Work on finding low fat/non fat substitutes for cheese, dairy, etc. sugar free substitutes for drinks can help get Water in. I like G Zero and the added electrolytes are helpful.
    Track your food in an app. Weight/measure everything. Avoid “eating out” even if you can find reasonable foods to eat, it’s impossible to know your macros when you’re only eating small bits of meals and maybe removing bread etc. I only have been out once and that was two days ago. I ate a few bites off my husband’s plate. I kept looking at everyone’s full plates and thinking about how I would have eaten all of that and still been hungry.
    You will be exhausted from lack of food and energy. However force yourself to at least walk laps around your home.
    Only weigh once a week. I had my husband hide my scale. It was pissing me off that my weight was fluctuating. You will see more movement in measurements than you see on the scale. Try not to fixate on the numbers and remember not to compare yourself to others. People with more to lose will be losing faster than you. Some will not follow a good diet and lose very slowly. Let your doctor guide you on follow ups. Trust the process.
    Im new to this message board but feel free to reach out to me if you want. I’m on instagram as @BariatricBunnyBabe and TikTok as @Bariatric.Bunny and when I find things that work I post about them. I also share my wins and my weight loss stats.

    SADI-S can 100% feel lonely but we’re out here doing the thing!
  3. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ShoppGirl in Sadi is so lonely   
    Wow. You definitely have done your research and your team sounds like they are amazing. My surgeon is one of the best in my area but he hasn’t done a lot of this particular procedure so his team is definitely not up to date with it. That’s what my appt on the 19th will be about. I am very concerned about my post op care since I will be seeing the PA or NP for follow-ups.

    In terms of post op pain I can speak for the sleeve portion. My experience was very little pain. Until I tried to sit up (and felt like I had done about 1000 crunches) I didn’t have any pain at all. I thought that they just put me to sleep And woke me up. I literally worried they didn’t do the surgery for some reason. I hade heard many people with the same surgery who had tremendous pain for a week or longer. I am not sure why but I think more gas gets trapped for some people than others and that’s the majority of the pain or lack thereof. But I was very lucky and even asked them to take me off of pain meds because I didn’t need them. I do have a long torso and kinda wonder if that gave him a little more room to work in there?!
  4. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from ShoppGirl in Liquid diet.   
    I'm so happy for you! Good luck with everything!
  5. Hugs
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ShoppGirl in Liquid diet.   
    Ketosis actually makes sense. I have been on low Carb for two weeks and now no carb. Plus I was burning carbs for sure because I have been doing WAY more physical activity than I have done in years trying to get things in order.

    Finally, yes. I decided to trust my surgeon and I’m going with the SADI. He did ask if I wanted the bypasss if for some reason he gets in there and can’t do the SADI since he obviously can’t wake me up and ask. So I guess I won’t really know 100% until I wake up.

    I can’t believe after all that mental anguish that i am finally less than 24 hours out. About this time tomorrow I should in recovery or in my room. I am finally mentally prepared for all of this. And I haven’t recorded it because I remember my scale is different than my doctors and I forgot to weigh myself at home when I started the preop diet but I’m pretty sure I have lost 14 or 15 pounds already. Let the Journey begin!!
  6. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to 4MRB4PHOTO in Fat Acceptance Movement - how do you feel?   
    Some PCPs may lack people skills, but most are trying to impress upon their obese patients the importance of losing weight (diseases, shortened life expectancy, mental health, etc.) based upon their first hand knowledge and experience.
    A PCP should not say "You fat (bleep), why don't you put the fork down some time and go for a walk!" -That would be cruel, unprofessional and unsupportive.
    They could say "According to the weight/height charts, you should try to grow 4 feet taller".
    My PCP encouraged me to lose weight in a positive way by suggesting dieting, offering advice on losing weight and over time, eventually entertaining the thought of bariatric surgery.
    She is a consummate doctor, has great people skills, is very caring and THANKFULLY, has a small index finger (guys know what I mean).
  7. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Creekimp13 in Big Boned…🤔   
    Some good stuff being brought up about "big boned" being another denial. Being honest is important.
    That said...there ARE different frame sizes, different statures, different body styles.
    My bestie and I are both 5'6". She has size 6 feet, I have size 10. She looks great at 150 #, I look great at 170#. She has teenie little paws and can wear itsy bitsy rings. I have large hands that completely cover hers with an extra inch.
    Boob size can turn a size medium girl into an XL shirt wearer. Boobs are a wildcard, too.
    I definitely support not lying to yourself that "you're just big boned"....but also want to to balance this. There's a different body style inherent to being a fit Dutch girl, a fit Asian girl, a fit African American girl. Individual differences, too. We are not all the same....which is why Arnold Schwarzenegger had an obese BMI when he won Mr. Universe.
    Bodies vary.
  8. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Gabbie-1 in WHAT does religion have to do with me having surgery??????   
    I am a Christian and proud of it! Never the less Who are they to judge? Christ does not want Christians to judge others.
    I had revision band to RNY 5/15. I applaud you for taking this difficult step.
    Oddly people think you walk in have a quick simple procedure and the weight Miraculously starts melting away. They turn a blind eye to years of struggles, the fight to be approved and the work before and after surgery.
  9. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to BabySpoons in WHAT does religion have to do with me having surgery??????   
    Reminds me of a documentary I watched recently on HBO called The Way Down. It's about a diet guru pastor, Gwen Shamblin who wrote a book that swept the nation/world back in the 80s/90s. The Weigh Down Workshop. It basically teaches that all you need to lose weight is self-denial and faith in God. But if you are overweight, you are shamed into believing you're a selfish glutton that lacks self-control and a prayer life.
    That same mindset is still quite prevalent today by a lot of churchgoers. So, it's amazing how many sheeples (your so-called friends) buy into this messed up type of teaching. Sure, gluttony is listed as one of the 7 deadly sins but this line of thinking doesn't take into consideration at all that obesity is a medical condition and not just a moral failure.

  10. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to SG509 in WHAT does religion have to do with me having surgery??????   
    When people don’t have the means or will power to get the surgery jealous kicks in. You did right by saving your life.
  11. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Blessd1 in WHAT does religion have to do with me having surgery??????   
    I realize this post is older, but just wanted to say thank you for taking time to write it. As a Christian, I have also struggled with the notion that my body is a temple but that somehow I'm forsaking what He intended for me to be. I always try to hand over my battles to God. Now I feel tremendous relief knowing that He understands our struggles, so much so that He endorsed what many would call "drastic measures" to avoid sin and despair. Wow...this WLS journey is deeper than anyone can fathom!
  12. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Blueeyekitten in WHAT does religion have to do with me having surgery??????   
    I am so sorry that anyone would make
    You feel this way. Being a very strong Christian I would never make anyone feel that they did something against GOD. I had the surgery at the end of September last year and have loss 95 pounds I also had a hip replacement, had 4 COVID shots and believe that our GOD us the intelligence to be able to help people with surgery and medicine.

    I commend you for having the courage to have the surgery. I know I am proud of myself for having it and taking my life back!!
  13. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Splenda in WHAT does religion have to do with me having surgery??????   
    As a licensed Christian minister, here would be my response to them.
    In Matthew 5:29-30, Jesus said "If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell."
    Jesus clearly endorsed the idea that you need self-control by almost any means necessary. He said that if your hand leads you to sin, be willing to cut it off. If your eye continually leads you to sin, be willing to gouge it out. So if your stomach leads you to the sin of gluttony, shouldn't you be equally willing to have it surgically altered to prevent such a sin?
  14. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in "Gym" is not a dirty word   
    Here in America, we have Medicaid, which is tax payer and government funded. They make you jump through a lot of hoops to get the surgery approved, but once it is, you still only have 2, or in rare cases, 3 weeks of pre-op dieting. I really feel for you. So they want you to lose 27 pounds in 3 months. That's 9 pounds per month or 2.25 pounds per week. That's actually VERY doable!!! And you still have plenty of time. I know you can do it. You got this!!!
  15. Haha
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in "Gym" is not a dirty word   
    I'm supposed to get down to 111kg (244lbs) I started at 123KG (271lbs). I've currently lost 4kg (9lbs) since July 15th. My weight has been fluctuating between 118kg and 120 kg for about a week now.

    I think the other thing about the 12 week diet is I am an NHS patient so it's taxpayer funded and it's a teaching hospital so they are more strict on guidelines before surgeries but also I think they are trying new techniques.
    I was also asked is I wanted to take part in a trial about dental health on this new pre-op diet which requires everything from blood to a stool sample. I don't mind taking part except now the pretty Spanish periodontist knows I poop!
  16. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from Mspretty86 in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    My win is I haven't had Red Bull or either type of energy drink for a week and I don't even miss them! I'm sleeping better as a result. It was a vicious cycle, couldn't get enough sleep, needed large amounts of caffeine, couldn't get enough sleep!
  17. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Nabih_bawazir in Post OP pain in ankles and knees   
    I have similar case but at lower back, I got MRI and I have inflammation in facet joints, the doctor give me 8000 IU a day of Vitamin D for 3 months and 15 pain killers pills (I take every 2 days in first month, and one a week in second month), my pain is gone since 3th month after surgery, l still have multiple prescription to buy painkillers, if one year pain is not gone, she suggest to retake MRI, since my pain is not comeback after my BMI below 33, so I stop take painkillers, but I will continue take 3000 IU Vitamin D (basically once daily bariatric vitamin)
  18. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Happy Dancing!   
    I so look forward to your posts!!! I love this for you!!! Don't forget to do the bike, as well. You're doing awesome!!
  19. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Bypass2Freedom in Happy Dancing!   
    Ahh congratulations! I bet you are so happy! It is really amazing finally seeing it in yourself, and being able to track the progress. Really pleased for you ❤️
    I have literally just re-joined the gym with a PT, and she's given me a really basic strength training programme to get me started - if you like, I can always send you my workouts so you have a place to start?
    Honestly amazing news for you all round, and I really have my fingers crossed for you for your anniversary dress! I know you'll smash your goals!

  20. Congrats!
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to MrsFitz in Happy Dancing!   
    Very happy this week! The London gain of 3.5lbs has gone plus another 6lbs has joined it this week so I’ve hit my 2stones loss target 😊 Hubby has documented this by taking pics and I can definitely see a difference - my backside isn’t as much as a shelf now 😉 I will post pics when I gain more confidence but they are definitely worth doing for your own records, even if you hate and despise your photos being taken.
    I’m sat here with my feet on a circulation booster, with my feet and calves twitching away. I’ve got it for both me and hubby in the hope that it will help both of us with our circulation and start helping me strengthen my muscles around my knees. We had a chat yesterday and agreed to rejoin our local gym. I know I won’t be able to do cardio like the treadmill etc but I certainly do need to spend some time on the resistance machines and hopefully the free weights. I want to try and get some muscle tone going and avoid masses of sagging skin if I can. I desperately miss going to the gym so I’m definitely looking forward to it. I’m due at physio next week for knee exercises so we’ve said we will begin 1st Sept (helps with keeping monthly finances straight too)
    Lots of NSVs this week…can now take my wedding/engagement/eternity rings off when in the bath. That certainly hasn’t happened for a long, long time. I’m finding more clothes to wear when ‘shopping in my wardrobe’. I’ve actually had to buy a BELT for my jeans 😮😮😮 I bought 3 pairs in the sales some time ago. 1pair fit fine, 1 I could just about fasten but not breathe, 1 I couldn’t fasten for love nor money. Fast forward to Saturday and it’s now 1 too big, 1 fasten easily and 1 fasten but can’t really breathe!!! Hopefully a belt will let me get some more wear out of them before they go off to the charity shop pile.
    It’s our wedding anniversary in September and I’ve set myself a target of wearing a dress that I wore for our wedding anniversary dinner 2 years ago. It’s a lovely dress and I felt fantastic when wearing it so hopefully it will fit again. I would like to lose another 10lbs or so before trying it on so fingers crossed 🤞🤞 Hubby knows what I’m aiming for and is all for it.
    Need to remember to record my food diary next week, ready for the dietitian appointment the week after. I record everything now but not the moods pre- and post- eating which they need. I’ve already recorded a dietitian diary just before I began my weight loss journey so hopefully she will be able to see the differences.
    Have a fantastic week everyone 🤩
    Onwards and Downwards!
  21. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to MrsFitz in "Gym" is not a dirty word   
    I know at our local gym, the ‘gym bunnies’ actually annoy the other users, both male and female. Most people are there just doing their own thing and don’t want to have to deal with those who are there for ‘show’ and spend silly amounts of time on their phones while holding up the machines. Taking photos is banned, thankfully, because I think that would be my undoing.
    Everyone has to start somewhere…those people who seem really confident and seem to know what they’re doing most probably felt just the same when they first started! I when I was a regular I would throw on a pair of headphones, get my gym playlist going, and crack on. I have to say that I am the worlds sweatiest, most unattractive woman when I finish my workout but I’m buzzing and it helps my mental health like you wouldn’t believe. We are rejoining the gym at the beginning of September and I’m so looking forward to it.
    Well done on taking that first step! Hopefully the gym will distract you from the diet and both will work in tandem for you in readiness for your October surgery.
  22. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to GreenTealael in "Gym" is not a dirty word   
    Congratulations so far and can I quietly say that a 12 week preop diet is wild?!?!
    The generic gym culture I have noticed is either people completely ignoring you because they are focused, regulars greeting each other and friends that work out together. I have not seen anyone overly social lately (positive or negative).

    In specialized settings (crossfit, yoga, Pilates, etc) it may be different but it seems gym culture corrected itself and is much more welcoming.

  23. Hugs
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from MrsFitz in "Gym" is not a dirty word   
    I had a really bad week last week nutritionally. I gained back about half the weight I lost in the last two weeks. I just didn't stick to the milk diet I'm supposed to be on.
    My surgery date is 7th of October and the bariatric doctor gave a diet he thought would be easy to follow so I can quickly lose weight before surgery.
    So Protein Shakes and chicken or beef broth and this is what I'm supposed to have for 12 weeks.
    Last week, I was sick, I was on my period and a little depressed so I went for comfort food.
    Starting to panic about trying to hit the weight target the doctor set for me, I thought I would try going to the gym.
    I've not been to a gym in years and I have memories of PE class and school bullies screaming back to me.
    But I went in. The staff member was great about showing me around, all the bulky gym buff types that I thought would be bullies because of every high school movie I ever saw didn't even look at me.
    I think I just assumed that being a fat person I would laughed at judged, but I was no different than anyone else. I was just there to work out just like they were.
    I was pleasantly surprised by the experience.
    Some of the equipment is intimidating and I have no idea what it does, but starting slowly, I think going in at least twice a week for now is a good starting point.

  24. Hugs
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from MrsFitz in "Gym" is not a dirty word   
    I had a really bad week last week nutritionally. I gained back about half the weight I lost in the last two weeks. I just didn't stick to the milk diet I'm supposed to be on.
    My surgery date is 7th of October and the bariatric doctor gave a diet he thought would be easy to follow so I can quickly lose weight before surgery.
    So Protein Shakes and chicken or beef broth and this is what I'm supposed to have for 12 weeks.
    Last week, I was sick, I was on my period and a little depressed so I went for comfort food.
    Starting to panic about trying to hit the weight target the doctor set for me, I thought I would try going to the gym.
    I've not been to a gym in years and I have memories of PE class and school bullies screaming back to me.
    But I went in. The staff member was great about showing me around, all the bulky gym buff types that I thought would be bullies because of every high school movie I ever saw didn't even look at me.
    I think I just assumed that being a fat person I would laughed at judged, but I was no different than anyone else. I was just there to work out just like they were.
    I was pleasantly surprised by the experience.
    Some of the equipment is intimidating and I have no idea what it does, but starting slowly, I think going in at least twice a week for now is a good starting point.

  25. Hugs
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from MrsFitz in "Gym" is not a dirty word   
    I had a really bad week last week nutritionally. I gained back about half the weight I lost in the last two weeks. I just didn't stick to the milk diet I'm supposed to be on.
    My surgery date is 7th of October and the bariatric doctor gave a diet he thought would be easy to follow so I can quickly lose weight before surgery.
    So Protein Shakes and chicken or beef broth and this is what I'm supposed to have for 12 weeks.
    Last week, I was sick, I was on my period and a little depressed so I went for comfort food.
    Starting to panic about trying to hit the weight target the doctor set for me, I thought I would try going to the gym.
    I've not been to a gym in years and I have memories of PE class and school bullies screaming back to me.
    But I went in. The staff member was great about showing me around, all the bulky gym buff types that I thought would be bullies because of every high school movie I ever saw didn't even look at me.
    I think I just assumed that being a fat person I would laughed at judged, but I was no different than anyone else. I was just there to work out just like they were.
    I was pleasantly surprised by the experience.
    Some of the equipment is intimidating and I have no idea what it does, but starting slowly, I think going in at least twice a week for now is a good starting point.

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