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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ShoppGirl in Contemplating Surgery   
    If it was the “easy way out” then people like me wouldn’t need revision surgeries. It’s just a tool and if you don’t do your part it doesn’t work so it’s certainly no magic wand. Don’t wait until your body is in worse shape. Your still young and with a little help you can change you life significantly.

    Aside from the fact that they are wrong scientifically and statistically, so what if it was the “easy way out.” Do these people bear their clothes against rocks or use brooms instead of vacuum cleaners? Do they believe that power tools are the easy way out and refuse to use them? The fact is housework still sucks and carpentry is hard regardless of whether you have the best tools or not.

    if you think of weight loss As a task like laundry, surgery would be the washing machine. If you only had one or two loads to do you could probably get it done by beating it on rocks and avoid the need for a special machine but when you are obese and have a lot more loads to do you need a washing machine to make it possible to get it all done.

    The surgery is just a tool. Just as you don’t wake up from surgery never having to do laundry again, you won’t be able to lye around and eat bon bons and just lose weight. If you don’t do your part for laundry your washing machine will just be a dusty machine in the corner and your laundry will pile up. And like me if you don't do your part with the surgery, you won’t lose what you should and the pounds will start to pack back on.

    Be kind to yourself. You have a very complex disease that requires medical intervention. An intervention that you deserve just as much as someone with heart disease needs medication or surgery. Don’t let the ignorance of others stop you from doing what is right for yourself and your life. You deserve all the help you can get to accomplish whatever goal you set out to do and anyone that says that they wouldn’t do the same thing is not really putting themselves in your shoes.
  2. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to catwoman7 in Contemplating Surgery   
    obesity is a very complex condition, and it takes a multi-pronged approach to lose weight. Among other things, there are biological changes which occur when you're obese (people with obesity even have different gut bacteria than people who don't) which make it very difficult to lose weight and especially, keep it off. You have to fight biology to do it, and biology usually wins. Fewer than 5% of people who lose a lot of weight are able to keep it off.
    I was in that battle for decades (I'm in my mid-60s - had surgery at age 55). I cannot tell you how many times I lost 15 or 20 lbs, just to have it come back on. On my more successful attempts, I'd lose 50 or 60 lbs - but again, it just came back on - and I had 200 lbs to lose! Surgery was the only thing that ever worked for me. There's a good chance I'd be dead by now if I hadn't had it.
    people who've never struggled with obesity have no idea what they're talking about. Listen to your doctor and yourself, and not people who have no clue what they're talking about.
  3. Hugs
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to CrazyDog&CatLady in Revision from sleeve to bypass due to GERD (Trigger Warning)   
    I was sleeved in March of 2015 (HW 405, SW 357, LW 238, sustained 260 for a few years), had some regain where I hit 315, so I went on a hybrid Optifast/Numetra diet through a program at Kaiser (my then insurance in California). It worked well, I dropped about 50 pounds and was happy with that, but then I had some mental health issues including some passive ideation, so I decided to move across country (technically back home) to Delaware and share a living space with my brother and his wife and pets. Since that move I've gained back the 50 pounds I lost, I have another hiatal hernia, and severe acid reflux/GERD so now I'm on the path to revision to bypass.
    Thing is, I never wanted bypass, that's why I had the sleeve in the first place, the reworking of my internal plumbing scares the heck out of me! I've known a ton of people who've had it with no issues, but I've also known a couple who passed away from complications (granted, that was 20 years ago, and I know things have improved medically since then). But the idea of having dumping syndrome, and malabsorption, and needing to take Vitamins and supplements forever - UGH - I'm freaking out!! 😨😖
    I have an anxiety disorder (SAD & GAD) and my anxiety has been through the ROOF the past few weeks! My surgery date is August 26 - 13 days from today! - and I started my pre-op diet the other day (Monday), but part of me wants to cancel everything! However, there is a part of me that can't wait for the relief from the GERD.
    I guess I'm not asking for anything here, mostly just venting my anxiety. 🤣
  4. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to A brighten the day in I am looking for information on the before and after getting the sleeve done   
    Hey everyone, I am new here and I am getting the gastric sleeve done. I am on my journey to become a healthier me after I had a doctor tell me to my face that I am too fat to have my hernia surgery to repair it from when they took out my gallbladder. So here is a list of questions some might be able to help me with. Yes, I know I can ask the doctor but unless they have lived thru it, they can only speculate on what could happen.
    1. I have dentures will the rapid weight loss effect how they sit in my mouth?
    2. What are some of the best Protein Shakes out there in order to ensure I get the Protein I need?
    3. How long were you down after surgery? How long until you started driving again?
    4. Did you have a person helping you with after care and if so, how long?
    5. I am disabled due to a nerve disorder; Is there anyone here who has a disability that has gotten the sleeve and how was your recovery?
    I am sure there will be more, but these are the main ones floating in my head right now.
    Thank you in advance for taking the time to not only read this but answering any question that you can. Also, all advise is accepted.
  5. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ShoppGirl in NEVER thought I would be asking this   
    I had a revision surgery from sleeve to SADI a week ago today and I am a little concerned about how fast I am losing. Between the pre op diet and now I have lost 26 pounds. I think 14 pounds Pre Surgery and 12 this week. What’s odd is that the surgeon warned me that with it being a revision my loss would be quite a bit slower than with a virgin surgery and I don’t think I lost quite this fast with my sleeve.
    Obviously I want to lose And the faster the better so long as it’s still healthy. I have my first post op tomorrow and I plan to ask the NP but I am just curious to hear what others here have experienced.
    Maybe I’m worrying too soon. It could be that everyone loses this quick this early out regardless of vigin surgery or revision. It’s just something on my mind and I’m curious about what others experience has been with revision surgeries. Did you lose pretty quickly the first week as well?
  6. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ShoppGirl in Lost my way   
    What do you mean. Did you reach your goal and start to regain or is it something else? I see you are about 40 pounds from your goal now so it certainly seems doable to turn it around if it’s regain. My first piece of advice as someone who regained all their weight and just had revision surgery a week ago is to reach out to your team. My second step would be to reach out for support here or otherwise and you have already done that. I did neither because I was too embarrassed and you can see where that led me. When I finally did reach out to them I wished I had done it sooner because they treated me with nothing but compassion and just wanted to help. For me the only real option was revision but you should have plenty others.

    My guess is their first plan of attack will be to go back to the basics. Reading labels, Logging your food and counting macros. Protein first, smaller portions and reaching your fluid goals. Seems like from your profile you are pretty active anyways but trying to Incorporate more activity if that has slipped a little. Just go back to it like you are just out of surgery. Well past the staged return to eating I guess but fairly early out anyways. Some people even start with the “pouch reset” Of a liquid diet for a week or two although most say that there is no real evidence that does much to reset anything.

    Make an appointment with your team now and start logging what you are doing for a week or so giving them a starting point and let them advise you of what you need to work on. There are other options now if diet alone is not enough but if you enjoy healthy eating anyways its likely portion size has increased a little more than you realize and that’s something you should be able to change.

    Once you do figure it out try to make changes one at a time if necessary to make them more manageable. Set lots of small goals to keep yourself motivated But most importantly keep reaching out to your support networks such as posting here as well as keeping in touch with your team. Your sleeve is still there. It will be a little harder than it was the first time but people have certainly done it. You have already taken the first steps Of recognizing the issue and reaching out here just keep taking steps and before you know it you will be losing again. Keep us Posted on any ups and downs so we can cheer you on. You can do it!!

  7. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to mgiaag in Helpful Info From a Spouse   
    Thank you for this post. It meant a lot to me. My bypass is scheduled for Aug 12, and I am on day three of my two-week liver cleanse. Your post just added to my excitement. Thanks again.
  8. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from JennyBeez in Just approved for Surgery in October 2024   
    I think it's to save beds for people really in need that can't walk the short distance to the hotel. My mother had the gastric bypass in 2008 and the sent her to a private hospital because there were too many people and not enough beds. A problem typical of London hospitals and my hospital is right in the centre. I assume in smaller cities it's not necessary.
  9. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from JennyBeez in Just approved for Surgery in October 2024   
    Just had my pre-surgery assessment chat with the nurse. They did bloods, an ECG and a swab for MRSA. I was originally told that they thought I would be a good "day case". I thought this meant, I have the surgery and then I go home the same day and I was worried. But what this actually means is that I have the surgery and then go to a nearby hotel, but as I'm borderline with my sleep scores, I might stay in the hospital. I'm a little relieved that I'm not going home straight after surgery!

  10. Thanks
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from JennyBeez in Reminders of why I want to do this surgery   
    Yes! Pockets! Although lack of pockets isn't exclusive to plus sizes. That's just women's clothing in general. They don't want us to have pockets so we can't carry the tools to dismantle the patriarchy! 😂
  11. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from JennyBeez in Reminders of why I want to do this surgery   
    @JennyBeez Exactly! The fashion industry wants all the fat people in muumuus. I guess like a scarlet letter for not fitting the ideal beauty standards?
  12. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from Mspretty86 in Gastric Sleeve group   
    Hello! I'm getting the Gastric Sleeve in October! I was only approved in May.
  13. Hugs
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Vita-Mind Your Business in Contemplating Surgery   
    I have been in line for the bypass surgery before, but each time I had doubts and was told by friends and family that I need to not take the easy way out. That a simple diet and exercise is enough. Granted, they are right, but I know me. I have an addiction to food because I grew up being over fed by my grandma who had alzheimers made me food every 30 minutes. I never grew out of that habit. I put a lot of merit into what people were telling me and that was when I was 21 and I'm now 30.
    Now, all the consequences of my bad eating habits and lack of exercise is catching up. I now have joint damage in my knees making it extremely hard for me to take care of myself. Showering, cleaning, cooking, you name it. I also have sciatica and arthritis. I have arthritis in my hips and lower back. Now I am worried what could possibly start to fail next.
    I guess I am just looking for some encouragement because the people in my life just don't seem to think it's a good idea. Deep down I think the bypass surgery is my only hope to live past my mid 30's. The people in my life just have a way of making me feel like I don't know what is best for me and it's leaving me with a lot of hesitation.
    I don't need my hand held through life, but sometimes I need that push to do what is best for me.
  14. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Arabesque in Contemplating Surgery   
    I completely agree with what everyone has said so far. I will add, there are many people on this forum who hesitated & deferred their surgery for many reasons (influence of family or friends, own fear & doubt, etc.) all say after they do have surgery, they wish they had done it the first time.
    I hate people, who have never had the surgery, say it’s the easy way out & that they care about you. If they cared about you & your health they would support you wanting to do something to benefit & improve your health. And, importantly, it’s not easy. You have to watch every thing you eat & doing some form of activity is recommended but unlike any usual weight loss diet & exercise program you have to do a lot of head work. The head is where many of the issues that drive excessive eating (addictions, emotional issues, etc.) originate. The psychological aspect of the surgical program is great & a vital aspect of continued success. I can’t stress this enough. The other thing is that the programs get you to examine & change how & what you eat which any traditional diet doesn’t. It’s why traditional diets fail - we all go back to eating the same way we always did.
    However, the whole process does get easier as you progress and get to the point of maintaining your lower weight. Many of your new learned eating behaviours & food choices become imbedded and second nature. New habits are formed. Less liked foods become favourites. You’ll discover & enjoy new cooking styles & ingredients. You’ll learn what you can & can’t eat to maintain your weight & how much & how often of some other things you can eat (like those old favourites). And you work out a way to eat that is sustainable and doesn’t feel like you are missing out or punishing yourself like a traditional diet does.
    If you decide to explore the surgical option again, maybe don’t tell anyone until you are completely certain about your decision and won’t be swayed by people who don’t understand or respect your opinions, intelligence, decision making abilities & have never walked in your shoes through your life.
    All the best which ever path you chose.
  15. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to NickelChip in Contemplating Surgery   
    You say above that "granted, they are right." Respectfully, your friends and family are 100% wrong and don't have a clue what they're talking about. Obesity is not caused by a simple lack of willpower. If it were as simple as eating right and getting some exercise, none of us would be here right now.
    You didn't supply your height and weight details, but based on the list of ailments you've mentioned, I'm guessing you have a significant amount of weight to lose, like well over 100 pounds. It's very hard to lose more than a small percentage of your body weight and keep it off. About 95% of people who lose weight through calorie restriction and going to the gym regain the weight. Not because of a lack of willpower, but because there are complex systems in our bodies that work hard to keep us at a weight our bodies have decided is right for us. Unfortunately, in those of us with obesity, that desirable weight has been set much too high. Fighting against that is extremely difficult.
    That's not to say that surgery will fix your issues with food. It won't. You will still have to do all the work on your mental and physical health to lose the weight and keep it off. You will have to eat right. And exercise. And work on your food addiction by modifying your behavior, hopefully with the help of a professional therapist. You'll need to track your food intake for months if not for life, and there will probably be foods that you will never be able to eat again, either because they make you ill or because they trigger bad behaviors that you need to avoid. You'll have to learn a whole new way of cooking and eating. You'll have to be careful of transfer addictions. Sometimes you will feel left out when everyone else can eat things and you can't. You'll have to defend your choices to people who have no idea what they're talking about and no filter on their opinions.
    Surgery is frickin' difficult. But, it's effective. It changes your hormonal balance to make your body want to be at a healthier weight. If you follow the rules, you will lose weight and keep it off. Your physical health will improve. Your body will feel better. But you do have to follow the rules, and the rules are challenging. You have to be ready for it, and even when you think you're ready, it's common to make mistakes and to struggle sometimes. You'll need a support system and the confidence that you've made the right choice for the long term even when it sucks in the present moment.
    If you decide surgery is right for you, you will need to believe in yourself enough to look your family and friends in the eyes and invite them to either support your decision and help you, or else they can feel free to shove their negativity into the orifice of their choosing. This is your life, your body, and it's your right to decide what you need to live the best way you possibly can. No one else has to wake up with the pain you feel in your joints, hip, and back. No one else has to struggle through the day and have their options limited because of their size and health. No one else has a say in what you do to improve your situation.
    But I will tell you this. There are probably some people in your life who will not think this is true. They will not appreciate you stepping out of your role as the obedient one and standing up for yourself and not doing what they want you to do. They will feel threatened. They will not like it when you lose weight, and they will say mean and nasty things about how you cheated and took the easy way, because if you succeed at this, they will feel like it takes something away from them. They are the ones with the problem, not you. They may try to sabotage your efforts and make you feel bad about yourself. Again, they are the ones who are wrong. But that doesn't make it easier in the moment. So make sure you have people to talk to who support you.
    I wish you the best of luck. You're young and you deserve to have an awesome and long life full of good health and happiness. Don't let anyone else take away your chance at that.
    Finally, here is a video that I highly recommend to help with your decision:

  16. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to MrsFitz in Contemplating Surgery   
    These friends and family - have they experienced your life and upbringing? Do they have weight issues? Do they have a food addiction? Do they have the medical issues that you have? If the answer to any of those questions is ‘no’, you must ask yourself why you have listened to them instead of going with your gut feelings? It seems that 9 years have passed since you first contemplated WLS and things haven’t improved for you.
    If simple diet and exercise was enough, none of us would be overweight 🙂 Unfortunately everyone is different, with different bodies, metabolisms, abilities, disabilities, mental blocks, imperfect childhoods etc.
    Only you can decide on what happens next. WLS is scary, it is a massive decision, one which shouldn’t be taken lightly. You have to decide on what YOU want, what your goals are, what you dream about for your future. This forum is a great place to discuss anything and everything connected to weight loss surgery, the reasons we need it, our fears, our hopes, our wins and our losses. I recommend reading what you can, asking questions if you’re unsure and being completely honest with yourself.
    You deserve a chance of a better life and a healthy future 🙂
  17. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to AmberFL in Contemplating Surgery   
    I will say that everyone around me told me the same thing. I told them EFF IT! yes I can lose the weight, I have dieted since I was 12, lost 100lbs only to gain it back, lost 60lbs gained it back, and the pattern continued. I also got the "oh you will just gain it back in 5yrs" I FINALLY decided that what I was doing was not working! I needed an extra tool! Ozempic, Wegovy and those meds were not for me and I did not like how I would have to rely on them and they were hard to get plus PRICEY! I am 35 now and I made the decision to do this right before my birthday. I was 297lbs, hard to wake up, couldn't walk without getting winded, couldn't play with my kids, hated myself for my inability to live life and be that wife and mother that my family deserved.
    I decided to make the appt and did not tell my family (minus my hubby) that I was going into surgery and here I am 6.5 ish months later, down 130lbs, exercising 1hr a day 6days a week, playing with my kids and having energy to spend time with the hubby, my life is SOOOOO much better. My only regret is not doing this sooner!!!
    Now my best friend is now sleeved and is having tremendous results! My mom (who was my skeptic) is now talking to her doctor about the bypass. This is the not the easy way out, this is a tool to help us live!
    I think you should what is good for YOU not for everyone else and don't listen to the haters! They aren't living a day in your life. They don't know the pain, the struggles and the worries you have.
    Best of luck!! ❤️
  18. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Bypass2Freedom in 3 Months Post-Op   
    They should prescribe you the orodispersible tablets which you literally just pop in your mouth and suck on like a sweetie and it just dissolves...but into mush 🤢 Not to put you off, as they are 100% completely necessary, but yeah...glad to be rid of them 😂 I wish it was Pasta 😩
    Thank you lovely!
  19. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in 3 Months Post-Op   
    I had my presurgical assessment and they said I would need lansoprazole. It sounds like a Pasta dish so I was really confused! 😂 I'd never heard of it, although I have vague memory of my step-dad being on it for a short time.
    Congrats an all your progress! You look amazing! I really notice a difference between your old profile pic and your new one!

  20. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Bypass2Freedom in 3 Months Post-Op   
    So today I am finally at 3 months post op. Here is what that means for me:
    I can stop taking lansoprazole...YESSSSSSS! I absolutely hate the taste of that thing and if I never have to take it again, it'll be too soon. I can start taking tablets again, meaning I can try my Forceval prescription Vitamins. I have heard that these can make people feel quite nauseous, so I will wait an hour after eating in the evening to take it, rather than in the morning as I usually do. I am due for bloods to be taken via my GP, though I imagine I'll struggle to get an appointment! I just wanted to reflect on my journey so far, and where I am at now.
    It is weird how quickly this becomes your new normal. In the beginning with the gas pain, the extreme fatigue etc, I did wonder how I'd adjust, but here I am! I was shocked at how fast the weight dropped initially, and I know I will keep losing (hopefully) for a little while longer.
    I think we all go through this weird mindset of being overweight for such a while, and our bodies not responding as we had hoped to fad diets, or us punishing ourselves for 'not trying hard enough', that I truly wondered if the surgery would even work.
    And it has worked, and it will continue to do so!
    I am in the dreaded - but very expected - 3 month stall. My weight isn't really moving much, but I know that I just need to keep on with my normal eating and routine and it'll break eventually (thanks to reading all of the posts regarding this phenomenon 🤣)
    I can still get dizzy when I am exercising, and my strength at the gym has really decreased which I am a bit miffed about, but I'll get there!
    TMI incoming: but pooping is still an annoyance...the severe Constipation I had in the early post-op weeks still results in some little tears when I pass a bowel movement, so I am dealing with my new normal 😂
    I passed my driving test and I am picking up my car on Saturday! I really do attribute passing to losing weight, and how it has made me feel more confident and capable. I can walk around for hours and not have pain in my hips and lower back. Pre-surgery this was absolutely excruciating, even the 5-6 minute walk home from work I had to stop 2-3 times due to the pain and being out of breath. No such worries now! I can see the weight loss in my face, which makes me happy. I can fit into a pair of denim shorts that previously couldn't even make their way up my lower thigh! My current weight is amazing to me, even though I am not at my goal YET, I haven't been this weight since 2017. In general, I just feel happier in myself, and I can't wait for the future!
    If you have read all of this, thank you! ❤️
  21. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to GreenTealael in Food Before and After Photos   
    Birthday cake! I only eat cake 2-3 times a year now so this one was special.

  22. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Reminders of why I want to do this surgery   
    I don't mind the cold shoulder all the time, but yes it's too much! Either have a sleeve on the top or don't!
  23. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Bypass2Freedom in Reminders of why I want to do this surgery   
    Don't forget the classic 'cold-shoulder' tops and sequins that they love to force into plus-size 'fashion' 🤢
  24. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to NickelChip in Reminders of why I want to do this surgery   
    100% with you on fashion! And I don't know about in the UK, but in the US, so many of our department stores hide the women's plus section on the top floor, behind the children's department, next to the toilets. It's always the part of the store with not enough heat or A/C and clothing strewn everywhere because the workers never get back to that area to clean it up.
    Although, I'll caution you now that whatever size you happen to be in when you go shopping as you lose weight, that will be the size they are out of. I used to struggle to find a 2X in things and could only find XL. Now I'm looking for XL and there are only 2X. Like, where were all you 2Xs a year ago?
  25. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from Bypass2Freedom in Reminders of why I want to do this surgery   
    I've been struggling to keep up with the diet so I thought I would try to focus on all the things that I hope to accomplish from the surgery so that I can remind myself what better times I have to come.
    Not just big things like better health but also the smaller things that I think are just as important.
    1st: Sleep! I want to lose enough weight to sleep well. I don't have sleep apnoea yet, but my doctor says I'm at risk because of my weight and even without the sleep apnoea, it's still really hard to get comfortable and lying on my back definitely affects my breathing and my spine.
    2nd: Activity! I ride my bike everywhere and I enjoy it, but I would love to do other things without pain in my knees. I go to concerts a lot and usually need to stand because no one sits at rock concerts (unless it was like when I went to see the Scorpions last month when the average age of music fan was 56 so it was all seats). Standing for a long time hurts and then I can't enjoy the concert as much as I was hoping. Maybe be able to lose the ebike and get an "acoustic" bike.
    3rd: Fashion! Being able to shop at cheaper stores. Plus size clothes comes with a plus size price tag. Years ago, (teenage years) I bought a t-shirt that was a size 16. They had the same t-shirt in the "plus size section" (also a size 16 and the exact same size) and it was £2 extra for the same amount of fabric. And as someone with a more alternative sense of fashion, not a lot of plus size clothes have skulls and flames and vampires and things like that. They tend to make plus size clothes with puppies and kitties and cutesy things. There's nothing cutesy about me.

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