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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Congrats!
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Bypass2Freedom in Measurements   
    Finally getting round to putting on my measurements 🤣
    01/05/24 - Just before I started my liver reduction diet.
    HW: 20 stone 1lbs = 281 pounds =127.4 kg
    Neck: 16" Upper Arm: L: 19.5", R: 18" Chest: 53" Waist: 45" Thigh: L: 32", R: 33" Calf: L: 17", R: 18" Stomach: 56" Hips: 56" 26/08/24 - not the MOST recent, but close enough. Weight as of 13/09/24: 15 stone 6.3 lbs = 216.3 lbs = 98 kg
    Neck: 14" (-2") Upper Arm: L: 17" (-1.5") , R: 16" (-2") Chest: 45" (-8") Waist: 36.5" (-8.5") Thigh: L: 28" (-4"), R: 29" (-4") Calf: L: 16" (-1"), R: 16" (-2") Stomach: 47.5" (-8.5") Hips: 49" (-7")

  2. Congrats!
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to NickelChip in *drum roll please* The Dreaded STALL 😰   
    Oh, yes. It really is so disheartening, and knowing it's normal/expected doesn't make it feel any better! To give you an idea of how my weight loss has fluctuated, here are my monthly totals so far:
    February: -16.4 lbs (2 week pre-op diet plus surgery on 2/21)
    March: -11.6 lbs
    April: -7.6 lbs
    May: -2.8 lbs
    June: -11.2 lbs
    July: -1.6 lbs
    August: -8.4 lbs
    And so far in September I'm at a whopping -0.4 lbs for the month. Let me tell you, May and July both sucked, and I honestly don't think I did anything differently in June or August to explain the variation. It just is what it is. I'd say stay off the scale, but personally, I enjoy having the daily number because I'm obsessed with having a record to look back on, so I get having to do it every morning. I'm sure you're far from done losing, even if you're at a slow point right now.
    Just for fun, I'm attaching a side by side comparison that I made of myself yesterday. It's a photo of me from last summer at my highest weight alongside a pic of me from my walk yesterday. When the scale stalls, making something like this cheers me up and helps me see beyond the numbers on the scale.

  3. Hugs
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Bypass2Freedom in *drum roll please* The Dreaded STALL 😰   
    Almost 4 months in, and the scale has not budged one bit in about 1.5 weeks.
    Yes, I know it is normal.
    Yes, I know there are countless of threads on here about exactly the same thing.
    Does it make me feel any better? No 🤣
    It is hard not to stop on that scale every day - I am just grateful I'll be on holiday next week and no scales will be near me!
    --- end of rant ---
  4. Hugs
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to SuperGuuurl in MGB 4 months post op. I’ve lost more than just weight…   
    Hi everyone
    I’m back again for moral support. Got my MGB back in February. After a couple of extremely hard weeks, 5 weeks to be precise, i finally thought that my ordeal was over. I had spent all this time finding it really hard to drink Water and reach my Protein goals until then. Suddenly, starting the 6th week post op, i saw some light at the end of the tunnel and managed to expand my food a little bit. I avoided everything I was told to avoid until then, oil, sugar, Pasta, rice, raw veggies, you name it!
    one day I was invited to a barbecue and ate what I was given, namely a bit of salad and some marinated chicken. Everything was fine for the days that followed and I was ecstatic! I started to experiment with food more and more and I realised that the food I tolerated the most was still just plain potatoes and carrots with some minced meat of chicken. However, as weeks went by, my sensitivities seemed to increase by the day. I’d try watermelon and suffer excruciating cramps the next day, so I stopped. Then I’d try Beans, and I’d be fine the next day but suffer more cramps the day after, long story short, it seemed like every single new food I’d try was not tolerated by my stomach. The pain and cramps would be instant, and the explosive diarrhoea would follow the next morning like clockwork.
    I remember at some point, i barely ate for 2 days and what followed were the most painful cramps and hunger pangs I’ve ever ever experienced in my life!
    Looking at a plate of food triggers me now. I am absolutely scared of putting anything in my mouth. Even my trusted potatoes and carrots have forsaken me. That means I have not a single food that I seem to tolerate and I have absolutely no idea how this happened! Today, i tried boiled potato with some rotisserie chicken, and ended up vomiting 3 times. And when I say vomit, i mean, gag as if I would vomit, but only saliva comes out.
    i feel weak and desperate. I have lost 32kg in almost 4 months, that about 70 pounds. That is way too much weight. Let’s not start about my hair loss… it’s ridiculous. I plan to shave my head…
    i never in a million years thought this would be my life after the surgery. I have a doc appointment this week but only will see my surgeon in July… does this story sound familiar to any of you guys? Did I do something wrong? What did I miss?! I’ve been on the verge of going to the ER multiple times…
  5. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Arabesque in Liver Function Tests and Bariatric Surgery   
    I was thinking the same thing as @catwoman7: the rising levels could be a result of your weight loss so far. It’s very common to have rising liver function levels while you’re losing.
    Also worried me a bit because I had a glass of Prosecco at lunch on Sunday and then had a liver function test Monday in preparation of a surgery I’m having next week. Hope the glass didn’t throw my results out at all. Considering I was asked lots of questions at the pathologists, they didn’t ask when was my last alcoholic drink and how much and often I drink. Hmmmm.
  6. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to catwoman7 in Liver Function Tests and Bariatric Surgery   
    high liver enzyme levels aren't uncommon the first year or so after weight loss surgery. Rapid weight loss is really hard on livers. Mine were high for about the first year, and I've heard this several times from others as well (including people from here on Bariatric Pal). My regular doctor was really alarmed by it, but the people at my bariatric clinic knew what was going on. They went back down to normal and have been normal ever since.
  7. Hugs
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to MrsFitz in Liver Function Tests and Bariatric Surgery   
    Eugh…I have to have 3-monthly blood tests as I have Methotrexate injections for Rheumatoid Arthritis. I’ve been on Methotrexate for 12 years now. Occasionally there’s a blip in my liver function test but this is generally when I’ve been unwell as the slightest thing can change my results.
    Anyway, I made a cock-up on my test 2 weeks ago. It was Bank Holiday Weekend and I had a couple of drinks on the Saturday and then more on the Sunday. I can count on one hand how many times we’ve been out this year and I don’t drink at home unless it’s a glass of champagne before we go out to dinner for example. Anyway, I wasn’t thinking and did my jab as normal on the Monday and then my bloods on the Tuesday. This resulted in a phone-call from a Rheumatology Nurse on Wednesday saying my liver function test levels were way, way up, what had I been doing? I was honest and said I’d been out at the weekend and had my jab when I should have left it a week and then had my bloods after. So, I had to miss the next two weeks jabs and have my bloods again which was yesterday. Phone-call today - levels have dropped some but still high. It was then a mass of questions - had I been drinking? No. Any infections? Not that I know of. Any ‘herbal’ ingestion (er…what???) No. Any NSAIDS? No. The list was endless and she sounded completely disbelieving of me, which has pissed me off no end. Could I miss my jab this week and have my bloods again on Monday? No. We’re out for our anniversary dinner on Sunday and there will be alcohol so it would be pointless. I did offer to have them on Friday but she said it wouldn’t be enough time for things to reduce. Now I have to have my bloods again in 2 weeks. It turns out that my levels have been creeping up for the past few months but no one had told me. She did tell me that the other things I’m tested for are all good (4 things in total so only be of them is bolloxed)
    I’m not happy, especially as I’ve been managing my condition and medication for 12 years. I drank more often earlier in my treatment and never had any issues. My worry is that this could affect my WLS journey. I know I may be worrying over nothing but the worry is still there. It may be that my liver has just had enough of the Methotrexate (as it’s a poison - lovely) and it’s time to stop it.
    Anyway, I’m not asking for advice, more a rant ☹️ I will now do some research on how to deal with toxins in the liver and how to reduce them.
  8. Haha
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Feeling Happy   
    I totally relate to buying things just because they fit. I'm still trying to remember that I get to actually be choosy and find fun and cute styles and colors that are flattering and fun, that I actually like. I'm in a size large. I can go into literally ANY store anywhere and find stuff that fits me. Now it's just a matter of "do I like this enough to buy it, or is it cute HERE in the store but not enough to shell out the dough for it" lol I haven't been able to shop like that in 27 years. So it's definitely taking a while to change my mindset around it.
    My husband STILL has to remind me "Babe, why do you keep going to the plus size section? You can't fit in any of that anymore. You wear a large now. All of that will literally fall off you, then you'll be naked in public, I'll get into a fight with someone, I'll get arrested, and all your shopping money will have to go to bailing me out and paying for the lawyer. So just stay over here in the skinny people section and stay away from there. You don't shop over there anymore." When he said that to me the last time we went shopping, I was literally guffawing lol
  9. Congrats!
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to AZ DD in Hello to my fellow WLS Rockstars!   
    I live in Tucson, AZ and had ballooned to 315 lbs. I was on meds for high blood sugar (not quite diabetic), high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I was also headed for knee replacement surgery. I started my journey in January 2023, with my Dr asking me to lose 20-30 lbs before surgery. By the time of my surgery in Feb 2024, I'd lost 59 lbs. Thru 9 Sep 2024, I've lost an additional 62 lbs, for a total of 121 lbs! My pic is the day I hit 100 lbs lost.
    Now that I'm healthier, its time to find a special lady to share life with.

  10. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to bhogue925 in Surgery date   
    Finally got a date. If all goes well my surgery will be November 4th. I’m having gastric bypass. I’m so excited.
  11. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to Lilia_90 in A little after brag   
    This is a total show off/humble brag/flaunting it post, disclaimer delivered!
    So had wedding that I was looking forward to (was a total wedding hater before…for the reasons most of us are familiar with) and I had ordered this super tight dress size XS (UK size 0) and was nervous it won’t fit. Well it fit like a glove (did struggle to zip in my boobs since they’re the only part that aren’t a size 0 thank goodness).

    It’s so weird how much I enjoyed this wedding and danced till I couldn’t feel my feet whereas I would sit on my bum and feel miserable before (past 5 years only).
    Some visual proof:

  12. Hugs
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to MrsFitz in Feeling Happy   
    A new week beckons…
    Laid in bed this morning, just taking stock of how I’m feeling and I actually feel happy. It’s been a long time since I’ve had that happy feeling for no apparent reason. The first part of my WLS journey is completed and now out of my hands for now so I’ve mentally put that to one side. I’ve started back at the gym and I’M LOVING IT!! I know the gym isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but I truly enjoy it. I found something that works for me and can sustain it, which is really important for anyone trying to improve their fitness. I’ve been 3 times this past week and I’m not pushing it as yet, no matter how much the little devil on my shoulder is telling me to 😈 I’m aiming to go every 3rd day at the moment but will re-visit that in a few weeks time.
    Granddaughters party went as well as could be expected with other little kids there! I didn’t go mad food-wise - a burger, handful of mini sausage rolls, 1 Jammie Dodger, a cupcake and a small piece of cake. I actually threw a piece of quiche away which is a first for me and left the crisps, coleslaw etc alone! I know it may seem a lot but compared to what I would shovel away previously, it’s actually quite restrained!
    My body shape is changing, even if the scales aren’t particularly moving right now. I went through my gym stuff and tried on a pair of leggings that are size 18/20 and they fit! That was a bit of a surprise, especially as I couldn’t get them up my thighs previously 😮 Various other items are now ether too big or now fitting whereas before they were too tight. The jeans that were fine a few weeks ago? Can now get them off without unfastening them! I actually had to buy some smaller things this week. I’m not a fan of bras, they dig in and I find them uncomfortable. So I prefer the crop-top bralette type things (I’m a C cup at most) I’d noticed that I wasn’t feeling as ‘secure’ as I had before so decided it was time to update. I got a couple of vest tops with built-in support and a 3 pack of bralettes from M&S, all in smaller sizes and all fit - yay! It’s the simple things really that can give such a boost 🙂
    Hairdressers tomorrow. I’m having a bit of a crisis with my hair at the moment. When I was accepted on to the Bariatric Pathway, I decided to grow my hair (all part of the ‘New Me’ vibe) Previously I had pixi-type cut and now it’s a short bob, just about at the bottom of my ears. However it’s lacking any body and looks really thin. I know my meds can play havoc, especially as I started a new injection back on November which can cause hair thinning after a few months. My hair hasn’t come out in clumps or anything, I’m just finding lots of stray hairs on things. I know that WLS also causes Hair loss, so I’m now floundering a little. I’m going to have a chat with my hairdresser and see what she comes up with but I’m really erring on the side of ‘chop it off’…sigh…it’s not easy being a woman at times is it??
    I plan to tackle more of my wardrobe this week and get that thinned out. Has anyone else gone through their clothes and thought to themselves “what were you thinking?” Yeah, I’m having a bit of that. However it’s more of a case of I’ve bought something previously and it has remained unworn. This is what happens when you’re the size of a a house - you buy something because it fits, not because you actually like it. I definitely will be a damn sight more discerning moving forward.
    Have a fabulously productive week everyone 😉
    Onwards and Downwards!
  13. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ShoppGirl in Final Hospital Appointment before the surgery!   
    That’s awesome. So happy for you. ❤️
  14. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from Arabesque in Surgeon Appointment- ✅   
    Excellent news! When I finally met with the surgeon, it was only another 2 months before they scheduled my surgery so hopefully it won't be too much longer for you!

    I've loved hearing your stories and being part of your journey. I think us both being NHS patients in the UK is helpful so we can compare.
    I'm so happy for you!
  15. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from Arabesque in Surgeon Appointment- ✅   
    Excellent news! When I finally met with the surgeon, it was only another 2 months before they scheduled my surgery so hopefully it won't be too much longer for you!

    I've loved hearing your stories and being part of your journey. I think us both being NHS patients in the UK is helpful so we can compare.
    I'm so happy for you!
  16. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from ShoppGirl in Final Hospital Appointment before the surgery!   
    Yesterday, I had my final appointment before my surgery date. I finally started having doubts about the whole thing and I'm relieved. Having doubts probably doesn't sound like a good thing, but it finally gave me chance to unload everything that was on my mind to the doctor.
    I was able to tell him that maybe I wanted the bypass instead. I've been on other forums and people seem to be really against the sleeve because long term weight loss is less than with other surgeries.
    But he reassured me that due to my age, no comorbidities and the fact that I'm on target with my weight loss, he still thinks this is a good surgery for me and my goals. They last time I spoke to him, he told me I wasn't sticking to the diet, and then he told me "most people lose only 3-4kg pre-surgery anyway" So why was he worrying me when I ONLY lost 5kg? But I guess he was in a better mood because he was back from holiday? 😂
    Next appointment is a phone appointment where I just tell him my weight. And then the surgery weigh in and bloods before the surgery. I'm so ready for this now.

  17. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from ShoppGirl in Final Hospital Appointment before the surgery!   
    Yesterday, I had my final appointment before my surgery date. I finally started having doubts about the whole thing and I'm relieved. Having doubts probably doesn't sound like a good thing, but it finally gave me chance to unload everything that was on my mind to the doctor.
    I was able to tell him that maybe I wanted the bypass instead. I've been on other forums and people seem to be really against the sleeve because long term weight loss is less than with other surgeries.
    But he reassured me that due to my age, no comorbidities and the fact that I'm on target with my weight loss, he still thinks this is a good surgery for me and my goals. They last time I spoke to him, he told me I wasn't sticking to the diet, and then he told me "most people lose only 3-4kg pre-surgery anyway" So why was he worrying me when I ONLY lost 5kg? But I guess he was in a better mood because he was back from holiday? 😂
    Next appointment is a phone appointment where I just tell him my weight. And then the surgery weigh in and bloods before the surgery. I'm so ready for this now.

  18. Thanks
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from learn2cook in Struggling 😔   
    I took up cycling 2 years ago just as my daily commute. I just wanted to save money and time on transport costs. I wasn't even wanting to lose weight 3 miles away so I did about 6 miles a day. Turned out I really enjoyed it and since I git an ebike, it was easier for my joints. Cycling helped me maintain some of my weight (I was still eating too much garbage so I wasn't expecting a miracle). I now just really like it. The ebike aspect makes it not feel like work either.
  19. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from ShoppGirl in Final Hospital Appointment before the surgery!   
    Yesterday, I had my final appointment before my surgery date. I finally started having doubts about the whole thing and I'm relieved. Having doubts probably doesn't sound like a good thing, but it finally gave me chance to unload everything that was on my mind to the doctor.
    I was able to tell him that maybe I wanted the bypass instead. I've been on other forums and people seem to be really against the sleeve because long term weight loss is less than with other surgeries.
    But he reassured me that due to my age, no comorbidities and the fact that I'm on target with my weight loss, he still thinks this is a good surgery for me and my goals. They last time I spoke to him, he told me I wasn't sticking to the diet, and then he told me "most people lose only 3-4kg pre-surgery anyway" So why was he worrying me when I ONLY lost 5kg? But I guess he was in a better mood because he was back from holiday? 😂
    Next appointment is a phone appointment where I just tell him my weight. And then the surgery weigh in and bloods before the surgery. I'm so ready for this now.

  20. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Um   
    When is happening and how often? After activity, after you eat, or at any time with no rhyme or reason? You may need to call your surgeon's office. Could you be sick? Or pregnant?
  21. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ShoppGirl in Surgeon Appointment- ✅   
    Sound like that went about as good as it could have gone. I’m glad your surgeon was thorough and approachable. That makes all the difference to feel well prepared.
  22. Congrats!
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to MrsFitz in Surgeon Appointment- ✅   
    Had my surgeons appointment this afternoon and all went well. I’d dropped another kilo since my dietitians’ appointment a couple of weeks ago - yay! The surgeon was lovely and very approachable. The surgeon asked if I’d chosen a particular surgery and asked my reasons for it. I told him “Bypass please” and explained my thinking. He was happy and didn’t see any reason why I couldn’t have the Bypass. He then explained absolutely everything to me as we went through the consent form plus drew a couple of diagrams for me so he was extremely thorough! I felt very at ease and confident in what he was explaining. Obviously it helped that I had guidance from this forum plus had done wider reading too so nothing was a surprise even when he was explaining things that could go wrong and what steps they take to rectify any problems. It was comforting to know that they seem extremely pro-active in sorting things out and they don’t leave their patients to flounder on their own should they need help.
    So, next steps…the MDT meets weekly, generally on a Friday, so my case should be heard next week. He said that none of my tests have flagged anything up, the dietitian was happy with me plus I was taking some proactive steps myself so there shouldn’t be any issues and I should progress through to surgery. I asked how long the wait was without getting a cancellation and he said 20 weeks from now so that will mean mid to end of January next year. I did stress that I would be more than happy to take a cancellation which he noted. The only problem, he said, was making sure that I still had 3 weeks to complete the LRD as sometimes the cancellations are too close to the actual day of surgery.
    I’m feeling happy generally with everything. I’ve done all my stuff so now it’s down to the hospital. I have my granddaughters birthday party tomorrow, our anniversary dinner on the 15th and then I’m free and clear really. I feel I can relax a bit now. I’m as prepared as I possibly can be short of actually having the surgery!
    So exciting isn’t it??
  23. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from Arabesque in Almost a year out   
    Yes! This has been my problem. I never want to eat something so badly as when I can't have it. I'm not doing cheat meals at the moment because I need to lose the weight for my surgery, but telling myself "I can have this later" helps. And after surgery, I may not even want it.
  24. Like
    NeonRaven8919 got a reaction from BabySpoons in COMPOSE A SONG ABOUT YOUR JOURNEY   
    This is fantastic! I made a heavy metal song about losing weight called "Shredded to the Bone"

  25. Like
    NeonRaven8919 reacted to ms.sss in Almost a year out   
    im 6 years out next month.
    for the past 3-4 years i can (and do!) eat anything/everything in small amounts.
    (this includes all the things most say they don't eat or drink). i average 2000-2300 cals a day. and i've stayed below goal weight this entire time. and have not needed to buy bigger clothes lol.
    but i also exercise quite a bit. the exercise is all things i really enjoy doing so its not "work" for me.
    balance is important, but also getting rid of the idea and thought processes that something is bad or not allowed or forbidden or whatever. because this usually leads to angst and shame and guilt that does nobody any good.

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