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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NeonRaven8919

  1. NeonRaven8919

    Feeling Happy

    That's hilarious! I can't wait to get to just a large as well!
  2. You look great! What a difference a year can make! So happy for you!
  3. NeonRaven8919

    Surgery date

    Congratulations! I'm scheduled for October 7th. I only got approved in May!
  4. Yesterday, I had my final appointment before my surgery date. I finally started having doubts about the whole thing and I'm relieved. Having doubts probably doesn't sound like a good thing, but it finally gave me chance to unload everything that was on my mind to the doctor. I was able to tell him that maybe I wanted the bypass instead. I've been on other forums and people seem to be really against the sleeve because long term weight loss is less than with other surgeries. But he reassured me that due to my age, no comorbidities and the fact that I'm on target with my weight loss, he still thinks this is a good surgery for me and my goals. They last time I spoke to him, he told me I wasn't sticking to the diet, and then he told me "most people lose only 3-4kg pre-surgery anyway" So why was he worrying me when I ONLY lost 5kg? But I guess he was in a better mood because he was back from holiday? 😂 Next appointment is a phone appointment where I just tell him my weight. And then the surgery weigh in and bloods before the surgery. I'm so ready for this now.
  5. NeonRaven8919

    Surgeon Appointment- ✅

    Excellent news! When I finally met with the surgeon, it was only another 2 months before they scheduled my surgery so hopefully it won't be too much longer for you! I've loved hearing your stories and being part of your journey. I think us both being NHS patients in the UK is helpful so we can compare. I'm so happy for you!
  6. NeonRaven8919

    Almost a year out

    Yes! This has been my problem. I never want to eat something so badly as when I can't have it. I'm not doing cheat meals at the moment because I need to lose the weight for my surgery, but telling myself "I can have this later" helps. And after surgery, I may not even want it.
  7. NeonRaven8919


    Yes me too. I ended up making another song about eating vegetables. "Veggie Carnage"
  8. NeonRaven8919


    This is fantastic! I made a heavy metal song about losing weight called "Shredded to the Bone" https://suno.com/song/2a5b2b64-b16d-4650-80d3-93feb3caf4a4
  9. Hi! I got approved for the surgery in May of 2024. Doctor first told me that I would most likely have to wait until 2025 because of how the long the hospital waiting list is. Suddenly, I got called last week saying they were able to do it in October of 2024. So this is the first day of a 12 week liquid diet to lose 10% of my body weight before the surgery. My birthday is coming up and I have wedding that I'm going to next week! I'm happy that this is happening this year, but I also feel bummed because I feel like this is bad timing. I'm really happy that this journey is starting. I've always been overweight and so was my mother. We were the only one's in the family who were. We moved to the UK when I was 14 and my stepfather was also overweight and he passed away in 2022 due to pneumonia and other weight related complications. My mother had gastric bypass in 2008 and due to surgical complication, they couldn't fix a bowel perforation and she passed in 2023. She and my stepdad were the only people in my life who were really supportive of anything I did. I fell a little bit alone going through this now, but I'm feeling optimistic at the same time. Just looking for other people to share my story with.
  10. NeonRaven8919

    Just approved for Surgery in October 2024

    I sent my surgical team an email to say I would like to be considered for the bypass instead. My fear is that this will put me behind schedule and they will schedule me for next year when as it is the surgery is a month away. I don't want to feel like I'm going backwards, which is how I would feel if they had to reschedule my surgery, but I want to set myself up for the most effective way forward. Maybe the surgeon will reassure me that the sleeve is the best option for me? I don't know. But I should definitely have the conversation. Barring a complication, I don't think revision surgery will be possible unless I win the lottery and go private.
  11. NeonRaven8919


    Yes "Fair Play"
  12. NeonRaven8919

    Just approved for Surgery in October 2024

    Thanks! I think it's just coming closer to the actual date, and I finally had a freak out. As I'm relying on the NHS, I don't want to get told the won't cover a revision down the line. But this forum seems to have people with good stories about long term success with the sleeve. I think I just need to speak with the doctor again.
  13. NeonRaven8919

    Struggling 😔

    I took up cycling 2 years ago just as my daily commute. I just wanted to save money and time on transport costs. I wasn't even wanting to lose weight 3 miles away so I did about 6 miles a day. Turned out I really enjoyed it and since I git an ebike, it was easier for my joints. Cycling helped me maintain some of my weight (I was still eating too much garbage so I wasn't expecting a miracle). I now just really like it. The ebike aspect makes it not feel like work either.
  14. NeonRaven8919

    Struggling 😔

    I found going before work helps me. Since I have to be up anyway, I might as well go to the gym is my reasoning. Also, when I go in the evenings after work, I find that it makes me absolutely ravenous with hunger where as in the morning, I can have my usual breakfast right after and I'm fine.
  15. NeonRaven8919

    Just approved for Surgery in October 2024

    I'm starting to doubt my decision to have the VSG rather than the Bypass. I keep hearing that the sleeve leads to an inevitable regain and I'd rather not do this surgery just to gain it all back if the bypass is better for long-term weight loss. Because it's the NHS and they only offer two surgeries I can only get VSG or bypass. I only chose the VSG because I fear the complications my mum had with the bypass. Is it inevitable that I will gain it all back? Is it too late to change my mind about the surgery? I really don't know what to do!
  16. Yes! I've been having the same discussion with my doctor. I "haven't met my weight loss goal" for the last two weeks because I'm still at 116kg. But, my body composition shows it's because going to the gym has been working and I'm gaining muscle. They just want smaller numbers on the scale and smaller numbers on the BMI. @SleeveToBypass2023 I'm really sorry you've had all this stress. Just sending sympathies.
  17. NeonRaven8919

    7 months post-op

    Fantastic! Well done!
  18. NeonRaven8919

    Best shoes for walking

    I wear my converse for style, but I don't exercise in them. I will check out New Balance! Thanks for the suggestion
  19. NeonRaven8919

    Do I have a revision

    I think this also depends on what NHS Trust your hospital is in. My Hospital only does Sleeve or Bypass, no GLP-1 or revisions. Other Hospitals will offer Sleeve, Bypass, DS and GLP-1 etc. I think the best bet is to start with your GP.
  20. NeonRaven8919

    Best shoes for walking

    Following this topic as I'm in the same boat. I have a collection of Converse, but they aren't really great for serious walking. I have gym shoes that are falling apart and will need replacing. Are there any good orthopedic running shoes?
  21. NeonRaven8919

    Exercises for those who hate exercise?

    I think if funding for gym memberships was available that would be really helpful. TBH I've never looked into it.
  22. It's been 6 weeks since I got my surgery date and started on my 12 week milk diet as set out by the doctor. But, I've made it 6 weeks. I really didn't think I would be able to. I've had cheat days and felt bad, but then shook myself off and got back on track. I'm already bored with shakes and soup and I still have another 6 weeks of the pre-op diet and then more of the same for the first month past surgery. This has been difficult and I need to remind myself it will all be worth it. And then the always hungry part of my brain/soul/subconscious tells me to give up because I won't be able to eat "normally" ever again and I should just eat a donut. So I'm trying to have a sense of humour about it.
  23. NeonRaven8919

    Anatomy question

    Orlistat does the same thing and I remember my stepdad was prescribed them because of his high blood pressure. He said would have prefered to die.
  24. NeonRaven8919

    Anatomy question

    Never heard of them, but it sounds like a fad I'm glad never caught on over here. This reminds of the tales of the sugar free gummy bear reviews on Amazon.
  25. NeonRaven8919

    LRD Help

    My LRD is a 12 milk and broth diet. But I went to the latest dietician meeting with me NHS MDT and they said that from three weeks before surgery, I can do soup and yoghurt. Each NHS trust seems to have different diets. I am assuming you're not in the UK so your doctor will probably say something different. I think the general consensus is, no to low carbs, no fat, no sugar and keep it at 800 calories a day.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
