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Posts posted by NeonRaven8919

  1. 10 hours ago, SleeveToBypass2023 said:

    I totally relate to buying things just because they fit. I'm still trying to remember that I get to actually be choosy and find fun and cute styles and colors that are flattering and fun, that I actually like. I'm in a size large. I can go into literally ANY store anywhere and find stuff that fits me. Now it's just a matter of "do I like this enough to buy it, or is it cute HERE in the store but not enough to shell out the dough for it" lol I haven't been able to shop like that in 27 years. So it's definitely taking a while to change my mindset around it.

    My husband STILL has to remind me "Babe, why do you keep going to the plus size section? You can't fit in any of that anymore. You wear a large now. All of that will literally fall off you, then you'll be naked in public, I'll get into a fight with someone, I'll get arrested, and all your shopping money will have to go to bailing me out and paying for the lawyer. So just stay over here in the skinny people section and stay away from there. You don't shop over there anymore." When he said that to me the last time we went shopping, I was literally guffawing lol

    That's hilarious! I can't wait to get to just a large as well!

  2. Yesterday, I had my final appointment before my surgery date. I finally started having doubts about the whole thing and I'm relieved. Having doubts probably doesn't sound like a good thing, but it finally gave me chance to unload everything that was on my mind to the doctor.

    I was able to tell him that maybe I wanted the bypass instead. I've been on other forums and people seem to be really against the sleeve because long term weight loss is less than with other surgeries.

    But he reassured me that due to my age, no comorbidities and the fact that I'm on target with my weight loss, he still thinks this is a good surgery for me and my goals. They last time I spoke to him, he told me I wasn't sticking to the diet, and then he told me "most people lose only 3-4kg pre-surgery anyway" So why was he worrying me when I ONLY lost 5kg? But I guess he was in a better mood because he was back from holiday? 😂

    Next appointment is a phone appointment where I just tell him my weight. And then the surgery weigh in and bloods before the surgery. I'm so ready for this now.

  3. 16 hours ago, MrsFitz said:

    Had my surgeons appointment this afternoon and all went well. I’d dropped another kilo since my dietitians’ appointment a couple of weeks ago - yay! The surgeon was lovely and very approachable. The surgeon asked if I’d chosen a particular surgery and asked my reasons for it. I told him “Bypass please” and explained my thinking. He was happy and didn’t see any reason why I couldn’t have the Bypass. He then explained absolutely everything to me as we went through the consent form plus drew a couple of diagrams for me so he was extremely thorough! I felt very at ease and confident in what he was explaining. Obviously it helped that I had guidance from this forum plus had done wider reading too so nothing was a surprise even when he was explaining things that could go wrong and what steps they take to rectify any problems. It was comforting to know that they seem extremely pro-active in sorting things out and they don’t leave their patients to flounder on their own should they need help.

    So, next steps…the MDT meets weekly, generally on a Friday, so my case should be heard next week. He said that none of my tests have flagged anything up, the dietitian was happy with me plus I was taking some proactive steps myself so there shouldn’t be any issues and I should progress through to surgery. I asked how long the wait was without getting a cancellation and he said 20 weeks from now so that will mean mid to end of January next year. I did stress that I would be more than happy to take a cancellation which he noted. The only problem, he said, was making sure that I still had 3 weeks to complete the LRD as sometimes the cancellations are too close to the actual day of surgery.

    I’m feeling happy generally with everything. I’ve done all my stuff so now it’s down to the hospital. I have my granddaughters birthday party tomorrow, our anniversary dinner on the 15th and then I’m free and clear really. I feel I can relax a bit now. I’m as prepared as I possibly can be short of actually having the surgery!

    So exciting isn’t it??

    Excellent news! When I finally met with the surgeon, it was only another 2 months before they scheduled my surgery so hopefully it won't be too much longer for you!

    I've loved hearing your stories and being part of your journey. I think us both being NHS patients in the UK is helpful so we can compare.

    I'm so happy for you!

  4. On 9/1/2024 at 8:22 PM, ms.sss said:

    , but also getting rid of the idea and thought processes that something is bad or not allowed or forbidden or whatever. because this usually leads to angst and shame and guilt that does nobody any good.

    Yes! This has been my problem. I never want to eat something so badly as when I can't have it. I'm not doing cheat meals at the moment because I need to lose the weight for my surgery, but telling myself "I can have this later" helps. And after surgery, I may not even want it.

  5. I sent my surgical team an email to say I would like to be considered for the bypass instead. My fear is that this will put me behind schedule and they will schedule me for next year when as it is the surgery is a month away.

    I don't want to feel like I'm going backwards, which is how I would feel if they had to reschedule my surgery, but I want to set myself up for the most effective way forward.

    Maybe the surgeon will reassure me that the sleeve is the best option for me? I don't know. But I should definitely have the conversation. Barring a complication, I don't think revision surgery will be possible unless I win the lottery and go private.

  6. 14 hours ago, MrsFitz said:

    It’s never too late to change your mind and choose an alternative surgery. Please, please, please talk to your Bariatric team and tell them your worries and concerns. Being apprehensive is completely normal I would have thought, as this is some major surgery we’re choosing. You have your own fears because of what happened with your mum - again, completely normal. Let the team at the hospital go through it all with you and explain the pros and cons. Whatever decision you make, just make sure it’s an informed decision and that you feel comfortable with the outcome. I bet you’re not the first person the team will deal with who is having doubts, they will be prepared for it so make use of them!

    Thanks! I think it's just coming closer to the actual date, and I finally had a freak out. As I'm relying on the NHS, I don't want to get told the won't cover a revision down the line. But this forum seems to have people with good stories about long term success with the sleeve. I think I just need to speak with the doctor again.

  7. I took up cycling 2 years ago just as my daily commute. I just wanted to save money and time on transport costs. I wasn't even wanting to lose weight 3 miles away so I did about 6 miles a day. Turned out I really enjoyed it and since I git an ebike, it was easier for my joints. Cycling helped me maintain some of my weight (I was still eating too much garbage so I wasn't expecting a miracle). I now just really like it. The ebike aspect makes it not feel like work either.

  8. 2 hours ago, Bypass2Freedom said:

    I am fully the same!

    I have said expensive gym membership and it is currently burning a hole in my pocket 😅 I think I need to change up my routine. If I go in the evening I find so many excuses not to do it, I'm tired, exhausted, I want my evening to myself etc...so I think the only way is gonna be to go EARLY. Like, up at 5am, at the gym for 6am, and then to work for 7:30...I may die, but I think it'll work better 🤣 I shall trial it.

    I feel you on the heat - it has sapped my energy too and I really can't wait for it to be cooler!

    You got this ❤️

    I found going before work helps me. Since I have to be up anyway, I might as well go to the gym is my reasoning.

    Also, when I go in the evenings after work, I find that it makes me absolutely ravenous with hunger where as in the morning, I can have my usual Breakfast right after and I'm fine.

  9. I'm starting to doubt my decision to have the VSG rather than the Bypass. I keep hearing that the sleeve leads to an inevitable regain and I'd rather not do this surgery just to gain it all back if the bypass is better for long-term weight loss. Because it's the NHS and they only offer two surgeries I can only get VSG or bypass. I only chose the VSG because I fear the complications my mum had with the bypass.

    Is it inevitable that I will gain it all back? Is it too late to change my mind about the surgery? I really don't know what to do!

  10. On 8/29/2024 at 12:23 PM, MrsFitz said:

    It’s like they are only seeing numbers and scales and recommended weights for heights blah, blah, blah but not the actual person at the bottom of it all. I’m not surprised that you’re pissed, to be fair, I would be too.

    Carbs - is it all carbs that give you grief regardless of where they come from or specific types like bread, flour, potatoes etc? If it’s all types then it’s a very slow process of getting some in to your body and finding the balance. If it’s certain types then it’s looking at what you can manage and again, slowly building up until you find your balance and a weight that’s working for YOU, not the medical staff. Did you find some good quality fats that you were happy with? Have you skipped the low fat/calorie foods and introduced some higher fat/calorie replacements?

    You have come so far and done so amazingly well. At the end of it all, it’s YOUR body, YOUR health and YOUR wellbeing, no one else’s. Have you thought about some of the liquid meal-replacement type options that you would give someone if they were ill? Just something that might give you a bit of a boost on top of your Iron infusion?

    Big hugs 🤗

    Yes! I've been having the same discussion with my doctor. I "haven't met my weight loss goal" for the last two weeks because I'm still at 116kg. But, my body composition shows it's because going to the gym has been working and I'm gaining muscle. They just want smaller numbers on the scale and smaller numbers on the BMI.

    @SleeveToBypass2023 I'm really sorry you've had all this stress. Just sending sympathies.

  11. On 7/18/2024 at 9:25 AM, indianlight said:

    I had a bypass over 15 years ago and at first it was successful over 10 stone loss and I felt amazing.

    My mobility has decreased dramatically nd I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, I've gained all my weight back and more.

    My pouch im sure is huge, I get terrible reflux and I'm thinking a revision.

    Has anyone successfully had a NHS revision? What was criteria? What did the op entail?

    Also, anyone gone private for this in uk? What was the cost?

    Im so confused but I know to help my mobility I need to lose weight 😩

    Any help is appreciated

    I think this also depends on what NHS Trust your hospital is in. My Hospital only does Sleeve or Bypass, no GLP-1 or revisions. Other Hospitals will offer Sleeve, Bypass, DS and GLP-1 etc. I think the best bet is to start with your GP.

  12. 14 hours ago, MrsFitz said:

    Ah…run by people who don’t have the first idea then? I just know that occasionally they offer funding for gym memberships and didn’t know if it was something that was offered to you. It is bloody offensive though that we have to jump through hoops just to prove our ‘worth’ before being offered WLS 🤬

    I think if funding for gym memberships was available that would be really helpful. TBH I've never looked into it.

  13. It's been 6 weeks since I got my surgery date and started on my 12 week milk diet as set out by the doctor.

    But, I've made it 6 weeks. I really didn't think I would be able to. I've had cheat days and felt bad, but then shook myself off and got back on track.

    I'm already bored with shakes and Soup and I still have another 6 weeks of the pre-op diet and then more of the same for the first month past surgery.

    This has been difficult and I need to remind myself it will all be worth it. And then the always hungry part of my brain/soul/subconscious tells me to give up because I won't be able to eat "normally" ever again and I should just eat a donut.

    So I'm trying to have a sense of humour about it.

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  14. 26 minutes ago, Shanna NYC said:

    There was also that diet pill Alli (and others i believe) which acted as a fat blocker, but the side effect of it was if you went over the amount of fat you would leak oil from your bottom. Same with the Olean. I never tried either and I'm glad.

    The Amazon reviews of the Gummy bears crack me up. I have never had such reactions to sugar free gummies of any brand thus far. Guess I should count myself lucky.

    Orlistat does the same thing and I remember my stepdad was prescribed them because of his high blood pressure. He said would have prefered to die.

  15. On 8/23/2024 at 9:52 PM, ShoppGirl said:

    Yea. I vaguely remember them chips. I guess not many people were willing to deal with it since they didn’t stick around. But it is pretty sad what we will try when we are desperate enough. What’s so odd for me is everyone I talked to about the surgery warned me about diarrhea and I haven’t had it yet. I guess that means that I’m eating right. I Just gotta get more Fiber because I have the opposite issue.

    Never heard of them, but it sounds like a fad I'm glad never caught on over here. This reminds of the tales of the sugar free Gummy bear reviews on Amazon.

  16. My LRD is a 12 milk and broth diet. But I went to the latest dietician meeting with me NHS MDT and they said that from three weeks before surgery, I can do Soup and yoghurt.

    Each NHS trust seems to have different diets. I am assuming you're not in the UK so your doctor will probably say something different.

    I think the general consensus is, no to low carbs, no fat, no sugar and keep it at 800 calories a day.

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