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Posts posted by Onemealplan

  1. On 08/25/2024 at 11:14, ShoppGirl said:

    I think when you go on vacation if you just tell them you had stomach surgery they will understand. Don’t have to get into what it was specifically. Just says special diet prescribed by doctor. Or even it’s delicious but I already ate. All they really care about is knowing that it’s not because you are dissatisfied with the food.< br />

    I was a savory person before my sleeve too. I had kind of a unique change to where I craved sweets which was another of the things that contributed to my regain. It’s pretty uncommon according to my dr. Post SADI I don’t feel like I am craving sweet as much. Perhaps because I know I can’t have the sweets I really would want but hopefully because that reversed itself again. We shall see. I know that I have been craving fish tacos which is really weird for me. I barely even ate fish pre surgery or post sleeve. Just made myself like once a month because I know its good for me.

    I don’t think the caffeine restriction is really about how you will feel when you have it. It’s more about affecting your healing and I think I also heard something about it causing irritation or GERD.

    Wow I didn’t even know you can have a taste switch like that! Sweets are difficult for sure. It’s every where and makes it a challenge for all of us. I can’t believe the amount of commercial we have just about food. Love me some fish tacos, tacos period. The true Mexican kind lol.

    I’ve actually had no GERD at all! I was concerned about that too but nothing happened, luckly!

  2. If you’re on weeks 1/2 hang in there! It will get better ❤️‍🩹 and you will slowly be able to eat again.

    Did anyone get their surgery video? I did! And OMG it was fascinating but also made me feel such sympathy for my new stomach and what we went though. 

  3. Hey everyone! I’m reading though all the post and it’s interesting how similar and different our experiences are.

    Can’t thank you all enough for sharing because sometimes I feel like it’s just me lol.

    This is my second week of puree foods and I can now move into soft. However I can only hold 2oz of food every 3 hrs and I drink nothing but Water with electrolytes in between. I’m thinking soft foods might be too heavy for me. How much is everyone having of foods? I tried 30z of scrambled eggs yesterday took me 1 hr to finish lol. I accidentally had matcha 🍵 tea the other day because I forgot it had caffeine, silly me but my stomach did just fine. Granted it was the tip of a teaspoon with some milk. So this week I’ll be slowly adding dry decafe coffee to my morning warm cup of milk here and there.

    Oh homemade blended and straining apple, carrots, ginger is wonderful! I have about 4oz of it a day.

    I do feel “full” it’s a heaviness in my chest. I’m also still feeling discomfort here and there with purée foods as they go down my esophagus . Anyone else?

    That mental hunger hasn’t gone away and I know it will be a while before it does but I’m such a foodie that all I want is to “taste” food on my pallet that not the same everyday.

    I’m not doing artificial sugars, I’ve never liked them. My new stomach still doesn’t and nor does my pallet. I’m just going to keep sugar low as I always have. Savory foods is my achilles heal lol.

    I think because I’m not focused heavy on extra Protein in between foods I’ve not had issues with consipation. Take care of yourselves and just try one medication at a time. My stool is “lose” but not watery. I go every other day.

    I’ve started Vitamins but very slow and they are so sweet I have to force myself to like it. They are the Berimelts.

    I have a vacation coming up in two weeks, which I’m excited for! Mentally preparing myself for only having 1 taste of the food my husband and I decided to get. We have the same taste and always share or split plates so I’m not too worried about deciding on what to eat.

    I’m nervous about restaurants pushing food on me or asking if I didn’t like something or why we are ordering for one. If anyone lives in the UK please let me know if that’s uncommon. I know in the states when I said no water with my meal post surgery they looked at me crazy.

    I’m bummed that I won’t be able to enjoy beer or pub food in the UK but that’s just the way it is.

    Hope everyone is having a good recovery! ❤️‍🩹 I will say I’m so happy to be out of the liquid phase that was the worst for me. Also I didn’t drop any weight during the liquid phase that was my stall, funny enough because they say week 3, but not for me it was week 1 and 2. Now I’m dropping weight and down 20 pounds. (Yay) they said you’ll lose about half of your ideal weight within the 6 months so I’m on a good track. I do weigh myself daily and the scale is dijital so it records everything. I highly recommend those.

    Take care everyone!!

  4. On 08/19/2024 at 12:24, AmberFL said:

    HI! Thank you so much!!! I started with walking around 2-3 postop, 20-30min and just built up to working out from home with light 5lbs weights. I follow Sydney Cummings or juice and Toya work out videos. I would alternate 1 day upper body, 1 day lower body, ect...Then I would walk for 1 hour one day a week. Then I joined the gym when I was comfortable with the weights and that's when I really saw results. That was around 8-9 week post op. I cut down to 20min cardio and 30min strength training still alternating and still having 1hour walking days. Now that I am at my weight that I want to be at and not wanting to bulk up anymore just shred and tighten up my loose skin that I can possibly tighten up, I do 4 weight days 2 upper body, 2 lower body body with 30 min of cardio (usually treadmill at 12-13.5 incline and 3.3-3.7 speed) then 2 days I focus only on Cardio HIIT workouts. Now I do all my own workouts just from researching online and building my own workouts. I think they work? LOL I feel good afterwards, and my body composition is changing so I am rolling with it LOL I focus on high Protein like over 100g, carbs I kept around 60g and fat around 20g. I have been fortunate where the weight came off pretty quickly, right now I am eating around 1400 cal 150g of Protein 80-90g carbs and 25-30g fat. I am not actively trying to lose anymore, I want to more so maintain but I am still losing, so I am waiting till that figures itself out. LOL

    You are a Star!⭐️ Thank You for making such detailed notes. This will help me on my journey. It’s definitely working LOL 😆 you’re hearing your body and it’s paying off. I love weights can’t wait to get back into it! Thank you 😊 again for the breakdown.

  5. On 08/17/2024 at 10:12, draikaina8503 said:

    Just checking in for now. I have a lot of posts to catch up on, but that will be when I'm home. Surgery went great, other than starting my period literally 10 minutes before anesthesia came in. I'm having trouble drinking Water, so I will be staying another night in the hospital.

    Now if I could just get the gas pain to leave...

    Walk, walk and walk some more and time. I was on my period during surgery. I had it the whole time. The pain meds will help with it. You won’t even feel your cramps. Take small steps and just listen to your body. The goal that they give us for how much we could drink is absolutely ridiculous so I could barely handle any liquids and they told me to just make sure that I focus on hydration so taking electrolytes in my Water. Propel And IV liquid my go to..

  6. 08/17/2024 10:04 AM, Greekmom4 said:

    @ShoppGirl and @Onemealplan I used canned chicken breast, 2 boiled eggs, some dill relish, lit mayo, and seasonings. Put them in the food processor and blended until it was a similar consistency of mashed potato. Basically no big lumps. It is good and I put 1/4 cup portions into small containers and just take small bites.

    For the refried Beans, I found fat free which doesn’t contain lard and the recipe I am adapting just said to add salsa to taste. I am also going to add a bit of ham. I found a small package at Kroger of diced ham. Add the cheese and puree similar to how I did the chicken salad. Putting it into small glass ramekins and popping the toaster oven to heat through.

    My final recipe is an egg bake. 2 eggs, 1/4c cottage cheese (low fat, small curd), 1/4c diced ham, 1/4c shredded cheese. Purée all together and split into 1/4c servings. You can cook them all at once in the oven in a cupcake pan or microwave a serving at a time.

    Thank you so much that chicken recipe sounds right up my alley! I did do scrambled egg whites with feta this morning only 2 ounces and my stomach was able to handle it so maybe down the line and I’ll try that egg bake. The ham sounds really delicious.

  7. On 08/17/2024 at 09:16, Pepper_No_Salt said:

    Good morning! I posted somewhere on this site last night but being very much on pain medication it was the wrong thread and who knows where I was! Surgery was yesterday and they sent me home in the afternoon. It was pretty rough yesterday with the gas, sore throat, etc. Today is quite a bit better. My biggest challenge right now is getting enough fluids in. I'm still trying to figure out how large of a sip is "to much". I also would give anything for a cold drink. The surgeon's office didn't give me any restrictions on ice Water or even straws but I've also read it can cause stomach cramps.

    If your stomach tolerates cold and that’s what you like I would go with that. Sips just think of it as half a gulp. And everything I’ve ever read said to not take straws because they create too much gas a.k.a. air bubbles, and that’s the last thing we want. Maybe circle back with your surgeons team to see what they say. Personally gotten rid of all my straws and postsurgery my body really enjoyed either hot or cold liquids no restriction

  8. On 08/16/2024 at 20:16, ShoppGirl said:

    @Greekmom4 that bean recipe sounds good. Is salsa considered a purée though? I guess you can purée it a little more. I’m gonna order some now and try to use my little hand blender with it and see what happens. You have to tell me how exactly you went about making purée chicken salad. Was it totally mush? I am allowed canned chicken and tuna and a little low fat mayo but that seems like a big jump from liquid to me.

    @Hiddenroses i haven't experienced that but have heard of lots of weird physical aches and pains, especially back pain that occurs as we lose because our posture changes so quickly. And lots of people do end up needing a cushion when they sit after a while. I’m gonna guess it is the loss. Your first NSV!! Needing extra butt cushion 🎉

    @Onemealplan are you allowed the egg substitute? I had never tried them until my pre op diet and they are surprisingly good. The first ingredient is egg whites but they add some stuff to make them taste a whole lot more like regular eggs which is great for me because I really don’t care for egg whites. They are also super soft and moist which is good for us right now.

    @Hiddenroses I am editing this post to add that now that I am paying attention I am feeling a bit of tingling in my butt cheek. I am lying in an adjustable bed watching tv and I’m actually not in a very comfortable position at all but I swear I just noticed some tingling in the right side and shifted my weight. 🤣 I guess if it happened before I just didn’t pay much attention. I’m lucky that I haven’t had to do any desk chair sitting this week.

    That just got me to thinking about when will be the best time to get a new mattress. One thing I do remember with the sleeve was that the mattress seemed uncomfortable after I lost a significant ***** of weight. I think it’s because I was not sleeping in my same dented in spot with the posture changes. I flipped the mattress a few times and then ended up switching mattresses with my husband who is tiny because he can sleep on anything and that worked last time but I don’t remember if they have been replaced since then. I’m thinking not so I’m going to have to for sure this time at some point.

    Great idea! I’ve not tried eggs substitute but I’ll definitely put that on my shopping list. Any particular brand? @greekmom4 I would also love to know about this chicken salad!

  9. On 08/16/2024 at 20:08, Hiddenroses said:

    Hey all - I promise I'll get to responding to the previous posts that I haven't replied to a few pages back but I had a quick question - Has anyone else experienced tenderness from sitting in a chair that didn't previously bother you? It's weird for me, I haven't lost a LOT of weight (24 lbs as of yesterday at the doctor's office, their scale and mine seem to have about a 2lb disagreement) yet it feels like I get an achy bum sitting in a desk chair that was previously fine. That might sound silly; I don't mean in any particular region, just achy in general to the point I've taken to putting a thin pillow beneath me. Is that weird? Is it maybe just the overall achiness? Just curious!

    Yes, after surgery I switched my chair constantly because positions and chairs that are used to like now. Don’t sit well with me anymore. Try maybe putting like a cushioned pillow under your bum. I know they sell a couple of those on Amazon.< /p>

  10. On 08/16/2024 at 19:57, ShoppGirl said:

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. I have a descent list for purée but the three things I actually like out of it are the scrambled egg substitute, refried Beans, and ricotta. I am also allowed reduced sugar marinara and fat free or low fat cheese so I will have a little cheddar cheese on the refried Beans and I will make the ricotta bake with ricotta, marinara and mozzarella. That starts Sunday for me and I CAN’T wait. I was actually debating how long I need to wait to make sure something agrees. Like if I have the eggs for Breakfast, will I know by lunch that was fine so I can try something else or should I stick to liquids for the rest of the day. I can’t remember what I did with the sleeve. Probably waited because I always tend to be over cautious with medical stuff. I dug out my handheld blender and bought some canned fruit (no sugar added) and fresh veggies that I’m going to try to make my own purées. That I didn’t do last time but I do remember getting board so I figured I may as well give it a try. Anyone else have any good ideas?

    I am so excited for you!! Mine sounds similar scrambled eggs they asked I start with egg white only and they told me to wait 72 hours before introducing something totally new. However I can’t have the refried beans because they said it has lard and fat so they want me to stay away from that but I can make a chili from pinto beans, red kidney beans, which I plan on doing and then mashing it really good. 😊 I also have cheese and I am in love with feta so I can’t wait till I start cooking this morning. So excited, we finally at this phase!!

  11. On 08/16/2024 at 21:31, ShoppGirl said:

    Y’all may want to check out that website that had the ricotta bake recipe. It is Bariatricbits.com. There aren’t as many recipes as I thought but it does tell you how to make puréed chicken tuna and egg salad as well as refried Beans and tbe ricotta bake

    Thank you!😊 I happen to stumble across it yesterday. Looks good but I might be mashing my Protein. I don’t think I can handle the puréed. lol 😂

  12. Hello 👋 everyone! Finally day 14 post op. I’m feeling so much better. I did have dumping because I went in too much on ice cream and had almost 3 oz versus 1oz. Nothing too bad but lesson learned. I’m so excited for purée! I’ve started with baby food today and working into scramble egg white tomorrow with feta or cottage cheese. What are your recommendations for purée?

  13. On 08/14/2024 at 22:56, AndreaJD said:

    So here's my concern. I am able to drink and have Jello and popsicles just fine. I'm taking it easy because I don't want to overdo it, but shouldn't I be having a harder time getting it down? I bet all of you have the same history as me, diet after diet that didn't work or only worked for a while until eventually the weight came back and brought all its friends so I weighed even more. So I'm feeling concerned that maybe the surgery didn't work. I know that's not true, but... Is anyone else not having a problem getting liquids down?

    I guess I need y'all to talk me off the ledge a little here.

    Please take that as a blessing! It’s the worst not being able to intake liquids as recommended and feel behind. It just means your body is healing well and making progress. Your stomach is enjoying why it’s been fed.

  14. On 08/14/2024 at 17:50, draikaina8503 said:

    I unfortunately am very limited in Protein Shake flavors that are available. I'm actually allergic to milk, so all I can have are plant Protein Shakes. So yay for having to have the more expensive, less available flavors. >_>

    I did buy a tape measure this morning when I was running errands so that I can take my measurements! My other tape measure, uh.... really put in perspective how big I was because it wouldn't go around me. Depressing but also motivating to know that I am doing the right thing for me.

    Hopefully, I move to being able to have 'cream of' Soups when I get home. Though there are concerns about how much surgery they will actually be doing as I do have endometriosis. So the hope is that it hasn't spread since my last endo surgery 15 years ago, and therefore they don't have to deal with that particular complication. I am nervous about the hernia repair. I know it's common, but it's just one more thing to go through. I've been prepping myself for the bypass, not the hernia repair. LOL

    Hi! Sorry to drop in the conversation but I heard Owin Protein Shakes are pretty good. Maybe try one of those.

  15. On 08/13/2024 at 17:21, ShoppGirl said:

    I haven’t tried this yet but I just got another idea for a gadget that will come in very handy if it works like I think it will. A coffee mug warmer. For the broth and the cream Soups for full liquid for sure. And maybe even the purée and soft stage since everything is supposed to be real moist. But At least for this Soup stage because it just cools off so fast. The more I think about it this may not be as helpful for everyone with tiny tummies since you can only eat like 3 bites early out anyways. I am a little different since they didn’t operate on my stomach. Supposed to keep my portions small but I physically can eat more.

    Get yourself some small thermal cups they are great!!

  16. On 08/13/2024 at 16:09, draikaina8503 said:

    Core Bariatric by Dr. Maria Iliakova and Tammie Lakose - this one is interesting because it's a bariatric surgeon and her very first bariatric patient. It's a new podcast that started this year, so not a lot to catch up on.

    No Guts No Glory by Allyson and Cortni - both of these ladies had bariatric surgeries. One had the sleeve and the other had the diversion with duodenal switch. So they share about the upsides, the downsides, and everything else.

    Thank you so much!!😊

  17. On 08/13/2024 at 14:42, ShoppGirl said:

    You may have had a nerve block. They gave me one last time without telling me. This time I asked and he didn’t do it. Not sure why. But it sorta numbs all the abdominal pain and slowly wears off by the next day when the pain really sets in.

    Oh, that makes a lot of sense. The surgeon told me two days ago that the pain in my left shoulder is coming from a nerve! so that’s exactly it no longer gas but just nerves and bloating.

  18. On 08/13/2024 at 14:35, ShoppGirl said:

    I am doing sooooo much better, thanks. Now I practically forget I had surgery until I try to get up or sit down. That and I am still pretty fatigued (i take a couple naps). I am not supposed to take the steri strips off of my incisions but one did come off and it’s almost healed. I am over the all liquids too. As I read this I have the blended phase paperwork on my lap because I was making a grocery list even though I don’t get to start till Sunday. I really don’t understand how we can go from liquid to canned chicken or tuna unless they expect us to put that in the blender too? Sounds pretty gross. I’m guessing I will be eating a lot of scrambled eggs.

    Oh, I was feeling the same way with how we’re gonna go from liquid to purée. So I spoke to my nutritionist today and she said to start with egg whites, cottage cheese, cause it’s similar to yogurt and on the lighter side of things and then if I handle that well within 72 hours to progress to fish but steamed fish and tuna in a can with mayo. I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am for just some fish. lol 😂. This liquid diet just I’m so over it. keep us posted on how it’s going for you.!

  19. On 08/13/2024 at 14:00, Greekmom4 said:

    Hi everyone,

    I am 7 days post-op. Today, I was able to add 1 Protein Shake to my Clear Liquids. Taking it a little slower than normal to get my fluids where they need to be. My nurse advised me to go at the speed my body will allow. Tomorrow I will add the second Protein shake and see how that goes. Maybe then I will be able to start adding some puréed foods.

    I was also advised to take my Levsin to prevent stomach spasms and Zofran for the nausea. Also taking Omeprazole. Holding off on the Vitamins as they can cause nausea.

    As far as gas, it was mostly the first 3-4 days and now just infrequent burping. Because it is an inert gas, there is no smell. But the family found it hilarious. lol

    Getting up and down, and walking is getting easier. Believe me that is a great thing.

    The best tip from my nurse is that right now the full time job is getting in your fluids and walking.

    I definitely recommend to take it easy and absolutely listen to your body! a little bit at a time I started with trying yogurt and Protein and then all of a sudden my body didn’t tolerate it and I had to go back to Clear Liquids. Definitely continue with the medication. Those have been a blessing to me. I am going to stay on Nexium for the next two months per my doctor. Do not do the Vitamins. I would definitely recommend wait on vitamins until your purée stage if you have a delicate stomach. Vitamin and vitamins and I think that’s what really affected my stomach and why I had to river back to liquids. Congratulations on your surgery.!!

  20. On 08/13/2024 at 11:24, draikaina8503 said:

    I've been teaching myself to draw, but otherwise my hobbies are nerddom: D&D, playing video games like World of Warcraft. I love storytelling, so I'm drawn to anything that allows me to play out a story for my characters.

    I wish I had more creativity in other aspects of life.

    Same if it wasn’t for my video games and my k dramas I don’t know what I’d do with myself 🤩

  21. On 08/13/2024 at 09:17, Pepper_No_Salt said:

    My surgery got cancelled.

    We have no idea why. I got the notification on my portal app for my health plan so I immediatly contacted my surgeon's office because they have been going forward like I still have one. I was able to check the actual surgery schedule and sure enough I'm not on it.

    I'm beyond angry right now. I put in to have a whole week off of work next week that while I can definetly not take off, half of my team is going out of town for a conference so I would have to reschedule for the end of this month. That also sucks because I've pushed things out to the end of the month because I knew I would be in recovery. Now I have to somehow move them back and push other things. I want to scream.

    Omg! I am so sorry how in the world did they not call you to advise why they were canceling it!? That seems insane to me. I am so sorry. Had to go through that.

  22. On 08/11/2024 at 19:47, Mandalynne said:

    @AndreaJD your advice about the weight loss discussion with others is great! I’m definitely using that one and thank you!! Good luck on your surgery tomorrow, like you said, eyes on the prize!

    @Justarwaxx mine is on the 14th too!! Are you doing the Gastric Bypass as well?

    I’ve been told I’ll only be in the hospital 1 night… we shall see. Omg, my husband ate pizza for dinner… he was at least nice enough to eat it in another room, but still… i could almost kill for a piece. But again, eyes on the prize. I keep having to remind myself. 2 more days of this and then my life is changing.

    All our lives are changing for the better, which makes it worth it.

    You guys stay strong and good luck this week, I know a lot of us are on the roster this week. Be strong and positive vibes everyone!!

    I look forward to hearing from everyone after their surgery, keep us updated!!

    Don’t worry, you’ll be able to have that pizza again. It’s gonna be a long time before you do, but it will be there for you. so at first, I told my husband that I didn’t want him cooking in the house because I thought it would bother me and then the lack of smelling the food was bothering me so he’s back to cooking and I am even cooking for him I’ve learned to enjoy just the smell of food and what it would taste like and just being content with that mentally, but you’ll get through this!

  23. On 08/11/2024 at 19:10, ShoppGirl said:

    You know we laugh cause what else can you do but I’m telling you if you have to pass gas while you’re in there I don’t care who is in the room let it go. Explain later but omg I was on oxy and morphine and literally in tears one night because the pain was so bad. Passes a few good toots and they cut the oxy way back and took me off the morphine. I still have the actual surgical pain that everyone has now but with the normal post op pain meds it’s manageable. Before that I wasn’t sure how I could ever go home.

    I am so so sorry I didn’t have the same experience. I had no trouble burping and belching actually every time I take sips. I usually burp quite often. I didn’t feel that left shoulder pain from the gas either now that I’m home I’m starting to feel a little bit more aches and pains.

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