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Posts posted by Onemealplan

  1. On 09/02/2024 at 20:14, Greekmom4 said:

    Hello everyone,

    Saturday was my birthday and I went with my daughter to McAllister’s Deli. I ordered a cup of chili as it seemed to have the best overall nutrition. I ate about 1/4 cup and took the rest home. The family really wanted to do a cake for me so hubby bought sugar free cake mix and frosting and made it. I only had 2 small bites. Just enough to say I participated. Haha

    Honestly I really did not miss eating a big piece of cake and ice cream. I much prefer my sugar free fruit popsicles now.

    Tuesday makes 4 weeks (28days) post-op for me. My energy level is getting better and I can walk up the stairs one foot per step. Before I had to do both feet per step and then up the next one. I can tell my breasts and a little smaller and my stomach seems a bit smaller also. I am down 20 pounds and very happy about that.

    I’m on soft food for another 2 weeks and my dietician did not mention increasing my portions from 1/4cup to 1/2 cup. However when I read the sample menu she gave me it does show going up to 1/2 cup per meal. Personally, I can only eat just over 1/4 cup at a time still. I know that makes it tricky with tracking meals.

    Tracking meals: who all is doing this? It keeps me so honest for myself. I do so much better when I track. I bought a food journal on Amazon and log my daily weight and everything I eat or drink, along with anything notable for the day.

    Hey there, I know exactly how you feel! But before I forget, happy birthday mine was a few weeks ago and pretty much did the same thing with the cake lol. I can only eat about 2 to 3 ounces. And I’m not gonna force my stomach to eat more. I used to love MyFitnessPal, but my nutritionist has recommended an app called ate. So I’ve been using that for now.

  2. On 08/31/2024 at 11:43, Justarwaxx said:

    Ahhh is anyone eating too fast during pureed phase and then suffer right after 🥲🥲🥲 because it's so easy to eat so I just swallow then it punishes me EVERY TIME. Do I even lear

    Yes! So I would use disposable 2 ounce cups to help me and I also have baby spoons. But I find that it’s easy to eat fast purée. And next thing you know you’re at your limit. 100% understand

  3. On 08/31/2024 at 09:15, Theweightisover2024🙌💪 said:

    Well surgery was a success on the 26th!! I'm 5 days post op today! I just want to say that head hunger is a real thing, how did u guys get past this stage?? I have been on liquids since the 23rd and it's been a struggle for real, I thought after it would be easier because I don't actually feel hungry but physically I don't feel hungry it's just the mental aspect that gets me... I'm ready for these few weeks to fly by so I can begin to eat regularly again.

    Congratulations on your surgery! For me, the liquid stage after surgery was the hardest. I had a lot of ups and downs, head, hunger plenty of it. The only thing that I got through with it was time. Distract yourself with something else or start looking forward to the foods you can eat when you can. You have to find what works for you.. but hang in there you’re going through the hardest part.

  4. On 08/30/2024 at 23:08, ShoppGirl said:

    Hello everyone. I hope you all are having a more exciting kickoff to your holiday weekend than I am. (Hubby had to work half the night so I’m just here watching TV. I had two things I wanted to post but now I’m only remembering one for some reason.

    The first was my annoying stitch. Yes. I have this one stitch at the end of an incision that is sticking straight up and every-time my arm brushes across it the incision feels like it’s being pulled. Been driving me nuts for three days since the steri strip came off. Well I finally came up with a solution. Two shirts. It doesn’t poke through the second shirt so when brush past it doesn’t snag it. Not sure how common it is but just in case there it is.

    Ooh my second thing. Motivation for exercise. My good friend that lives in another city came up with a great idea to motivate us both to exercise. We are going to do it together. But instead of driving an hour each was everyday we are just going to walk at the same time and talk on the phone while we do it. We are starting tomorrow night. Just thought I would share in case that idea works for someone else.

    i hope everyone has a good night.

    Congratulations having an exercise buddy will definitely help. Keep you accountable.!

  5. 08/30/2024 10:40 PM, ShoppGirl said:

    Well the lunch stuff I have already had in purée stage so it’s just the dinners that are new foods for me. But the more I thought about it it will be alot of wasted food since I am eating just a tiny bit and my husband won’t eat half of it. I think I am going to spread it out and use have leftovers for lunch instead of the other stuff.

    Yeah, I only mentioned it because I was so excited to move into the purée stage and ended up throwing out a lot of food because I’m not a big fan of leftovers although I did my best. And it’s really hard for me to throw out food. I felt so bad I got over it of course. But as a warning, at least what I found for me is that I overdid it and ended up throwing out more food that my stomach didn’t really like that I thought I would.

  6. On 08/30/2024 at 22:37, ShoppGirl said:

    I was talking about the supplement but since you are the second person to mention the spice I think I am just going to try that route. Thanks. 😊

    I would highly recommend to use it as a spice. There are some wonderful recipes that you can find that will have it. I’m not sure if you’ve ever tried tofu but tofu scrambled with turmeric is very very popular. Good luck and I hope you find a delicious meal.!! 🥘

  7. 08/30/2024 10:12 PM, draikaina8503 said:

    Wow you have progressed so quickly. I know each plan is different but holy cow that's so fast! "General food time" for me isn't until 6 months post-op. Congrats to you!

    Definitely listening to your body is the important thing going forward. I'm in the puree stage, but I'm sticking more to the liquids at this point because I'm nervous about the fact that I'm still not getting full signals. So I really don't want to push myself too much.

    Thank you so much yes under my plan after 30 days I can start moving to a “general diet”. It’s still limited, of course. But I’m definitely feeling more comfortable staying in the soft food stage. I understand I extended my liquid as well until I felt comfortable. So I found that I feel like a pressure in the middle of my chest when I’m full.  Also weighing my food has helped me find where my limit is. Maybe that will help you out. The cues are completely different for all of us.

  8. Hi everyone! I’ll be officially one month tomorrow!! I’m so excited! So even though it’s “general food time” I’m still sticking to soft for now. I’m still about 2-3 oz per meal every 3 hrs. I figured it’s best to take it slow and hear out my body that rush this journey. I can finally intake a liter of water! It’s been great 😊 going back to the gym feeling so light. I’m already starting to feel small in some of the clothes I wear. I hope everyone is have excellent progress and feeling better and better!

  9. On 08/30/2024 at 10:05, Pepper_No_Salt said:

    Happy Friday everyone! I had my 2 week follow-up with my dietitian yesterday and got my diet progression schedule! I'm officially on mashable right now. I meal-prepped some ricotta bakes and refried Beans last night. I get to have eggs which I'm excited about. In two weeks I go to soft and two weeks after that I move to solids and adding meat back in. No bread/rice/pasta/alcohol for 6 months. I also got to start my Vitamins which should help with my energy levels.

    The only thing I need to work on right now is upping my Water intake and getting back into walking. I was going to the gym consistently before my surgery but I've just been so tired it's been hard to get on the treadmill.

    Congratulations!🎉🎊 small 15 min at a time. You’ll be back at it in no time.

  10. On 08/29/2024 at 22:38, ShoppGirl said:

    I am sooooo anticipating my soft foods beginning on Monday. I have been working on my menu and my grocery cart for a while. This is my menu so far.

    Monday-Snow Crab with skinny scampi sauce and mashed cauliflower

    Tuesday-Turkey Meatballs with peppers and onions (low carb marinara)

    Wednesday-Chili with side of zucchini, butternut squash and onions

    Thursday-Blackened Salmon with Brussel Sprouts

    Friday-Turkey Taco Fillings with fresh Pico and fresh Guacamole

    Saturday-Mahi with Jerk seasoning and green Beans

    Sunday- Black Bean Veggie Burger Patty with carrots


    Monday- MUSH overnight oats (with Protein powder)

    Tuesday- Spinach and onion Skinny Omelette

    Wednesday- Egg salad

    Thursday- Greek yogurt with berries (and Protein powder)

    Friday- tuna Salad

    Saturday- squash and onion Skinny Omelette

    Sunday- chicken Salad

    Oh wow ! That’s a lot of different foods for one week. My advice would be to spread it o out a bit. Congratulations on your purée journey.

  11. On 08/29/2024 at 22:45, ShoppGirl said:

    Does anyone have any experience with Tumeric. It’s supposed to help with swelling since we can’t take NSAIDS. I have some in my medicine cabinet I never tried and my belly is still pretty swollen so I thought maybe I’d give it a try but I am curious if it interferes with any of the other Vitamins. There aren’t many more hours in the day to separate it from everything else.

    Yep! It’s great! I use it for scrambled tofu or when I cook vegetarian dishes. It’s not a spicy spice and adds great color and flavor.

  12. 08/28/2024 08:20 PM, draikaina8503 said:

    I did tell my husband that doing laundry today was too much bending. So he knows that if laundry is getting done again in the next few weeks, it's on him to load and unload. I can pour in the detergent and get it going, but I just can't bend over to move the clothes around.

    I've been using alcohol swabs to try to get the sticky stuff off, but some of it is absolutely being hardheaded and wanting to stick around. Oh well, it comes off a little bit at a time lol.

    The grabber thing is a great idea. I hadn't thought about that.

    For the allergy tests, they do keep medicine in the office to reverse reactions. So if you want to play it risky at home, just make sure that there is someone with you in case you go into anaphylaxis. In office, ambulances are only called when even an Epi Pen doesn't cut it.

    I use baby oil with a cotton ball. Works like a charm to remove anything sticky left over from the Band-Aid. 

  13. On 08/28/2024 at 12:08, draikaina8503 said:

    Home from my post-op appointment.

    I can start purees tomorrow, as well as my Vitamins. All of my staples are out and the incisions look great, but it does look like I started having contact dermatitis with the staples. But the doctor reassured me that it was not infection.

    10 days ago I had surgery, and I have lost 26lbs. I can't remember the last time I was under 300lbs. I still feel like crying tears of joy. I was so worried that I was going to do something to screw myself up, even though I knew it was just anxiety. And this was the first real tangible thing for me.

    Congratulations 🎊🎈🎉. Hopefully it’s heal just nicely. One day at a time. Not everyday will be the same just go with the flow. You got this!

  14. On 08/28/2024 at 07:01, draikaina8503 said:

    Well, today I go for my first post-op appointment. Thinking I may be on a liquid diet just a little bit longer. I met my Fluid and Protein goals on Monday, but then yesterday I did not because I was so sick I was in bed for literally the majority of the day. We'll see what happens. I think I may have gotten overheated because we went out yesterday morning so that I could get a haircut after my husband's doctor's appointment, and while he was in his appointment I did walking laps around the parking lot. And we have a heat wave striking again.

    But we'll see what happens. I'll try to post an update after I get home from that.

    Oh, I did remove the CGM sensor that had blisters forming around it. Well, they also formed under it. And... it wasn't pleasant. I essentially have a large hole in my arm now from where it took quite a bit of skin with it.

    I have also had an uptick in pain the last few days. I had taken myself off my pain meds completely, but I've had to take one a day since Sunday. I'll be discussing that with the doctor today too. Has anyone else experienced that?

    Also, real talk - Cottage cheese has always disgusted me because of how it looks. So someone please tell me what it tastes like, since I'm probably going to have to learn to like it.



    I am allowed to use milks (lactose intolerant so non-dairy milks). I've just been adding Water to the one shake because it's super thick. Like, imagine drinking a milkshake through a tiny straw. That kind of thick. I'm less worried about Protein on that one because it's 32g per bottle. I just have to be able to drink it for it to matter lol.

    I am sooooooo sorry about your a/c. I can't stand heat and I would probably be living in a hotel if ours went out right now. But I do know what you mean. I can't do much of anything right now still. I've been pushing myself to at least do dishes when I can, but even that is a bit much for me sometimes. But we're gonna get over this hump and then we're going to get our houses back in order! I do hope your a/c is fixed quickly and cheaply.

    Update - Glad to see your a/c just randomly decided to start working again. Any chance that the outside unit had frozen?

    Splenda is a Godsend, honestly. I've had to be on it for years already with my diabetes. I was told I could use any artificial sweetner as long as I didn't go overboard with it. So that is good to know for when I start the puree stage!

    I'm curious to see how much my taste buds have changed since surgery. I know a couple of people who can't stand even the smell of eggs now. I really hope that's not me. I love me some eggs. I was also told post-surgery, fish is going to be a go-to meal once I can get there. Like at least once a week, kind of thing.

    As someone who used to work for an allergist - the prick test is just for contact items, like fur and dust. If you are concerned about food allergies, that would be a multitude of appointments for each one you ares scared of. Because they have you actually eat the food while you are there in the office, and then you have to sit there and wait to see if you have a reaction.

    "It's just me and my hubby and if it bothers him then he is perfectly capable of doing it himself." This, 100000000%. lol. Hubby has asked me what I'm cooking for lunch/dinner, and I just stare at him for a long few seconds before it clicks what he just asked me to do. Then he's like, "Oh, nevermind."

    I do need to be better about limiting my bending and such. I'm obeying the weight guidelines, but I'm also of the opinion that if I can do something, I should do something. My husband has a stressful job (911 dispatcher) with crazy hours. And he has taken over a lot of the things that I was doing pre-surgery. So I feel like I have to do what I can to help him out too.

    I've been on Pinterest a lot lately, saving recipes for me to try later on. I am going to probably have a fight with my husband on certain things - like ground turkey for tacos, I already know he isn't going to be on board with. But that might be a thing where I make my food ahead of time and am like, "Okay, this is what I'm having on this night. If you don't like it, you're on your own to figure out food." But that skinny scampi sounds like it might be delicious! You'll have to let us know!

    I hope the eye appointment wasn't too terrible for you.

    Kudos to you on making plans for a healthy rest of your life. I need to really sit down and start figuring that out myself. My fear is that I work 3 jobs. While I'm off for 2 months for 2 of them, I worry that any kind of set schedule I make for myself now will get thrown out the window when those get added back. Right now, I'm trying to walk in the mornings before the heat gets too bad. And I have a cycle machine that fits under my desk, so I use that throughout the day. Once they let me, I definitely need to figure out how to get some weight training in.

    I'm still pulling sticky stuff off of me after multiple showers. It's not just you. This stuff just doesn't want to go away, which was good for surgery. But now it needs to go. LOL

    I definitely do not like the sleeping the majority of my day and night away because it's preventing me from having a schedule.



    You said you can only eat 2oz of food every 3 hours. Are you meeting your protein goals with that? My nutritionist said that even at the puree and soft food stage, I'm expected to supplement my protein goals with Protein Shakes still. I'm still in the liquid stage, but it takes me an hour to finish an 11oz Protein Shake.

    I have yet to feel 'full' but I do know when I've pushed too far because I start to feel kind of sick. The lack of feeling full terrifies me, honestly. Which, I know it's just my anxiety but at the same time I'm like, "What if I have already screwed my stomach up because I didn't feel full????" Hopefully I get some reassurance today at the post-op. But I do get that mental hunger thing. It's been particularly bad lately because I just want SOMETHING that isn't liquids. Hopefully as I progress, I can start kicking that to the curb.

    I have a vacation coming up in October that I'm trying to prepare myself for. I should hopefully be on soft foods by then. As for the servers, one of the audiobooks I listened to in order to prepare for surgery suggested heading that off immediately. Just telling them up front you recently had a surgery so you will not be able to eat while you are recovering. One of my husband's coworkers who had the RYGB just orders Water when he goes out with his husband. Sometimes he'll sip on it, sometimes he just leaves it sitting there. All depends on when he last had a Protein Shake.< br />

    They offered you a surgery video? I haven't heard that. I would be interested in watching it if that's an option for me, but it may not be.

    How big of bites are you taking at this point? I'm just curious so I can start mentally planning for that vacation in a couple of months. (Man, am I so ready for a vacation, even with the dietary changes.)



    I've also had extreme fatigue. If I was dishes, I'm having to rest for an hour. I'm not doing anything more than that right now because I just physically can't handle it. But yeah, there are lots of long naps during my daytime, which is also affecting my abilitiy to get fluids and protein in.

    Glad to hear that you've gotten better! I know yesterday was a bad day for me out of nowhere. I'm blaming heat, but I don't actually know what the problem was.


    @RRenaeL23 and @Pepper_No_Salt - Good luck at your next appointments! I hope you do get moved up to pureed foods!



    Interesting! I was told they would not move me on to the pureed foods until I was regularly hitting 60g of protein daily. They said nothing about whether or not I was active. I'll be curious to see what is said when I go to my post-op today.


    @Meme Campbell

    I hope your surgery went fantastically and you are recovering well! I know that liquid stage sucks, but it's for a good reason. Just keep reminding yourself of that.

    Have a great time if you’re vacation!! I’ll be heading into “regular “ foods but I still will stay on the softer side just in case. Thank you for the tip for the restaurant!!. I think being foward is best. My doctors office gave me a medical card as well that says I can order kids meal (later on of course) so I plan on using that but for now sharing meals.

    I LOVED cottage cheese. It’s an acquired taste but two days ago I could not stand the smell so my husband ate the cup. I say #1 is eat what you like. If you don’t like it don’t eat it. Maybe yogurt is our thing or Protein Shakes, find what works for you.

  15. On 08/28/2024 at 07:01, draikaina8503 said:

    Well, today I go for my first post-op appointment. Thinking I may be on a liquid diet just a little bit longer. I met my Fluid and Protein goals on Monday, but then yesterday I did not because I was so sick I was in bed for literally the majority of the day. We'll see what happens. I think I may have gotten overheated because we went out yesterday morning so that I could get a haircut after my husband's doctor's appointment, and while he was in his appointment I did walking laps around the parking lot. And we have a heat wave striking again.

    But we'll see what happens. I'll try to post an update after I get home from that.

    Oh, I did remove the CGM sensor that had blisters forming around it. Well, they also formed under it. And... it wasn't pleasant. I essentially have a large hole in my arm now from where it took quite a bit of skin with it.

    I have also had an uptick in pain the last few days. I had taken myself off my pain meds completely, but I've had to take one a day since Sunday. I'll be discussing that with the doctor today too. Has anyone else experienced that?

    Also, real talk - Cottage cheese has always disgusted me because of how it looks. So someone please tell me what it tastes like, since I'm probably going to have to learn to like it.



    I am allowed to use milks (lactose intolerant so non-dairy milks). I've just been adding Water to the one shake because it's super thick. Like, imagine drinking a milkshake through a tiny straw. That kind of thick. I'm less worried about Protein on that one because it's 32g per bottle. I just have to be able to drink it for it to matter lol.

    I am sooooooo sorry about your a/c. I can't stand heat and I would probably be living in a hotel if ours went out right now. But I do know what you mean. I can't do much of anything right now still. I've been pushing myself to at least do dishes when I can, but even that is a bit much for me sometimes. But we're gonna get over this hump and then we're going to get our houses back in order! I do hope your a/c is fixed quickly and cheaply.

    Update - Glad to see your a/c just randomly decided to start working again. Any chance that the outside unit had frozen?

    Splenda is a Godsend, honestly. I've had to be on it for years already with my diabetes. I was told I could use any artificial sweetner as long as I didn't go overboard with it. So that is good to know for when I start the puree stage!

    I'm curious to see how much my taste buds have changed since surgery. I know a couple of people who can't stand even the smell of eggs now. I really hope that's not me. I love me some eggs. I was also told post-surgery, fish is going to be a go-to meal once I can get there. Like at least once a week, kind of thing.

    As someone who used to work for an allergist - the prick test is just for contact items, like fur and dust. If you are concerned about food allergies, that would be a multitude of appointments for each one you ares scared of. Because they have you actually eat the food while you are there in the office, and then you have to sit there and wait to see if you have a reaction.

    "It's just me and my hubby and if it bothers him then he is perfectly capable of doing it himself." This, 100000000%. lol. Hubby has asked me what I'm cooking for lunch/dinner, and I just stare at him for a long few seconds before it clicks what he just asked me to do. Then he's like, "Oh, nevermind."

    I do need to be better about limiting my bending and such. I'm obeying the weight guidelines, but I'm also of the opinion that if I can do something, I should do something. My husband has a stressful job (911 dispatcher) with crazy hours. And he has taken over a lot of the things that I was doing pre-surgery. So I feel like I have to do what I can to help him out too.

    I've been on Pinterest a lot lately, saving recipes for me to try later on. I am going to probably have a fight with my husband on certain things - like ground turkey for tacos, I already know he isn't going to be on board with. But that might be a thing where I make my food ahead of time and am like, "Okay, this is what I'm having on this night. If you don't like it, you're on your own to figure out food." But that skinny scampi sounds like it might be delicious! You'll have to let us know!

    I hope the eye appointment wasn't too terrible for you.

    Kudos to you on making plans for a healthy rest of your life. I need to really sit down and start figuring that out myself. My fear is that I work 3 jobs. While I'm off for 2 months for 2 of them, I worry that any kind of set schedule I make for myself now will get thrown out the window when those get added back. Right now, I'm trying to walk in the mornings before the heat gets too bad. And I have a cycle machine that fits under my desk, so I use that throughout the day. Once they let me, I definitely need to figure out how to get some weight training in.

    I'm still pulling sticky stuff off of me after multiple showers. It's not just you. This stuff just doesn't want to go away, which was good for surgery. But now it needs to go. LOL

    I definitely do not like the sleeping the majority of my day and night away because it's preventing me from having a schedule.



    You said you can only eat 2oz of food every 3 hours. Are you meeting your protein goals with that? My nutritionist said that even at the puree and soft food stage, I'm expected to supplement my protein goals with Protein Shakes still. I'm still in the liquid stage, but it takes me an hour to finish an 11oz Protein Shake.

    I have yet to feel 'full' but I do know when I've pushed too far because I start to feel kind of sick. The lack of feeling full terrifies me, honestly. Which, I know it's just my anxiety but at the same time I'm like, "What if I have already screwed my stomach up because I didn't feel full????" Hopefully I get some reassurance today at the post-op. But I do get that mental hunger thing. It's been particularly bad lately because I just want SOMETHING that isn't liquids. Hopefully as I progress, I can start kicking that to the curb.

    I have a vacation coming up in October that I'm trying to prepare myself for. I should hopefully be on soft foods by then. As for the servers, one of the audiobooks I listened to in order to prepare for surgery suggested heading that off immediately. Just telling them up front you recently had a surgery so you will not be able to eat while you are recovering. One of my husband's coworkers who had the RYGB just orders Water when he goes out with his husband. Sometimes he'll sip on it, sometimes he just leaves it sitting there. All depends on when he last had a Protein Shake.< br />

    They offered you a surgery video? I haven't heard that. I would be interested in watching it if that's an option for me, but it may not be.

    How big of bites are you taking at this point? I'm just curious so I can start mentally planning for that vacation in a couple of months. (Man, am I so ready for a vacation, even with the dietary changes.)



    I've also had extreme fatigue. If I was dishes, I'm having to rest for an hour. I'm not doing anything more than that right now because I just physically can't handle it. But yeah, there are lots of long naps during my daytime, which is also affecting my abilitiy to get fluids and protein in.

    Glad to hear that you've gotten better! I know yesterday was a bad day for me out of nowhere. I'm blaming heat, but I don't actually know what the problem was.


    @RRenaeL23 and @Pepper_No_Salt - Good luck at your next appointments! I hope you do get moved up to pureed foods!



    Interesting! I was told they would not move me on to the pureed foods until I was regularly hitting 60g of protein daily. They said nothing about whether or not I was active. I'll be curious to see what is said when I go to my post-op today.


    @Meme Campbell

    I hope your surgery went fantastically and you are recovering well! I know that liquid stage sucks, but it's for a good reason. Just keep reminding yourself of that.

    Hey! 👋 I hope your post op went super well! Once you’re out of liquids it’s a whole new world! The feeling of fullness might start kicking in. I’m probably under on protein but my focus is hydration and getting protein from eat of my meals. I’ve add 3oz of protein in the morning after my coconut water before my walk and it’s doing good. My baby stomach just can’t handle water, food and Protein Shakes all in one day, it’s too much. So my doctors and nutritionist said don’t worry about it stay hydrated then protein. The video was neat! The hospital actually provided it to the doctors and they sent it to me. They recorded all the medical procedures.

    I’ve found that 3oz works really well for me 2/3 hrs . I weigh everything and I got some new cups.

  16. On 08/25/2024 at 11:15, ShoppGirl said:

    Oh no they didn’t offer that to me this time or last. I bet that is so weird to watch. Sounds like it could be good to motivate you again if you start struggling a bit down the road again though.

    It was neat to watch but shocking to see what occurred. On the positive my liver looked great! lol my stomach looked like a tube. It’s truly a real reminder to take it easy and love yourself.

  17. 08/25/2024 03:17 PM, RRenaeL23 said:

    My follow-up appointment is on this Thursday. Hoping to begin my next stage which I believe is the purée stage. Anyone have any ideas for first foods to try first during the puréed stage.

    thank you @Hiddenroses! For your support for Veterans!

    Baby food carrots and squash. purée cottage cheese with soft fruit. I like peaches. Scrambled egg white with milk. Congratulations on your next stage.

  18. On 08/25/2024 at 14:39, Pepper_No_Salt said:

    Hey everyone! It’s been a tough couple of days. I live in a constant state of nausea from the time I wake up until I go to bed. I’m out of Zofran so I take my Phenegren every 4 hours on the clock. It’s making it ridiculously hard to even begin to figure out my fullness cues. I’m hoping it gets better and I keep telling myself I survived a whole pregnancy on a Zofran pump so I can get through a couple weeks.

    The lack of energy is also hard. I went out yesterday and by 4 I was yawning and people kept asking if I was okay. I almost fell asleep driving home and crashed by 10pm. It’s like I can do one chore and then I have to rest for 30 minutes. I really didn’t think about this before and now I know why people take off work until they get to regular diet.

    The good news is I’m losing about a pound a day, I have no pain, and my incisions are healing well. Thursday I have a dietitian appointment and get moved to puréed foods!

    I hope the nausea gets better quickly. Maybe it’s a specific food? Could you get more Zolfran? I didn’t take time off either and regretted it. Maybe you can still do FMLA if needed. I still get exhausted by 2pm and just need a nap. Congratulations on the weight loss!! Feel better ❤️‍🩹 soon.

  19. 08/25/2024 11:21 AM, ShoppGirl said:

    It just dawned on me that my first day of soft foods falls on Labor Day and I usually have snow crab legs since they always have them on sale for the holidays. I usually have other stuff with them that I can’t have now but I contemplating having them. Some people do develop allergies though and shellfish is certainly a common allergy so I’m a little scared. Part of me wants to go and get a scratch test to see if I’m allergic to anything now- although I’m not sure if that’s for foods and stuff anyways or just contact stuff. I had a little regular milk the other day and that went fine but peanuts and seafood scare me as well. I suppose I can just take a bite and then wait an hour. My husband will be home with me so I should be fine.

    I say go for it! Share with your husband and try a bit. I’m actually at Red Lobster now having crab.🦀 Had a few bites and went down just fine. Just take it one step at a time :D I will say I’m still in shock about how small my food intake is. Especially now at this stage. Did you feel that way before?

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