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Cindy Lynn T

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Cindy Lynn T got a reaction from Erin18 in Calling all hair gods! And hormonal acne   
    I had my surgery about 10 months ago and started losing my hair 6 months post-op. My hair was thick and curly and now its thin and the curl is not like it used to be. I started taking Biotin, I'm using the OGX biotin and collagen Shampoo and conditioner and now my husband got me the Spoiled Child biotin hair boost spray. I have baby hairs that have definitely grown in the last month, so maybe something is helping! I couldn't believe the amount of hair that came out in the beginning!! Thank god that only lasted about a month because I was scared I was going to have bald patches! For now I wear my hair up in a bun because I hate the way it looks when it is down.
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    Cindy Lynn T reacted to Erin18 in Calling all hair gods! And hormonal acne   
    I haven't lightened my hair since August due to the fact that I ended up damaging it and I don't want to use lightened anymore until my hair is healthy again. I only use a semi permanent color which won't damage because there's no developer in it.
    I dont go to the salon. I have my license so I do my own hair. I know our hair is made up of Protein (keratin).
    I know my problem is not getting that protein in. Why do I struggle with it so much?
    The collagen I take has Biotin in it. I just wanted to know if there was something along with protein that would help.

    I take my vitamins.every day. Nothing came up in blood work saying I was lacking anything. I had blood work done in february and last month. Both came back good.
    I did cut off a good amount of my hair back in April I think it was. It was about 2 and a half to 3 inches.
    I also keep my hair up in a bun cause I don't like the way it looks down lol. I like it out of my face too tho
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    Cindy Lynn T got a reaction from Erin18 in Calling all hair gods! And hormonal acne   
    I had my surgery about 10 months ago and started losing my hair 6 months post-op. My hair was thick and curly and now its thin and the curl is not like it used to be. I started taking Biotin, I'm using the OGX biotin and collagen Shampoo and conditioner and now my husband got me the Spoiled Child biotin hair boost spray. I have baby hairs that have definitely grown in the last month, so maybe something is helping! I couldn't believe the amount of hair that came out in the beginning!! Thank god that only lasted about a month because I was scared I was going to have bald patches! For now I wear my hair up in a bun because I hate the way it looks when it is down.
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    Cindy Lynn T reacted to Erin18 in Calling all hair gods! And hormonal acne   
    Hey all, does anyone have any tips on the regrowth? I had my surgery 16 months again and it feels like it's taking forever to be healthy again and to grow. It looks brittle and thin with some breakage. I know I need to up my Protein and Water, has anyone taken anything to help it? I'm taking collagen, but I don't think it's helping anymore. I have different lengths closest to my hairline. Part of it I believe is from the surgery and the other part I know it's from Lightening my fringe in August.

    Now the hormonal acne. Wow, that started in January. I've never had this bad of acne before and it's pretty painful. It'll come, stay like a week one or two will go away and come back and repeat the process. Annoying. I know the hormones change after surgery, but I wasn't expecting hormonal acne 😄

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