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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lapbandgirl4life

  1. lapbandgirl4life

    LapBandTalk Member Contest

    Nice. Hopefully I win and won't need to buy one lol
  2. Yes. I always felt hungry during the pre-op liquid diet, but if you stick to it, it makes getting through the liquid phase after surgery that much easier. You can do it!

  3. lapbandgirl4life


    lol Libby, I have no idea how to shop there either, but I am sure looking forward to it! Congrats Catherine on your new size!!!!!! You'll only keep shrinking!
  4. lapbandgirl4life

    HELP! Samples meals need, I'll Start

    There's a new book by Hungry Girl called 200 recipes under 200 calories. In case anyone is a huge Pasta fan,there's good news for us! There is now pasta made out of tofu and what's more is it is only 20 calories per serving!!! It comes in different forms like spaghetti, angel hair, etc. With the warmer weather now, instead of having an ice cream, I take my crystal lite, add a little Water and ice to the blender and make myself a slushie. It's very satisfying and a great way to get your fluids in! :thumbup: Oh and with blackberries being on sale, I made a blackberry smoothie, which was delicious and actually stuffed me. It was all under 200 caloies. 1 small banana 1/2 cup blackberries 1/2 cup lite/fat free vanilla yogurt 1/2 cup ice. Blend til smooth and enjoy!
  5. Thank you. On May 5th I'll have been banded 3 months, in that time, I've lost 90 pounds. The remainder was lost preop. I realize some people think it's too much weight too fast, but I eat well and I'm well nourished. I think what has significantly changed is my lifestyle. I now lead a very, very active one. For example today I walked 3 miles, mowed 2 lawns by hand (and one was hilly), which took me about 3 hours, hung laundry out on the line, I then hit the gym for 1.5 hours and then walked around a shopping center for an hour. I try to stay busy like this as often as I can. I do anything to just "move" my body, and I think it's paying off.
  6. Thank you for the add. I see you have an appointment today with your surgeon - best of luck! Feel free to message me if you have any questions or just need some support.

  7. lapbandgirl4life

    6 months....94 lbs later...... before and current pics

    Wow!! You look awesome!! Keep up the great work. Can't wait to see you once you hit you goal weight :wink:
  8. They tried to tell me the same thing. I started out weighing 377 (I'm 5'3) before surgery. The day of my lapband surgery I weighed 345. I'm not even 3 months out of surgery and I'm down 86 pounds (119 total). Now my surgeon says I'm the poster child for the lapband. lol. Don't get me wrong, it's really hard work, but change is always difficult... at first :ohmy:
  9. lapbandgirl4life

    results not typical

    ait, I eat about 900-1000 calories a day. I make sure I focus on getting in my Protein, calicum, and Fiber. I get all of my protein from food, not shakes or supplements (not that there's anything wrong with that). I eat 3 meals a day and usually I eat at the same time every day. At around 1030 I'll have a fat free light yogurt (which is considered a liquid) and in the afternoon I'll have an 8 ounce glass of skim milk. Both are rich in protein and Calcium. Another thing I do is drink a lot of Water or zero calorie fluids in between meals. I don't want to confuse dehydration with hunger, which I guess is easy to do if you don't drink enough. Also I do not drink 10 minutes before I eat nor do I drink anything for an hour after I eat. Lastly, I exercise. I usually burn off what I eat during the day and then some. I cannot stress how important it is to get up and move. It not only helps facilitate weight loss, but it also lifts your spirit and makes me personally feel very accomplished. I work out at the gym for 1.5-2 hours 6-7 days a week. I also do a lot of walking. Michelle, this is what has been working for me. If you can take something away from it.... great!!
  10. Angie, I had the same fears. I told people and then I started questioning myself and my ability. Like you, I have a lot of weight to lose, but once it starts coming off, you feel such a sense of empowerment that you'll almost want to laugh at your self-doubt. Best of luck to you!!
  11. Momster, thank you so much for your kind words. I really do appreciate it. When I was first banded, I didnt have much of an appetite for about 2 weeks, then my appetite came back full throttle. During this time I did not have any restriction and I had researched enough to realize that people refer to this time as "bandster hell". I had to wait 6 weeks for my first fill, and I'm sure if I wanted to I probably could have gobbled up just about anything, but I didn't try, so I can't tell you for certain. I guess I was just fortunate enough to have the willpower to make it through to my first fill. However, unfortunately, when my 6 week fill came around I had lost just over 50 pounds and my doctor wasn't too keen on giving me much of a fill, but he did and luckily it's enough to keep me satisfied. I'm not stuffed, but I'm content. If I was in your situation, I'd be frustrated too, but hang in there, it sounds like it's just a matter of finding your "sweet spot". Make sure you stay in touch with your doctor and keep getting those fills. You'll get there. I know you will. I also have to agree with your doctor, it sounds like you're doing great, especially for not having much restriction!
  12. I've hit another milestone. I am now officially more than halfway to my goal weight. I want to cry. lol Momster, I hope you're doing ok? I have faith you'll get there, just start slow. Start out with a small exercise goal but do it every day. I think that will help establish a routine.
  13. lapbandgirl4life


    I love reading posts like these! You've done so great! Like anothr person said, go reward yourself. Get a massage or something lol.
  14. lapbandgirl4life

    results not typical

    Mljalways, just as you're happy with your weight loss (which you should be), I'm happy with mine. Thanks for your input on this thread and best of luck. I also apologize if my chicken wing remark seemed harsh and I do realize that this is supposed to a "support" group, but honestly, there is a fine line between supporting and enabling. It's fine and well to say if you don't like a thread don't read it, but you really can't undo what you've already read? I mean, I opened up what I thought was a "support" thread and what it turned out to be was basically a manual on how to out-eat the band, down to what foods "slip" by the band. It wasn't really something I wanted to read when what I was looking for was people who were struggling but still sticking to the rules. I was incredibly frustrated, but you're right, I won't be reading it again, and I've thankfully found several threads that, in my opinion, provide the support that *I'm* looking for. To each their own, I guess. Allie, we should make this thread our fast losers group. I totally agree! Wednesday is my weigh day and the scale is innnn... and I'm down 10 pounds this weeek!!!!!!!!!!!! 7 more pounds until I hit the half-way mark.
  15. lapbandgirl4life

    Your input please....Lap Band or knee surgery first?

    Take care of your knee first. Heal up and then have your lapband surgery. When you have your lapband surgery, one of major keys of success is to exercise, so you want your full mobility. If you dont have it, you may get frustrated that the pounds aren't coming off. I'd hate to see you set yourself up for that when it sounds like it could be avoided.
  16. lapbandgirl4life

    results not typical

    Hey that's great about your increased endurance! Congrats! As far as getting back into the gym, I hate to give this canned response, but it's best to discuss it with your doctor. I know you will be on some weight restrictions, but those are usually lifted after 6 weeks. After surgery, you'll want to walk walk walk, so even if you cant do the eliptical right away, you can still go to the gym and walk on a track or use the treadmill, that way you can still stay in the routine of going to the gym. If I remember correctly, I was doing full cardio at about 2-3 weeks after surgery.
  17. Momster, the short answer is... I want to live. Exercise to me has become just as important as brushing my teeth. It's something that HAS to be done. You know, it was really hard for me at first. I used to weigh 377 pounds and I'm only 5'3!! I was embarrassed that I could hardly even walk 20 feet, but I kept it up, and kept pushing myself because it means a lot to me. This is my last chance to get it right and I don't want to fail. I can't fail and I won't fail. Other things that get me going and keep me going? My dreams. My dreams of a better life, dreams of love, dreams of happiness. For once in my life, I am actually believing that I deserve all of this and soo much more. It takes a while to form a routine, but trust me, momster, if you dedicate yourself, even if it's walking 1 block everyday, I think you'll find after a week of doing this, you'll want to go further. I think the key is to start small and gradually increase, and no matter what... just keep doing it.
  18. lapbandgirl4life

    I am new here, great site.

    Look around this site and get informed about the procedure. If you have any questions, start a thread or feel free to shoot me a question and I'll do my best to answer it. I was banded on Feb 5th, and it's truly been the best decision I've ever made in my entire life. It's hard work, but well worth it. I'm in my early 30's and I feel better now than I did when I was 20.
  19. So I've lost my first 100 pounds. What an incredible feeling of accomplishment. I'm noticing all the other things that come with such an accomplishment. For example, I can now wear "regular" jeans. I'm not scared to sit in chairs. I can get up from the ground. I can Jog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can stay on the AMT (cardio machine) at the gym longer than most skinny chicks! And what's more is, as Nina Simone likes to sing... I'm feeeeeeeeelin gooooooood.
  20. lapbandgirl4life

    First meeting with Surgeon Tomorrow 4-13-2009

    How did it go? My surgeon required letters too, although they didn't have to be notarized. I think the patient letter is a good thing. I think this entire process and the steps we have to take is an even better thing. My only advice is: be honest with yourself and start doing it now before the banding takes place. It'll make the transition easier.
  21. Hi. Looks like we were banded around the same time and are both doing pretty damn good. Just thought I'd add you to my contacts and hopefully we can encourage each other in the months to come. I don't know about you, but I need all the positive reinforcement I can get!

  22. lapbandgirl4life

    Fabulous February Bandsters Unite!

    Congrats!! Isn't it such an awesome feeling? I was banded on 2/5/09 and (as of today) I've lost 72 pounds since surgery. Like you, I follow everything my doctor has told me. I also exercise 6-7 days a week and do a lot of walking. I actually look for ways to exercise, be it parking further out or taking the stairs - just anything to move my body, and it has made all the difference. I've had one fill about a month ago and I feel satisfied with my meals - not necessarily full, but satisfied. Anyway, getting banded was the best decision I've ever made!
  23. lapbandgirl4life

    results not typical

    Hi Sue, I think you should start a group for fast losers. It really is a fantastic idea. I'd join up straight away! I also hope I don't offend anyone by saying this, but it'd be nice to have a place where I don't have to read about people gorging on 1000 calorie chicken wings and other unhealthy crap. lol. It gets depressing reading it sometimes. I guess at this point in my life I want to surround myself with some positive energy.
  24. lapbandgirl4life

    Dining Out- How Much do you Eat?

    Admittedly, I haven't really dined out since being banded (2/5/09), but I have had to eat at a couple of fast food places. At subway, I order a roast beef mini sub with no cheese or mayo, but with all the veggies and honey mustard. Just the other day, I went to culver's with my mom and I had a grilled chicken sandwich (no butter or mayo) with extra lettuce, pickles, and tomatoes. With either sandwich I am completely stuffed.
  25. lapbandgirl4life

    results not typical

    Hi 2Fly, I think I'm following suit here. I've been banded just barely over 2 months and I'm down exactly 70 pounds. (102 pounds if I count pre-surgery weight loss). My doctor is extremely pleased with my results. I haven't had any hair loss, but I also get in usually 50 of protein/day and all my Protein comes from food. I also exercise 6-7 times a week at the gym, and I do a lot of walking.

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