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Posts posted by Gator70

  1. On 6/25/2024 at 9:06 AM, Gator70 said:

    I just had mine on Wednesday 6/19 and had a similar experience on Saturday all day, I've been able to tolerate more fluids and protien shakes since then hope your feeling better in the days to come

    Just hitting 2 weeks post, Constipation has set in and had some blood in stool I talked with my surgeon he said start to introduce stool softners only and try to increase more Water anyone else run into this any other suggestions, tips or tricks ?? Just feel miserable right now

  2. 6 minutes ago, Lissa623 said:

    I just had gastric bypass on 6/20 and last night was rough. Hoping today is better. I was only able to get down 1 bottle of Water and one Protein Shake yesterday. Was up all night with what felt like dumping syndrome. Feeling a bit better today.

    I just had mine on Wednesday 6/19 and had a similar experience on Saturday all day, I've been able to tolerate more fluids and protien shakes since then hope your feeling better in the days to come

  3. On 6/16/2024 at 3:44 PM, Gator70 said:

    I'm scheduled for gastric bypass this Wednesday the 19th so the liver shrink diet has been tough for me alot of fatigue and dizziness, and start 48 hr all liquid tomorrow morning. Never been this weak before but I look forward to this as part for reclaiming my overall health and wellness! Prayers going out to all my fellow patients, 1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your cares upon him for he cares for you...

    I'm day 3 post op ,The procedure went good no issues as of yet. Honestly the first 48 hours were the worst for discomfort and pain ,Today Iam up and moving around more and been sitting upright all day and really beginning to take more fluids in today still get stomach cramps periodically especially if I try to push fluids to quick, I've been able to tolerate Water, protien drinks and tomatoe juice. not to give to much (TMI) but definitely have issues with diarrhea started this morning but overall feeling pretty good

  4. I'm scheduled for gastric bypass this Wednesday the 19th so the liver shrink diet has been tough for me alot of fatigue and dizziness, and start 48 hr all liquid tomorrow morning. Never been this weak before but I look forward to this as part for reclaiming my overall health and wellness! Prayers going out to all my fellow patients, 1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your cares upon him for he cares for you...

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