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Mel M

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mel M

  1. I just had my surgery on the 27th and am home from the hospital. I have been having a hard time with tracking how much I have been taking in with water and protein. Any tips or tricks to help track it so I make sure to try to reach my protein goal? I use the baritastic app but it doesn't allow me to go in and just put single ounces on some of my shakes. Also, I am experiencing a burning sensation on the right side lower part of my stomach. Any idea's what this could be from?
  2. My surgery is scheduled for the 27th. I am on day 3 of my liquid diet and boy am I struggling. It's very hard to break old habits of just snacking but even now on the liquid diet I want a healthy snack but unable to have it. I think it's the chewing sensation I miss. I am able to have one health meal a day and usually have protein shakes for the other meals. (breakfast and lunch) I try to save my healthy meal for dinner so I can eat with my family but with being on summer vacation it has been hard to not want to just snack all day. I have been going back and forth if this is something I should followed through with as I will not be able to enjoy the things I used to after surgery. Maybe I'm over thinking and it's just nerves for the post op life.

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