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Posts posted by Crissy22

  1. 10 hours ago, HeBrokeTheChains said:

    Hi Crissy, the more I thought about it the more I think it was an episode of toxin leaving your body because it does end! I know no amount of lotion does remediate because it’s not a case of dry skin. It is just a case of toxins, leaving your body and that is a good thing, but I know it is awful!! Hang in there, sister

    I truly appreciate, thank you!💜

  2. 5 hours ago, Dacekira said:

    Hello! I'm new to the group. I just had surgery on the 17th. I'm really struggling to stick to liquid diet until cleared by surgeon. Husband has been super supportive with broths and other liquid diet adhered menu options as he cooks dinner for the household. Next check in with doctor is Tuesday and I hope he gives the clear for pureed foods so I can at least stop feeling like I'm on empty constantly.

    We're surgery twins!

    Well you're not alone. I've been struggling with my Protein goals. I started putting ice cubes in a cup (filling the cup with ice cubes) and drinking my Protein Shake thus way. It's helping. I'm also feeling super hungry. I just want to chew something! Lol

  3. Hi guys! I did it! My surgery went as scheduled on 6/17. I'm 3 days post op!

    All went really good, I was only in pain and nauseous after I woke up from Anesthesia. After I was given meds for that, I have not needed pain meds. I started walking right away and so far it has been good.

    ONLY Complain-- in having a hard time with Protein and drinking water/ sf gatorade. Last thing I want is to be dehydrated. I bought the EmergenC Hydration packets on Amazon, hope it works.. and I hope as the days go by, I can drink more protein.

  4. 4 hours ago, Mel M said:

    My surgery is scheduled for the 27th. I am on day 3 of my liquid diet and boy am I struggling. It's very hard to break old habits of just snacking but even now on the liquid diet I want a healthy snack but unable to have it. I think it's the chewing sensation I miss. I am able to have one health meal a day and usually have Protein Shakes for the other meals. (breakfast and lunch) I try to save my healthy meal for dinner so I can eat with my family but with being on summer vacation it has been hard to not want to just snack all day. I have been going back and forth if this is something I should followed through with as I will not be able to enjoy the things I used to after surgery. Maybe I'm over thinking and it's just nerves for the post op life.

    Don't question it.. it is tough and it sucks but remember why you are doing this. If it helps you feel better, somewhere is out there starving with you..! My surgery is MONDAY. And I lost 13pds so far with this preop diet... you can do it!!!! My stomach is growling and I just think about being healthy for myself and my family.

  5. 5 hours ago, Samstarwondertwin said:

    I don't know if you really want to know how it went, but here I go. I'm still in the hospital and expected to be here until at least tomorrow. Surgery didn't go well--my surgeon nipped my lung sac and had to suture it up. The anesthesiologist gave me too much narcotics, I was 'lucky to be alive,' as one of the nurses told me in the recovery room. Now an investigation has been opened on what happened during this surgery. I'm definitely not posting this to scare anyone, but this is my reality and would never lie and say everything went swimmingly when it didn't. But I'm lucky to be alive folks, right?? And even with all this bullsh*t, I'm optimistic for the future. I'm excited for my journey and now this surgery is over, the only way I can go is forward. Good luck all and love sharing our journeys together.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery. 🙏🏻 ❤️

  6. On 6/4/2024 at 6:45 PM, Samstarwondertwin said:

    Whelp, now I'm so terrified about the surgery on Monday that I am psyching myself out thinking what if I die during surgery? What about my husband and our three young daughters? I'm thinking this is my addict brain trying any which way to prevent me from having this surgery, but there are risks. My doctor assigned a video for me to watch about gastric sleeve procedures, including benefits, complications, expectations, and 11 instances that the patient is at risk of death.

    So now I'm scared. I'm gonna talk to my Mom who had gastric bypass decades ago to try to chill me out, but anyone out there can calm my fears a bit. I'm also scared because I had some chicken breast and bunless cheeseburger, I'm putting myself at risk of death. Oh this cycle of nonsensical what-ifs is driving me mental!! Lol 😆 🤣 😂

    You're definitely not alone with this feeling. This is the reason why it took me so long to make a decision to do the surgery in the first place. Our kids depend on us so much, but we need to remember why we are doing this and that we are getting healthy for us and them.

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