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    Rokunoha got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in I am so happy that this subtopic exists   
    ^^ me too, i'm honest, after the surgery i have really big problems eating meat, it is not the texture or anything, it is just not as tasty anymore for me. So i'm Almost completly plant based.
  2. Like
    Rokunoha got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in I am so happy that this subtopic exists   
    ^^ me too, i'm honest, after the surgery i have really big problems eating meat, it is not the texture or anything, it is just not as tasty anymore for me. So i'm Almost completly plant based.
  3. Like
    Rokunoha got a reaction from Amoebas in What does "normal" feel like after surgery??   
    mhm. That is a Broad Question but i try to Answer from my perspective.

    my New Normal is.

    I don't feel Hunger, at first, it feels odd that you can't eat or eat super less because i was used to eat Large portions, Then i notices a change in my Taste buds. I felt into an emotional and physical Turmoil, after that storm i slowly felt like getting more energy and my cravings stopped, i lost intrest in food outside of the nutritional value, You get your head over new things, Hobbies, etc.

    So to wrap it up: I spend my time with more things than ever before, i am more active and productive as ever before, and if i don't use a Timer i forget to eat
  4. Like
    Rokunoha got a reaction from Amoebas in What does "normal" feel like after surgery??   
    mhm. That is a Broad Question but i try to Answer from my perspective.

    my New Normal is.

    I don't feel Hunger, at first, it feels odd that you can't eat or eat super less because i was used to eat Large portions, Then i notices a change in my Taste buds. I felt into an emotional and physical Turmoil, after that storm i slowly felt like getting more energy and my cravings stopped, i lost intrest in food outside of the nutritional value, You get your head over new things, Hobbies, etc.

    So to wrap it up: I spend my time with more things than ever before, i am more active and productive as ever before, and if i don't use a Timer i forget to eat
  5. Like
    Rokunoha got a reaction from ShoppGirl in Dating with excess Skin as a Man.   
    Hey, Thank you all so much for the Kind Words and Motivation.

    Of course i will Continue my Journey since i am not Finished. And the First year isn't even over for me. I will just Fight and Push like i always did, and Start to tackle the social Anxiety, i Guess you are Right, if i want a Chance at Love. I should try.
  6. Like
    Rokunoha got a reaction from ShoppGirl in Dating with excess Skin as a Man.   
    Hey, Thank you all so much for the Kind Words and Motivation.

    Of course i will Continue my Journey since i am not Finished. And the First year isn't even over for me. I will just Fight and Push like i always did, and Start to tackle the social Anxiety, i Guess you are Right, if i want a Chance at Love. I should try.
  7. Like
    Rokunoha reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Dating with excess Skin as a Man.   
    As someone who has lost 200 pounds in 2 years, I can 100% understand and sympathize with the loose skin situation. And being married doesn't really help. My husband is a good man, and he loves me, but he struggles with how much thinner I am now (he's what's known as a chubby chaser, and he loved it when I was around 260-270 pounds) and with all the loose skin (there's A LOT).
    He tries not to show it, but I can see it in his eyes and on his face. It makes it hard to keep my confidence up, but I know he loves me and I know he's happy with how much healthier I am. The weight and skin are things we talk about and are working through. It takes time and patience, but if you find the right person, it can work. They are allowed to feel a certain way, but they aren't allowed to make you feel bad about it. Remember that.
    You did this for you and your health. If they love you, they'll understand and be willing to communicate and work through their issues. If they get disgusted and give you a hard time, they aren't the one and you just move on.
  8. Like
    Rokunoha reacted to BlondePatriotInCDA in Dating with excess Skin as a Man.   
    "However, once you meet the right person, they will look past that to the person that you are. Yes it will take effort and bravery on your part to put yourself out there, but you've been on this journey I'm sure to live your best healthier life to the fullest which includes companionship."
    THIS /l\ exactly this! Even if you're "weird" there are others (such as myself who used to be the Pom Pom cheerleader type) who ended up falling deeply in love with a comic book gaming geek who was so not the type I dated. When I first met my now husband he said he was too "weird" and (stupid for saying this) not "in my league" but because of his squishy weirdo heart I fell for him. There is someone out there who will love you for all the right reasons - have faith you're adorable "weird" self! You deserve to find someone who will see all that you are and embrace your self perceived "faults" and see all of you!
  9. Hugs
    Rokunoha reacted to summerseeker in Dating with excess Skin as a Man.   
    Just wow. You have smashed it. My advice for what its worth would be. Give yourself time to adjust to being smaller. I am into my 3rd year post op and still look in the mirror and wonder at my size. I have always been big and it has taken me a while to adjust to not being the focus of everyone's eyes. With clothes on I fit in this world now. Without clothes ? at your age, I would get the surgery. At my age I am ok with the skin
  10. Thanks
    Rokunoha reacted to Amoebas in Dating with excess Skin as a Man.   
    CONGRATS and don't be too hard on yourself: you've done amazing work for your future and yourself. I can understand how this experience would be difficult and am sending a virtual hug!
  11. Congrats!
    Rokunoha got a reaction from KarenLR75 in Dating with excess Skin as a Man.   
    Hey, So lately i start to geht more and more anxious, I got my RNY-Bypass sept. 2023, i'm currently 36 years old from Germany. my Starting weight was around 230kg, i'm now at 125kg, it is a lot right?, But me being Anxious about my excess skin is kinda..Hart on my self esteem, i kinda think that even after my Fight is won, that nobody wants someone who is kinda...mhm.. Weird? , for comparions, a photo from 1 day to OP and one from today.

  12. Congrats!
    Rokunoha got a reaction from KarenLR75 in Dating with excess Skin as a Man.   
    Hey, So lately i start to geht more and more anxious, I got my RNY-Bypass sept. 2023, i'm currently 36 years old from Germany. my Starting weight was around 230kg, i'm now at 125kg, it is a lot right?, But me being Anxious about my excess skin is kinda..Hart on my self esteem, i kinda think that even after my Fight is won, that nobody wants someone who is kinda...mhm.. Weird? , for comparions, a photo from 1 day to OP and one from today.

  13. Hugs
    Rokunoha got a reaction from Shanna NYC in Dating with excess Skin as a Man.   
    Thank you so Much for your Answers! Both of you <3,

    yes i am seeking Therapy and be open about it, its sometimes that lingering fear of things not working out for me, in Germany i can get Plastic Surgery, and if the Documentation work is good the Health insurance would cover part of it. I also agree with, there is maybe a Special person who doesn't care and Loves me for who i am a Man can Hope. And Push forward.
  14. Hugs
    Rokunoha got a reaction from Shanna NYC in Dating with excess Skin as a Man.   
    Thank you so Much for your Answers! Both of you <3,

    yes i am seeking Therapy and be open about it, its sometimes that lingering fear of things not working out for me, in Germany i can get Plastic Surgery, and if the Documentation work is good the Health insurance would cover part of it. I also agree with, there is maybe a Special person who doesn't care and Loves me for who i am a Man can Hope. And Push forward.
  15. Hugs
    Rokunoha got a reaction from Shanna NYC in Dating with excess Skin as a Man.   
    Thank you so Much for your Answers! Both of you <3,

    yes i am seeking Therapy and be open about it, its sometimes that lingering fear of things not working out for me, in Germany i can get Plastic Surgery, and if the Documentation work is good the Health insurance would cover part of it. I also agree with, there is maybe a Special person who doesn't care and Loves me for who i am a Man can Hope. And Push forward.

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