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Posts posted by Rokunoha

  1. mhm. That is a Broad Question but i try to Answer from my perspective.

    my New Normal is.

    I don't feel Hunger, at first, it feels odd that you can't eat or eat super less because i was used to eat Large portions, Then i notices a change in my Taste buds. I felt into an emotional and physical Turmoil, after that storm i slowly felt like getting more energy and my cravings stopped, i lost intrest in food outside of the nutritional value, You get your head over new things, Hobbies, etc.

    So to wrap it up: I spend my time with more things than ever before, i am more active and productive as ever before, and if i don't use a Timer i forget to eat

  2. Hey, Thank you all so much for the Kind Words and Motivation.

    Of course i will Continue my Journey since i am not Finished. And the First year isn't even over for me. I will just Fight and Push like i always did, and Start to tackle the social Anxiety, i Guess you are Right, if i want a Chance at Love. I should try.

  3. Thank you so Much for your Answers! Both of you <3,

    yes i am seeking Therapy and be open about it, its sometimes that lingering fear of things not working out for me, in Germany i can get Plastic Surgery, and if the Documentation work is good the Health insurance would cover part of it. I also agree with, there is maybe a Special person who doesn't care and Loves me for who i am a Man can Hope. And Push forward.

  4. Hey, So lately i start to geht more and more anxious, I got my RNY-Bypass sept. 2023, i'm currently 36 years old from Germany. my Starting weight was around 230kg, i'm now at 125kg, it is a lot right?, But me being Anxious about my excess skin is kinda..Hart on my self esteem, i kinda think that even after my Fight is won, that nobody wants someone who is kinda...mhm.. Weird? , for comparions, a photo from 1 day to OP and one from today.


    pre op.jpg

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