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Clark Griswold

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Clark Griswold

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  1. Clark Griswold

    Struggling 😔

    Echo all the comments so far. You are doing so well in spite of the gym, put it that way! You are absolutely killing it so far regardless, and you aren’t even 6 months in! You got this and we are all here to support each other and all on similar journeys so you’ve done the right thing in posting your feelings (and thanks for doing so). Hope you feel better about it all soon
  2. Clark Griswold


    Thank you and good luck for yours!
  3. Clark Griswold

    The Holiday Shop

    Amazing feeling isn't it? The 'OMG this smaller size actually fits me' moment is something I was not prepared for. Hope you have an amazing time on your holiday - we just booked to go to Lanzarote in October (scottish) school hols, so cant wait!
  4. Clark Griswold

    Food Before and After Photos

    Thanks all for the advice on breads! I tried a cracker and gouda cheese at the weekend and that went down ok so assume melba toast would be ok. I tried a wrap last week and it was not pleasant at all, and couldnt keep it down.
  5. Clark Griswold

    Food Before and After Photos

    How long did it take you all to tolerate bread? I’m 2.5 months post vsg and really struggle to tolerate most breads and especially wraps
  6. Clark Griswold

    Best shoes for walking

    I would definitely recommend staying away from platform training shoes like converse and vans as they will not support your feet enough. If possible I recommend what someone said above and find somewhere where they'll measure your feet and take into account your arches and foot width. I ended up going with New Balance running shoes as they suited my foot measurements, and boy are they comfortable to walk and run in.
  7. Clark Griswold


    Thank you!
  8. Clark Griswold


    RE Exercise, i found I was like that at the start and now strategically plan gym sessions carefully around eating i.e. I'll eat then exercise an hour later, so I am getting that energy in before expelling it. I also found at the start of exercise, I struggled at the gym, so I started walking 2-3 miles per day, which actually boosted my energy levels, and hence also enabled me at the gym. You are still doing amazing though, you should be very proud of the progress you've made this far.
  9. Clark Griswold


    Honestly, I am feeling amazing! I have hit a little bit of a slow down on weight loss being 2.5 months post op, but I am now hammering the exercise and still losing inches off my body. When I say a slow down, I mean I've gone from losing 4-5 lbs per week to around 2lbs per week. An example of the exercise, I never imagined i'd have felt comfortable on a treadmill pre-op, and I am about to go onto week 3 of the 9 week couch to 5k program on the treadmill at the gym! How are you doing this week?
  10. Clark Griswold


    Yes I can completely empathise with this, and it kinda feels like a natural reaction to put some sort of negative spin on it or to put yourself down - feels kinda like our old barriers are still up when in reality we should all be really proud of our achievements. And I think that is all to do with the psychology behind it all, which is hard to overcome or reset your thinking both with eating habits and appearance changes - hopefully that improves/comes with time. Let's make a pact that we'll both just say thank you very much next time
  11. Clark Griswold

    1 Year VSG Post op Today!

    You look awesome! And well done you for actually posting the progress pics. How do you feel 1 year on vs at surgery time? I am 2.5 months post sleeve, and do not regret it one bit!
  12. So had my VGS surgery on 13th June and have been keeping track of my measurements since about the 3rd of July 2024. Low waist included, as I am male and I wear most of my trousers/jeans low. Waist high is measured above my hips. 3rd July: Chest = 52 inches Neck = 19 inches Waist (high) = 51 inches Waist (low) = 53 inches Thigh = 31 inches Bicep = 18 inches 27 August Chest = 50 inches (-2) Neck = 18 inches (-1) Waist (high) = 47 inches (-4) Waist (low) = 50 inches (-3) Thigh = 28 inches (-3) Bicep = 15.5 inches (-2.5) So in total that's 15.5 inches lost since around 3 weeks after surgery. This has been especially useful given weight loss has slowed to around 2-3 lbs per week, and is a great motivator for me 😊 Anyone else tracking measurements?
  13. Clark Griswold


    I got a compliment from an office co-worker the other day - something along the lines of "you are looking very trim these days, have you been going to the gym?". I was taken aback by it tbh and awkwardly just said yeah I have - was lost for words! As has been mentioned being at my biggest, I wanted to avoid any comments on my appearance, so to receive unsolicited feedback like this made me squirm a bit inside, but went home that evening with a smile on my face after I'd thought about it all afternoon.
  14. Clark Griswold

    3 Months Post-Op

    Massive congrats on your progress so far! I remember your initial profile pic, and you can so tell you have lost in your face! It's funny as I am the same in that respect - seem to have visibly lost in my face first, and folks I haven't seen for a while (and don't know I've had WLS) ask me if I've done something to my face as its different (good different) haha. I totally agree with the new normal takes some time to get used to. I am at the 2 month mark now and still have to remind myself that I will lose more weight, albeit I have slowed now to about 2-3lbs per week, even with exercise everyday. RE the out of breath part, I was the same - would struggle to walk up an incline for 2 mins without being out of breath and sweaty, now I can do it no problem. Keep up the great work, I am sure the stall will move soon.
  15. Well done! I used to hate the gym, more so the feeling of self consciousness and thinking people are looking at me. My surgery date was close to yours & I've been back at the gym for about 3 weeks now as well as walking on non-gym days and am loving it, feel so good after each workout. Keep up the great work, you're smashing it!

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