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Clark Griswold

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Clark Griswold

  1. 5 hours ago, DrennaBaleena said:

    I’m exactly one week post-op today! 6/24 I had gastric bypass and, despite all the info I’ve been given, I’m feeling completely lost! 😅 My friend who’s had gastric sleeve surgery a few years ago told me about this site so here I am! Anyone else miss chewing food like I do?? 😂

    Hey and welcome to the June buddies thread :)

    I am just over 2 weeks since sleeve surgery and yes, the first 2 weeks were difficult. That chewing sensation is what I was craving and actually got some great advice earlier in this thread. I started to chew on sugar free ice lollies and made sure I had ice with my liquids, so I could crunch them. Other than that, not a lot you can do until you're on the next stage. All the best for your journey :)

  2. 14 hours ago, TJ22 said:

    My surgery is June 24th, and I am very nervous. My spouse had the same surgery May 8th and did amazing. Can someone please give me some words of encouragement? Also, my spouse loved Protein Shakes and after having the gastric sleeve, she cannot stand the smell or taste of them at all... Anyone had that issue post-op?

    Hi and welcome! The only thing that makes me feel like that post op is Soups. My first ‘meal’ post op was cream of Tomato Soup and I now cannot stand the thought of it, makes me feel nauseous at even the thought of any soups. Protein Shakes I still like though.

    Good luck with your surgery :)

  3. On 6/18/2024 at 2:39 AM, FernandaR said:

    Thank you so much!
    Yeah the first week is very bad with the pains, hope you got some medicine to help you out.
    I dont miss chewing that much , but since I live in a very hot country, I saw a trick some friends were trying, which is freezing fruit, blending it with Water and filtering it to make a popsicle. This or chewing ice, hahahaha. Since my stomach is tolerating ice cold liquids way more, sometimes i get and ice and chew and I think that it kinda gets that ich for chewing off for me.
    Hope you pain gets better friend!

    Yes plenty of meds thank you! Day 7 now post surgery and things are starting to settle down now thankfully. A lot of gurgling going on but that’s to be expected I guess.

    Some good tips on the ice, freezing fruit thanks!

  4. 3 hours ago, FernandaR said:

    Hello, new here!
    I had mine done in the 3rd of June. Surgery went very well, my first week was awesome. Now i'm on the second week, some days away of the getting out of liquids.< br />
    This second week have been not good for me, I got a lot of nausea and a lot of foaming on my mouth. The only things that been helping are orange juice and Water. Tried some homemade, sugar free lemonade today and it also helped to settle my stomach.

    The only thing thats been really rough, even tho I wasent addicted to soda (I would have a can once a week), my mind keeps craving for it. Since I was a kid, everytime I got nauseous My granma I would tell me to drink a little bit of coke and it helped me a lot, so I carried this tradition into my life. Now that cant have it and I'm feeling sick in the stomach my mind keeps asking for it, and its so frustrating. I tought i would have this problem with coffee, since I was an avid coffee drinker but I don't miss coffee so much.

    Hope all you guys are doing well through the process!

    Hi and welcome to the forum! I got mines on Thurs 13th and currently in first week recovery. I can’t lie I have really struggled so far with the pains and aches since the surgery. The liquid diet isnt great for me so I am looking forward to chewing something. Anyway good luck and I hope you find something that works with your new stomach :)

  5. Just had my sleeve done yesterday and it’s been a rough 24 hours, kinda as expected. Everything went well, currently sitting up sipping Water after some tramadol and morphine during the night. Dehydrated to say the least. Excited to see my family today in hospital. Good luck to all for your upcoming surgeries.

  6. 4 hours ago, ana916mario said:

    Hello 5 days Post Op here... And it's OK to have those feelings. Tbh about the 2wks pre op diet I didn't follow it thru all the way. I definitely still ate everything up until maybe 4 days before my surgery. And my surgery was a success. I personally was not worried I was the opposite I was excited. I too have a husband and 3 children at home my oldest 19 and youngest 3. But all I keep reminding myself was that God's got me. And I kept watching tiktoks on Gastric Sleeve patients all positive videos. I think that's what helped me. Hope this helps 🙏 ☺️ Good luck


    You look great in your pic, congrats on making the first step in changing your life forever!

    Surgery for me tomorrow, nerves are starting to kick in! I luckily have a great support at home with my wife and daughter, 11 and son, 7. I cannot wait to have the energy for them. My goal is a strange one and sounds silly, but it’s to get to a point where I feel comfortable going swimming, something being big has stopped me doing for a long time.

  7. 6 hours ago, Samstarwondertwin said:

    I don't know if you really want to know how it went, but here I go. I'm still in the hospital and expected to be here until at least tomorrow. Surgery didn't go well--my surgeon nipped my lung sac and had to suture it up. The anesthesiologist gave me too much narcotics, I was 'lucky to be alive,' as one of the nurses told me in the recovery room. Now an investigation has been opened on what happened during this surgery. I'm definitely not posting this to scare anyone, but this is my reality and would never lie and say everything went swimmingly when it didn't. But I'm lucky to be alive folks, right?? And even with all this bullsh*t, I'm optimistic for the future. I'm excited for my journey and now this surgery is over, the only way I can go is forward. Good luck all and love sharing our journeys together.

    You got this!

  8. On 6/5/2024 at 2:45 AM, Samstarwondertwin said:

    Whelp, now I'm so terrified about the surgery on Monday that I am psyching myself out thinking what if I die during surgery? What about my husband and our three young daughters? I'm thinking this is my addict brain trying any which way to prevent me from having this surgery, but there are risks. My doctor assigned a video for me to watch about gastric sleeve procedures, including benefits, complications, expectations, and 11 instances that the patient is at risk of death.

    So now I'm scared. I'm gonna talk to my Mom who had gastric bypass decades ago to try to chill me out, but anyone out there can calm my fears a bit. I'm also scared because I had some chicken breast and bunless cheeseburger, I'm putting myself at risk of death. Oh this cycle of nonsensical what-ifs is driving me mental!! Lol 😆 🤣 😂

    Here in the UK, the 2 week pre-op diet consists of half your plate veg/salad, a quarter Protein and a quarter carbs, and to keep everything around the 800-900kcal per day mark. I've struggled on it tbh, but keep telling myself it's the last diet i'll ever go on. All the best for surgery today, you'll be awesome!

  9. Also a first time poster. Booked in for a gastric sleeve on Jun 13th. I couldn't be more nervous! I have a real hard time telling people outside of my immediate family as I have felt embarrassed and ashamed I've let myself get to this point. On the pre-op diet now, and the first 2-3 days were really tough. 9 days out from surgery I am coping with the diet much better now.

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