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Everything posted by OndLei

  1. Hi everyone. I'm new here and 4 months post surgery. I know I really need to add some exercise to my days but I haven't found anything that I even remotely enjoy doing. I'm not ready to join a gym because I'm afraid I won't stick with it and really can't afford to pay for something I'm not using. Based on past experience, the expense has not been a motivator to keep going. YEARS ago (mid-90s), I had been going to a gym and taking aerobics classes which I did enjoy. Since then, I have tried everything from dancing (terribly uncoordinated) to crossfit (too intense) to yoga (meh) but haven't found anything that I like enough to keep doing. All that being said, does anyone have suggestions for possible exercises for someone who hates to exercise? I would prefer something I can do at home for now. Links or specific programs would be appreciated. Thanks! 🙂
  2. OndLei

    Exercises for those who hate exercise?

    Right?!? It's insane! There are cheaper gyms nearby but none with a pool. I did find a couple of things online I'm going to try so we'll see how that goes!
  3. OndLei

    Exercises for those who hate exercise?

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I actually don't enjoy walking outside. I don't handle the temperature fluctuations or humidity well. There are a lot of roads in my area without sidewalks and there are times I think drivers AIM for pedestrians! My coworker was recently hit by a car and is now nursing a broken ankle. I do have a treadmill but can't seem to make myself use it. I do park farther away when I go out and I rarely go anyplace that has an escalator or elevator so it's pretty much always taking the stairs. I walk the stairs in my home quite frequently with my office being in the basement. I have searched YouTube for exercises and not found anything yet that I even remotely enjoyed which is why I was hoping for specific suggestions. Dance type exercise just makes me self-conscious (even if I'm alone) and frustrated because I quite literally trip over my own feet. I have also checked around for a pool with a pay-per-use option and the only one near me is only available to members at $70 per month. Even if I used it every day, that's not feasible for my budget. I had really hoped that I would be able to find one because water aerobics was one thing I did enjoy. Guess I'll just have to keep looking and hoping to find SOMETHING.

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