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  1. Had my surgeons appointment this afternoon and all went well. I’d dropped another kilo since my dietitians’ appointment a couple of weeks ago - yay! The surgeon was lovely and very approachable. The surgeon asked if I’d chosen a particular surgery and asked my reasons for it. I told him “Bypass please” and explained my thinking. He was happy and didn’t see any reason why I couldn’t have the Bypass. He then explained absolutely everything to me as we went through the consent form plus drew a couple of diagrams for me so he was extremely thorough! I felt very at ease and confident in what he was explaining. Obviously it helped that I had guidance from this forum plus had done wider reading too so nothing was a surprise even when he was explaining things that could go wrong and what steps they take to rectify any problems. It was comforting to know that they seem extremely pro-active in sorting things out and they don’t leave their patients to flounder on their own should they need help. So, next steps…the MDT meets weekly, generally on a Friday, so my case should be heard next week. He said that none of my tests have flagged anything up, the dietitian was happy with me plus I was taking some proactive steps myself so there shouldn’t be any issues and I should progress through to surgery. I asked how long the wait was without getting a cancellation and he said 20 weeks from now so that will mean mid to end of January next year. I did stress that I would be more than happy to take a cancellation which he noted. The only problem, he said, was making sure that I still had 3 weeks to complete the LRD as sometimes the cancellations are too close to the actual day of surgery. I’m feeling happy generally with everything. I’ve done all my stuff so now it’s down to the hospital. I have my granddaughters birthday party tomorrow, our anniversary dinner on the 15th and then I’m free and clear really. I feel I can relax a bit now. I’m as prepared as I possibly can be short of actually having the surgery! So exciting isn’t it??
  2. MrsFitz


    I would have drunk the glass of Mumm too…fair lay for your friend recognising the signs though, I’m impressed by that! 👏👏👏
  3. MrsFitz

    Macro Tracking Apps

    Thank you! 🥰
  4. It’s never too late to change your mind and choose an alternative surgery. Please, please, please talk to your Bariatric team and tell them your worries and concerns. Being apprehensive is completely normal I would have thought, as this is some major surgery we’re choosing. You have your own fears because of what happened with your mum - again, completely normal. Let the team at the hospital go through it all with you and explain the pros and cons. Whatever decision you make, just make sure it’s an informed decision and that you feel comfortable with the outcome. I bet you’re not the first person the team will deal with who is having doubts, they will be prepared for it so make use of them!
  5. MrsFitz

    Trundling On

    I absolutely hammer the kindle unlimited and can read a book a day so it works out massively cost effective for me. I do love an actual book but struggle to hold one, especially some of the thicker, weightier ones. Of course, having the kindle app on an iPad makes taking your reading matter with you on holiday is definitely worth it. I remember lugging loads of books with me when going on holiday and taking up valuable suitcase space! I will definitely have a look at your new one, especially as there are 1500 recipes to go at 😮
  6. MrsFitz

    Struggling 😔

    Let me know what you want from me as your virtual gym buddy and I will be there with bells on! Walking sounds like a good start for you and definitely something to build on. Just think about if challenging yourself would work for you because beating your own personal bests and targets can be quite an incentive 🏅 Or is it just doing something for the pure enjoyment and pleasure of it? Whatever you do, make it FUN!!
  7. MrsFitz


    I find Cava sweet too. I don’t think I’ve had Cremant 🤔 I’ve always wanted to do a tour of the Champagne region and visit some of the wineries but that will have to wait for a while I think! I’m impressed that you managed 24 bottles in your luggage, that shows commitment to the cause 😂😂
  8. MrsFitz

    Trundling On

    I really feel you on some of the ones I’ve looked at being really, really poor ☹️ I have screenshotted the ones I’ve downloaded to my library. They are all from Kindle Unlimited. I’ve found them useful as they’ve helped give me ideas. I just hope they actually work in practice! Some are linked to a site called ‘Onederland’ which also has a Bariatric Community etc but it’s much, much quieter than this forum so I chose to stick with this one, and I’m glad that I did 😊 @ShoppGirl thank you for the link to the additional recipes 😊 Again, a great source of ideas that I can certainly tweak to UK ingredient availability. And please don’t let thoughts of what others may think of you getting fitter deter you. There will always those who look down on others for a 1001 reasons whether you are fat, thin, tall, short, wearing the latest fashions or dressed like you’ve dipped yourself in syrup and rolled through your wardrobe in the dark! Karma will do its thing eventually 😈
  9. MrsFitz

    Struggling 😔

    Maybe the gym isn’t *your thing* and that’s why you’re finding it such a struggle to commit to it? Maybe a personal trainer isn’t for you but you would be happy to work out on your own? Is there anything else that piques your interest fitness-wise? I love the gym but actual fitness classes bore me rigid! Maybe being out in nature (with your beloved even) would interest you more? Or rock climbing, canoeing, running (or walking) around a track, go carting, swimming blah, blah, blah. For a fitness regime to stick, you have to find something you love. If you’ve paid for a gym membership and want to get your monies worth until it runs out then I’m more than happy to be your virtual gym buddy. Please don’t think you’ve failed or that you HAVE to put additional pressure on yourself to get fit. Do whatever you feel happy and comfortable with. It’s just baby steps to begin with, dipping in to things to see what works for you. Also have a think about what you’re doing in the gym as it could be the workout that isn’t floating your boat. I do a bit of cardio to warm up/cool down and then I’m on the resistance machines. Could I do a cardio-heavy workout? Nah! It’s all personal choice 🙂 Celebrate your successes so far, because (in the words of a cheesy ad) YOU’RE WORTH IT!
  10. MrsFitz


    Favourite champagne? I think top of my list is Perrier Jouet. I have a couple of bottles of Grand Cru and one Belle Epoch (very pretty flowers on the bottle!) I also have 4 2012 vintage Veuve Cliquot, a non-vintage Veuve plus 2 Laurent Perrier. I use a Mumm champagne stopper when I’ve opened a bottle and it really does keep the fizz in! I always take it on holiday with us as I like to have a glass of champagne on the sat on the hotel balcony on an evening before me and hubby go out. It’s just one of those little things that hubby insists on. It means a lot to us and I would be a bit miffed if I had to say goodbye forever to that ☹️ I introduced my daughter-in-law to the joys of champagne too!
  11. MrsFitz

    Macro Tracking Apps

    I use the Nutracheck app and I can add my own recipes with weights & nutritional value of each ingredient and state how many servings it makes. I can then use either the portion size, the full recipe or specific weight used. So for your turkey meatballs I would state the weight/nutritional value of turkey, peppers, onion, marinara etc and say it makes 16 portions. I don’t know if this helps!
  12. This is the approach I’m hoping to take post-surgery 🙂 Thank you for explaining it so well.
  13. MrsFitz


    Champagne is one of my favourite drinks @Arabesque. I really don’t want to have to give this up as it’s a special treat for me. I’ve also got 10 bottles of the stuff at home (been collecting for a while) and I don’t want to have to give them away 😭 Would a champagne swizzle stick be useful as a way of getting rid of the bubbles do you think? Might drop a hint to hubby. He’s tea-total so culling my stock is all on me!
  14. Late posting today as I’ve been to the gym this morning and thoroughly enjoyed myself 🥳 Hubby is off work this week so he came with me. We like going together as we both wander off to do our own things but touch base occasionally. Unfortunately there were couple of teens who enjoyed pointing and laughing but it didn’t stop me and it just made them look like a pair of dickheads, especially when others glared at them. I don’t know if they expected me to pass out within a couple of minutes of beginning my workout but I did over an hour so sucks to be you, kids…I did have a chat with a member of staff as to when the quieter times are (without teens as there were quite a few and they have no absolutely no gym manners) and he said before 3pm when the schools go back. Thankfully that’s this week so we will be back Wednesday afternoon to have another go 🙂 Of course it will be interesting to see what state I will be in tomorrow but I didn’t hammer it, just familiarised myself with everything again. I did have a protein shake when I got back home plus a hot bath with some Epsom salts in the hope of counteracting the worst of the aches and pains. Looking forward to trying some free weights to get some hardcore toning going on! Couldn’t today as the free weights area was busy. Went out for lunch yesterday and kept it relatively healthy. Gains from the past week or so have pretty much gone, which is good. I’d thrown on a pair of leggings and a t-shirt earlier in the week and hubby commented on the fact that the weight was coming off my legs and backside. I think his exact words were “you’re losing weight off your legs and arse love”. Such a way with words, what can I say?? Clothing does continue to improve fit-wise, so I'm happy with that. Granddaughters first day of school on Weds and her 5th birthday on Thursday so there will be cake this coming weekend when we’re there for her party. I can’t believe she’s almost 5 - time really does fly! Surgeons appointment coming up on Friday - eek! I think I’m as prepared as I will ever be for it. I’ve got over the initial shock re the speed of it and I’m now just looking forward to it. My mini food processor thingy has been delivered and I’ve downloaded a couple of additional Bariatric recipe books for my Kindle (all freebies, thankfully) I’m trying not to think too deeply about the puréed phase as none of it sounds appealing but I know it’s something that has to be gone through! 6 weeks isn’t too long in the grand scheme of things. Have a super week everyone 😉 Onwards and Downwards!
  15. I’ve had a play on the internet and found some info regarding different issues with carbs. I don’t know if this would be any use for you to take to your Doctor to have checked out?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
