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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Samstarwondertwin

  1. Samstarwondertwin

    June 2024 Surgery Buddies

    My surgeon said I could use Bactrine, but could not spray on wounds directly, but ok around incision sites, just no rubbing. Always check with your team though.
  2. Samstarwondertwin

    June 2024 Surgery Buddies

    I responded but I'm still getting used to this so didn't respond directly to your question.
  3. Samstarwondertwin

    June 2024 Surgery Buddies

    I don't know if you really want to know how it went, but here I go. I'm still in the hospital and expected to be here until at least tomorrow. Surgery didn't go well--my surgeon nipped my lung sac and had to suture it up. The anesthesiologist gave me too much narcotics, I was 'lucky to be alive,' as one of the nurses told me in the recovery room. Now an investigation has been opened on what happened during this surgery. I'm definitely not posting this to scare anyone, but this is my reality and would never lie and say everything went swimmingly when it didn't. But I'm lucky to be alive folks, right?? And even with all this bullsh*t, I'm optimistic for the future. I'm excited for my journey and now this surgery is over, the only way I can go is forward. Good luck all and love sharing our journeys together.
  4. Samstarwondertwin

    June 2024 Surgery Buddies

    Whelp, now I'm so terrified about the surgery on Monday that I am psyching myself out thinking what if I die during surgery? What about my husband and our three young daughters? I'm thinking this is my addict brain trying any which way to prevent me from having this surgery, but there are risks. My doctor assigned a video for me to watch about gastric sleeve procedures, including benefits, complications, expectations, and 11 instances that the patient is at risk of death. So now I'm scared. I'm gonna talk to my Mom who had gastric bypass decades ago to try to chill me out, but anyone out there can calm my fears a bit. I'm also scared because I had some chicken breast and bunless cheeseburger, I'm putting myself at risk of death. Oh this cycle of nonsensical what-ifs is driving me mental!! Lol 😆 🤣 😂
  5. Samstarwondertwin

    June 2024 Surgery Buddies

    I'm scheduled for a gastric sleeve on June 10th and so happy to be apart of this group. I'm so nervous and my addict brain is a such a piece of ****, trying to convince me I don't need the surgery, I will lose the weight, the whole nine. This **** is so real.

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