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    HLthELivin24 got a reaction from TwinkleToes87 in Weight gain three weeks post op   
    Yes! I experienced this at exactly 3 weeks. The first 2weeks, I dropped weight consistently and then at week 3… nothing. I googled it. As a nurse, I should know better than to do that but also being human, I couldn’t help myself. It was very encouraging. I read a lot about the 3week stall. It has a lot to do with your body adjusting to its new normal after the pre-op liver shrink diet and building back up glycogen stores.
    the old me on a regular diet would have gotten frustrated and jumped of the wagon head first. The new me, is focused on knowing that health weight is a marathon and not a sprint. I kept doing what I was told to do by my doctor and my dietitians and trust the process. I am now 37 days post VGS. I stalled at 230 at 3 weeks and now I’m down to 222.
    give yourself some grace. Anyone that says that surgery is the easy way out is so wrong. It’s a lot of work and learning to really listen to you body.
    hang in there. Don’t give up.
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    HLthELivin24 got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in 5 days since sleeve… feeling constantly starving   
    Update…I started taking my omeprazole twice a day instead of just in the morning and it absolutely made a difference in how “hungry” I felt. It definitely makes me wonder how long I’ve been interpreting GERD as hunger and just trying to feel myself for it to go away. It’s probably a big factor in what got me in this position in the first place.
    Also, today I was advanced to the soft phase and I got to have a 1-2 tbsp meal of cottage cheese and an egg with Italian herbs. I’ve missed savory so much. It was beyond satisfying
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    HLthELivin24 got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in 5 days since sleeve… feeling constantly starving   
    Update…I started taking my omeprazole twice a day instead of just in the morning and it absolutely made a difference in how “hungry” I felt. It definitely makes me wonder how long I’ve been interpreting GERD as hunger and just trying to feel myself for it to go away. It’s probably a big factor in what got me in this position in the first place.
    Also, today I was advanced to the soft phase and I got to have a 1-2 tbsp meal of cottage cheese and an egg with Italian herbs. I’ve missed savory so much. It was beyond satisfying
  4. Like
    HLthELivin24 got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in 5 days since sleeve… feeling constantly starving   
    Update…I started taking my omeprazole twice a day instead of just in the morning and it absolutely made a difference in how “hungry” I felt. It definitely makes me wonder how long I’ve been interpreting GERD as hunger and just trying to feel myself for it to go away. It’s probably a big factor in what got me in this position in the first place.
    Also, today I was advanced to the soft phase and I got to have a 1-2 tbsp meal of cottage cheese and an egg with Italian herbs. I’ve missed savory so much. It was beyond satisfying
  5. Like
    HLthELivin24 got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in 5 days since sleeve… feeling constantly starving   
    Thank you. That was very helpful. The desire is definitely to chew. The food cravings I have are from Mediterranean cooking accounts on instagram. The salads look amazing. The old me would have liked at sugar and baking that way. At least the food I want is healthy. My surgeon doesn’t want me starting my Vitamins until the 2 week follow up. The rationale is that getting all the Fluid and Protein that I need in a day should be my primary focus and he doesn’t want too much put on me all at once.
    im prescribed omeprazole twice daily. I’ve been taking the morning dose but not my evening dose. That also seems to me when I start feeling the “hunger”. I start taking them twice a day as prescribed.
  6. Like
    HLthELivin24 got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in 5 days since sleeve… feeling constantly starving   
    Thank you. That was very helpful. The desire is definitely to chew. The food cravings I have are from Mediterranean cooking accounts on instagram. The salads look amazing. The old me would have liked at sugar and baking that way. At least the food I want is healthy. My surgeon doesn’t want me starting my Vitamins until the 2 week follow up. The rationale is that getting all the Fluid and Protein that I need in a day should be my primary focus and he doesn’t want too much put on me all at once.
    im prescribed omeprazole twice daily. I’ve been taking the morning dose but not my evening dose. That also seems to me when I start feeling the “hunger”. I start taking them twice a day as prescribed.
  7. Thanks
    HLthELivin24 reacted to Arabesque in 5 days since sleeve… feeling constantly starving   
    While loss of hunger is a benefit of the surgery, there are some who continue to feel hunger. Distinguishing whether you are experiencing real hunger or head hunger is most important to distinguish which you are experiencing.
    Craving a specific food, flavour or texture (like your desire to chew) is head hunger.
    If you used food to comfort or sooth yourself in the past during times of stress, anxiety, emotional upsets, hormonal variations, etc. you are likely experiencing head hunger simply because of the (conscious or sub conscious) physical & mental stress of the surgery.
    Having hunger pangs/pains is head hunger most of the time. You’re still producing the same amount of stomach acid as you did before surgery in your much smaller tummy which will cause the hunger pangs/pains. It’s why we’re usually prescribed a PPI to reduce the amount of acid for a period of time after surgery until it settles. A rumbling tummy also is not a sign of hunger in most cases - just your digestive system working.
    Many nerves are cut during surgery so signals and messages from your tummy to signal things like real hunger either aren’t getting through or are being distorted.
    Most of us discover our signals for real hunger are very different from the signals we used to recognise as hunger. I feel restless, like something is wrong & logically there is a real & legitimate reason for being hungry.
    All this takes time to recognise & understand & is part of the head work we all talk about you needing to do a long the way. Doesn’t help with your hunger though of course while you’re sorting through all this.
    In the meantime, look for a distraction. Try reading, contacting friends or family, crafting, go for a short walk, play a game, check social media, meditate, etc. Sipping a warm drink can be helpful too.
    All the best & congrats on your surgery.

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