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Everything posted by nursekathy2u

  1. nursekathy2u

    SOTC thread...Why NOT to post when your angry

    You know Sue.. I have to agree with you there. My original post was about "Christians behaving badly" for lack of a better description. I am a Christian, and part of what we are taught is to help hold accountable our fellow Christians. That is what I was doing, in an admittedly angry way. The anger was uncalled for but the accountability check was not. One thing I WAS impressed with were the responses from the agnostics and athiests. There were only 2 that were derogatory toward my belief systems. That to me is amazing. And as you pointed out I didnt see any Christians bashing the nonbelievers either. I am first and foremost a Christian, but I am also a proud American. One thing I value VERY highly is our freedom. Especially in light of the war and fighting throughout the world. You really get an education on how others live and are treated. I have the right and the freedom to stand in the middle of the street and yell at the top of my lungs that I love the Lord. And others have the right to yell that God is all a hoax. In other countries you could be killed for that. God Bless America I say!! Others may just say Bless America.. That is our right. And I for one am thankful to God for it. Kathy
  2. nursekathy2u

    Got Dimebag?

    This would have been 1983 I believe... Oh yeah.. they had the 80's hair thing going...
  3. nursekathy2u

    Latest Finish Geisha Girl

    Does it make me stupid that it took me forever to figure out what the title of this thread meant?? I could NOT figure out what a "Finish Geisha Girl" was.. I knew Geisha girls werent typically associated with Finland..... Duh.....
  4. nursekathy2u

    SOTC thread...Why NOT to post when your angry

    I would probably be saying both!!!!!
  5. nursekathy2u


    Did anyone see that story from the associated press about the 18 yr old Austrian girl who escaped from her kidnapper after 8 years? He kept her in the cellar I think it said. How awful!!! When she escaped he commited suicide by throwing himself in front of a train. Do you ever wonder what happens in people's lives that makes them do things like that???
  6. nursekathy2u

    I have a question???

    Most insurance companies dont require co-morbids for people whose BMI is over 40.. only if it is below 40. So I think you are safe.
  7. nursekathy2u

    SOTC thread...Why NOT to post when your angry

    Your right.. It was mean.. I didnt mean it the way it came out... I have considered editing the post but so many people have responded to what I wrote it wouldnt be right to edit it. I wrote it with anger and that was a mistake. I said I wasn't friends with anyone here because I didnt want anyone thinking I was taking sides.. When I said I had no desire to know anyone here it was an attempt to prevent people trying to recruit me to their side..Which by the way didnt work... I have nothing against anyone here as people.. I have a problem with attitudes and actions of people towards each other using God and christianity to make themselves look good or make someone else look bad. I am NOT talking about the true statements of caring from people that they will pray for someone in need. I am talking about the snide remarks that "I will pray for you" that people throw in each others faces to try to rebuke someone. Prayer is a gift from God to us so that we may communicate with Him intimately. People have wrote to me on here and in private to tell me that I need God.. My response to that is YOURE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!!!! I need Him very much.. And I love Him very much. And I am sure He is ashamed of the anger I had in my original post. I feel like I got my message across but I did not have to be so nasty about it. Please forgive me. Kathy PS.. Moderators can feel free to lock this thread....
  8. nursekathy2u

    Got Dimebag?

    I partied with Pantera in their Garage Jam Sessions when I was in Nursing School. This was back before they were "famous".. just a local band. My life was so wild back then all I can really remember about them and those times with them is their house and their music. I didnt know them well at all. One of my girlfriends was dating one of them.. I was just along for the ride so to speak. They lived here in Pantego Texas.. I believe their family still lives in the same house (I could be wrong about that). They were an awesome band, even in their early years...
  9. nursekathy2u

    SOTC thread...Why NOT to post when your angry

    Miss Lisa, Your groupies did the digging up of the belief systems to use as ammo. Or perhaps they just flung it back at the "other side" when they dug it up. Regardless, I didnt start it. I am not fighting with ANYONE. I am standing up for my beliefs and stating my opinion. Nothing more.. Nothing less... Feel free to do the same. Kathy
  10. nursekathy2u

    SOTC thread...Why NOT to post when your angry

    How can I explain it to you better?? Maybe you misunderstood what I said. Please reread the post. I WOULD NEVER God bash. I love the Lord with all my heart and I take great offense at seeing Him used this way by Christian people. Sometimes even Christians need a little reminder that their behavior could be considered very offensive by Christians and non Christians alike. Im sure my angry post last night came across as very "Un-Christianlike" but it was NOT God bashiing...
  11. nursekathy2u

    What's *good* about being fat?

    Able to wear a thong and no one can tell you are even wearing anything.... In fact.. I put on a thong once and I havent been able to find it since
  12. nursekathy2u

    God hates shrimp

    The Bible verse says it shall be an abomination to you.. not to God so God doesnt necessarily hate shrimp.. he just doesnt wants us eating it!! LOL Secondly.. on the comment about women preachers my reply is that when Jesus rose from the grave the first person who saw him was Mary Magdeline, a woman, whom he told specifically to "go and tell them you have seen me..." So Jesus HIMSELF told a woman to go and tell others about Him... the others were the male disciples.. If He didnt want women to be teachers/preachers he would never have given her that command.. IMHO of course.. Kathy
  13. nursekathy2u

    Jon Benet Ramsay - over after 10 yrs??

    Carlene is right. I read a book written by the Ramseys and a writer many years ago.. they could NOT say whose writing it was.. Possibly Patsy's but no solid proof. The saddest angle was that she was sexually abused by her brother and Patsy wrote the note to keep her son out of trouble... The poor kids sister was murdered and the media puts a spin on it. Im sure the police considered that, as they should have when investigating a murder.. and the media picked up on it and ran with it... Poor boy.. And you have to admit.. that little girl looked "sexy(??)" when she was all dressed up for pagents. thats the main reason this story got so much attention.. I have always wondered if it is good for these little girls to be dressed up like that.. Wonder what pressures it put on them about their appearance as they grow up. I have never known anyone in pagents so I have no clue.... Kathy
  14. nursekathy2u

    New Band top be released soon

    I know that Ethicon bought a company that makes a Swedish band that has been used all over the world except for here.. It willbe coming to the US this year.. Can't recall the name right off hand...
  15. nursekathy2u

    Just for fun - misconceptions?

    the one comment I HATE the most....... Drum roll please................. Are you supposed to be eating that?????? My internal reply>>> !!!!!!MIND YOUR OWN F ING BUSINESS!!!!!!! My actual Reply>>>>> Who made you my food monitor??? Where were you before I got fat????
  16. nursekathy2u

    junk food at work

    I don't think it is up to everyone else in my life to change their eating habits or hide food from me because I had the band done.. Thats unfair to them.. I am the one with the eating issues.. If they want to eat junk food or bring stuff for other people to eat then they have every right to do so.. Common courtesy would be not to come sit at my desk and chow down.. but if they are eating it in front of me in the breakroom so what.. thats what the breakroom is for... If I dont like it I leave... I agree it is hard but it is my problem.. not theirs...
  17. nursekathy2u

    Hatered,toward "fat" people.

    Once when my husband and I were sitting in a restaurant a woman and her child passed by our table on their way out. He appeared to be about 4 or 5. he stops at our table and points at us and announces in a loud child voice "Y'all are fat!!" His face was all lit up like we were a couple of circus clowns or something. His mother bends down and says something in his ear and leads him away. No apology from Him or the mom.. I just yelled after them.. "Oh, Nice!!!" Then looked at all the people around us that were staring and said "were fat.. feel free to stare" then me and my husband just laughed and went back to eating.. we still laugh about it to this day everytime we go into that restaurant.. I cant blame the kid but the mom not saying anything to us was really low class...
  18. nursekathy2u

    Thread Killers

    About "PB's".. i thought is stood for "productive burp" (correct me if I am wrong) but everytime I see it used it is implying the person made themselves vomit to relieve something that was stuck.. No wonder newbies are confused.. I also think it is disturbing when people announce "I've had my first PB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" As if it is some big thing that we all should accomplish. I, for one, am very proud of my no vomit policy. Now, I HAVE had an actual "PB" AKA Productive Burp on and off throughout my life. However I never had the urge to alert the media over it..... Happy PBing to all who chose to be happy about it.. To those newbies who continue to ask for clarification on what a PB is I say... Rock on... Kathy
  19. nursekathy2u

    OMG don't yell @ me but...

    You really have to watch the tomato soup. It is VERY high in sodium and sugars. I have a can of ready to eat Campbell's Tomato soup that is packaged with a plastic lid to heat it in the microwave with which implies to me it is one serving but NOOOO it is 2 servings according to the package. It has 220 calories, 48 carbs, 38 grams of sugar and 1580 mg of sodium!!!!!!! Add cheese, cour cream and a grilled cheeses sandwhich to it and your really in trouble!!! I discovered this when I actually gained weight on my preop liquid diet because of all the V8 juice and tomato soup I was eating. All that sodium really makes you retain water and I had such swollen legs and even my fingers were puffy!!! The only advantage to it is it has only one gram of fat for the whole can. But I can't bring myself to eat it now!!!
  20. nursekathy2u

    Intimacy issues

    New Sho, I really wasn't implying that your standards are too high. If I came across that way it wasnt my intention. I was just sharing that I realized that MY standards were too high, or not really too high but warped maybe? I was married once before. All my previous dating experience was when I was young, skinny and hot! When I got divorced I was not longer young, skinny and hot. It took me 5 years to get to the point that I would even consider trying to date when I couldnt stand the way I looked, had no self confidence and difficulty trusting men again. I started dating again but realized that I was still looking for men who were tall, dark and handsome. And I didnt really care about their morals, scruples etc., as long as they were hotties. The men I DID date that were T,D & H, I found I was not attracted to emotionally. It was a real revelation to me to realize that the things that were important to me in a male companion had changed. I guess I realized I wanted more from a man than just a pretty package, which had been my pre-marriage criteria. When I broadened my horizons I met men whom I had previously excluded based solely on looks. Who knew a bald guy could be so dang sexy??? Or a computer geek could really melt my heart with his compassion for other people. I never knew I could or would be attracted to anyone who wasnt "my type". I dunno, I was just sharing my wonder at finding geniune happiness and contentment with men who I had previously excluded based solely on looks. Now that I am older and wiser different things "turn me on". Like when my husband cries when something touches his heart. Now THAT is HOTTTTTTTTT to me!!!!!!! I know there are men out their who feel the same way about us girls. I don't think those men will give a hoot about scars and WLS. Thank God for men who have more going for them than just their looks!! Attraction is the key. Not looks. To me anyway. Kathy
  21. nursekathy2u

    Intimacy issues

    Hunny bun, You better read what Koala wrote again. She said she thought it was a character flaw if a man was predjudiced against heavy people. Not if he wasnt attracted to a heavy woman. I agree with both of you. Men and women are attracted to different things. If a man is not attracted to "fat" then I wouldnt want him dating me because I am fat. (The same would apply to most anything. If I have it, and your not attracted to it) then dont date me because it will most likely not work out.) BUT, if he WAS attracted to me but wouldnt date me because I was fat then he can take a flying leap. That would be a predjudice and I would consider that a character flaw. Kathy
  22. nursekathy2u

    is acid reflux bad?

    Chronic acid reflux can lead to ulcers in your esophagus, esophagitis, reflux induced asthma and Barrett's Esophagus (changes in the lining of your esophagus that if left untreated can become precancerous or cancerous) Most of the time it is just an annoying problem but not anything you want to just try to live with. There are plenty of medications that can help with this condition. Along with lifestyle changes you can make. An unfill is also something that helps.
  23. nursekathy2u

    Intimacy issues

    I think the issue here is not the scars but the admission of being a "fattie who couldnt control her eating and had to resort to surgery". Thats the way allot of people see those of us who had weight loss surgery. They think we took the easy way out. I can hear it in peoples voices when they ask about what diet Im on to lose weight and I tell them about the surgery and they go "oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh, OK". I deal with that anxiety everytime I tell someone new about my surgery. Now, I am married but I was born and raised in Texas and dated ALLOT of men. NewSho is right about their expectations. I live in the D/FW area and there are way too many single women. You are out numbered already without having to worry about having a weight problem too. I wouldnt want to have to tell a man im interested in about the surgery. Even if I had already lost the weight some may see me as flawed now and probably be afraid I would gain weight again. Many men are really shallow in that area. They dont want a fat GF. I realized about 3 years ago that I was dating with the same mentality that many of the men had. I would exclude men with certain characteristics. I wanted only the best looking guy, with the best job, etc. ( I realized all this in counselling by the way ) I began to look at men differently and decided I would date anyone who asked me out at least once to give them a chance to see if anything sparked my interest other than looks. I met some really wonderful people that I normally would not have looked twice at before. Now Im not saying that they were ugly or anything but you know how most of us girls are into a certain type of guy.. maybe its a suit, maybe its a cowboy, maybe its a blue collar worker, maybe its a nerd, maybe its tall dark and handsome, who knows.... Well I went out with anyone who asked no matter what "type" they were. The man I married is NOTHING like the men I had dated in the past and I am so glad I went out with him that first time. I really did find my best friend to hopefully spend the rest of my life with. I realized that I had missed out on some great guys in my life because I didnt like their "type"... Pretty shallow huh??? I was really embarassed to realize I had some of the same predjudices the evil Texas men have!! But back to the question at hand.. I certainly understand where you single ladies are comming from. It isnt just the physical imperfection of the scars but having to go into the whole story about weight loss surgery and facing peoples different judgements about it. I guess the best advice I saw posted was the person who said to just not offer more info than asked for. They say "Hey what are those scars from?" You say "Oh I had a little surgery" and leave it at that... my bet is they wont ask much more.. Kathy
  24. nursekathy2u

    Vote now......

    It is the "five F's" Fat, Forty, Fertile, Fair and Female. I was always perplexed by the "fair" part as american indians have a very high incidence of gallbladder disease. I have never had my GB removed but my Mom, Dad, Brother and 3 Sisters have so Im sure mine is not long for this world.

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