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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by nursekathy2u

  1. nursekathy2u

    Texas Elections Sucked

    First of all.. Strayhorn and Freidman should have listened to the pre-vote polls and backed out and supported Bell. IF they had the democrats would have blown Perry out of the Water. I wonder what it feels like to win knowing that less than 50% of the voters in Texas voted for you. Shame on Strayhorn and Friedman for being a distraction and the reason Bell didn't/couldn't win. They both wanted Perry out.. The democratic party didn't nominate Strayhorn.. Just seems logical that they should have bowed out and supported the candidate most likely to defeat Perry. Secondly, It was very sad to see all the folks on the ballot in Tarrant County running uncontested.. and they were all republican!!! Where was the democratic opposition???? Just struck me as sad that there were SO MANY uncontested people running. In Dallas COunty there were so many people voting "straight party" votes that they had some real upsets!! One incumbent judge was defeated by a virtual unknown just because she was a republican. From what I heard on the news this morning they couldn't even show a clip of the guy who won because he has never been on TV and ran no ads or gave any interviews. But he won because of the straight party voting. So many folks are sick of washington and they want change so they will vote for any and all democrats no matter who they are!!! Thirdly, I know there is early voting and I should have done it... but while I was standing in line for an hour to vote last night I saw many people give up and leave.. allot of uncast votes due to long lines.. when I got inside they had one electronic ballot machine and 5 paper ballot stands for a precinct with 6000+ registered voters!!! And my last gripe is that they allow strangers inside schools on election days that would't be allowed in there any other day of the year. I think that schools should be closed on November 7th. Keep the kids safer, decrease traffic, and allow more booths to be set up. Make it easier for everyone involved and more people might vote.. Just my humble opinions, of course Kathy
  2. nursekathy2u

    George Bush: Worst American president in history

    The problem I have with Hillary running is Im afraid that what happened in the Texas Gubernatorial race will happen. If she gets the party nomination there will be another male democrat (who doesnt think a woman should be president) run as an independent against her and cause the democrats to split their vote therby allowing the republican candidate to win. As far as our country has come there are STILL people who will not vote for a woman even though she is a qualified candidate. I also wonder how well a female president will work in the relations with the middle east with their views on women. How will she get any of them to side with her or listen to her when they think so little of women. Im just not sure the world is ready... Will they take us seriously with a woman as leader of the most powerful nation in the world??
  3. I would like to announce that football season is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the best time of the year and football is the greatest sport EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! To all my fellow Dallas Cowboy fans out there, give me a high five!!!! To everyone else.. I feel sorry for you. It must be terrible to support a team made up of a bunch of LOSERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I am predicting a championship year for the "Boys" this year. Don't even THINK about disagreeing with me.. you would be so embarressed when your WRONG!!!!!! ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL????????????? Hey does anyone know who is going to be calling the games on ESPN on Monday night besides that pathetic weasel Joe Thiesman??? GO COWBOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kathy
  4. nursekathy2u

    Need some advice!!!

    That sounds like bullshit to me... who came up with the rule?? IS it a law?? Who inforces it??? Unless you are filing on disability insurance where the insurance company sets the rules about how long they allow coverage for certain procedures. Insurance companies tell doctors how long they can keep a atient in the hospital based on thei diagnosis and treatment but in 23 yrs of nursing i have NEVER heard of what this doctor is claiming.... There is always the possibility that I am worng about this but it still sounds like BS to me...
  5. nursekathy2u

    Sharon Osbourne is removing her band

    If she had Bulemia she was NOT a candidate for the band to begin with.. No contientious surgeron would place a band in a bulemic patient. Shame on the doctor who placed the band (if he was aware of the bulemia) The best thing for her is Band removal in my opinion.. binging and purging can cause the band to slip as you all know.. and frequent vomiting can produce esphagitis, esopahgeal uncers and esophageal strictures. Also.. Colon cancer usually (but not always) comes from an adenomatous polyp that grows into a cancer over many years (5-10 yrs)... it is likely that she had the polyp and was already on her way to developing colon cancer before she had the band placed in 1999.
  6. nursekathy2u

    Info needed on these Dr. in DFW area

    Dr. David Kim is my doctor. He and North Hills Hospital are an ASBS Center of Excellence. He has had ZERO deaths from Lap Bands or Gastric Bypasses (has done around 500 surgeries total) and has had ZERO erosions and only one slip. He was WONDERFUL. I highly recommend him!!!
  7. Gail, I think the problem is not a monetary one as far as reimbursement goes. When medicare changed the rules and said they would only pay for Surgery done at a Center of Excellence that is what caused the backlog of medicare patients. ALL medicare patients in the country can only have surgery at the 173 Centers of Excellence nationwide. If physicians didnt limit how many medicare patients they took per month they would have no room for the other patients that are either private pay or insurance. I know when Medicare changed the rule we had Medicare patients from all over the South calling us for appointments because there are only 10 COE's in Texas, 4 in Louisanna, 1 in Oklahoma and none in New Mexico or Arkansas. We had literally hundreds of patients trying to get surgery done. I'm not sure coming up with extra money would be the answer to getting you done sooner but it would be worth a shot if you have extra cash laying around.. but I am not sure it is legal for them to accept payment from you above and beyond what Medicare pays. Kathy
  8. nursekathy2u

    Gynecology revisited

    Kind of like why will some insurance carriers cover Viagra but not Birth Control pills????
  9. nursekathy2u

    This is so sad

    I am posting an article that was in the paper today.. Someones poor judgement lead to this poor kids death... Dallas teen dies after running 'suicides' Associated Press NBC5 video report DALLAS - An overweight 13-year-old boy has died after running sprints and doing drills called a "suicide" for about 30 minutes in gym class. A fellow classmate at T.W. Browne Middle School in South Dallas said that while they were all struggling with the exercise Wednesday, it was especially hard on 240-pound Neri Hernandez. "He started running and the last suicide he did, that was when he hit the wall and fell," Stephanie Molina, a fellow classmate, told Dallas television station WFAA. "He started shaking. His eyes were white. He got brown foam coming out of his mouth." "All we saw was tears coming out from his eyes," Molina said. Classmate Jannette Soto told television station KXAS that a group of students including Hernandez were made to do the exercises as punishment for talking. After Hernandez had previously passed out during exercise, his family had noted that in a school form. The Dallas school district said the form the family filled out applies to sports and not the physical education class. "And we did notice that there were some indications that he would be short of breath on occasion and so forth," said district spokesman Celso Martinez. "This would have disqualified him from a team, but not necessarily from physical education classes." DISD officials said they are investigating the death.
  10. Carlene.. I feel the same way you do.. my only difference is that I have never been pregnant. I dont know what it is like to have a life inside of me that depends on me for survival. Someone described it earlier as the mother being a "host" and the baby not surviving without its "host". How clinical.. My sister's S-I-L has had 5 abortions, is pregnant again and wants a 6th abortion. She has an 8 yr old daughter whom she loves in her own strange way, however, she has said before that she should have aborted her like the father suggested. Then she wouldn't have to "fight" with the childs father about custody, etc. She also has a 14 yr old son whom she treated terribly and she finally sent him to live at a "boys farm" in south Texas. He has been there 2 yrs and is as happy as he has ever been. This woman sickens me to say the least. But I support the right to choose. I DO NOT want someone to tell me what I can and can't do in relation to my body. Abortion is a tricky issue.. If my 14 yr old neice was raped I would want her (and her parents) to have the right to choose whether to carry the child or not. (I DO NOT like the fact that a minor can have an abortion without parental consent.) However, on the other hand.. someone like this woman I was talking about.. I wish they would force sterilization on her if she aborts this sixth child.. Hell, I will even hold her sorry ass down while they do it.
  11. nursekathy2u

    English Teachers: Please Help Me!!

    Yo TOM, don't be hatin' dude!!! The new thing at my neices High school is making the peace sign or victory sign or the number 2 sign but holding it sideways with your palm toward your body and saying "Dueces".... I am constantly asking her what is a "Dueces".. what does it mean?? Wouldn't it just be duece?? Why is it plural if it is just one hand??? I have no clue... She just says "Its Dueces man". Seem like she be flashin' some gang sign to me.......
  12. Well the $3 million is dwindling everyday.. seems the good uncle had a bit of a tax bill.. and of course the lawyer will have his fees.. but all in all I am thrilled for my parents.. they have been poor all their lives but never failed to help out someone in need, give money to the church, give to charities and raise and support 6 kids. The first thing my Dad did was quit the janitorial job he got after he retired from the post office and couldn't live on his pension. So he is finally really retired!! We children have always worried about how we would care for them as they grow old. We didn't want to see them go to a nursing home. Now we will be able to keep them in one of our homes even if they need skilled nursing care. That is one bit of happiness that money CAN buy!!! By the way.. why BuSh and not Bush.. I have always wondered.
  13. Here is a question.. Can you complain about the idiot you voted for and helped put into office??? By the way.. I voted AGAINST Bush but not necessarily FOR Kerry.. I think in the last election most people I know voted for the least offensive candidate instead of for the most qualified. Wasn't much of a choice.... In Texas everytime you renew your drivers license they ask you to register you to vote. I think they even do that when you renew on line. And you can look up your polling place in the paper or online.... no excuses.
  14. My parents are here in Texas.. My uncle Stanley, in Los Angeles, died and left them $3,800,000.00. His lawyer in California told them the first 2 million is tax free and the rest will be taxed at 40%.
  15. Thanks for the link... the article does NOT say GM is on the verge of bankruptcy.. and it says the money was offered to employees with >10yr experience to give up there retiree insurance..Im not reading it as saying they have to leave.. but maybe I am wrong... Quote from Article : "But a person familiar with terms of the offer said that UAW members with at least 10 years of service at the world's largest automaker will get $140,000 if they give up the retiree health care coverage that has become a crippling burden for GM. Those workers will keep their accrued pension benefits." GM has been struggling, I agree.. they have been in talks with Ford and with Toyota about forming partnerships. Nissan has also expressed interest in forming partnerships. I hope they go with Ford though...
  16. My husband works for GM.. He has never heard of any of this nor does he know anyone offered $140,000 as a buyout.. what is your source of this information?? GM is the top seller of vehicles in the country..(with toyota about to pass them) As far as my husband knows they are not about to go into bankruptcy..
  17. nursekathy2u

    What, if anything, do you collect?

    We have 2 rooms in our house dedicated to our collections. One bedroom houses our Beatles Collection. We have literally hundreds of different Beatles collectibles from Autographs and personal photos to junk. Another bedroom is dedicated to our Dallas Cowboy and Dallas Mavericks collections. Of course we also have sports memorabilia from the kids sports. Kim played Basketball in High School and Chris was a football "star" in High School. Plus all the stuff from their little league days.
  18. nursekathy2u

    Governor Perry-What a liar

    thats true about the poor.. But here in Texas, in the DFW area, people gamble anyway.. they just head 1 hour north or 3 hours east and spend their money in another state.. if their gonna gamble, might as well keep the money here.
  19. nursekathy2u

    Governor Perry-What a liar

    I was doing some research last night on the candidates and I really have to say Kinky Friedman has some great ideas.. He is big on teachers. Says Texas teachers make $6000 less than the national average. Wants to put teachers in charge of education instead of "carreer desk jockeys". Wants to end the TAKS test. Also wants to legalize gambling in Texas and send the profit to the education system.. He calls it Slots for Tots though and even though i support the idea its his Brash attitude and idiotic slogans that will probably keep people from voting for him.. Everything I read about on him I agreed with except for supporting gay marriage. Too bad a "regular guy" like his isn't running who doesn't come across as a horses ass.
  20. nursekathy2u

    LA Weight Loss and Insurance

    Oh.. and LA Weight Loss is NOT medically supervised. At least not locally here in Texas. There are no medical people in the clinics.
  21. nursekathy2u

    LA Weight Loss and Insurance

    Most insurance companies want a diet and exercise program that is supervised by either a physician, nurse practioner or a physicians assistant. You can use LA weight loss only if you went to your physician and he documented your progress on diet, exercise, and behavior modifications (no junk food, smaller portions, etc.) Are you SURE your insurance requires a 2 year diet or a is it a diet within the last 2 years. Most ask for a physician supervised diet within the last 2 years. You may want to clarify that. Remember, however, that the physician MUST supervise whatever diet you do.. ww, jenny craig, LA Weight loss etc. I would recommend keeping diet and exercise logs to send in with your appeal and take them to the physician and have him sign and date them.. Also, most insurance companies want you to see the doctor on a MONTHLY basis and he MUST document at EACH visit: 1. What diet your on 2. What exercise you are doing and how often 3.And any behavior modifications you have made If you miss one month or if you go every month but the doctor doesnt document the 3 things above the insurance companies can deny you for that reason. That is why I recommend keeping your own diet and exercise logs and have him sign and date them each time you go in.. that way you have proof that you discussed it with the doctor! Good Luck!! Kathy
  22. nursekathy2u

    Why am I obsessed with Anna Nicole Smith's son?

    DVT or PE would have been found on autopsy and most likely not required the "inquest" they are asking for
  23. nursekathy2u

    How dare she!!!

    You always make me smile!! Kathy
  24. nursekathy2u

    Pllleeeaaaasssee help me!!!!

    When I had my band placed I was required to be on liquids for 2 weeks, then pureed food for 2 weeks and then SLOWLY add soft foods a progress SLOWLY to soilid food. YOu are only a few weeks post op and in my opinion too early to be eating like that. Each doctor has their own rules for post op diet but Im sure your doctor would NOT want you eating that way. You could damage your pouch. Remember the pouch is only about the size of an egg.. yes you can force things into it, it is a muscle and it will stretch but over eating this early in the game is setting yourself up for the possibility of a complication. If I were you I would check with your surgeon and make sure you understood the post op diet and are doing it correctly. If so, you MUST try to practice self control. Just like you did with every other diet you have been on.. The risk isnt just not losing or gaining back weight but your risking ruining the pouch by overfilling it and risking a complication. Throughout the future your band will not be "the cure", your band is a TOOL for you to work WITH, not against to control your portions of food. That is ALL it does. YOU must be incharge of what you put into your body. If it is all unhealthy food you will lose very little if any weight with the band. To answer your orriginal question, yes it does get easier once you hit the "sweet spot" where you have good restriction but it may take many fills and many months to get there. Continuing to eat like you are will not only give you more weight to lose but make getting good restriction more difficult due to stretching your pouch. Whe I first got my band I was hungry ALL THE TIME. I drank water constantly between meals and only ate what i was told to eat.. Yes it was hard but I risked my life having surgery and I wasn't going to screw it up. This is a good place to get support while you are going thru this difficult stage. Sharing your problem was a good thing.. Now you need to get control of your eating and take care of yourself!! You deserve it!!! Good luck, Kathy
  25. nursekathy2u

    E-mail Petitions

    Sounds good until you get some wise guy mathmetician to present you with the truth!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
