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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Outdorysgirl

  1. Anyone having issues with irregular heartbeats since having gastric bypass? I have been having problems with AFIB when I went through dumping the first few months and now 1 year out since February I have been in constant PVC (Premature ventricular contraction).
    My cardiologist is baffled. Been through all kinds of tests and my heart is healthy and have no blockages BUT even with meds it’s not going away. I am constantly having PVC’s
    AND when I eat my heart gets worse! I flutters like CRAZY!!!! Feels like I horrible panic attack, sometimes feel like I am going to have a heart attack or something.
    I have been in hospital, being monitored and back in hospital for testing and been on heart monitors.
    In 1 week wearing a monitor they recorded over 38,000 PVC’S 😱
    I am at a loss here and never had these issues until I was revised to gastric bypass.
    I went back to Bariatric surgeon and he put me on reactive hypoglycemia diet he said that cannot cause PVCs, but it can cause heart, palpitations, and being on that diet has not made any changes.
    I go back to the cardiologist again for the 11th time on Tuesday after wearing my third monitor and I don’t know what is going to be done at this point.
    It’s really freaky that after I eat whether it’s healthy or not so healthy my heart does a freaking jiggly jig dance!!!!
    I thought I’d come on here to see if this is a problem that anybody else has heard of or experienced ?

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