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SaraSara4 last won the day on May 6

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About SaraSara4

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    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday April 21

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    Spring Grove
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  1. SaraSara4

    How to get all my protein in?

    Its crazy how different every Dr is. Mine tells me the same things to strive for. 3 meals plus a snack no more than 4oz or 1/2 cup. But she 100% understands that I just can not physically do it yet at 2 month post op. So she absolutely tells me to supplement with shakes because it is more important to “try” to get to these guidelines while maintaining my protein intake for the health of my body. Right now she says is the time to take advantage of the weight loss, to try all the foods I can tolerate so I can build that healthy diet. But telling my I am not allowed to supplement will only discourage me and make me feel like a failure. She said these are your goals, and every day you work to make it to these goals. But 3 priorities over everything. Water Protein vitamins…..
  2. SaraSara4

    Struggling to eat!

    Thanks! Thats actually very reassuring! To be honest I am stressing myself out about not eating enough and it makes it worse. I don’t want to jeopardize my health by not having enough nutrition or anything but its so hard when you just dont want to eat
  3. I am struggling terribly with eating. I am 8wks post-op and did ok with food stages in the first few weeks. I now have been cleared to eat what I want within guidelines. My problem is that I am just not hungry most of the time. When I am hungry it seems like everything just tastes gross. Or the thought of eating anything makes me feel queasy. I did talk to my team and they reassured me that its not terribly uncommon until around 3 months out, and to just keep trying foods and supplement with shakes to get protein, I am doing great getting fluids and taking all my vitamins but food is just a struggle. I can tolerate most things I have tried (except bananas for some reason) so I don’t think it’s anything structurally wrong bo pain or vomiting or anything like that. I just dont have the desire to eat. Its like I have an aversion to food!! I absolutely can not stand the thought of eggs anymore. Or cottage cheese because I ate so much of it during soft foods. Salty food are too much so even soup has been off putting. Im not a sweets person so protein puddings and smoothies really aren’t my thing though I will make smoothies as a quick and easy meal but I cant drink them every day because its just too sweet. I didn’t really have a dependency on food, just made terrible choices. so I dont really crave anything either. Its just so weird and I am so lost on what to try. Meal prep is a flop because I make foods and then dont want to eat them and end up throwing most of it away.
  4. SaraSara4

    Unflavored protein powder

    Yeah I have a bunch of unflavored collagen powders that are good, I just cant count collagen protein towards total protein according to my plan since its not a complete protein. I still use it because its good for the body but it doesn’t count for me🤷🏻‍♀️
  5. SaraSara4

    Tricare East

    I had surgery in April Tricare Prime. It was a pain but luckily my PCM made monthly appointments with me as well as all the surgeons required appointments and nutrition apts. they denied it stating there wasn’t enough information or comorbidity(bmi was over 40 so none were required) from monthly visits when my surgeons submitted it. Thankfully we had my PCM notes. The best part was the surgeon scheduler told me she just submitted one a few days before mine that had less info and it was approved so I think it depends on who actually reviews it! They dont even follow their own policy
  6. SaraSara4

    Nicotine testing

    I wasn’t tested for drugs or nicotine. Just basic metabolic panels vitamins ect. I dont use any drugs or alcohol and I quit smoking in 2017 so I guess it just wasnt on their radar
  7. SaraSara4

    Chewable Vitamins vs Swallowing

    My daily chewable are so gross but I only have to take one a day so its not terrible. My team does not suggest patches because there just isn’t enough research on them. I can take tablets my surgeon told me chewable is the best overall tolerated but as long as I can swallow them then I can change to the tablets. I chose one a day tablets and I am not having any difficulty swallowing them. However I am going to finish off the 2 bottles of chewable because I hate wasting money. The calcium was harder for me to swallow in tablets they are a bit bigger so I am still using a liquid for now
  8. SaraSara4

    Scar Tissue From Previous Abdominal Surgeries

    I did have some excess scar tissue they had to get through, which made my procedure a little longer, but that was only mentioned to me by my PCM when she was looking over the notes, didnt seem to be much of a concern to them just a little extra work and time
  9. SaraSara4

    Taking Ursodiol for Gallbladder

    Mine is dosed at 300 twice a day morning and night.
  10. SaraSara4

    Unflavored protein powder

    Isopure is nasty it does taste and smell like baby formula! And super expensive. I looked at some protein shots but there were so many that were collagen based protein and since its not a complete protein I just gave up looking. A truly flavorless protein would be great
  11. SaraSara4

    Weight gain s/p bypass

    I took it prior to surgery while I was still considering options. It did absolutely nothing except made my hair fall out. After about 90days. I didn’t go bald but it was definitely noticeable and I did find out that was a weird side effect. max dose for weight-loss and I lost zero pounds. It gave me headaches the first 2-3 weeks but other than that it was not worth it
  12. SaraSara4

    6 month blood labs..question.

    To many electrolyte drinks can cause some labs to be crazy. I was “hyper hydrated” prior to surgery and was told to stop drinking the propel water flavor I was drinking for a month and see if it changed and it did. It had to do with electrolytes levels in my lab wor. Since those types of hydration drinks make you hold onto water I was told to use them once in a while if I struggle with fluids or heavy workouts/sweating ect something like that.
  13. SaraSara4

    Daily calorie intake

    Same here my guidelines are focus on protein and fluids. Calories are mute at this point because I am not really eating a whole lot of anything and its better to just focus on the basics. I was told that later on discussions around calories may happen if I need the help from my nutritional team but somedays I get like 600 calories and somedays I struggle to get 300. I am having a bit of trouble eating more than a few bites at a time of some foods. But I am about a month post op
  14. My program too counts the highest or starting weight from the beginning. I had bypass 11 days ago and they weighed me at check in. I weighed 211. My Surgeon came to see me and she said wow you lost over 30lbs Sara be proud of yourself. I was confused and said no I only lost 10lbs and that was the pre-op??? Well I “forgot” that last August when I started this program I weighed 245. slowly over the last 8 months I did lose that 30lbs 15 right away with nutrition classes and then a few here and there, but had been stuck at 221-223 for months!! Then I lost 10lbs on the pre-op diet. So she made me feel wonderful and I went into surgery that day feeling like a rockstar and it was great! So I am counting my total weight loss because I worked hard for that 30lbs!!!
  15. SaraSara4

    Water intake issue?

    Since my bypass 11 days ago I can not tolerate plain water. Its weird as hell but according to my nutritionist its common. Flavored water is ok. Grape powerade ok. Iffy on the protein shake sometimes I am ok sometimes it makes me feel a little queasy

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
