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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by smilinginside

  1. well for me i dont want to be unhappy anymore, i want to walk by a mirror and instead and looking away, stop and look at myself, i want to believe that i can do this and be happy, to be honest everybody has good days and bad, some days i lack the motivation to go to the gym, but them i look back at what i have acomplished and keep on trucking

    telling people about the band for me was a problem in the beginning i was affriad people would think i was lazy and that i was looking for the easy way out, i hid it from my boyfriend for those reasons, and then when i told him, he broke up with me and said pretty much those same words, lol. At that point i could have been the old me, retreated into my own world and fed my pain with food but instead ive used that as my focus, to never be affraid

    Whenever i am having a bad day or dont wanna go to the gym i have to sit their and argue to myself, which is worse an hour at the gym, or being affriad to do things because of my weight, i made a decision the day i had my surgery and i am not gonna turn back now!!

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