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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Entries posted by smilinginside

  1. smilinginside
    sitting here just over 2 years out from surgery and wondering when do things truly change???? ( on the Inside)
    Dont get me wrong i love my band im sitting at 124 pounds lost and i work out 5 days a week. my first year with the band was deffinetly a learning experiense i lost 60 pounds i could have lost more had i listend to my body, now that i understand what im doing im averaging 8-10 pounds a month. I dont look at my self and see a diffrence everybody says omg you look fantastic, and others say i dident recoginize you, but i dont feel diffrent, ive went from 320 pounds to my current 196, from a size 24 to current 14. But inside im still me struggling to figure out who i am and what i want out of life, losing weight dosent fix your problems, you dont magically wake up and your weight is gone and your happy. You need to make those changes for your self, and figure out what makes you happy, i know im not near where i need to be, but one day at a time, and hopefully along the way ill start to feel better about my self!!! well enough with debbie downer lol happy friday everybody!!
  2. smilinginside
    ive decided since im over half way through my weight loss to post some pics of my journey so far
    in the beginning
    320 pounds im on the left

    my grad

    Me with my neice and nephew

    Birthday 3 years ago

    The journey begins

    Last summer over a year past surgery

    and finnaly 2 months ago at a loss of 100 pounds, will post more as im 115 lost now

    im on the laft at my best friends wedding
  3. smilinginside
    well after 2 long years of struggling i am finnaly back on track and the weight is flying off, when i stepped on the scale today i am so happy to say i am 101 pounds down!!!! cant wait 20 more pounds and i will be in onderland!!!!!
  4. smilinginside
    well, last few weeks have been rough i had a death in the family and without knowing it i slipped back into old habits, i ate what i wanted i dident care and i dident excersize, when i stepped on the scale, i physically felt sick, how could i let my emotions take me over and ruin all the great progress ive had. Apparently thats something i need to work on i was only 9 pounds away from wonderland almost 4 weeks ago, i gained almost 5 pounds, now that i have worked those off, and am back on track 7 more pounds to go then onderland is mine.
    i started at 320 pounds
    down to 207
    my bmi was over 54
    down to 33
    i was wearing a size 24
    now size 14
    i would never go out in public without a sweater, something had to cover my arms,
    last week wore a tshirt out for the first time
    As hard as it is to stay positive sometimes, i know it is all worth it in the end, i just dont want last months failure to repeat itsself.
  5. smilinginside
    omg, i never really understood the calorie counting, and never did it, but since starting the last two weeks and kicking up the excersizing it seams the weight is falling off... instead of 1 pound a month its more like 1-2 a week, 3 more pounds and i will be at 100 pounds lost cannot wait to celebrate this victory!!!!!!
  6. smilinginside
    well lets see fell off the wagon for a bit lol, lacking motivation, but i know i need to keep on going, working nights is tough and working in camp away from home is allways hard, any suggestions to get me motivated again?
  7. smilinginside
    well i realizated a few things its been way to long since i came on here
    i need to come on here more
    i need support
    i cant do this alone
    i am week sometimes
    i am strong most of the time
    everybody makes mistakes
    losing the weight wont make me happy with myself
    i need to deal with my issues
    i need to talk to someone who has been through this
    i need to stoping comparing myself to others
    i can do this
    any number lost on the scale is a success
    i have friends that arnt supporting me and i dont deserve it
    i still love to dance and i miss doing it
    it takes time to overcome the habits i have made in the last 23 years
    if i slip and eat something bad, i need to stop feeling guilty and just deal with it
    dont let falling off the wagon deter me from getting back on
    everybody makes mistakes
    i want to love myself and be proud of what i have done
  8. smilinginside
    well after looking into LAP-BAND® for 2 years i have finnaly made the decision to go ahead, i met with the doctor he referd me to see a diatician first i have been seeing her for two months and am headed back to see him on march 17th hopefully to move foward..

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