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Everything posted by akirrastar710

  1. hi again just got back from dr hoffmans, what an awsome guy!!! the wait sucked though my appointment was at one he didn't see me till almost 3. so i got my surgery date march 9th only a month away, i'm sooo excited to get this all over and done with, so the next chapter of my life can begin. thanks lin for the words of encouragement, i'm gonna give it a shot. hey bugs as far as the blood work is concernened i can't tell yoou how many times i've gotten my blood drawn. and i still have to go again one more time. and i as well had to do the 24 hour urine sample so yes it is common.
  2. hey all, it been a while since i've been able to post. I started school and my life has been a never ending cycle of craziness. had my sleep study and didn't turn out the way i'd hoped, apparently i have sleep apnea, BUMMER! So this past friday i went for my follow up appointment and it was retched!! I literally slept for 45 min. i could not sleep at all the mask was HUGE and eveytime i would fall asleep my mouth would open and then i'd feel like i was choking. I know, I know, it takes some getting used to. i've lost 20 lbs so far on the SB and it really works if you can follow the plan. I must admit i did cheat a little nothing crazy but i couldn't help myself, i had half of a half of a brownie. I still am losing. so it goes to show you as long as your master plan is in effect you can waiver on occasion as long as its in control. the only problem i'm having is getting a good exercise routine. My schedule is jammed pact i need help!!!!! i try to fit in what i can when i can but its soo not enough, any suggestions??? thanks for listening kisha btw my appointment with dr hoffman is tomorrow i'm sooo nervous.
  3. hey all sorry i haven't posted in a while but i started school andit sux, i have no time anymore, but thats besides the point. I just had my sleep study done last night, it wasn't too bad. Betsy i think they only make you take the sleep study if you dont feel refreshed in the morning. if you find yourself tired throughout the day. like sleepy. i do. but thats when they usually ask you to get one done.
  4. HEY all I'm glad to see everyone made it through the holidays in one piece!! I went to my 3 hour consult this past week and i'm on phase one of the south beach. Its not soo bad at least not as bad as I thought. being that i was on vacation and its back to work monday morning i can use a little advise as to what to eat in the morning that is quick. I know i can alwys have a snack at work once i get it. but i was never a breakfast eater and i usually skipped. but i want to do this right soooo, if anyone has any suggestions i would totally appreciate it. thanks again and HAPPY 2009!!!!
  5. hey china, good luck on your surgery monday!!!! If you dont' mind me asking did you lose the 40 plus lbs on the south beach? also when did you start? I'm going for my 3 hour appt on 12/30/08 and read the SBD book i'm actually on my 2nd read. I have learned soo much about food and exercise. I was wondering if they ask you to start it then?
  6. hey bugs ME TOOOOO!! I am scheduled on 12/30/08 at 12:30. It so happens i had alreadyscheduled my psych appointment the same day 8am (ugh) i hate getting up early. So when do you have your appt.?
  7. no not yet i'm gonna give them till tuesday being its a holiday week. I did make my pshyc appointment though as well as started reading the south beach book. so hopefully we hear soon.
  8. hey bugs!! did you get your appointment yet?:cursing:
  9. hey all!! Quick question, do you have to take your support person to all your appointments??
  10. I went to the seminar today. and i did love the dr's they were very thorough. they also stayed behind to talk to everyone. I really did like how straight forward they were about everything. I'm excited to at least to get the process started. i actually thought dr hoffman was a cutie! lol!
  11. Jay I totally feel where your coming from!!! I was just thinking about how my life is all about food! and it has been for as far back as I can remember. This is why I am the way I am, unhealthy and over weight. Its gonna be hard but its a challange I belive can be conquered. Yes food is ALL over the place but now instead of me working for food, i'm gonna make food work for me!! It also is a great help that all the wonderful people come on this thread and post their experience's and support. Even meeting each other! So don't think of it as the death of something, think of it as a re birth of the new more heathier you:thumbup:
  12. Hey all i have my seminar tomorrow Im very excited!! Wish me luck
  13. I have my seminar on thursday 11/13. Does anyone know do i need to bring a co pay for the seminar??
  14. YES! Bugs i do. Finally after months of waiting. I'll be there this Thursday. I actually got a call from Marietta. So I'll see you there:thumbup:
  15. I would keep calling anyway, I was promised an October seminar ans never got a letter. I've been calling for a few days now wioth no luck!! I'm getting soooo discouraged.
  16. The IMAX is on transit rd in williamsville. They taped the final performance and are showing it only in IMAX. I've seen it 10 times since it opened, i'm a bit of a RENT head. So i hope this is cool. :smile2: Did any of you guys have Excruciating pain after surgery? Or was it pretty much like getting kicked in the stomach type of pain? I mean i'm expecting pain of course, but i was hoping it was not too too bad. I wanted to get back to work as soon as i was able. I sit at a desk all day no hard labor and I can get up and sit as much as I want.
  17. Judy---yeah, I thought at this stage (the way Jeanne explained) is that I have to puree absolutely everything. Granted, I've cheated with cottage cheese but after yesterday's egg debacle...I'm letting up a bit!!! Blech! When was Linda on Channel 4? And what for? Ooh that rhymed... __________________ "Forget regret, or life is yours to miss...no day but today."--Jonathan Larson, from Rent NO DAY BUT TODAY!!!! I finally got through, and spoke to Miriam today at BGH. She said i'm on the schedule for the next seminar. YAY!!!! Hopefully everything else follows suit. Does anyone know if Dr. Hoffman's group requires a sleep study?? Or is everyone different in what the DR's request, as far as testing is concerned? By the way RENT is my FAVORITE musical of ALL time!!! I'm going to the IMAX of the final performance this sunday.
  18. Its soo great to hear everyone, and I'm soo comforted knowing I have people out there going through the same thing(S) that i have gone through and will be going through. Does anyone have any information to the program at sisters?? So i can compare the two and weigh my options.
  19. WTG Judy!!! Thank you for the advice. I will definatly be the wart on the nose of BUFFALO GENERAL. Hopefully I will hear from them soon.
  20. HELP!!!!! I've been calling the comprehensive weight loss program for over 4 months now and still no orientation date. I've sent in all the necessary paperwork, gotten all my testing done and i'm still waiting. I'm getting sooo discouraged. I've read some of you have gotten your responses fairly quick. Any ideas what it could be? :smile: By they way KUDOS to all who have started your journey's and have made it through!!!

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