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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by akirrastar710

  1. WOW!!! Its been a long time since i've posted on this blog. I'm glad to see everyone is doing well. Its bee almost 2 years since i've been banded and i'm sooo glad i did it! It is still a daily struggle learning what i can and cant tolorate, or should i say what i can and can't try to eat(cause sometimes it just looks sooo good i wanna small nibble) and crusty italian bread is my favorite but now my nemisis!! Any way i started my journey at 333 lbs and i'm now down to 209lbs! It was all worth it! My biggest problem has been with reflux and heartburn even with Dr. Hoffman losining my band i'm still feeling it, soo back i go for a visit. not that i mind, hoffman is not a bad guy to look at at all! lol! You guys keep plugging along! Slow and steady wins the race! Kisha
  2. akirrastar710

    the new me

  3. akirrastar710


    From the album: the new me

  4. akirrastar710


    From the album: the new me

  5. akirrastar710


    my journey
  6. akirrastar710

    No caption

    From the album: me

  7. akirrastar710

    No caption

    From the album: me

  8. akirrastar710

    No caption

    From the album: me

  9. akirrastar710

    No caption

    From the album: me

  10. akirrastar710

    No caption

    From the album: me

  11. Hi all, just wanted to know if there was a meeting tonight?? if so what time and where??
  12. a lot of places have lite, or smaller portion menus. fridays applebees, red robins has an awsome low carb turkey burger.
  13. hey there bugs, i have independant health, they require no co pay, but you need to use the machine it comes with a card that you have to send in every month or you will have to pay to rent the machine. like 200 a month. yipes
  14. WOW!!! things are busy here in the ol blog spot!! its been a while since i've posted. i am sooo glad to see everyone still pluggin along. i'm doing well total loss so far 57 lbs. my next visit with dr h is on june 30th. i still have no fill. ive been to see him twice, he said since i'm doing so well 2-3 lbs a week, he didnt wanna mess with success, i still feel like i can eat way too much. i went out to eat with friends, i ordered a salad with grilled chicken eggs, some cheese, light dressing/almost no dressing. and i ate the entire thing. in about 1/2 hour, then by the time i got home i wanted to eat again i dont drink with meals. i decided to have a bowl of special k. i hope i get something. my goal is to be down by 100 lbs before the year is up. i want to be at my ultimate goal by my bandiverdsary.
  15. Hi all!!! its been a while since my last post, i've been trukin along lost 47 lbs so far and happy about it. i still dont see or feel any different. this is my last week of school and i'm looking forward to my break. I had a hard time last week eating, i think i had something stuck cause it was really tough. but i made it through. i was just worried cause i purged a few times and i know thats not good. good to hear everyone is doing good.
  16. Hey ladies thanks for the advice, i def. will bring it up. i've gained 2 lbs rain which is making me crazy!! i think its because i'm afraid to eat tooo much so i'v been really watching my calories, maybe i'm not eating enough for me to burn calories. i've been at the gym, on the treadmill 45 min the elyptical 10 min, i took a step class today, i'm not gaining anymore. the nurses told me not to stress out about it, i would gain a lb or two before i start to lose again, but HELLO this was the point of my band, to lose weight. i know its a learning process so i'm trying to be patient. thanks for letting me vent. hope you guys are doing well.
  17. hi all!! HELP i'm getting frustrated!!! i feel no resriction whatsoever, and i don't know if i'm supposed to. i've been eating the right things, trying my best not to splurge, like i ate a whole grilled chicken breast for dinner tonight, and i'm HUNGRY! i'm trying to keep full with nuts and cheese and protiens but i find its not working. i know its real soon i was just banded on the 9th of march but can anyone share what they did. besides the incisions i dont feel any different.
  18. So i had my post op with Dr. Hoffman today, everything looks good lost 14 lbs since my final weigh in. Moved to my pureed food stage, go back in 5 weeks for my 1st fill, so i have something to look forward to. I'm gonna kick some bootie, All I needed was the ok to walk and exercise, I'm trying to challange myself and try to drop some serious lbs, I'm lucky enough to have a trainer to help me learn the ropes of a good workout.
  19. Hey there everyone!!!! I did very well and i feel good. I only have pain at my incision sites, also moving around in bed. And the gas pains are wicked, trying to burp is not fun, also i hiccuped OUCH!!! but once i'm up i'm ok. i've been walking and cleaning the house lightly. i'm not pushing it. I know each experiance is different so i say this as my own, i really thought it was gonna be alot worse than it was. Dr Hoffman is great, the nurse i had was wonderful, i was only there overnight, and everything went smoothly. Dr Hoffman said it only took 25 min because i followed the diet so well my liver was small and healthy. Right now i'm just adjusting to the liquid diet, ignoring my grumbling tummy :w00t: and looking forward to getting back to normal. my post op appointment is on tuesday I'll let you all know how it goes. thanx for the support btw great job rain your photo even shows a difference in your face.:thumbup:
  20. Well I go in tomorrow morning at 11am, I'm sooo excited!! Looking forward to a new begining. Wish me luck ALL
  21. hey bugs i was bummed too, thankfully my insurance covers the machine. i was surprised:w00t: there is a hitch to that though. the machine comes with a card that records usage, if i dont use it, then i will be responsible for the 250 a month it cost:crying:. so i have been using it, and yes i've taken it off severaltimes in the middle of the night. and oh my i got a rash in the middle of my forehead which is now finally going away. i had to put a cottonball inbetween the gel cushion and my head. i cleaned it a few times so i have no idea why that happened. kim said i should call the sleep place and tell tham i need to use a different apparatus. i've been busy so i haven't had the chance yet. i picked up my magnesium citrate today tell me is it really that bad?!?!?!?!? and i have to drink the whole thing??? someone let me know please, i do not have a good gag reflex, i usually upchuck. any ideas on how to keep things down??? thanx yall only 3more days
  22. hey all!!! wow a lot is going on here. I go for my final weigh in tomorrow which i'm nervous about, i was away at a funeral and i didnt get in really any exercise. i keep weighing myself and it hasn't gone up but not down by too much about 3 lbs in two weeks. When i lost 22 lbs in a little over a month. my eating habits are great though. if all goes well tomorrow surgery on monday, i'm now getting a little bit on the anxious side. wish me luck
  23. Thanxs rain, I really dont know what to think about the sleep apnea. I guess the fact that the mask was sooo huge it made me uncomfortable and resistant to want to wear it. but it something thats required before surgery. its funny you said you returned it, cause thats what they told me not to do. it is something i might normally do though. :thumbup: Also what is the best kinde of protien shake out there. i kinda wanted to get a head start and start buying some.
  24. Hi viki, i have independant health, is the machine covered??? do you know?? Or does any one know??? if not how much is this thing? I'm not too happy about it, but of course they make you bring it to the hospital the day of the surgery. they are strict!!! I guess thats good, i really should be using it, so they say.
  25. I also found the phase 1 part of south beach rough. I did sitick it out though. I was hard to find different things to do with eggs i found ths website Kalyn's Kitchen: South Beach Phase One Recipes: <br>Something Yummy for Breakfast they had a lot of good ideas, i'm down by 20 in about a month so stick to it. there is one thing i do know about the program they are very serious about losing weight the heathy way and will tell you flat out tell you your not ready. then your back to square one. hopes it helps

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