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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by maple1950

  1. Hi Sabrina,

    My name is Viola. I met you at the support group last Sat. I tried to email you but I got it back. I must have made a mistake when I wrote down your address. Mine is maple1950@gmail.com. Email me if you like.

  2. maple1950

    Foods you eat/don't eat?

    I love your post. I would love your recipe for mushroom meatballs. I can't wait to make them. Thanks, Viola
  3. I also would have liked a more structured food plan. I would not have my surgery in December if I had it to do again. The holidays put pressure on me but it also put alot of pressure on family and friends that were trying to be there for me. Also I am reluctant to get out of my small apartment and get moving because it is so cold outside. The BEST idea I have gotten from this site was to sleep in a recliner for a few days until I could lie flat in my bed. That saved me. I also wish my surgeon's office had more support groups.
  4. maple1950

    Need a protein shake

    Where do you buy the jug of carnation instant breakfast. I can't wait to try these recipies. Thanks, Viola v
  5. maple1950

    Rash all over my body

    I also am on day 3 of an itchy rash all over my body. A friend of mine (who is a nurse) and I have a theory that mine is due to stress from the surgery and having pneumonia post op. The only other time I had hives like this was when I had my baby (29 yrs) ago. My friend felt that both times my immune system was stressed after giving birth and having surgery. My band surgery was on 12/20 so the doctor I saw in the ER yesterday feels it is not the anesthesia, the antibiotic for the pneumonia or the pain meds because it is too far out from these and they would be out of my system by now. I feel the anesthetic takes longer but who knows. I was given benadryl, prednisone and vistaril in the ER. Last night was the worst, I could not sleep because of the itching. Today the rash is lighter and I am itching the most on my breasts and abdomen. I agree with most of the posters to do the benadryl, and cortisone cream. If my rash is not gone by next week, I am going to see my primary physician. Good luck and I hope you stop itching soon.
  6. I am rewarding myself with inexpensive jewelry, music from i-tunes and books. As I get closer to my goal, I want to reward myself with clothes, massages and maybe an i-pad when I reach my goal.
  7. maple1950

    severe shoulder pain

    I was banded on 12/20 and my pain was so severe that I could not use the incentive spirometer (the pain would not let me take a deep breath) so on 12/27 I ended up in the ER with pneumonia. If a week after surgery, it is not better or it is getting worse I would call your surgeon's office see what they think. The gas x strips did not help much and the pain medicine helped a little. I have to admit I was not getting up and walking around a lot because of extreme fatigue (fibromyalgia). My pain basically went away about 12 days after surgery. Since it has been that long since your surgery I hope you are much better now. Good luck.
  8. maple1950

    Eating small.

    Hi, I just got banded on 12/20 and I am trying to think ahead to what I will be eating in the "normal" stage. I follow all of your posts and just read this one where you mention crabcakes. I love crabcakes! Would you mind sharing your recipe? I appreciate it if you can. Thanks, Viola
  9. I have lots of fatigue and I am wondering if any of you noticed your energy levels dropping during the pre-op and then I am hoping that energy increases after surgery.
  10. I was wondering if your energy levels have picked up now that are further out from surgery. I am 5 days post op and I still have very little energy
  11. maple1950

    December 20th!!

    Good luck to all of being banded tomorrow. It is the first step of our new journey. May we all wake up safe and sound!
  12. maple1950

    December 20 Bandsters

    To all of us being banded tomorrow, Good Luck and our Journey begins. May we all wake up safe and sound!
  13. maple1950

    December 20 Bandsters

    To all of us being banded tomorrow, Good Luck and our Journey begins. May we all wake up safe and sound!
  14. maple1950

    Is it what you eat or how much?

    How do you sticky a thread? I found this thread very interesting. Thanks. Viola
  15. maple1950

    December 20th!!

    I am having my surgery on December 20th. also. I am also almost finished with 2 week post-op diet. The second day was the worst. I went for my pre-op testing on Tues. the 12th. and I had lost 14 lbs.! I was thrilled, especially since I found out I had been cheating all along. I thought I read the instructions but I must have read what I wanted it to say because I have been mixing the protein with milk instead of water. What a ditz! I decided to just keep doing it and lose as much as I can by the time of surgery. My dr. told me that I had to do the 2 week pre-op diet because I had what he called central obesity. Most of my fat is in my abdomen: right where he needs to be operating. I don't know if this is part of the reason some Drs. require it and others don't. Well, like most of you, I have had a nighttime breakdown, doubted myself, and now I am just excited and nervous. I am really ready to have it over with. Good luck to all of us being operated in December. I will say a little prayer for all of us. Viola
  16. maple1950

    Anyone out there near Elgin?

    I know it has been awhile since you post this but I am from Elgin and I am being banded on Dec. 20th. I am interested in finding someone to car pool with to the support groups. Would you be interested? I am on my way out the door now but later I will post again and find out more about your journey. Thanks, Viola
  17. Thanks for responding to me. I am hoping it is the low calorie intake. I am having a lot of diarrhea and that doesn't help. Other than low energy, how are you doing? Are you having a lot of pain? Do you have any nausea? Well I hope you are doing well. I will follow up on you at 10 days and see if you are having more energy. I have fibromyalgia and I know from past surgeries that the anethesia causes me to be fatigued too. So it may be a while before I feel like dancing, but I know this will be worth it. Where are you from? I am in Illinois. Take care, Viola
  18. I joined awhile ago when I was just lurking. Now I am scheduled to be banded on 12/20. I am on day 6 of the pre-op diet and I AM HUNGRY! I cannot believe how fast the time is going and I am both excited and scared.
  19. maple1950

    Anyone out there near Elgin?

    I am from Elgin. I am just finishing up going through all of the hoops, just have to see the dietitian and then I hope to get a surgery date. I am looking for someone to carpool with to the support groups at Alexian Brothers in Elk Grove. Anyone interested?
  20. I won't miss being the biggest person in the room. Feeling invisible, especially with men when there are thinner women in the room. Not even being considered as dating material. Feeling more and more like less and less
  21. I have only been considering lap band surgery since August. I have been to a seminar on 9/17 and I have a consultation appt. on 10/7. I am reading as many posts as I can to get a "feel" for this world and search for things to consider and questions to ask at my consultation. I really appreciate these posts. This is the first time I have posted to a forum so I am also trying to learn the etiquette. I am 58 year mom of a 27 old son. My family has alot of us that have had problems with obesity since childhood. I really am undecided as to whether I am ready for the surgery. I am really scared. I lost my husband of 30 years, 4 1/2 years ago after his being sick, having many surgeries and being in the hospital for most of 2 years. I am not really sure I am ready to put myself in that environment as a patient yet.:rolleyes2:
  22. maple1950

    Just looking

    Thanks for responding. I am not a grandmother yet, I was a late starter and it looks like my son will be too. My problem with the hospital is all of the reminders. The sights, the sounds, the equipment. I have worked in hospitals since I was 16, but it is still taking me awhile to let to of the memories. But I am excited too and looking forward to all of the things I will be able to do and the changes that I will experience. I would like to know more about your experience
  23. maple1950

    I'm new and not sure!

    It sounds like you just got banded. How are you doing? Is this stage harder than you thought it would be? Do you have lots of contact with your doctor or someone from his office?

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