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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by TrailerParkBeautyQueen

  1. Hey there...I am a little bummed my assigned doctor (through Kaiser) says he doesnt think I am eligible for the LapBand because my BMI isnt 40 or great its only 38.1! I was like are you kidding, and he said that I didnt have any "valid" co-morbidalities! I was just so upset, he kinda kept pushing the subject off! Asking if I had any other questions or concerns for the doc appt. I am going to try a different doctor possibly one that will really listen to my concerns for my health and what not!

    How are you doing?

    Happy Friday!

  2. Thanks a Million Boopie!

    I will definitely keep up to date with you!

    Hope you are doing well!

    Happy Middle o' the Week!

  3. My name, hahah well its catchy and I love it because I gotta a little redneck side to me! hahaha! Well hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday hope to keep in touch with you!

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