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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by TrailerParkBeautyQueen

  1. Hey there...I am a little bummed my assigned doctor (through Kaiser) says he doesnt think I am eligible for the LapBand because my BMI isnt 40 or great its only 38.1! I was like are you kidding, and he said that I didnt have any "valid" co-morbidalities! I was just so upset, he kinda kept pushing the subject off! Asking if I had any other questions or concerns for the doc appt. I am going to try a different doctor possibly one that will really listen to my concerns for my health and what not!

    How are you doing?

    Happy Friday!

  2. My name, hahah well its catchy and I love it because I gotta a little redneck side to me! hahaha! Well hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday hope to keep in touch with you!

  3. Thanks a Million Boopie!

    I will definitely keep up to date with you!

    Hope you are doing well!

    Happy Middle o' the Week!

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