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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TrailerParkBeautyQueen

  1. Hey there...I am a little bummed my assigned doctor (through Kaiser) says he doesnt think I am eligible for the LapBand because my BMI isnt 40 or great its only 38.1! I was like are you kidding, and he said that I didnt have any "valid" co-morbidalities! I was just so upset, he kinda kept pushing the subject off! Asking if I had any other questions or concerns for the doc appt. I am going to try a different doctor possibly one that will really listen to my concerns for my health and what not!

    How are you doing?

    Happy Friday!

  2. TrailerParkBeautyQueen

    Kaiser Southern California

    Well yesterday was my doctor appointment to talk to my doctor about LapBand, and he said my BMI was high and was not high enough and that he didnt consider my co-morbidalities as what "Kaiser" considers co-morbidalities! I lost 15 lbs on my own so now I am at the weight of 222lbs with a BMI of 38.1...Kaiser says you have to have a 40 or higher! He said I just needed to work out for 45min a day everyday! and eat healthy! But he didnt even offer me any other solutions or assistances for weightloss! It was a waste of money and time to go see that doctor! !)(%)&%)#@&*)%@)_%)@#()%#&@%_&@#_%@_@&*#%_* So my BMI is 1.9 off! And they still wont do anything for me!!! And then he says your overweight but it hasnt become a risk factor yet, and I probably was looking at him like are you F'n retarded! I wanted to pump across the room and tackle him down and make him fill out a referral! hahaha! But I didnt! I finished up with my doc appointment and he asked if I had any further questions and I was just so upset I said no, so he left and the Options number was on the wall so I called myself and left a message, and I want to talk to the women there! My mom is going to attend my next doc appt, with a different doctor so that I remember to ask all the right things! I dont know know what to do ladies but I dont want to give up! Please pray for me or if you have any tips let me know please! Thanks! Meg :tongue2:
  3. TrailerParkBeautyQueen

    I am approved!!!!!!!!

    God Bless you and your future journey, its going to be for the better! Meg
  4. TrailerParkBeautyQueen

    Approved!! I have my lapband date!!

    How exciting! I have Kaiser and am going in tomorrow morning to talk to my doctor about the procedure and hopefully he will refer me over!!
  5. TrailerParkBeautyQueen

    Approved!! I have my lapband date!!

    Congrats!!! Who is your insurance through if you dont mind me asking? YAY!
  6. My name, hahah well its catchy and I love it because I gotta a little redneck side to me! hahaha! Well hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday hope to keep in touch with you!

  7. Thanks a Million Boopie!

    I will definitely keep up to date with you!

    Hope you are doing well!

    Happy Middle o' the Week!

  8. TrailerParkBeautyQueen

    Kaiser Southern California

    Hey Vicki! Well thank you for all that inspiration! I am in Southern CA and hoping to get the ball rolling! I am meeting with a new doctor on Thursday, so if this one doesnt like what I have to say, I am going to take your advice and try another! I think male doctors are more Pro-LapBand than female doctors, because female doctors seem to be a little more stubborn about things like this, because they are more likely to be feminist who think they can do anything naturally, well I dont know but that was my case with my previous doc and it sucked, she wasnt with Kaiser though! Sorry I am babbling! But anyways I will definitely keep you posted, if you could add me to your friends, I am not to sure how to add people and what not still! But thanks again for all the support, so glad you have done so well, keep the inspiration coming Miss. Vicki!
  9. TrailerParkBeautyQueen

    Kaiser Southern California

    Thank you Vicki! Ya my BMI is 39.5 or something so I am definitely in the range, I have just read what seems to be horror stories with Kaiser doctors, because seriously, when I went through my PCOS diagnosis and they couldnt explain the pains I was having and it took them about 3 months to finally diagnose me with it. I just dont want to have to do a round about with this doctor! Hopefully he will agree with my decision to want this procedure! I am definitely willing and definitiely ready! I do have a great deal of depression since my weight gain, and have struggled with maintaining weight since Hs! So hopefully it will be an easy process for me! Thanks for replying I really appreciate it!
  10. TrailerParkBeautyQueen

    Kaiser Southern California

    Boopie! Will you go with me to talk to my doc on Thursday LOL I am so nervous because if I am told no I usually am quick to back down and agree but I really cant handle the weight anymore, I have all the common side affects of being overweight as we all do! Any encouraging advice, you have given so much already but I am just so anxious and nervous about the doctor I am going to see tomorrow! Thanks for all your advice ladies! :confused:
  11. Hi! Was just wondering if anyone has gotten the procedure done through Kaiser, and if you could share your experience with me! Thank you so much! Meg:thumbup:
  12. TrailerParkBeautyQueen


    Hi my name is Meg and I am 21 years of age and am going in for my appointment to talk to my doctor (at Kaiser) about the LapBand procedure! I am quite nervous about how to even approach the issue, because even though they are a doctor, I am pretty shy about sharing my weight issues as well as my PCOS issues with my doctor! I have tried dieting, diet pills (Hydroxycut, Alli, Hoodia, prescribed medications by previous doctors) exercise, not eating LOL! everything! So with all that said, I was hoping someone could give me some friendly tips on how to approach it in a positive way, and not to sound like I am looking for a quick fix or solution. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and hope you all are doing wonderfully pre and post operation! God Bless, Meg:redface:

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