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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JenWillwin

  1. JenWillwin

    April 11th sugery date!

    Yes it is tough! I started getting lightheaded and really hungry so she said if I need to, replace a protein drink with a low carb meal. I have been doing this about 6 days now and cheated alittle with a handful of crackers but other than that I am getting through it. Let me know how it goes today. My preop is tommorrow:scared:
  2. JenWillwin

    April 11th sugery date!

    :nervous Wow all I had to do was search Dr. Jawad's name and here you pop up! I am a 29yo f from Saint Cloud and my surgery date is April 12th!!!!!!! I couldnt believe I am getting mine done so fast either! That is so weird. Did Kevin (the nurse) or Dr. Jawad try to talk u into doing the gastric bypass instead? Kevin did to me and I said NO WAY!! I have about 130 pounds to lose and I am going to prove that significant weight loss can be acheived from the lap band. I am nervous b/c I havent even met Dr Jawad but my post op is tommorrow (Wednesday). You probably already had yours. Well good luck to you and please share with me how it goes!
  3. JenWillwin

    April 2006 Bandits

    My surgery daye is APril 12th! I am freaked out!
  4. JenWillwin

    Tried to Talk Me out of the Band

    I will be having my lap band procedure done at the end of April and yes, I know what you guys are saying. The support group I went to isolated me as the only lap band person there out of about 30. A lady who had the gastric bypass done years ago turned to me and said " you dont want to get that done because my friend had it done and she only lost 70 pounds in 6 months." 70 pounds in 6 months!!! To me, that is WONDERFUL, I told her! How many times have I gone on a diet and lost weight, only to gain it all back and more and sink even more into depression. How is losing that much weight not a good thing???? Even the Dr doing my lap band said he would recommend me getting the gastric bypass instead b/c of the amount of weight I have to lose(150 pounds). He said the success rate is only 30-50% in lap band patients!!! My thoughts are this: How can a surgery that limits me to 3-5oz meals per day NOT be successfull? Even when I had my psych eval the psychiatrist told me gastric bypass may be better because I was a" sweets" eater. Taken if you drink nothing but milkshakes you will not lose weight! I think if I eat a lot of protein with the occasional choclate chip cookie I should be just fine. At least a lot better then I am now. I have read to many success stories about the lap band and I will be another success story to prove them wrong. I just dont get it!

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