I will be having my lap band procedure done at the end of April and yes, I know what you guys are saying. The support group I went to isolated me as the only lap band person there out of about 30. A lady who had the gastric bypass done years ago turned to me and said " you dont want to get that done because my friend had it done and she only lost 70 pounds in 6 months." 70 pounds in 6 months!!! To me, that is WONDERFUL, I told her! How many times have I gone on a diet and lost weight, only to gain it all back and more and sink even more into depression. How is losing that much weight not a good thing???? Even the Dr doing my lap band said he would recommend me getting the gastric bypass instead b/c of the amount of weight I have to lose(150 pounds). He said the success rate is only 30-50% in lap band patients!!! My thoughts are this: How can a surgery that limits me to 3-5oz meals per day NOT be successfull? Even when I had my psych eval the psychiatrist told me gastric bypass may be better because I was a" sweets" eater. Taken if you drink nothing but milkshakes you will not lose weight! I think if I eat a lot of protein with the occasional choclate chip cookie I should be just fine. At least a lot better then I am now. I have read to many success stories about the lap band and I will be another success story to prove them wrong. I just dont get it!